#MoCObench-MPI-metaheuristic Optimisation algorithm for MUBQP-like problems.
- mpich
- g++
- gnuplot-x11
- gnuplot
mpic++ MUBQPEval-heuristic-par.cpp
mpirun -np [number of processes] ./a.out instance.dat [solutions pool size]
The larger the number of solutions to send to the workers, the later the filtering. The smaller the number of solutions, the more important the losses in communication time.
To interrupt the process and display efficiency informations, send a SIGUSR1 to mpirun's process:kill -s [mpirun's PID]
##Sequential version The sequential version takes the MUBQP instance as only parameter:
./MUBQPEval-heuristic-seq instance.dat
The ctrl+c interruption will display the efficiency informations.
- Local deployment:
./launch_instances.sh [number of instances] [instance duration (seconds)] [number of processes]
[instance file] [pool size]
- Passive Grid5000 deployment:
oarsub -l /nodes=[number of nodes],walltime=xx:xx:xx "./launch_passive_instances.sh [number of
instances] [instance duration (seconds)] [instance file] [pool size]"
Objective vectors will be stored in files named: [instance file][duration][number of processes][pool size][instance number].txt
- Send back solutions in blocks
- Filter whatever M (remove #defines)
- Implement compare function to refactor filter_solutions()
- Avoid copies
- Avoid returning seeds: return index of original solution, and number of flipped bit (requires a vector of sorted non-optimal-but-being-explored solutions)
- Compare with best results on MoCObench website
- Send pools of solutions (seeds) (parametrized size)
- Implement clean sequential version and compare performances
- Evaluate computation time and communication time
- Dynamic pool size: 25% ; 50% ; 75% or 100% of (number of solutions to explore) / (number of processes)
- Grid5000