Create a re-usable "Frequently Asked Questions" component.
It should receive an array of question/answer objects, e.g.
question: "How many bones does a cat have?",
answer: "A cat has 230 bones - 6 more than a human",
question: "How much do cats sleep?",
answer: "The average cat sleeps 12-16 hours per day",
question: "How long do cats live",
answer: "Outdoor cats live 5 years on average. Indoor\ncats live 15 years on average.",
These should be rendered in the FAQ component, where clicking any question reveals the answer, and clicking again will hide it.
- The FAQ component should receive the list of questions in the JS object format above
- Every question from the object should be displayed, with an adjacent chevron as in the mockup
- Clicking any question should reveal the answer
- Clicking a question again should hide the answer
- The first answer should be revealed by default