The zprob
module implements functionality for working with probability distributions in pure Zig,
including generating random samples and calculating probabilities using mass/density functions.
The instructions below will get you started with integrating zprob
into your project, as well as
introducing some basic use cases. For more detailed information on the different APIs that zprob
implements, please refer to the docs site.
Below we show a small example program that introduces the RandomEnvironment
struct, which
provides a high-level interface for sampling from distributions and calculating probabilities. It
automatically generates and stores everything needed to begin generating random numbers
(seed + random generator), and follows the standard Zig convention of initialization with an
that handles memory allocation.
const std = @import("std");
const zprob = @import("zprob");
pub fn main() !void {
// Set up main memory allocator and defer deinitilization
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
defer {
const status = gpa.deinit();
std.testing.expect(status == .ok) catch {
@panic("Memory leak!");
// Set up random environment and defer deinitialization
var env = try zprob.RandomEnvironment.init(allocator);
// Generate random samples
const binomial_sample = env.rBinomial(10, 0.8);
const geometric_sample = env.rGeometric(3.0);
// Generate slices of random samples. The caller is responsible for cleaning up
// the allocated memory for the slice.
const binomial_slice = try env.rBinomialSlice(100, 20, 0.4);
To initialize a RandomEnvironment
with a particular seed, use the initWithSeed
var env = RandomEnvironment.initWithSeed(1234567890, allocator);
While the easiest way to get started using zprob
is with the RandomEnvironment
for users wanting more fine-grained control over the construction and usage of different probability
distributions, zprob
provides a lower level "Distributions API".
const std = @import("std");
const zprob = @import("zprob");
const Random = std.Random;
pub fn main() !void {
// Set up random generator.
var prng = Random.DefaultGenerator;
var rand = prng.random();
var beta = zprob.Beta(f64).init(&rand);
var binomial = zprob.Binomial(u8, f64).init(&rand);
var b1: f64 = undefined;
var b2: u8 = undefined;
for 0..100 |_| {
b1 = beta.sample(1.0, 5.0);
b2 = binomial.sample(20, b1);
As mentioned briefly above, there are several projects in the
examples/ folder that demonstrate the
usage of zprob
for different applications:
- approximate_bayes: Uses approximate Bayesian computation to estimate the posterior mean and standard deviation of a normal distribution using a small sample of observations.
- compound_distributions: Illustrates how to generate samples from compound probability distributions such as the Beta-Binomial.
- distribution_sampling: Shows the basics of the "Distributions API" through the construction of distribution structs with different underlying types.
- enemy_spawner: Shows a gamedev motivated use case where distinct enemy types are sampled with different frequencies, are given different stats based on their type, and are placed randomly on the level map.
Discrete Probability Distributions
Bernoulli :: Binomial :: Geometric :: Multinomial :: Negative Binomial :: Poisson :: Uniform
Continuous Probability Distributions
Beta :: Cauchy :: Chi-squared :: Dirichlet :: Exponential :: Gamma :: Normal :: Uniform
To include zprob
in your Zig project, you can add it to your build.zig.zon
using the zig fetch
The main
branch tracks the latest release of Zig (currently v0.13.0) and can be added
as follows:
zig fetch --save git+
The nightly
branch tracks the Zig master
branch and can be added by adding #nightly
to the
git URL:
zig fetch --save git+
Then, in the build.zig
file, add the following lines within the build
function to include
as a module:
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
// exe setup...
const zprob_dep = b.dependency("zprob", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
const zprob_module = zprob_dep.module("zprob");
exe.root_module.addImport("zprob", zprob_module);
// additional build steps...
Check out the build files in the examples/ folder for some demos of complete sample code projects.
If you run into any problems while using zprob
, please consider filing an issue describing the
problem, as well as any steps that may be required to reproduce the problem.
We are open for contributions! Please see our contributing guide for more information on how you
can help build new features for zprob