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167 lines (104 loc) · 4.29 KB

File metadata and controls

167 lines (104 loc) · 4.29 KB

AGread 1.3.0

Dependency on the binaryLogic package has been circumvented, as the latter package was archived in April 2022.

Additionally, reintegration has been restructured with both of the previously-implemented methods now available in a single reintegrate function


  • Removed dependency on binaryLogic
  • Updated the interface for reintegration
  • Added header skip recognition in csv-reading-related functions

AGread 1.2.0

  • Added reintegrate2
  • Added a parser = "dev" option for read_gt3x, which serves as a wrapper and formatter around read.gt3x::read.gt3x


  • Fixed bugs related to overload and argument classes

AGread 1.1.0


  • Revised interpolation schemes where necessary to ensure matching output between read_gt3x and exported csv files
  • Resolved type mismatch in declaration/definition for IMU sensor parsing
  • Incorporated idle sleep mode assessment
  • Updated unit test cache
  • Utilized pre-allocation to speed up code (#15, @muschellij2)
  • Accounted for trailing zeroes in packets
  • Fixed column name detection in read_AG_counts

AGread 1.0.0


Version 1.0.0 features speedup via Rcpp in the read_gt3x function. There is also increased reliance on S3 OOP in the background code. The output is now successfully tested for alignment with *RAW.csv and *-IMU.csv output, having accounted for several issues noted below.


  • Revised the flow of parse_log_bin to handle packet sets via S3
  • Accounted for USB connections in gt3x files
  • Corrected the interpolation of over- or under-sampled IMU packets
  • Incorporated Rcpp to speed up read_gt3x
  • Deprecated get_duration in favor of the equivalent function in PAutilities
  • Revised unit tests to ensure equivalence between various reading methods (csv output vs gt3x output etc.)
  • Updated example data

AGread 0.2.2


Resubmission of version 0.2.0


AGread 0.2.1


Resubmission of version 0.2.0


  • LICENSE was updated in the submission of version 0.2.0, but the changes were not documented. In this resubmission, DESCRIPTION has been updated accordingly. Specifically, copyright ownership has been clarified, related to the use of open source material from, and contributors have been listed from the same site. The license field of DESCRIPTION has been changed to file LICENSE to prevent misrepresentation of the package copyright.

  • Dependency reshape2 was removed to resolve a NOTE in CRAN checks for r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc, and r-patched-solaris-x86.

  • Documentation was updated.

AGread 0.2.0


In this update, the key new feature is support for reading binary .gt3x files. Other bugs have been solved related to time variables, and particularly calculations in epoch lengths other than 1-s. The major changes are noted below.


  • Added support for reading binary .gt3x files
  • Added reintegration function
  • Expanded support for files with inclinometer columns, to allow un-coded or dummy-coded data
  • Added chunking as an option for reading RAW.csv files that are too large and cause memory issues
  • Added option to apply autocalibration with GGIR
  • Added option to return raw (uncollapsed) data (#3, @srlamunion)
  • Updated time stamp calculations and time zone specifications where needed
  • Set up automated testing for continued development

AGread 0.1.2


Resubmission of original version


  • Added a summary of what ActiGraph monitors measure in DESCRIPTION
  • Unwrapped examples from \dontrun{} where feasible
  • Improved the documentation of classify_magnetometer()
  • Exported AG_meta()

AGread 0.1.1


Resubmission of original version


  • Added Vincent van Hees as contributor
  • Added URL and BugReports fields to DESCRIPTION

AGread 0.1.0


  • Initial package version