react-native-code-textinput Input code component for React Native on iOS and Android. Examples Setup npm install --save react-native-code-textinput Usage import CodeInput from 'react-native-code-textinput'; ... <CodeInput codeSize={4} prefilledValue={"1234"} onValueChange={(val) => { }} inputStyle={styles.input_style} > </CodeInput> ... Properties name description type codeSize Size of the code (Number of TextInput to display) Boolean prefilledValue Fill the inputs with default value String (OPTIONAL) keyboardTypeOptions Keyboard type of inputs KeyboardTypeOptions (OPTIONAL) initValueTextInput Default value for the TextInput String (OPTIONAL) inputStyle Custom style of the Textinputs TextStyle (OPTIONAL) activeStyle Custom style of when inputs are active TextStyle (OPTIONAL) Methods name description returns onValueChange() Event fired when the user fill an input String