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File metadata and controls

180 lines (147 loc) · 5.94 KB

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Fig is a dependency injection tool written in Go for Go. It was developed to help solve problem with initialization of structures with dependencies with dependencies with depend...

It is simple to use, lightweight and written in pure Go.

Common scenario when to use it is next. Lets assume you have a struct with fields of interface types and you want them to be initialized with right implementation depending if it is a prod, dev or test run. All you need to do is create Fig object and register to it all dependencies you would like to use. It is not necessary to initialize dependencies of dependencies because it will be done automatically. All registered objects will be treated as potential candidates for injection. After that just call Initialize method with struct you want to be initialized (it also can be reference to anonymous struct). Please be sure that you have registered reference to object if it's methods expect reference receiver.


Lets assume we have next main.go file with some structs and we want to avoid manual assignments of all dependencies, so you can simply inject them.

package main

import (

type UserRepo interface {
    Find() []string

type MemUserRepo struct {
    message string

func (mur *MemUserRepo) Find() []string {
    return []string{"mem", mur.message}

type FileUserRepo struct {
    message string

func (fur *FileUserRepo) Find() []string {
    return []string{"file", fur.message}

type OrderRepo struct {

func (or *OrderRepo) Create() string {
    return "order created"

type Module struct {
    Name      string `fig:"env[ENV_NAME]"`
    OrderRepo *OrderRepo

func main() {
    injector := fig.New(false)
    err := injector.Register(
        &MemUserRepo{message: "mes_1"},
    if err != nil {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("%#v", err))
    module := new(Module)
    err = injector.Initialize(module)
    if err != nil {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("%#v", err))

The result of execution ENV_NAME=DEV go run main.go is:

[mem mes_1]
order created

There are two modes how Fig works. In case you create Fig object with false constructor value will mean you want all fields of initialization structs to be injected. If you specify true then only fields with fig tag will be injected (it can be just empty tag like fig:"").

Example 'fig' injector with 'false' Example 'fig' injector with 'true'

Multiple implementations of interface

In case you have registered multiple implementations of one interface you need to define a policy that will help to find which implementation to inject. There are couple of configuration tags designed to help with it. You need to configure fields with tag fig and policies from list below This tag can have next configurations:

  • skip - expected value [true|false]. This field will be skipped at time of injection if provided value is true and the field has value it had before invocation of Initialize method (can be used with other configurations)
  • impl - expected value is a full name of type with package name It will be used in case you have registered multiple implementations of one interface. So object with provided name will be injected
  • qual - expected value is any string. It will be used in case you have registered multiple implementations of one interface. Implementation will be chosen based on value provided in this config and value that will be returned by Qualify() string method of one of registered implementations. If no one of candidates implements Qualifier interface or no equal to specified string returned it will lead to an error


Any value by key

You can use reg configuration of fig tag to inject anything you want. You should register all values you want to use with RegisterValue(key string, value interface{}) error or RegisterValues(keyValues map[string]interface{}) error methods. For configuration fig:"reg[key1]" value associated with key key1 will be injected to the field.

  • reg - expected value is any string. Must be registered with RegisterValue or RegisterValues methods


Environment variables injection

Scenario when you need some environment variable value is quite popular, so there is solution for that. Tag configuration env solves the problem of manual initialization of such values.

  • env - expected value is any string that can represent key of environment variable. Value of this environment variable will be assigned to field. There is no way to provide default value, so in such case it is better to use reg configuration


Initialization of maps, slices and channels

Maps, slices and channels can be initialized as well.
For maps just new map struct will be created and injected.
For channels it is possible to define size of buffer. Default value is 1.
And for slices you can define length and capacity. Default length and capacity are 1.

  • size - expected value is integer. Used to specify size of channel or length of slice.
  • cap - expected value is integer. Used to specify capacity of slice. Can't be less than size for slices.
