Contributions are always welcome to Geb! If you'd like to contribute (and we hope you do) please take a look at the following guidelines and instructions.
Geb builds with Gradle. You do not need to have Gradle installed to work with the Geb build as Gradle provides an executable wrapper that you use to drive the build.
On UNIX type environments this is gradlew
and is gradlew.bat
on Windows.
For example to run all the automated tests and quality checks for the entire project you would run…
./gradlew check
The project is setup to work with IntelliJ IDEA, simply import it using the native IntelliJ IDEA import for Gradle projects.
If you use a different IDE or editor you're on your own.
Geb documentation comes in two forms: the manual and the API (i.e. the Groovydoc amongst the source).
The manual project can be found at doc/manual
within the project tree.
The AsciiDoc source files, CSS and images that make up the manual can be found at doc/manual/src
(the manual is compiled using a tool called AsciiDoctor).
Most documentation contributions are simply modifications to these files.
To compile the manual in or to see any changes made, simply run (from the root of the geb project)…
./gradlew :doc:manual:asciidoctor
You will then find the compiled HTML in the doc/manual/build/asciidoc
Note that all snippets in the manual are imported from the tests of the :doc:manual-snippets
and :doc:manual-snippets:real-browser
This is to make them executable and be able to check that they are working with current Geb code in an automated manner.
The API reference is made up of the Groovydoc (like Javadoc) that annotates the Groovy files for the different modules in module/
To make a change to the reference API documentation, find the corresponding file in module/«module»/src/main/groovy
and make the change.
You can then generate the API reference HTML by running…
./gradlew :doc:manual:apiDoc
You will then find the compiled HTML in the directory doc/manual/build/apiDoc
Note that you can build the manual chapters and reference API in one go with
./gradlew doc:manual:packageManual
The source code for all of the modules is contained in the module/
To run the tests and quality checks after making your change to a module, you can run…
./gradlew :module:«module-name»:check
There are lots of example tests in the :module:geb-core
module that use the classes from the :internal:test-support
module for running against an in memory HTTP server.
To run the entire test suite and quality checks, run…
./gradlew check
Please remember to include relevant updates to the manual with your changes.
The following are some general guide lines to observe when contributing code:
- All source files must have the appropriate ASLv2 license header
- All source files use an indent of 4 spaces
- Everything needs to be tested
- Documentation needs to be updated appropriately to the change
The build processes checks that most of the above conditions have been met.
Code can be submitted via GitHub pull requests. When a pull request is send it triggers a CI build to verify the the test and quality checks still pass.
If you would like to implement a new feature, please raise an issue before sending a pull request so the feature can be discussed. This is to avoid you spending your valuable time working on a feature that the project developers are not willing to accept into the codebase.
If you would like to fix a bug, please raise an issue before sending a pull request so it can be discussed. If the fix is trivial or non controversial then this is not usually necessary.
If you want to do some work on Geb and want some help, you can join the [email protected]
mailing list via Google Groups.
Geb is licensed under ASLv2. All source code falls under this license.
The source code will not contain attribution information (e.g. Javadoc) for contributed code. Contributions will be recognised elsewhere in the project documentation.