All notable changes to the Kite Bar Parts project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Add chickenloop_release.scad and rounded_cylinder_2 (Philip Chase)
- Add first version of cleat jacket template (Philip Chase)
- Promote separation_block_v2 to a tested model (Philip Chase)
- Move models in phase out into 'Older models' section (Philip Chase)
- Update separation_block_v2 STL and README reference (Philip Chase)
- Resize body and trimline bore of separation_block_v2 (Philip Chase
- Promote the cleat bead to a tested model (Philip Chase)
- Update cleat_bead and separation_block_v1 STLs to 80 facets (Philip Chase)
- Realign the flag line path with the sphere surface and campher the trimline_bore in cleat_bead (Philip Chase)
- Expand back face of cleat bead to have 1mm thick, radiused edges (Philip Chase)
- Make the cleat_bead taller, add a radius to the base, widen flag_line_path, use true sphere for bead body (Philip Chase)
- Add cleat_bead, an interface between the cleat, bar and flag line to substitute for a moveable stopper [Philip Chase]
- Add three-part, segmented wichard snaphook - Philip Chase
- Narrow the width of the flange to match the height in stopper_block_v4 so as to diminish interference when cleating the trimline - Philip Chase
- Form the stopper block flange with a hulled, squashed torus - Philip Chase
- Rotate the cross bores in the stopper ball to eliminate the twisting of the bungie inside the block's bungie path - Philip Chase
- Use a broad flat base on the stopper ball to reduce separation from the raft during printing - Philip Chase
- Add trimline bore diameter for multiple lines sizes to stopper ball and stopper_block_v4 standardizing on modern 5mm amsteel - Philip Chase
- Parameterize and adjust magnet, bungie path, and block depth of stopper_block_v4 - Philip Chase
- Add separation_block_v2 - Philip Chase
- Add separation_block - Philip Chase
- Add STL files for all fiels that did not have them
- Move the documentation for older designs and primitives to their own files - Philip Chase
- Extend flange of stopper_block_v4 laterally to make it more comfortable to push - Philip Chase
- Add stopper_block_v4 a narrow, rounded block with a wide pushable flange on the backside - Philip Chase
- Add elliptical_sphere to elliptical_torus.scad - Philip Chase
- Add trapezoided_cube.scad - Philip Chase
- Fatten the contact surface at the base of the cone at the bottom of the stopper_ball - Philip Chase
- First release provides these designs:
- stopper_ball
- stopper_block
- stopper_block_v2
- stopper_block_v3
- wichard_snaphook_handle
- wichard_snaphook_handle_golf_tee_style
- wichard_snaphook_release_cone