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-# ESPHome Haier component
-This is an implementation of the ESPHome component to control HVAC on the base of the SmartAir2 and hOn Haier protocols (AC that is controlled by the hOn or SmartAir2 application).
-## Short description
-There are two versions of the Haier protocol. The older one is using an application called SmartAir2 and the newer one - is an application called hOn. Both protocols are compatible on the transport level but have different commands to control appliances.
-### SmartAir2
-Older Haier models controlled by the SmartAir2 application are using the KZW-W002 module that looks like this:
-This module can't be reused, and you need to replace it with an ESP (RPI pico w) module. The USB connector on the board doesn't support the USB protocol. It is a UART port that just uses a USB connector. To connect the ESP board to your AC you can cut a USB type A cable and connect wires to the climate connector.
-**Haier UART pinout:**
-| Board | USB | Wire color | ESP module |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| 5V | VCC | red | 5V |
-| GND | GND | black | GND |
-| TX | DATA+ | green | RX |
-| RX | DATA- | white | TX |
-### hOn
-You can use this component together with a native Haier ESP32 device:
-Newer Haier models using a module called ESP32-for-Haier. It is an ESP32 single-core board with an ESP32-S0WD chip. The module board looks like this:
-In some cases, you can reuse this module and flash it with ESPHome, but some new modules don't support this. They look the same but have encryption enabled.
-**Warning!** The new generation of ESP32-Haier devices has encryption enabled, so they can only be flashed with firmware that is signed with a private key. There is no way to make them work with ESPHome, so if you try to do it, the board will get into a boot loop with the error
-`rst:0x10 (RTCWDT_RTC_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)`
-The only way to recover this board is to flash it with the original image. So before starting your experiments make a backup image: [How to backup the original image and flash ESPHome to the ESP32 Haier module](#how-to-backup-the-original-image-and-flash-esphome-to-the-esp32-haier-module)
-Also, you can use any other ESP32, ESP8266 or a RPI pico W board. In this case, you will need to cut the original wire or make a connector yourself (the board has a JST SM04B-GHS-TB connector)
-## Configuration
-The configuration will be a little bit different for different protocols. For example, the SmartAir2 protocol doesn't support cleaning, setting air direction (just swing on/off) etc.
-### hOn configuration example
- baud_rate: 9600
- tx_pin: 17
- rx_pin: 16
- id: ac_port
- - platform: haier
- id: haier_ac
- protocol: hOn
- name: Haier AC
- uart_id: ac_port
- wifi_signal: true # Optional, default true, enables WiFI signal transmission from ESP to AC
- beeper: true # Optional, default true, disables beep on commands from ESP
- display: true # Optional, default true, can be used to turn off LED display
- answer_timeout:: 200ms # Optional, request answer timeout, can be used to increase the timeout
- # for some ACs that have longer answer delays
- outdoor_temperature: # Optional, outdoor temperature sensor
- name: Haier AC outdoor temperature
- visual: # Optional, you can use it to limit min and max temperatures in UI (not working for remote!)
- min_temperature: 16 °C
- max_temperature: 30 °C
- temperature_step: 1 °C
- supported_modes: # Optional, can be used to disable some modes if you don't need them
- - 'OFF'
- - AUTO
- - COOL
- - HEAT
- - DRY
- supported_presets: # Optional, can be used to disable some presets if your AC does not support it
- - AWAY
- - ECO
- supported_swing_modes: # Optional, can be used to disable some (or all) swing modes if your AC does not support it
- - 'OFF'
- - BOTH
- on_alarm_start:
- then:
- - logger.log:
- level: WARN
- format: "Alarm activated. Code: %d. Message: \"%s\""
- args: [ code, message]
- on_alarm_end:
- then:
- - logger.log:
- level: INFO
- format: "Alarm deactivated. Code: %d. Message: \"%s\""
- args: [ code, message]
-### SmartAir2 configuration example
- baud_rate: 9600
- tx_pin: 1
- rx_pin: 3
- id: ac_port
- - platform: haier
- id: haier_ac
- protocol: smartAir2
- name: Haier AC
- uart_id: ac_port
- wifi_signal: true # Optional, default true, enables WiFI signal transmission from ESP to AC
- display: true # Optional, default true, can be used to turn off LED display
- answer_timeout: 200ms # Optional, request answer timeout, can be used to increase the timeout
- # for some ACs that have longer answer delays
- visual: # Optional, you can use it to limit min and max temperatures in UI (not working for remote!)
- min_temperature: 16 °C
- max_temperature: 30 °C
- temperature_step: 1 °C
- supported_modes: # Optional, can be used to disable some modes if you don't need them
- - 'OFF'
- - AUTO
- - COOL
- - HEAT
- - DRY
- supported_presets: # Optional, can be used to disable some presets if your AC does not support it
- - AWAY
- supported_swing_modes: # Optional, can be used to disable some (or all) swing modes if your AC does not support it
- - 'OFF'
- - BOTH
-### Configuration variables
-- **id (Optional, [ID](https://esphome.io/guides/configuration-types.html#config-id)):** Manually specify the ID used for code generation
-- **uart_id (Optional, [ID](https://esphome.io/guides/configuration-types.html#config-id)):** ID of the UART port to communicate with AC
-- **protocol (Required, string):** Defines communication protocol with AC. Possible values: hon or smartair2
-- **name (Required, string):** The name of the climate device
-- **wifi_signal (Optional, boolean):** If true - send wifi signal level to AC (Olny for devices that support this feature)
-- **beeper (Optional, boolean):** (supported only by hOn) Can be used to disable beeping on commands from AC
-- **answer_timeout (Optional, [Time](https://esphome.io/guides/configuration-types.html#config-time)):** Can be used to change default answer timeout. It helps in case AC takes longer to answer requests.
-- **alternative_swing_control (Optional, boolean):** (supported by smartAir2 only) If true - use alternative values to control swing mode. Use only if the original control method is not working for your AC.
-- **control_packet_size (Optional, int):** (supported only by hOn) Define the size of the control packet. Can help with some newer models of ACs that use bigger packets. Default value: 10.
-- **control_method (Optional, list):** (supported only by hOn) Defines control method (should be supported by AC). Supported values: monitor_only - no control, just monitor status, set_group_parameters - set all AC parameters with one command (default method), set_single_parameter - set each parameter individually (this method is supported by some new ceiling ACs like AD71S2SM3FA)
-- **outdoor_temperature (Optional):** (supported only by hOn) Temperature sensor for outdoor temperature
- - **name (Required, string):** The name of the sensor.
- - **id (Optional, [ID](https://esphome.io/guides/configuration-types.html#config-id)):** ID of the sensor, can be used for code generation
- - All other options from Sensor.
-- **supported_modes (Optional, list):** Can be used to disable some of AC modes. Possible values: OFF (use quotes in opposite case ESPHome will convert it to False), AUTO, COOL, HEAT, DRY, FAN_ONLY
-- **supported_presets (Optional, list):** Optional, can be used to disable some presets. Possible values: AWAY, BOOST, COMFORT for SmartAir2, or AWAY, ECO, BOOST, SLEEP for hOn. AWAY preset can be enabled only in HEAT mode, it is disabled by default
-- **supported_swing_modes (Optional, list):** Can be used to disable some swing modes if your AC does not support it. Possible values: OFF (use quotes in opposite case ESPHome will convert it to False), VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL, BOTH
-- **on_alarm_start (Optional, [Automation](https://esphome.io/guides/automations#automation)):** (supported only by hOn) Automation to perform when AC activates a new alarm. See [on_alarm_start](#on_alarm_start-trigger)
-- **on_alarm_end (Optional, [Automation](https://esphome.io/guides/automations#automation)):** (supported only by hOn) Automation to perform when AC deactivates a new alarm. See [on_alarm_end](#on_alarm_end-trigger)
-- All other options from [Climate](https://esphome.io/components/climate/index.html#config-climate).
-## Automations
-Haier climate supports some actions and triggers:
-### on_alarm_start Trigger
-This automation will be triggered when a new alarm is activated by AC. The error code of the alarm will be given in the variable "code" (type uint8_t), error message in the variable "message" (type char*). Those variables can be used in [lambdas](https://esphome.io/guides/automations#config-lambda). Supported only by hOn protocol.
- - protocol: hOn
- on_alarm_start:
- then:
- - logger.log:
- level: WARN
- format: "Alarm activated. Code: %d. Message: \"%s\""
- args: [ code, message]
-### on_alarm_end Trigger
-This automation will be triggered when a previously activated alarm is deactivated by AC. The error code of the alarm will be given in the variable "code" (type uint8_t), error message in the variable "message" (type char*). Those variables can be used in [lambdas](https://esphome.io/guides/automations#config-lambda). Supported only by hOn protocol.
- - protocol: hOn
- on_alarm_end:
- then:
- - logger.log:
- level: INFO
- format: "Alarm deactivated. Code: %d. Message: \"%s\""
- args: [ code, message]
-### climate.haier.power_on Action
-This action turns the AC power on
- then:
- climate.haier.power_on: device_id
-### climate.haier.power_off Action
-This action turns AC power off
- then:
- climate.haier.power_off: device_id
-### climate.haier.power_toggle Action
-This action toggles AC power
- then:
- climate.haier.power_toggle: device_id
-### climate.haier.display_on Action
-This action turns the AC display on
- then:
- climate.haier.display_on: device_id
-### climate.haier.display_off Action
-This action turns the AC display off
- then:
- climate.haier.display_off: device_id
-### climate.haier.health_on Action
-Turn on health mode ([UV light sterilization](https://www.haierhvac.eu/en/node/1809))
- then:
- climate.haier.health_on: device_id
-### climate.haier.health_off Action
-Turn off health mode
- then:
- climate.haier.health_off: device_id
-### climate.haier.beeper_on Action
-(supported only by hOn) This action enables beep feedback on every command sent to AC
- then:
- climate.haier.beeper_on: device_id
-### climate.haier.beeper_off Action
-(supported only by hOn) This action disables beep feedback on every command sent to AC (keep in mind that this will not work for IR remote commands)
- then:
- climate.haier.beeper_off: device_id
-### climate.haier.set_vertical_airflow Action
-(supported only by hOn) Set direction for vertical airflow if the vertical swing is disabled. Possible values: Up, Center, Down.
- then:
- - climate.haier.set_vertical_airflow:
- id: device_id
- vertical_airflow: Up
-### climate.haier.set_horizontal_airflow Action
-(supported only by hOn) Set direction for horizontal airflow if the horizontal swing is disabled. Possible values: Left, Center, Right.
- then:
- - climate.haier.set_horizontal_airflow:
- id: device_id
- vertical_airflow: Right
-### climate.haier.start_self_cleaning Action
-(supported only by hOn) Start [self-cleaning](https://www.haier.com/in/blogs/beat-the-summer-heat-with-haier-self-cleaning-ac.shtml)
- then:
- - climate.haier.start_self_cleaning: device_id
-### climate.haier.start_steri_cleaning Action
-(supported only by hOn) 56°C steri-cleaning
- then:
- - climate.haier.start_steri_cleaning: device_id
-## How to backup the original image and flash ESPHome to the ESP32 Haier module
-**It is strongly recommended to make a backup of the original flash content before flashing ESPHome!**
-To make a backup and to flash the new firmware you will need to use a USB to TTL converter and solder wires to access UART0 on board (or use something like this: [Pogo Pin Probe Clip 2x5p 2.54 mm]( https://www.tinytronics.nl/shop/en/tools-and-mounting/measuring/accessories/test-probe-with-clamp-pogo-pin-2x5p))
-**UART0 pinout:**
-To put the device in the flash mode you will need to shortcut GPIO0 to the ground before powering the device.
-Once the device is in flash mode you can make a full backup of the original firmware in case you would like to return the module to its factory state. To make a backup you can use [esptool](https://github.com/espressif/esptool). Command to make a full flash backup:
-**python esptool.py -b 115200 --port read_flash 0x00000 0x400000 flash_4M.bin**
-After this, you can flash firmware using ESPHome tools (dashboard, website, esphome command, etc)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffc97e0
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+ESPHome Haier component
+This is an implementation of the ESPHome component to control HVAC on the base of the SmartAir2 and hOn Haier protocols (AC that is controlled by the hOn or SmartAir2 application).
+Short description
+There are two versions of the Haier protocol. The older one uses an application called SmartAir2, and the newer one is called hOn.
+Both protocols are compatible on the transport level but have different commands to control appliances.
+Climate component
+Older Haier models controlled by the SmartAir2 application use the KZW-W002 module that looks like this:
+.. raw:: HTML
+This module can’t be reused, and you need to replace it with an ESP (RPI pico w) module.
+The USB connector on the board doesn’t support the USB protocol.
+It is a UART port that just uses a USB connector.
+To connect the ESP board to your AC you can cut a USB type A cable and connect wires to the climate connector.
+.. list-table:: Haier UART pinout
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Board
+ - USB
+ - Wire color
+ - ESP8266
+ * - 5V
+ - VCC
+ - red
+ - 5V
+ * - GND
+ - GND
+ - black
+ - GND
+ * - TX
+ - DATA+
+ - green
+ - RX
+ * - RX
+ - DATA-
+ - white
+ - TX
+.. raw:: HTML
+KZW-W002 module pinout
+You can use this component together with a native Haier ESP32 device:
+Newer Haier models using a module called ESP32-for-Haier.
+It is an ESP32 single-core board with an ESP32-S0WD chip.
+The module board looks like this:
+.. raw:: HTML
+.. raw:: HTML
+In some cases, you can reuse this module and flash it with ESPHome, but some new modules don’t support this. They look the same but have encryption enabled.
+**Warning!** The new generation of ESP32-Haier devices has encryption enabled, so they can only be flashed with firmware that is signed with a private key.
+There is no way to make them work with ESPHome, so if you try to do it, the board will get into a boot loop with the error ``rst:0x10 (RTCWDT_RTC_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)``.
+The only way to recover this board is to flash it with the original image.
+So before starting your experiments make a backup image: `How to backup the original image and flash ESPHome to the ESP32 Haier module <#how-to-backup-the-original-image-and-flash-esphome-to-the-esp32-haier-module>`__
+Also, you can use any other ESP32, ESP8266, or an RPI pico W board.
+In this case, you will need to cut the original wire or make a connector yourself (the board has a JST SM04B-GHS-TB connector)
+The configuration will be a little bit different for different protocols.
+For example, the SmartAir2 protocol doesn’t support cleaning, setting air direction (just swing on/off), etc.
+hOn configuration example
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ uart:
+ baud_rate: 9600
+ tx_pin: 17
+ rx_pin: 16
+ id: ac_port
+ climate:
+ - platform: haier
+ id: haier_ac
+ protocol: hOn
+ name: Haier AC
+ uart_id: ac_port
+ wifi_signal: true # Optional, default true, enables WiFI signal transmission from ESP to AC
+ beeper: true # Optional, default true, disables beep on commands from ESP
+ display: true # Optional, default true, can be used to turn off LED display
+ answer_timeout:: 200ms # Optional, request answer timeout, can be used to increase the timeout
+ # for some ACs that have longer answer delays
+ visual: # Optional, you can use it to limit min and max temperatures in UI (not working for remote!)
+ min_temperature: 16 °C
+ max_temperature: 30 °C
+ temperature_step: 1 °C
+ supported_modes: # Optional, can be used to disable some modes if you don't need them
+ - 'OFF'
+ - AUTO
+ - COOL
+ - HEAT
+ - DRY
+ supported_presets: # Optional, can be used to disable some presets if your AC does not support it
+ - AWAY
+ - ECO
+ supported_swing_modes: # Optional, can be used to disable some (or all) swing modes if your AC does not support it
+ - 'OFF'
+ - BOTH
+ on_alarm_start:
+ then:
+ - logger.log:
+ level: WARN
+ format: "Alarm activated. Code: %d. Message: \"%s\""
+ args: [ code, message]
+ on_alarm_end:
+ then:
+ - logger.log:
+ level: INFO
+ format: "Alarm deactivated. Code: %d. Message: \"%s\""
+ args: [ code, message]
+SmartAir2 configuration example
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ uart:
+ baud_rate: 9600
+ tx_pin: 1
+ rx_pin: 3
+ id: ac_port
+ climate:
+ - platform: haier
+ id: haier_ac
+ protocol: smartAir2
+ name: Haier AC
+ uart_id: ac_port
+ wifi_signal: true # Optional, default true, enables WiFI signal transmission from ESP to AC
+ display: true # Optional, default true, can be used to turn off LED display
+ answer_timeout: 200ms # Optional, request answer timeout, can be used to increase the timeout
+ # for some ACs that have longer answer delays
+ visual: # Optional, you can use it to limit min and max temperatures in UI (not working for remote!)
+ min_temperature: 16 °C
+ max_temperature: 30 °C
+ temperature_step: 1 °C
+ supported_modes: # Optional, can be used to disable some modes if you don't need them
+ - 'OFF'
+ - AUTO
+ - COOL
+ - HEAT
+ - DRY
+ supported_presets: # Optional, can be used to disable some presets if your AC does not support it
+ - AWAY
+ supported_swing_modes: # Optional, can be used to disable some (or all) swing modes if your AC does not support it
+ - 'OFF'
+ - BOTH
+Configuration variables
+- **id** (*Optional*, `ID `__): Manually specify the ID used for code generation.
+- **uart_id** (*Optional*, `ID `__): ID of the UART port to communicate with AC.
+- **protocol** (*Optional*, string): Defines communication protocol with AC. Possible values: hon or smartair2. The default value is smartair2.
+- **name** (**Required**, string): The name of the climate device.
+- **wifi_signal** (*Optional*, boolean): If true - send wifi signal level to AC.
+- **answer_timeout** (*Optional*, `Time `__): Responce timeout. The default value is 200ms.
+- **alternative_swing_control** (*Optional*, boolean): (supported by smartAir2 only) If true - use alternative values to control swing mode. Use only if the original control method is not working for your AC.
+- **control_packet_size** (*Optional*, int): (supported only by hOn) Define the size of the control packet. Can help with some newer models of ACs that use bigger packets. The default value: 10.
+- **control_method** (*Optional*, list): (supported only by hOn) Defines control method (should be supported by AC). Supported values: MONITOR_ONLY - no control, just monitor status, SET_GROUP_PARAMETERS - set all AC parameters with one command (default method), SET_SINGLE_PARAMETER - set each parameter individually (this method is supported by some new ceiling ACs like AD71S2SM3FA)
+- **display** (*Optional*, boolean): Can be used to set the AC display off.
+- **beeper** (*Optional*, boolean): Can be used to disable beeping on commands from AC. Supported only by hOn protocol.
+- **supported_modes** (*Optional*, list): Can be used to disable some of AC modes. Possible values: 'OFF', HEAT_COOL, COOL, HEAT, DRY, FAN_ONLY
+- **supported_swing_modes** (*Optional*, list): Can be used to disable some swing modes if your AC does not support it. Possible values: 'OFF', VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL, BOTH
+- **supported_presets** (*Optional*, list): Can be used to disable some presets. Possible values for smartair2 are: AWAY, BOOST, COMFORT. Possible values for hOn are: AWAY, ECO, BOOST, SLEEP. AWAY preset can be enabled only in HEAT mode, it is disabled by default
+- **on_alarm_start** (*Optional*, `Automation `__): (supported only by hOn) Automation to perform when AC activates a new alarm. See `on_alarm_start Trigger`_
+- **on_alarm_end** (*Optional*, `Automation `__): (supported only by hOn) Automation to perform when AC deactivates a new alarm. See `on_alarm_end Trigger`_
+- All other options from `Climate `__.
+.. _haier-on_alarm_start:
+``on_alarm_start`` Trigger
+This automation will be triggered when a new alarm is activated by AC. The error code of the alarm will be given in the variable "code" (type uint8_t), error message in the variable "message" (type char*). Those variables can be used in `lambdas `_.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ climate:
+ - protocol: hOn
+ on_alarm_start:
+ then:
+ - logger.log:
+ level: WARN
+ format: "Alarm activated. Code: %d. Message: \"%s\""
+ args: [ code, message]
+.. _haier-on_alarm_end:
+``on_alarm_end`` Trigger
+This automation will be triggered when a previously activated alarm is deactivated by AC. The error code of the alarm will be given in the variable "code" (type uint8_t), error message in the variable "message" (type char*). Those variables can be used in `lambdas `_.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ climate:
+ - protocol: hOn
+ on_alarm_end:
+ then:
+ - logger.log:
+ level: INFO
+ format: "Alarm deactivated. Code: %d. Message: \"%s\""
+ args: [ code, message]
+``climate.haier.power_on`` Action
+This action turns AC power on.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ on_...:
+ then:
+ climate.haier.power_on: device_id
+``climate.haier.power_off`` Action
+This action turns AC power off
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ on_...:
+ then:
+ climate.haier.power_off: device_id
+``climate.haier.power_toggle`` Action
+This action toggles AC power
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ on_...:
+ then:
+ climate.haier.power_toggle: device_id
+``climate.haier.display_on`` Action
+This action turns the AC display on
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ on_...:
+ then:
+ climate.haier.display_on: device_id
+``climate.haier.display_off`` Action
+This action turns the AC display off
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ on_...:
+ then:
+ climate.haier.display_off: device_id
+``climate.haier.health_on`` Action
+Turn on health mode (`UV light sterilization `__)
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ on_...:
+ then:
+ climate.haier.health_on: device_id
+``climate.haier.health_off`` Action
+Turn off health mode
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ on_...:
+ then:
+ climate.haier.health_off: device_id
+``climate.haier.beeper_on`` Action
+(supported only by hOn) This action enables beep feedback on every command sent to AC
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ on_...:
+ then:
+ climate.haier.beeper_on: device_id
+``climate.haier.beeper_off`` Action
+(supported only by hOn) This action disables beep feedback on every command sent to AC (keep in mind that this will not work for IR remote commands)
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ on_...:
+ then:
+ climate.haier.beeper_off: device_id
+``climate.haier.set_vertical_airflow`` Action
+(supported only by hOn) Set direction for vertical airflow if the vertical swing is disabled. Possible values: Health_Up, Max_Up, Up, Center, Down, Health_Down.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ on_...:
+ then:
+ - climate.haier.set_vertical_airflow:
+ id: device_id
+ vertical_airflow: Up
+``climate.haier.set_horizontal_airflow`` Action
+(supported only by hOn) Set direction for horizontal airflow if the horizontal swing is disabled. Possible values: Max_Left, Left, Center, Right, Max_Right.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ on_...:
+ then:
+ - climate.haier.set_horizontal_airflow:
+ id: device_id
+ vertical_airflow: Right
+``climate.haier.start_self_cleaning`` Action
+(supported only by hOn) Start `self-cleaning `__
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ on_...:
+ then:
+ - climate.haier.start_self_cleaning: device_id
+``climate.haier.start_steri_cleaning`` Action
+(supported only by hOn) Start 56°C steri-cleaning
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ on_...:
+ then:
+ - climate.haier.start_steri_cleaning: device_id
+Additional components (hOn protocol only)
+Haier climate with hOn protocol can support additional sensors and/or binary sensors. *Please, make sure that your model supports these features*
+Configuration example
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ # Example configuration entry
+ uart:
+ baud_rate: 9600
+ tx_pin: 17
+ rx_pin: 16
+ id: ac_port
+ climate:
+ - platform: haier
+ id: haier_ac
+ protocol: hOn
+ name: Haier AC
+ uart_id: ac_port
+ sensor:
+ - platform: haier
+ haier_id: haier_ac
+ outdoor_temperature:
+ name: Haier outdoor temperature
+ humidity:
+ name: Haier Indoor Humidity
+ compressor_current:
+ name: Haier Compressor Current
+ compressor_frequency:
+ name: Haier Compressor Frequency
+ expansion_valve_open_degree:
+ name: Haier Expansion Valve Open Degree
+ indoor_coil_temperature:
+ name: Haier Indoor Coil Temperature
+ outdoor_coil_temperature:
+ name: Haier Outdoor Coil Temperature
+ outdoor_defrost_temperature:
+ name: Haier Outdoor Defrost Temperature
+ outdoor_in_air_temperature:
+ name: Haier Outdoor In Air Temperature
+ outdoor_out_air_temperature:
+ name: Haier Outdoor Out Air Temperature
+ power:
+ name: Haier Power
+Configuration variables:
+- **haier_id** (**Required**, `ID `__): The id of haier climate component
+- **outdoor_temperature** (*Optional*): Temperature sensor for outdoor temperature.
+ All options from `Sensor `_.
+- **humidity** (*Optional*): Sensor for indoor humidity. Make sure that your climate model supports this type of sensor.
+ All options from `Sensor `_.
+- **compressor_current** (*Optional*): Sensor for climate compressor current. Make sure that your climate model supports this type of sensor.
+ All options from `Sensor `_.
+- **compressor_frequency** (*Optional*): Sensor for climate compressor frequency. Make sure that your climate model supports this type of sensor.
+ All options from `Sensor `_.
+- **expansion_valve_open_degree** (*Optional*): Sensor for climate's expansion valve open degree. Make sure that your climate model supports this type of sensor.
+ All options from `Sensor `_.
+- **indoor_coil_temperature** (*Optional*): Temperature sensor for indoor coil temperature. Make sure that your climate model supports this type of sensor.
+ All options from `Sensor `_.
+- **outdoor_coil_temperature** (*Optional*): Temperature sensor for outdoor coil temperature. Make sure that your climate model supports this type of sensor.
+ All options from `Sensor `_.
+- **outdoor_defrost_temperature** (*Optional*): Temperature sensor for outdoor defrost temperature. Make sure that your climate model supports this type of sensor.
+ All options from `Sensor `_.
+- **outdoor_in_air_temperature** (*Optional*): Temperature sensor incoming air temperature.
+ All options from `Sensor `_.
+- **outdoor_out_air_temperature** (*Optional*): Temperature sensor for outgoing air temperature.
+ All options from `Sensor `_.
+- **power** (*Optional*): Sensor for climate power consumption. Make sure that your climate model supports this type of sensor.
+ All options from `Sensor `_.
+Binary Sensors
+Configuration example
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ # Example configuration entry
+ uart:
+ baud_rate: 9600
+ tx_pin: 17
+ rx_pin: 16
+ id: ac_port
+ climate:
+ - platform: haier
+ id: haier_ac
+ protocol: hOn
+ name: Haier AC
+ uart_id: ac_port
+ binary_sensor:
+ - platform: haier
+ haier_id: haier_ac
+ compressor_status:
+ name: Haier Outdoor Compressor Status
+ defrost_status:
+ name: Haier Defrost Status
+ four_way_valve_status:
+ name: Haier Four Way Valve Status
+ indoor_electric_heating_status:
+ name: Haier Indoor Electric Heating Status
+ indoor_fan_status:
+ name: Haier Indoor Fan Status
+ outdoor_fan_status:
+ name: Haier Outdoor Fan Status
+Configuration variables:
+- **haier_id** (**Required**, `ID `__): The id of haier climate component
+- **compressor_status** (*Optional*): A binary sensor that indicates Haier climate compressor activity.
+ All options from `Binary Sensor `_.
+- **defrost_status** (*Optional*): A binary sensor that indicates defrost procedure activity.
+ All options from `Binary Sensor `_.
+- **four_way_valve_status** (*Optional*): A binary sensor that indicates four way valve status.
+ All options from `Binary Sensor `_.
+- **indoor_electric_heating_status** (*Optional*): A binary sensor that indicates electrical heating system activity.
+ All options from `Binary Sensor `_.
+- **indoor_fan_status** (*Optional*): A binary sensor that indicates indoor fan activity.
+ All options from `Binary Sensor `_.
+- **outdoor_fan_status** (*Optional*): A binary sensor that indicates outdoor fan activity.
+ All options from `Binary Sensor `_.
+How to backup the original image and flash ESPHome to the ESP32 Haier module
+**It is strongly recommended to make a backup of the original flash
+content before flashing ESPHome!**
+To make a backup and to flash the new firmware you will need to use a
+USB to TTL converter and solder wires to access UART0 on board (or use
+something like this: `Pogo Pin Probe Clip 2x5p 2.54
+mm `__)
+**UART0 pinout:**
+.. raw:: HTML
+To put the device in the flash mode you will need to shortcut GPIO0 to
+the ground before powering the device.
+Once the device is in flash mode you can make a full backup of the
+original firmware in case you would like to return the module to its
+factory state. To make a backup you can use
+`esptool `__. Command to make a
+full flash backup:
+**python esptool.py -b 115200 –port read_flash 0x00000 0x400000
+After this, you can flash firmware using ESPHome tools (dashboard,
+website, esphome command, etc)