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99 lines (71 loc) · 6.96 KB

File metadata and controls

99 lines (71 loc) · 6.96 KB

Release notes


  • Use extra stack space when building for WASM.
  • Updated external libraries (Dear ImGui v1.89.4; {fmt} 10.0.0; volk 1.3.250).
  • Force flush to stdout after each invocation of fmt::print to make it work with MSYS2.
  • abcg::flipHorizontally and abcg::flipVertically now accepts an l-value reference to a SDL surface instead of a non-null pointer.
  • Moved abcg::toRedString, abcg::toYellowString and abcg::toBlueString to abcgUtil.hpp.
  • General improvements (fixed typos, code style, etc).


New features

  • Added support for building in Visual Studio with MSVC. For that to work, GLEW, SDL2 and SDL2_image development libraries must be installed and set up as follows: the GLEW installation directory must be added to the system _Path_ variable; the environment variables SDL2DIR and SDL2IMAGEDIR must be set to the installation directory of SDL2 and SDL2_image, respectively. Debugging is also supported. However, building multiple executables is not supported in VS. Thus, make sure to use a single add_subdirectory() command in the CMakeLists.txt of the root directory. Also notice that the default output directory will be out/build instead of build if the project is built in the IDE.

  • Added support for building with MSVC in VS Code. Multiple executables are supported, as well as debugging. Below is an example of a launch.json for debugging the "Hello, World!" project:

    	"version": "0.2.0",
    	"configurations": [
    		"name": "C++ Launch (Windows)",
    		"type": "cppvsdbg",
    		"request": "launch",
    		"program": "${workspaceFolder}/build/bin/helloworld/helloworld.exe",
    		"symbolSearchPath": "${workspaceFolder}/build/bin/Debug",
    		"console": "integratedTerminal",
    		"args": [],
    		"stopAtEntry": false
  • Updated abcg::createOpenGLProgram with support for additional shader types and no dependance on abcg::OpenGLWindow. The function now accepts an object of type abcg::ShaderSource containing the paths or codes of any combination of shaders supported by OpenGL (vertex, fragment, geometry, tess control/evaluation, and compute shaders). The function also accepts a boolean as a second argument to toggle on/off exceptions on build errors. By default, exception throwing is enabled.

  • As an alternative to abcg::createOpenGLProgram, it is possible to split the build process into smaller parts by calling abcg::triggerOpenGLShaderCompile, abcg::checkOpenGLShaderCompile, abcg::triggerOpenGLShaderLink, and abcg::checkOpenGLShaderLink in sequence. This can be useful to prevent halting the application when building complex programs.

  • Added abcg::Application::getBasePath and abcg::Application::getAssetsPath as static member functions.

  • The HTML element ID used for registering the fullscreen callback function can now be set with abcg::WindowSettings::fullscreenElementID (default is #canvas).

  • abcg::loadOpenGLTexture and abcg::loadOpenGLCubemap now accepts creation info structures abcg::OpenGLTextureCreateInfo and abcg::OpenGLCubemapCreateInfo, respectively.

  • Added abcg::hashCombine and abcg::hashCombineSeed functions to easily combine hash values.

  • Added support for Vulkan.

Breaking changes

  • ABCg filenames changed to camel case.
  • abcg::OpenGLWindow::getAssetsPath replaced with abcg::Application::getAssetsPath.
  • abcg::OpenGLWindow::createProgramFromFile and abcg::OpenGLWindow::createProgramFromString removed. Use abcg::createOpenGLProgram instead.
  • abcg::OpenGLWindow::handleEvent renamed to abcg::OpenGLWindow::onEvent.
  • abcg::OpenGLWindow::initializeGL renamed to abcg::OpenGLWindow::onCreate.
  • abcg::OpenGLWindow::paintGL renamed to abcg::OpenGLWindow::onPaint.
  • abcg::OpenGLWindow::paintUI renamed to abcg::OpenGLWindow::onPaintUI.
  • abcg::OpenGLWindow::resizeGL renamed to abcg::OpenGLWindow::onResize.
  • abcg::OpenGLWindow::terminateGL renamed to abcg::OpenGLWindow::onDestroy.
  • Namespace abcg::opengl removed.
  • abcg::opengl::loadTexture renamed to abcg::loadOpenGLTexture.
  • abcg::opengl::loadCubemap renamed to abcg::loadOpenGLCubemap.
  • abcg::Application does not take ownership of abcg::OpenGLWindow anymore. abcg::Application::run now accepts an lvalue reference to abcg::OpenGLWindow.
  • abcg_string.hpp and abcg_string.cpp removed.
  • The static member functions of abcg::Exception, namely Runtime, OpenGL, SDL, and SDLImage, are now classes of their own: abcg::RuntimeError, abcg::OpenGLError, abcg::SDLError, and abcg::SDLImageError. This simplifies the syntax for throwing ABCg exceptions. For instance, throw abcg::Exception{abcg::Exception::runtime(...)} now becomes throw abcg::RuntimeError(...).
  • Default value of abcg::OpenGLSettings::stencilBufferSize changed from 8 to 0.
  • abcg::OpenGLSettings::vsync renamed to abcg::OpenGLSettings::vSync.
  • abcg::OpenGLWindow::onResize parameters changed from int width, int height to glm::ivec2 size.

Other changes

  • Updated external libraries (Dear ImGui v1.86; {fmt} 8.1.1; GSL 4.0.0).
  • Minimum required version for CMake increased to 3.21.
  • abcg::OpenGLWindow::getDeltaTime() marked noexcept.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed flickering effect when glClear is not called for each frame. For this fix to work, abcg::OpenGLSettings::preserveWebGLDrawingBuffer must be true even when building for desktop.


Breaking changes

  • abcg::Application::run now takes by value a unique pointer to abcg::OpenGLWindow. Since std::unique_ptr cannot be copied, the caller must either use std::move or pass the pointer as an rvalue. This makes clear the intent of transferring ownership of the pointer, which was not explicit in the previous version that takes an lvalue reference.
  • Support for running multiple windows has been dropped. Multiple windows weren't working properly on Emscripten builds and aren't used in the course.
  • abcg::opengl::loadCubemap now transforms the cube map textures to a right-handed coordinate system by default. A small loading overhead is incurred because some of the bitmaps are flipped vertically and horizontally. This behavior can be disabled by setting the (new) parameter rightHandedSystem to false.

Other changes

  • abcg::Exception::OpenGL now generates a string describing all OpenGL error messages returned by glGetError when there are multiple errors.
  • All OpenGL functions from OpenGL ES 2.0 and ES 3.0 can now be qualified with the abcg namespace (e.g. abcg::glActiveTexture(0)) for automatic error handling in debug builds. This is an alternative to the GL_CHECK macro used in many engines to check for errors before and after each GL call.
  • Updated external libraries (Dear ImGui v1.84; cppitertools v2.1; {fmt} 8.0.1).


  • Initial release, used during the first academic term of 2021.