Note: See more/detailed information at Docker CLI Commandline Documentation.
- Viewing container images:
docker images
- Listing dangling images:
docker images --quiet --filter "dangling=true"
- Removing container images:
docker rmi <image id>
- Remove forcefully (some have a dependency and don't get removed otherwise):
docker rmi -f <image id>
- Removing all images:
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
- Removing dangling images:
# This one worked for me in Windows cmd FOR /f "tokens=*" %i IN ('docker images -q -f "dangling=true"') DO docker rmi %i # This should work too (in Powershell), but it didn't. docker rmi $(docker images -qf dangling=true)
- Searching for images from Microsoft:
docker search microsoft
- Viewing container logs"
docker logs <container name/ID>
- Copying image from one server to another:
# Step 1: Save the docker image as a tar file on the source server. # Usage: docker save -o <file path to image tar> <image name> docker save -o c:\aspnetblogapplication_db.tar aspnetblogapplication_db # Step 2: Copy the tar file to the destination server. # Step 3: Load the tar file into an image on the destination server. # Usage: docker load -i <path to image tar file> docker load -i c:\aspnetblogapplication_db.tar
- Viewing containers
- All running containers:
docker ps
- All containers:
docker ps -a
- Formatting the output:
See more options in the documentation > formatting).
docker ps --format "{{.ID}}: {{.Command}} | {{.Ports}} | {{.Names}}"
- All running containers:
- Stopping a container:
docker stop <container id>
- Stopping all containers:
# kill all running containers $ docker kill $(docker ps -q) $ sudo docker kill $(sudo docker ps -q) # Delete all stopped containers $ docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) # Delete all images $ docker rmi $(docker images -q)
- Removing a container:
docker rm <container id>
- Deleting all stopped containers:
docker rm -vf $(docker ps -qa)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -a -q)
- Running a command inside a container:
docker exec -it <container name> <command>
(e.g.,docker exec -it mongo_01 powershell
) - Inspecting a container:
docker inspect <container id>
- Finding the IPv4 address of the container:
docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.nat.IPAddress }}' <Container ID>
, where Container ID is the tag or ID of the container.
- Viewing Docker version:
docker --version
(long-hand) ordocker -v
(short-hand) - Viewing system-wide info (such as running/paused/stopped containers, OS system info, etc.):
docker info
- Logging in to Docker hub:
docker login --username <username> --password <password>
- Starting and stopping Docker service (daemon):
- Using Powershell:
Start-Service docker
andStop-Service docker
- Using Powershell:
- Networking
- Listing networks (on a Docker host):
docker network ls
- Powershell command:
(provides you additional information such as Subnets)
- Removing a network:
docker network rm <network name>
(e.g.,docker network rm nat
) - Finding more information about a network:
docker network inspect <network name>
- Listing networks (on a Docker host):
- To push or pull from your own registry, you need to use registry's location that looks like this:
. See some examples here
docker pull
Handling bad certificates/self-signed certificate errors
Say, you run the command
docker pull
. You get a Docker error:X509: certificate signed by unknown authority
.$ openssl s_client -showcerts -connect \ </dev/null 2>/dev/null | \ openssl x509 -outform PEM > devops-repo.crt # Add it globally mv devops-repo.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates # update global certificates definitions update-ca-certificates # restart affected services systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart docker docker pull
Pushing Pravega images to a Docker Hub Repository
- Make code changes.
$ ./gradlew docker
to generate the images.- Login to DOcker Hub.
docker login
- Re-tag the images:
docker tag pravega/pravega:0.5.0-2211.938123e-SNAPSHOT shardar/pravega:0.5.0-2211.938123e-SNAPSHOT docker tag pravega/bookkeeper:0.5.0-2211.938123e-SNAPSHOT shardar/bookkeeper:0.5.0-2211.938123e-SNAPSHOT
- Push them to my repo.
docker push shardar/pravega:0.5.0-2211.938123e-SNAPSHOT docker push shardar/bookkeeper:0.5.0-2211.938123e-SNAPSHOT
Further Reading:
- Read Dockerfile reference for detailed information about the instructions.
- Also, read this Microsoft document for Windows-specific considerations about Dockerfile instructions.
# Contents of a Dockerfile: An example
FROM microsoft/windowsservercore
LABEL Description="MongoDB" Vendor="MongoDB, Inc." Version=$env:MONGODB_VERSION
RUN msiexec /i c:\build\mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-%MONGODB_VERSION%-signed.msi INSTALLLOCATION="C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4.2\" /qn /l*v c:\build\mongodb-build.log & mkdir C:\data\db & mkdir C:\data\log & del C:\build\mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-%MONGODB_VERSION%-signed.msi & setx /m PATH %PATH%;"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4.2\bin"
VOLUME C:\\data\\db
EXPOSE 27017
CMD ["mongod.exe"]
Instruction/Command | Example | Description |
FROM | FROM microsoft/windowsserverimage |
Specifies the base image. |
MAINTAINER | MAINTAINER Ravi Sharda <[email protected]> |
Specifies the contact information for the file's author |
LABEL | - | - |
USER | USER root |
By default, Docker runs all processes as root within the container. Rhis intruction sets a user. |
Allows you to set shell variables to be used furing the build process. Then use as %MONGODB_VERSION% inside of dos commands or $env:MONGODB_VERSION in Powershell command. |
ADD | ADD SOURCES /build |
Used to copy files (like application code, configuration files, etc.) from the local filessytem to the containers created from the image. |
Adds files from the local filesystem to the containers created from the image. |
CMD | CMD ["mongod.exe"] |
The command that launches the process you want to have running inside of the container. A best practice is to run a single process inside of a container. |
RUN | RUN powershell.exe C:\buildapp.ps1 |
Executes a command. |
Changes the working directory in the image for subsequent instructions. |
ENTRYPOINT | - | Sets the default command to be run when the container is launched. |
Exposes a port, so that containers can receive network requests. |
And so on.. | - | - |