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File metadata and controls

120 lines (98 loc) · 4.96 KB

Gradle Commands


  • Build without executing tests: ./gradlew build -x test
  • Install jars into local repo:
    • Install: ./gradlew install
    • Where to locate the new jars: Example ~/.m2/repository/io/pravega/pravega-client
  • Generate a distribution:./gradlew distribution -x test
  • ./gradlew clean javadocs
  • Running checkstyle for tests of standalone module: ````
  • Examples of common Gradle tasks
Tasks Standalone Controller
Checkstyle For src/main: ./gradlew :standalone:checkstyleMain,
for src/test ./gradlew :standalone:checkstyleTest
./gradlew :controller:checkstyleMain
./gradlew :controller:checkstyleTest
Compile ./gradlew :standalone:compileJava ./gradlew :controller:compileJava
Tests ./gradlew :standalone:test ./gradlew :controller:test
Builds ./gradlew :standalone:build ./gradlew :controller:build
Spotbugs ./gradlew :standalone:spotbugsMain
./gradlew :standalone:spotbugsTest
./gradlew :controller:spotbugsMain
./gradlew :controller:spotbugsTest
  • Running a specific test in a module:
./gradlew :module:tas; --tests "nameoftest"
./gradlew :controller:test --tests "io.pravega.controller.server.rpc.auth.PravegaAuthManagerTest"
  • Local repo:
    • Gradle: ~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1
    • Maven: ~/.m2/repository/

Running Pravega Standalone using the distribution (on Windows)


  1. Generate the distribution (skipping tests to save time): gradlew distribution -x test.
  2. Copy config files from pravega/config into pravega/standalone/build/install/pravega-standalone/conf.
  3. Update any configuration as desired under the conf folder.
  4. Start standalone by running the pravega/standalone/build/install/pravega-standalone/bin/pravega-standalone.bat file.

Dependency Tree

Dependency tree for all projects

  • Checking dependencies of a specific project:
./gradlew <project>:dependencies
for example: ``./gradlew :controller:dependencies``

*./gradle allDeps

Generating an HTML report (multiproject):

  • Add apply plugin: 'project-report' to allProjects

    • Add the following to allProjects
      htmlDependencyReport {
        projects = project.allprojects
    • Execute gradlew htmlDependencyReport
    • See the reports at pravega\build\reports\project
  • Further reading:

  • See additional ways here.

Dependency checker for all projects:

OWASP Dependency Checker: (Read more about it here.)

  1. Add the following highlighted lines:
    buildscript {
       dependencies {
          classpath 'org.owasp:dependency-check-gradle:4.0.2' // add this line...
    apply plugin: 'org.owasp.dependencycheck' // ... and this one
  2. Now, execute ./gradlew dependencyCheckAggregate.
  3. Look for the output at build/reports/dependency-check-report.html

How to DOs

Outputting stdout to a file, as well as to the console

Add the following to the task (say, to startStandalone task):

      def fileNameTime = (new SimpleDateFormat("ssmmHH_yyyyMMdd")).format(new Date())
      doFirst {
            standardOutput = new
                    new FileOutputStream("$projectDir/../consoleLogs/${fileNameTime}.out"), System.out);

Using Artifacts from JFrog Repository

If you don't want to use released versions, you can use the Pravega JFrog repository.


systemProperties 'singlenode.configurationFile' : new File("$projectDir/../config/").absolutePath

Maven Equivalents

Purpose Maven Gradle
Find the version mvn --version gradle --version
To create JAR/WAR/EAR mvn package gradle assemble
To run unit tests mvn test gradle test
To skip unit tests mvn install -DskipTests
or mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
gradle -x test install
To run JUnits and create JAR/WAR/EAR. To compile, tests and assemble. mvn test package gradle build
To clean (delete build directory) mvn clean gradle clean
To Install, i.e. to compile, build and install to local maven repository mvn install gradle install
To deploy application WAR/EAR file into server mvn deploy or to run on Jetty embedded server mvn jetty:run gradle jettyRun. See more options here

Further reading