We are using the playbooks to install our production edX. Also, our way of producing the content is a bit unusual: the instructor (me) decides via a config file for the outline for the full course. From this we can generate the xml needed with a python script. Since this is a program we can do complicated templates (example of simple template: a video is followed by a discussion) and the url_name's are decided deterministically.
According to preference, assistants go in Studio to modify content or specify further config files. Content in studio can then simply be exported and copied back in the right places. So we have a full loop of import/export, between Studio and highly scriptable config files. Sounds complicated but it helps us do version control etc.
Our priority is theming, but as a first step, please answer within each file with a time estimate for the questions that are asked and send that back to us.
This way, while you answer the questions on theming, we can prioritize the next steps and you can then batch process them.
Please allow 30 minutes towards the end for follow-up questions on IRC. Also, send your answers as you complete them so we can prepare those last 30 minutes.