This tutorial requires a docker and Kubernetes cluster, refer to Kind or Minikube for a local Kubernetes cluster installations.
Almost all of the following steps in this tutorial require kubectl. Your used version should not differ more than +-1 from the used cluster version. Please follow this installation guide.
If go is installed on your machine, kind
can be easily installed as follows:
go install[email protected]
If this is not the case, simply download the kind-v0.18.0 binary from the release page. (Other versions will probably work too. 🤠)
After a successful installation, a cluster can be created as follows:
kind create cluster --name=workshop --image kindest/node:v1.26.3
Kind automatically sets the kube context to the created workshop cluster. We can easily check this by getting information about our nodes.
kubectl get nodes
Expected is the following:
workshop-control-plane Ready control-plane 75s v1.26.3
kind delete cluster --name=workshop
To send telemetry to the OpenTelemetry Collector (that will be created in step 1), there is a telemetrygen
helper tool in the contrib repository avaliable. If go is not installed, the container image can be used.
go install[email protected]