diff --git a/Chapters/03-structs.qmd b/Chapters/03-structs.qmd
index 35e4ecf7..e02bc329 100644
--- a/Chapters/03-structs.qmd
+++ b/Chapters/03-structs.qmd
@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ But also notice that every line in the struct body that describes a data member,
So every time you declare a data member in your Zig code, always end the line with a comma character, instead
of ending it with the traditional semicolon character (`;`).
-Next, also notice in this example, that we have registrated an `init()` function as a method
+Next, we have registered an `init()` function as a method
of this `User` struct. This `init()` method is the constructor method that we will use to instantiate
every new `User` object. That is why this `init()` function returns a new `User` object as result.
@@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ In essence, the `zig` compiler will look for some hint of what is the type of th
This hint can be the type annotation of a function argument,
or the return type annotation of the function that you are using, or the type annotation
of an existing object.
-If the compiler do find such type annotation, then, it will use this
+If the compiler does find such type annotation, it will use this
type in your literal struct.
Anonymous structs are very common to be used as inputs to function arguments in Zig.
@@ -857,14 +857,14 @@ const Vec3 = struct {
### The `self` method argument {#sec-self-arg}
In every language that have OOP, when we declare a method of some class or struct, we
-usually declare this method as a function that have a `self` argument.
+usually declare this method as a function that has a `self` argument.
This `self` argument is the reference to the object itself from which the method
is being called from.
It is not mandatory to use this `self` argument. But why would you not use this `self` argument?
There is no reason to not use it. Because the only way to get access to the data stored in the
data members of your struct is to access them through this `self` argument.
-If you don't need to use the data in the data members of your struct inside your method, then, you very likely don't need
+If you don't need to use the data in the data members of your struct inside your method, you very likely don't need
a method. You can just declare this logic as a simple function, outside of your
struct declaration.
@@ -939,12 +939,12 @@ As a result of that, when we create `Vec3` objects we usually create them as
constant objects, like the `v1` and `v2` objects presented in @sec-self-arg.
We can create them as variable objects with the `var` keyword,
if we want to. But because the methods of this `Vec3` struct do not change
-the state of the objects in any point, is unnecessary to mark them
+the state of the objects in any point, it's unnecessary to mark them
as variable objects.
-But why? Why am I talkin about this here? Is because the `self` argument
+But why? Why am I talking about this here? It's because the `self` argument
in the methods is affected depending on whether the
-methods present in a struct change or not the state of the object itself.
+methods present in a struct change or don't change the state of the object itself.
More specifically, when you have a method in a struct that changes the state
of the object (i.e. change the value of a data member), the `self` argument
in this method must be annotated in a different manner.
@@ -997,8 +997,8 @@ const Vec3 = struct {
Notice in the code example above that we have added a new method
-to our `Vec3` struct named `double()`. This method essentially doubles the
-coordinate values of our vector object. Also notice that, in the
+to our `Vec3` struct named `double()`. This method doubles the
+coordinate values of our vector object. In the
case of the `double()` method, we annotated the `self` argument as `*Vec3`,
indicating that this argument receives a pointer (or a reference, if you prefer to call it this way)
to a `Vec3` object as input.
@@ -1020,7 +1020,7 @@ Doubled: 8.4
Now, if you change the `self` argument in this `double()` method to `self: Vec3`, like in the
`distance()` method, you will get the compiler error exposed below as result. Notice that this
-error message is indicating a line from the `double()` method body,
+error message is showing a line from the `double()` method body,
indicating that you cannot alter the value of the `x` data member.
@@ -1043,15 +1043,14 @@ If you take some time, and think hard about this error message, you will underst
You already have the tools to understand why we are getting this error message.
We have talked about it already in @sec-fun-pars.
So remember, every function argument is immutable in Zig, and `self`
-is included in this rule.
+is no exception to this rule.
-It does not matter if the object that you pass as input to the function argument is
-a variable object or not. In this example, we marked the `v3` object as a variable object.
+In this example, we marked the `v3` object as a variable object.
But this does not matter. Because it is not about the input object, it is about
the function argument.
The problem begins when we try to alter the value of `self` directly, which is a function argument,
-and, every function argument is immutable by default. You may quest yourself how can we overcome
+and, every function argument is immutable by default. You may ask yourself how can we overcome
this barrier, and once again, the solution was also discussed in @sec-fun-pars.
We overcome this barrier, by explicitly marking the `self` argument as a pointer.
@@ -1083,17 +1082,17 @@ as input.
In general, type inference in Zig is done by using the dot character (`.`).
Everytime you see a dot character written before a struct literal, or before an enum value, or something like that,
you know that this dot character is playing a special party in this place. More specifically, it is
-telling the `zig` compiler something on the lines of: "Hey! Can you infer the type of this
-value for me? Please!". In other words, this dot character is playing a role similar to the `auto` keyword in C++.
+telling the `zig` compiler something along the lines of: "Hey! Can you infer the type of this
+value for me? Please!". In other words, this dot character is playing a similar role as the `auto` keyword in C++.
-I give you some examples of this in @sec-anonymous-struct-literals, where we present anonymous struct literals.
-Anonymous struct literals are, essentially, struct literals that use type inference to
+I gave you some examples of this in @sec-anonymous-struct-literals, where we used anonymous struct literals.
+Anonymous struct literals are, struct literals that use type inference to
infer the exact type of this particular struct literal.
This type inference is done by looking for some minimal hint of the correct data type to be used.
You could say that the `zig` compiler looks for any neighbouring type annotation that might tell him
what would be the correct type.
-Another common place where we use type inference in Zig is at switch statements (which we talk about in @sec-switch).
+Another common place where we use type inference in Zig is at switch statements (which we talked about in @sec-switch).
I also gave some other examples of type inference in @sec-switch, where we were inferring the data types of enum values listed inside
of switch statements (e.g. `.DE`).
But as another example, take a look at this `fence()` function reproduced below,
@@ -1103,14 +1102,14 @@ of the Zig Standard Library.
[^fence-fn]: .
There are a lot of things in this function that we haven't talked about yet, such as:
-what `comptime` means? `inline`? `extern`? What is this star symbol before `Self`?
+what `comptime` means? `inline`? `extern`?
Let's just ignore all of these things, and focus solely on the switch statement
that is inside this function.
We can see that this switch statement uses the `order` object as input. This `order`
object is one of the inputs of this `fence()` function, and we can see in the type annotation,
that this object is of type `AtomicOrder`. We can also see a bunch of values inside the
-switch statements that begins with a dot character, such as `.release` and `.acquire`.
+switch statements that begin with a dot character, such as `.release` and `.acquire`.
Because these weird values contain a dot character before them, we are asking the `zig`
compiler to infer the types of these values inside the switch statement. Then, the `zig`
diff --git a/_freeze/Chapters/03-structs/execute-results/html.json b/_freeze/Chapters/03-structs/execute-results/html.json
index e35d59b0..974fe13d 100644
--- a/_freeze/Chapters/03-structs/execute-results/html.json
+++ b/_freeze/Chapters/03-structs/execute-results/html.json
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- "markdown": "---\nengine: knitr\nknitr: true\nsyntax-definition: \"../Assets/zig.xml\"\n---\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n# Control flow, structs, modules and types\n\nWe have discussed a lot of Zig's syntax in the last chapter,\nespecially in @sec-root-file and @sec-main-file.\nBut we still need to discuss some other very important\nelements of the language. Elements that you will use constantly on your day-to-day\nroutine.\n\nWe begin this chapter by discussing the different keywords and structures\nin Zig related to control flow (e.g. loops and if statements).\nThen, we talk about structs and how they can be used to do some\nbasic Object-Oriented (OOP) patterns in Zig. We also talk about\ntype inference and type casting.\nFinally, we end this chapter by discussing modules, and how they relate\nto structs.\n\n\n\n## Control flow {#sec-zig-control-flow}\n\nSometimes, you need to make decisions in your program. Maybe you need to decide\nwhether to execute or not a specific piece of code. Or maybe,\nyou need to apply the same operation over a sequence of values. These kinds of tasks,\ninvolve using structures that are capable of changing the \"control flow\" of our program.\n\nIn computer science, the term \"control flow\" usually refers to the order in which expressions (or commands)\nare evaluated in a given language or program. But this term is also used to refer\nto structures that are capable of changing this \"evaluation order\" of the commands\nexecuted by a given language/program.\n\nThese structures are better known\nby a set of terms, such as: loops, if/else statements, switch statements, among others. So,\nloops and if/else statements are examples of structures that can change the \"control\nflow\" of our program. The keywords `continue` and `break` are also examples of symbols\nthat can change the order of evaluation, since they can move our program to the next iteration\nof a loop, or make the loop stop completely.\n\n\n### If/else statements\n\nAn if/else statement performs a \"conditional flow operation\".\nA conditional flow control (or choice control) allows you to execute\nor ignore a certain block of commands based on a logical condition.\nMany programmers and computer science professionals also use\nthe term \"branching\" in this case.\nIn essence, an if/else statement allow us to use the result of a logical test\nto decide whether or not to execute a given block of commands.\n\nIn Zig, we write if/else statements by using the keywords `if` and `else`.\nWe start with the `if` keyword followed by a logical test inside a pair\nof parentheses, followed by a pair of curly braces which contains the lines\nof code to be executed in case the logical test returns the value `true`.\n\nAfter that, you can optionally add an `else` statement. To do that, just add the `else`\nkeyword followed by a pair of curly braces, with the lines of code\nto executed in case the logical test defined at `if` returns `false`.\n\nIn the example below, we are testing if the object `x` contains a number\nthat is greater than 10. Judging by the output printed to the console,\nwe know that this logical test returned `false`. Because the output\nin the console is compatible with the line of code present in the\n`else` branch of the if/else statement.\n\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst x = 5;\nif (x > 10) {\n try stdout.print(\n \"x > 10!\\n\", .{}\n );\n} else {\n try stdout.print(\n \"x <= 10!\\n\", .{}\n );\n}\n```\n\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\nx <= 10!\n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\n\n\n### Switch statements {#sec-switch}\n\nSwitch statements are also available in Zig, and they have a very similar syntax to a switch statement in Rust.\nAs you would expect, to write a switch statement in Zig we use the `switch` keyword.\nWe provide the value that we want to \"switch over\" inside a\npair of parentheses. Then, we list the possible combinations (or \"branchs\")\ninside a pair of curly braces.\n\nLet's take a look at the code example below. You can see that\nI'm creating an enum type called `Role`. We talk more about enums in @sec-enum.\nBut in summary, this `Role` type is listing different types of roles in a fictitious\ncompany, like `SE` for Software Engineer, `DE` for Data Engineer, `PM` for Product Manager,\netc.\n\nNotice that we are using the value from the `role` object in the\nswitch statement, to discover which exact area we need to store in the `area` variable object.\nAlso notice that we are using type inference inside the switch statement, with the dot character,\nas we are going to describe in @sec-type-inference.\nThis makes the `zig` compiler infer the correct data type of the values (`PM`, `SE`, etc.) for us.\n\nAlso notice that, we are grouping multiple values in the same branch of the switch statement.\nWe just separate each possible value with a comma. For example, if `role` contains either `DE` or `DA`,\nthe `area` variable would contain the value `\"Data & Analytics\"`, instead of `\"Platform\"` or `\"Sales\"`.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nconst stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();\nconst Role = enum {\n SE, DPE, DE, DA, PM, PO, KS\n};\n\npub fn main() !void {\n var area: []const u8 = undefined;\n const role = Role.SE;\n switch (role) {\n .PM, .SE, .DPE, .PO => {\n area = \"Platform\";\n },\n .DE, .DA => {\n area = \"Data & Analytics\";\n },\n .KS => {\n area = \"Sales\";\n },\n }\n try stdout.print(\"{s}\\n\", .{area});\n}\n```\n\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\nPlatform\n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\n\n#### Switch statements must exhaust all possibilities\n\nOne very important aspect about switch statements in Zig\nis that they must exhaust all existing possibilities.\nIn other words, all possible values that could be found inside the `order`\nobject must be explicitly handled in this switch statement.\n\nSince the `role` object have type `Role`, the only possible values to\nbe found inside this object are `PM`, `SE`, `DPE`, `PO`, `DE`, `DA` and `KS`.\nThere are no other possible values to be stored in this `role` object.\nThus, the switch statements must have a combination (branch) for each one of these values.\nThis is what \"exhaust all existing possibilities\" means. The switch statement covers\nevery possible case.\n\nTherefore, you cannot write a switch statement in Zig, and leave an edge case\nwith no explicit action to be taken.\nThis is a similar behaviour to switch statements in Rust, which also have to\nhandle all possible cases.\n\n\n\n#### The else branch\n\nTake a look at the `dump_hex_fallible()` function below as an example. This function\ncomes from the Zig Standard Library. More precisely, from the\n[`debug.zig` module](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/blob/master/lib/std/debug.zig)[^debug-mod].\nThere are multiple lines in this function, but I omitted them to focus solely on the\nswitch statement found in this function. Notice that this switch statement has four\npossible cases (i.e. four explicit branches). Also, notice that we used an `else` branch\nin this case.\n\nAn `else` branch in a switch statement works as the \"default branch\".\nWhenever you have multiple cases in your switch statement where\nyou want to apply the exact same action, you can use an `else` branch to do that.\n\n[^debug-mod]: \n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\npub fn dump_hex_fallible(bytes: []const u8) !void {\n // Many lines ...\n switch (byte) {\n '\\n' => try writer.writeAll(\"␊\"),\n '\\r' => try writer.writeAll(\"␍\"),\n '\\t' => try writer.writeAll(\"␉\"),\n else => try writer.writeByte('.'),\n }\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\nMany programmers would also use an `else` branch to handle a \"not supported\" case.\nThat is, a case that cannot be properly handled by your code, or, just a case that\nshould not be \"fixed\". Therefore, you can use an `else` branch to panic (or raise an error)\nin your program to stop the current execution.\n\nTake the code example below. We can see that, we are handling the cases\nfor the `level` object being either 1, 2, or 3. All other possible cases are not supported by default,\nand, as consequence, we raise a runtime error in such cases through the `@panic()` built-in function.\n\nAlso notice that, we are assigning the result of the switch statement to a new object called `category`.\nThis is another thing that you can do with switch statements in Zig. If a branch\noutputs a value as result, you can store the result value of the switch statement into\na new object.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst level: u8 = 4;\nconst category = switch (level) {\n 1, 2 => \"beginner\",\n 3 => \"professional\",\n else => {\n @panic(\"Not supported level!\");\n },\n};\ntry stdout.print(\"{s}\\n\", .{category});\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n```\nthread 13103 panic: Not supported level!\nt.zig:9:13: 0x1033c58 in main (switch2)\n @panic(\"Not supported level!\");\n ^\n```\n\n\n\n#### Using ranges in switch\n\nFurthermore, you can also use ranges of values in switch statements.\nThat is, you can create a branch in your switch statement that is used\nwhenever the input value is within the specified range. These \"range expressions\"\nare created with the operator `...`. It is important\nto emphasize that the ranges created by this operator are\ninclusive on both ends.\n\nFor example, I could easily change the previous code example to support all\nlevels between 0 and 100. Like this:\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst level: u8 = 4;\nconst category = switch (level) {\n 0...25 => \"beginner\",\n 26...75 => \"intermediary\",\n 76...100 => \"professional\",\n else => {\n @panic(\"Not supported level!\");\n },\n};\ntry stdout.print(\"{s}\\n\", .{category});\n```\n\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\nbeginner\n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\nThis is neat, and it works with character ranges too. That is, I could\nsimply write `'a'...'z'`, to match any character value that is a\nlowercase letter, and it would work fine.\n\n\n#### Labeled switch statements\n\nIn @sec-blocks we have talked about labeling blocks, and also, about using these labels\nto return a value from the block. Well, from version 0.14.0 and onwards of the `zig` compiler,\nyou can also apply labels over switch statements, which makes it possible to almost implement a\n\"C `goto`\" like pattern.\n\nFor example, if you give the label `xsw` to a switch statement, you can use this\nlabel in conjunction with the `continue` keyword to go back to the beginning of the switch\nstatement. In the example below, the execution goes back to the beginning of the\nswitch statement two times, before ending at the `3` branch.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nxsw: switch (@as(u8, 1)) {\n 1 => {\n try stdout.print(\"First branch\\n\", .{});\n continue :xsw 2;\n },\n 2 => continue :xsw 3,\n 3 => return,\n 4 => {},\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n\n### The `defer` keyword {#sec-defer}\n\nWith the `defer` keyword you can register an expression to be executed when you exit the current scope.\nTherefore, this keyword has a similar functionality as the `on.exit()` function from R.\nTake the `foo()` function below as an example. When we execute this `foo()` function, the expression\nthat prints the message \"Exiting function ...\" is getting executed only when the function exits\nits scope.\n\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nconst stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();\nfn foo() !void {\n defer std.debug.print(\n \"Exiting function ...\\n\", .{}\n );\n try stdout.print(\"Adding some numbers ...\\n\", .{});\n const x = 2 + 2; _ = x;\n try stdout.print(\"Multiplying ...\\n\", .{});\n const y = 2 * 8; _ = y;\n}\n\npub fn main() !void {\n try foo();\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n```\nAdding some numbers ...\nMultiplying ...\nExiting function ...\n```\n\nTherefore, we can use `defer` to declare an expression that is going to be executed\nwhen your code exits the current scope. Some programmers like to interpret the phrase \"exit of the current scope\"\nas \"the end of the current scope\". But this interpretation might not be entirely correct, depending\non what you consider as \"the end of the current scope\".\n\nI mean, what do you consider as **the end** of the current scope? Is it the closing curly bracket (`}`) of the scope?\nIs it when the last expression in the function get's executed? Is it when the function returns to the previous scope?\nEtc. For example, it would not be correct to interpret the \"exit of the current scope\" as the closing\ncurly bracket of the scope. Because the function might exit from an earlier position than this\nclosing curly bracket (e.g. an error value was generated at a previous line inside the function;\nthe function reached an earlier return statement; etc.). Anyway, just be careful with this interpretation.\n\nNow, if you remember of what we have discussed in @sec-blocks, there are multiple structures in the language\nthat create their own separate scopes. For/while loops, if/else statements,\nfunctions, normal blocks, etc. This also affects the interpretation of `defer`.\nFor example, if you use `defer` inside a for loop, then, the given expression\nwill be executed everytime this specific for loop exits its own scope.\n\nBefore we continue, is worth emphasizing that the `defer` keyword is an \"unconditional defer\".\nWhich means that the given expression will be executed no matter how the code exits\nthe current scope. For example, your code might exit the current scope because of an error value\nbeing generated, or, because of a return statement, or, a break statement, etc.\n\n\n\n### The `errdefer` keyword {#sec-errdefer1}\n\nOn the previous section, we have discussed the `defer` keyword, which you can use to\nregister an expression to be executed at the exit of the current scope.\nBut this keyword have a brother, which is the `errdefer` keyword. While `defer`\nis an \"unconditional defer\", the `errdefer` keyword is a \"conditional defer\".\nWhich means that the given expression is executed only when you exit the current\nscope on a very specific circumstance.\n\nIn more details, the expression given to `errdefer` is executed only when an error occurs in the current scope.\nTherefore, if the function (or for/while loop, if/else statement, etc.) exits the current scope\nin a normal situation, without errors, the expression given to `errdefer` is not executed.\n\nThis makes the `errdefer` keyword one of the many tools available in Zig for error handling.\nIn this section, we are more concerned with the control flow aspects around `errdefer`.\nBut we are going to discuss `errdefer` later as a error handling tool in @sec-errdefer2.\n\nThe code example below demonstrates three things:\n\n- that `defer` is an \"unconditional defer\", because the given expression get's executed regardless of how the function `foo()` exits its own scope.\n- that `errdefer` is executed because the function `foo()` returned an error value.\n- that `defer` and `errdefer` expressions are executed in a LIFO (*last in, first out*) order.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nfn foo() !void { return error.FooError; }\npub fn main() !void {\n var i: usize = 1;\n errdefer std.debug.print(\"Value of i: {d}\\n\", .{i});\n defer i = 2;\n try foo();\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n```\nValue of i: 2\nerror: FooError\n/t.zig:6:5: 0x1037e48 in foo (defer)\n return error.FooError;\n ^\n```\n\n\nWhen I say that \"defer expressions\" are executed in a LIFO order, what I want to say is that\nthe last `defer` or `errdefer` expressions in the code are the first ones to be executed.\nYou could also interpret this as: \"defer expressions\" are executed from bottom to top, or,\nfrom last to first.\n\nTherefore, if I change the order of the `defer` and `errdefer` expressions, you will notice that\nthe value of `i` that get's printed to the console changes to 1. This doesn't mean that the\n`defer` expression was not executed in this case. This actually means that the `defer` expression\nwas executed only after the `errdefer` expression. The code example below demonstrates this:\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nfn foo() !void { return error.FooError; }\npub fn main() !void {\n var i: usize = 1;\n defer i = 2;\n errdefer std.debug.print(\"Value of i: {d}\\n\", .{i});\n try foo();\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n```\nValue of i: 1\nerror: FooError\n/t.zig:6:5: 0x1037e48 in foo (defer)\n return error.FooError;\n ^\n```\n\n\n\n\n### For loops\n\nA loop allows you to execute the same lines of code multiple times,\nthus, creating a \"repetition space\" in the execution flow of your program.\nLoops are particularly useful when we want to replicate the same function\n(or the same set of commands) over different inputs.\n\nThere are different types of loops available in Zig. But the most\nessential of them all is probably the *for loop*. A for loop is\nused to apply the same piece of code over the elements of a slice, or, an array.\n\nFor loops in Zig use a syntax that may be unfamiliar to programmers coming from\nother languages. You start with the `for` keyword, then, you\nlist the items that you want to iterate\nover inside a pair of parentheses. Then, inside of a pair of pipes (`|`)\nyou should declare an identifier that will serve as your iterator, or,\nthe \"repetition index of the loop\".\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nfor (items) |value| {\n // code to execute\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\nTherefore, instead of using a `(value in items)` syntax,\nin Zig, for loops use the syntax `(items) |value|`. In the example\nbelow, you can see that we are looping through the items\nof the array stored at the object `name`, and printing to the\nconsole the decimal representation of each character in this array.\n\nIf we wanted, we could also iterate through a slice (or a portion) of\nthe array, instead of iterating through the entire array stored in the `name` object.\nJust use a range selector to select the section you want. For example,\nI could provide the expression `name[0..3]` to the for loop, to iterate\njust through the first 3 elements in the array.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst name = [_]u8{'P','e','d','r','o'};\nfor (name) |char| {\n try stdout.print(\"{d} | \", .{char});\n}\n```\n\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\n80 | 101 | 100 | 114 | 111 | \n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\nIn the above example we are using the value itself of each\nelement in the array as our iterator. But there are many situations where\nwe need to use an index instead of the actual values of the items.\n\nYou can do that by providing a second set of items to iterate over.\nMore precisely, you provide the range selector `0..` to the for loop. So,\nyes, you can use two different iterators at the same time in a for\nloop in Zig.\n\nBut remember from @sec-assignments that, every object\nyou create in Zig must be used in some way. So if you declare two iterators\nin your for loop, you must use both iterators inside the for loop body.\nBut if you want to use just the index iterator, and not use the \"value iterator\",\nthen, you can discard the value iterator by maching the\nvalue items to the underscore character, like in the example below:\n\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nfor (name, 0..) |_, i| {\n try stdout.print(\"{d} | \", .{i});\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n```\n0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |\n```\n\n\n### While loops\n\nA while loop is created from the `while` keyword. A `for` loop\niterates through the items of an array, but a `while` loop\nwill loop continuously, and infinitely, until a logical test\n(specified by you) becomes false.\n\nYou start with the `while` keyword, then, you define a logical\nexpression inside a pair of parentheses, and the body of the\nloop is provided inside a pair of curly braces, like in the example below:\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nvar i: u8 = 1;\nwhile (i < 5) {\n try stdout.print(\"{d} | \", .{i});\n i += 1;\n}\n```\n\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\n1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | \n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\nYou can also specify the increment expression to be used at the beginning of a while loop.\nTo do that, we write the increment expression inside a pair of parentheses after a colon character (`:`).\nThe code example below demonstrates this other pattern.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nvar i: u8 = 1;\nwhile (i < 5) : (i += 1) {\n try stdout.print(\"{d} | \", .{i});\n}\n```\n\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\n1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | \n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\n### Using `break` and `continue`\n\nIn Zig, you can explicitly stop the execution of a loop, or, jump to the next iteration of the loop, by using\nthe keywords `break` and `continue`, respectively. The `while` loop presented in the next code example is,\nat first sight, an infinite loop. Because the logical value inside the parenthese will always be equal to `true`.\nBut what makes this `while` loop stop when the `i` object reaches the count\n10? It is the `break` keyword!\n\nInside the while loop, we have an if statement that is constantly checking if the `i` variable\nis equal to 10. Since we are incrementing the value of `i` at each iteration of the\nwhile loop, this `i` object will eventually be equal to 10, and when it is, the if statement\nwill execute the `break` expression, and, as a result, the execution of the while loop is stopped.\n\nNotice the use of the `expect()` function from the Zig Standard Library after the while loop.\nThis `expect()` function is an \"assert\" type of function.\nThis function checks if the logical test provided is equal to true. If so, the function do nothing.\nOtherwise (i.e. the logical test is equal to false), the function raises an assertion error.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nvar i: usize = 0;\nwhile (true) {\n if (i == 10) {\n break;\n }\n i += 1;\n}\ntry std.testing.expect(i == 10);\ntry stdout.print(\"Everything worked!\", .{});\n```\n\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\nEverything worked!\n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\nSince this code example was executed successfully by the `zig` compiler,\nwithout raising any errors, we known that, after the execution of the while loop,\nthe `i` object is equal to 10. Because if it wasn't equal to 10, an error would have\nbeen raised by `expect()`.\n\nNow, in the next example, we have a use case for\nthe `continue` keyword. The if statement is constantly\nchecking if the current index is a multiple of 2. If\nit is, we jump to the next iteration of the loop.\nOtherwise, the loop just prints the current index to the console.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst ns = [_]u8{1,2,3,4,5,6};\nfor (ns) |i| {\n if ((i % 2) == 0) {\n continue;\n }\n try stdout.print(\"{d} | \", .{i});\n}\n```\n\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\n1 | 3 | 5 | \n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\n\n\n## Function parameters are immutable {#sec-fun-pars}\n\nWe have already discussed a lot of the syntax behind function declarations in @sec-root-file and @sec-main-file.\nBut I want to emphasize a curious fact about function parameters (a.k.a. function arguments) in Zig.\nIn summary, function parameters are immutable in Zig.\n\nTake the code example below, where we declare a simple function that just tries to add\nsome amount to the input integer, and returns the result back. But if you look closely\nat the body of this `add2()` function, you will notice that we try\nto save the result back into the `x` function argument.\n\nIn other words, this function not only use the value that it received through the function argument\n`x`, but it also tries to change the value of this function argument, by assigning the addition result\ninto `x`. However, function arguments in Zig are immutable. You cannot change their values, or, you\ncannot assign values to them inside the body's function.\n\nThis is the reason why, the code example below do not compile successfully. If you try to compile\nthis code example, you get a compile error warning you that you are trying to change the value of a\nimmutable (i.e. constant) object.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nfn add2(x: u32) u32 {\n x = x + 2;\n return x;\n}\n\npub fn main() !void {\n const y = add2(4);\n std.debug.print(\"{d}\\n\", .{y});\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n```\nt.zig:3:5: error: cannot assign to constant\n x = x + 2;\n ^\n```\n\n\nIf a function argument receives as input an object whose data type is\nany of the primitive types that we have listed in @sec-primitive-data-types,\nthis object is always passed by value to the function. In other words, this object\nis copied into the function stack frame.\n\nHowever, if the input object have a more complex data type, for example, it might\nbe a struct instance, or an array, or an union value, etc., in cases like that, the `zig` compiler\nwill take the liberty of deciding for you which strategy is best. Thus, the `zig` compiler will\npass your object to the function either by value, or by reference. The compiler will always\nchoose the strategy that is faster for you.\nThis optimization that you get for free is possible only because function arguments are\nimmutable in Zig.\n\nThere are some situations where you might need to change the value of your function argument\ndirectly inside the function's body. This happens more often when we are passing\nC structs as inputs to Zig functions.\n\nIn a situation like this, you can overcome this barrier of immutable function arguments, by simply taking the lead,\nand explicitly choosing to pass the object by reference to the function.\nThat is, instead of depending on the `zig` compiler to decide which strategy is best, you have\nto explicitly mark the function argument as a pointer. This way, we are telling the compiler\nthat this function argument will be passed by reference to the function.\n\nBy making it a pointer, we can finally alter the value of this function argument directly inside\nthe body of the `add2()` function. You can see that the code example below compiles successfully.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nfn add2(x: *u32) void {\n const d: u32 = 2;\n x.* = x.* + d;\n}\n\npub fn main() !void {\n var x: u32 = 4;\n add2(&x);\n std.debug.print(\"Result: {d}\\n\", .{x});\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n```\nResult: 6\n```\n\n\n\n## Structs and OOP {#sec-structs-and-oop}\n\nZig is a language more closely related to C (which is a procedural language),\nthan it is to C++ or Java (which are object-oriented languages). Because of that, you do not\nhave advanced OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) patterns available in Zig, such as classes, interfaces or\nclass inheritance. Nonetheless, OOP in Zig is still possible by using struct definitions.\n\nWith struct definitions, you can create (or define) a new data type in Zig. These struct definitions work the same way as they work in C.\nYou give a name to this new struct (or, to this new data type you are creating), then, you list the data members of this new struct. You can\nalso register functions inside this struct, and they become the methods of this particular struct (or data type), so that, every object\nthat you create with this new type, will always have these methods available and associated with them.\n\nIn C++, when we create a new class, we normally have a constructor method (or, a constructor function) which\nis used to construct (or, to instantiate) every object of this particular class, and we also have\na destructor method (or a destructor function), which is the function responsible for destroying\nevery object of this class.\n\nIn Zig, we normally declare the constructor and the destructor methods\nof our structs, by declaring an `init()` and a `deinit()` methods inside the struct.\nThis is just a naming convention that you will find across the entire Zig Standard Library.\nSo, in Zig, the `init()` method of a struct is normally the constructor method of the class represented by this struct.\nWhile the `deinit()` method is the method used for destroying an existing instance of that struct.\n\nThe `init()` and `deinit()` methods are both used extensively in Zig code, and you will see both of\nthem being used when we talk about allocators in @sec-allocators.\nBut, as another example, let's build a simple `User` struct to represent an user of some sort of system.\n\nIf you look at the `User` struct below, you can see the `struct` keyword.\nNotice the data members of this struct, `id`, `name` and `email`. Every data member have its\ntype explicitly annotated, with the colon character (`:`) syntax that we described earlier in @sec-root-file.\nBut also notice that every line in the struct body that describes a data member, ends with a comma character (`,`).\nSo every time you declare a data member in your Zig code, always end the line with a comma character, instead\nof ending it with the traditional semicolon character (`;`).\n\nNext, also notice in this example, that we have registrated an `init()` function as a method\nof this `User` struct. This `init()` method is the constructor method that we will use to instantiate\nevery new `User` object. That is why this `init()` function returns a new `User` object as result.\n\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nconst stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();\nconst User = struct {\n id: u64,\n name: []const u8,\n email: []const u8,\n\n pub fn init(id: u64,\n name: []const u8,\n email: []const u8) User {\n\n return User {\n .id = id,\n .name = name,\n .email = email\n };\n }\n\n pub fn print_name(self: User) !void {\n try stdout.print(\"{s}\\n\", .{self.name});\n }\n};\n\npub fn main() !void {\n const u = User.init(1, \"pedro\", \"email@gmail.com\");\n try u.print_name();\n}\n```\n\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\npedro\n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\nThe `pub` keyword plays an important role in struct declarations, and OOP in Zig.\nEvery method that you declare in your struct that is marked with the keyword `pub`,\nbecomes a public method of this particular struct.\n\nSo every method that you create inside your struct, is, at first, a private method\nof that struct. Meaning that, this method can only be called from within this\nstruct. But, if you mark this method as public, with the keyword `pub`, then,\nyou can call the method directly from an instance of the `User` struct.\n\nIn other words, the functions marked by the keyword `pub`\nare members of the public API of that struct.\nFor example, if I did not marked the `print_name()` method as public,\nthen, I could not execute the line `u.print_name()`. Because I would\nnot be authorized to call this method directly in my code.\n\n\n\n### Anonymous struct literals {#sec-anonymous-struct-literals}\n\nYou can declare a struct object as a literal value. When we do that, we normally specify the\ndata type of this struct literal by writing its data type just before the opening curly brace.\nFor example, I could write a struct literal value of the type `User` that we have defined\nin the previous section like this:\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst eu = User {\n .id = 1,\n .name = \"Pedro\",\n .email = \"someemail@gmail.com\"\n};\n_ = eu;\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\nHowever, in Zig, we can also write an anonymous struct literal. That is, you can write a\nstruct literal, but not specify explicitly the type of this particular struct.\nAn anonymous struct is written by using the syntax `.{}`. So, we essentially\nreplaced the explicit type of the struct literal with a dot character (`.`).\n\nAs we described in @sec-type-inference, when you put a dot before a struct literal,\nthe type of this struct literal is automatically inferred by the `zig` compiler.\nIn essence, the `zig` compiler will look for some hint of what is the type of that struct.\nThis hint can be the type annotation of a function argument,\nor the return type annotation of the function that you are using, or the type annotation\nof an existing object.\nIf the compiler do find such type annotation, then, it will use this\ntype in your literal struct.\n\nAnonymous structs are very common to be used as inputs to function arguments in Zig.\nOne example that you have seen already constantly, is the `print()`\nfunction from the `stdout` object.\nThis function takes two arguments.\nThe first argument, is a template string, which should\ncontain string format specifiers in it, which tells how the values provided\nin the second argument should be printed into the message.\n\nWhile the second argument is a struct literal that lists the values\nto be printed into the template message specified in the first argument.\nYou normally want to use an anonymous struct literal here, so that, the\n`zig` compiler do the job of specifying the type of this particular\nanonymous struct for you.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\npub fn main() !void {\n const stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();\n try stdout.print(\"Hello, {s}!\\n\", .{\"world\"});\n}\n```\n\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\nHello, world!\n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\n\n\n### Struct declarations must be constant\n\nTypes in Zig must be `const` or `comptime` (we are going to talk more about comptime in @sec-comptime).\nWhat this means is that you cannot create a new data type, and mark it as variable with the `var` keyword.\nSo struct declarations are always constant. You cannot declare a new struct type using the `var` keyword.\nIt must be `const`.\n\nIn the `Vec3` example below, this declaration is allowed because I'm using the `const` keyword\nto declare this new data type.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst Vec3 = struct {\n x: f64,\n y: f64,\n z: f64,\n};\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n\n### The `self` method argument {#sec-self-arg}\n\nIn every language that have OOP, when we declare a method of some class or struct, we\nusually declare this method as a function that have a `self` argument.\nThis `self` argument is the reference to the object itself from which the method\nis being called from.\n\nIt is not mandatory to use this `self` argument. But why would you not use this `self` argument?\nThere is no reason to not use it. Because the only way to get access to the data stored in the\ndata members of your struct is to access them through this `self` argument.\nIf you don't need to use the data in the data members of your struct inside your method, then, you very likely don't need\na method. You can just declare this logic as a simple function, outside of your\nstruct declaration.\n\n\nTake the `Vec3` struct below. Inside this `Vec3` struct we declared a method named `distance()`.\nThis method calculates the distance between two `Vec3` objects, by following the distance\nformula in euclidean space. Notice that this `distance()` method takes two `Vec3` objects\nas input, `self` and `other`.\n\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nconst m = std.math;\nconst Vec3 = struct {\n x: f64,\n y: f64,\n z: f64,\n\n pub fn distance(self: Vec3, other: Vec3) f64 {\n const xd = m.pow(f64, self.x - other.x, 2.0);\n const yd = m.pow(f64, self.y - other.y, 2.0);\n const zd = m.pow(f64, self.z - other.z, 2.0);\n return m.sqrt(xd + yd + zd);\n }\n};\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n\nThe `self` argument corresponds to the `Vec3` object from which this `distance()` method\nis being called from. While the `other` is a separate `Vec3` object that is given as input\nto this method. In the example below, the `self` argument corresponds to the object\n`v1`, because the `distance()` method is being called from the `v1` object,\nwhile the `other` argument corresponds to the object `v2`.\n\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst v1 = Vec3 {\n .x = 4.2, .y = 2.4, .z = 0.9\n};\nconst v2 = Vec3 {\n .x = 5.1, .y = 5.6, .z = 1.6\n};\n\nstd.debug.print(\n \"Distance: {d}\\n\",\n .{v1.distance(v2)}\n);\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n```\nDistance: 3.3970575502926055\n```\n\n\n\n### About the struct state\n\nSometimes you don't need to care about the state of your struct object. Sometimes, you just need\nto instantiate and use the objects, without altering their state. You can notice that when you have methods\ninside your struct declaration that might use the values that are present in the data members, but they\ndo not alter the values in these data members of the struct in anyway.\n\nThe `Vec3` struct that was presented in @sec-self-arg is an example of that.\nThis struct have a single method named `distance()`, and this method do use the values\npresent in all three data members of the struct (`x`, `y` and `z`). But at the same time,\nthis method do not change the values of these data members in any point.\n\nAs a result of that, when we create `Vec3` objects we usually create them as\nconstant objects, like the `v1` and `v2` objects presented in @sec-self-arg.\nWe can create them as variable objects with the `var` keyword,\nif we want to. But because the methods of this `Vec3` struct do not change\nthe state of the objects in any point, is unnecessary to mark them\nas variable objects.\n\nBut why? Why am I talkin about this here? Is because the `self` argument\nin the methods is affected depending on whether the\nmethods present in a struct change or not the state of the object itself.\nMore specifically, when you have a method in a struct that changes the state\nof the object (i.e. change the value of a data member), the `self` argument\nin this method must be annotated in a different manner.\n\nAs I described in @sec-self-arg, the `self` argument in methods of\na struct is the argument that receives as input the object from which the method\nwas called from. We usually annotate this argument in the methods by writing `self`,\nfollowed by the colon character (`:`), and the data type of the struct to which\nthe method belongs to (e.g. `User`, `Vec3`, etc.).\n\nIf we take the `Vec3` struct that we defined in the previous section as an example,\nwe can see in the `distance()` method that this `self` argument is annotated as\n`self: Vec3`. Because the state of the `Vec3` object is never altered by this\nmethod.\n\nBut what if we do have a method that alters the state of the object, by altering the\nvalues of its data members, how should we annotate `self` in this instance? The answer is:\n\"we should annotate `self` as a pointer of `x`, instead of just `x`\".\nIn other words, you should annotate `self` as `self: *x`, instead of annotating it\nas `self: x`.\n\nIf we create a new method inside the `Vec3` object that, for example, expands the\nvector by multiplying its coordinates by a factor of two, then, we need to follow\nthis rule specified in the previous paragraph. The code example below demonstrates\nthis idea:\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nconst m = std.math;\nconst Vec3 = struct {\n x: f64,\n y: f64,\n z: f64,\n\n pub fn distance(self: Vec3, other: Vec3) f64 {\n const xd = m.pow(f64, self.x - other.x, 2.0);\n const yd = m.pow(f64, self.y - other.y, 2.0);\n const zd = m.pow(f64, self.z - other.z, 2.0);\n return m.sqrt(xd + yd + zd);\n }\n\n pub fn double(self: *Vec3) void {\n self.x = self.x * 2.0;\n self.y = self.y * 2.0;\n self.z = self.z * 2.0;\n }\n};\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\nNotice in the code example above that we have added a new method\nto our `Vec3` struct named `double()`. This method essentially doubles the\ncoordinate values of our vector object. Also notice that, in the\ncase of the `double()` method, we annotated the `self` argument as `*Vec3`,\nindicating that this argument receives a pointer (or a reference, if you prefer to call it this way)\nto a `Vec3` object as input.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nvar v3 = Vec3 {\n .x = 4.2, .y = 2.4, .z = 0.9\n};\nv3.double();\nstd.debug.print(\"Doubled: {d}\\n\", .{v3.x});\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n```\nDoubled: 8.4\n```\n\n\n\nNow, if you change the `self` argument in this `double()` method to `self: Vec3`, like in the\n`distance()` method, you will get the compiler error exposed below as result. Notice that this\nerror message is indicating a line from the `double()` method body,\nindicating that you cannot alter the value of the `x` data member.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\n// If we change the function signature of double to:\n pub fn double(self: Vec3) void {\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n```\nt.zig:16:13: error: cannot assign to constant\n self.x = self.x * 2.0;\n ~~~~^~\n```\n\nThis error message indicates that the `x` data member belongs to a constant object,\nand, because of that, it cannot be changed. Ultimately, this error message\nis telling us that the `self` argument is constant.\n\nIf you take some time, and think hard about this error message, you will understand it.\nYou already have the tools to understand why we are getting this error message.\nWe have talked about it already in @sec-fun-pars.\nSo remember, every function argument is immutable in Zig, and `self`\nis included in this rule.\n\nIt does not matter if the object that you pass as input to the function argument is\na variable object or not. In this example, we marked the `v3` object as a variable object.\nBut this does not matter. Because it is not about the input object, it is about\nthe function argument.\n\nThe problem begins when we try to alter the value of `self` directly, which is a function argument,\nand, every function argument is immutable by default. You may quest yourself how can we overcome\nthis barrier, and once again, the solution was also discussed in @sec-fun-pars.\nWe overcome this barrier, by explicitly marking the `self` argument as a pointer.\n\n\n::: {.callout-note}\nIf a method of your `x` struct alters the state of the object, by\nchanging the value of any data member, then, remember to use `self: *x`,\ninstead of `self: x` in the function signature of this method.\n:::\n\n\nYou could also interpret the content discussed in this section as:\n\"if you need to alter the state of your `x` struct object in one of its methods,\nyou must explicitly pass the `x` struct object by reference to the `self` argument of this method\".\n\n\n\n## Type inference {#sec-type-inference}\n\nZig is a strongly typed language. But, there are some situations\nwhere you don't have to explicitly write the type of every single object in your source code,\nas you would expect from a traditional strongly typed language, such as C and C++.\n\nIn some situations, the `zig` compiler can use type inference to solves the data types for you, easing some of\nthe burden that you carry as a developer.\nThe most common way this happens is through function arguments that receives struct objects\nas input.\n\nIn general, type inference in Zig is done by using the dot character (`.`).\nEverytime you see a dot character written before a struct literal, or before an enum value, or something like that,\nyou know that this dot character is playing a special party in this place. More specifically, it is\ntelling the `zig` compiler something on the lines of: \"Hey! Can you infer the type of this\nvalue for me? Please!\". In other words, this dot character is playing a role similar to the `auto` keyword in C++.\n\nI give you some examples of this in @sec-anonymous-struct-literals, where we present anonymous struct literals.\nAnonymous struct literals are, essentially, struct literals that use type inference to\ninfer the exact type of this particular struct literal.\nThis type inference is done by looking for some minimal hint of the correct data type to be used.\nYou could say that the `zig` compiler looks for any neighbouring type annotation that might tell him\nwhat would be the correct type.\n\nAnother common place where we use type inference in Zig is at switch statements (which we talk about in @sec-switch).\nI also gave some other examples of type inference in @sec-switch, where we were inferring the data types of enum values listed inside\nof switch statements (e.g. `.DE`).\nBut as another example, take a look at this `fence()` function reproduced below,\nwhich comes from the [`atomic.zig` module](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/blob/master/lib/std/atomic.zig)[^fence-fn]\nof the Zig Standard Library.\n\n[^fence-fn]: .\n\nThere are a lot of things in this function that we haven't talked about yet, such as:\nwhat `comptime` means? `inline`? `extern`? What is this star symbol before `Self`?\nLet's just ignore all of these things, and focus solely on the switch statement\nthat is inside this function.\n\nWe can see that this switch statement uses the `order` object as input. This `order`\nobject is one of the inputs of this `fence()` function, and we can see in the type annotation,\nthat this object is of type `AtomicOrder`. We can also see a bunch of values inside the\nswitch statements that begins with a dot character, such as `.release` and `.acquire`.\n\nBecause these weird values contain a dot character before them, we are asking the `zig`\ncompiler to infer the types of these values inside the switch statement. Then, the `zig`\ncompiler is looking into the current context where these values are being used, and it is\ntrying to infer the types of these values.\n\nSince they are being used inside a switch statement, the `zig` compiler looks into the type\nof the input object given to the switch statement, which is the `order` object in this case.\nBecause this object have type `AtomicOrder`, the `zig` compiler infers that these values\nare data members from this type `AtomicOrder`.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\npub inline fn fence(self: *Self, comptime order: AtomicOrder) void {\n // many lines of code ...\n if (builtin.sanitize_thread) {\n const tsan = struct {\n extern \"c\" fn __tsan_acquire(addr: *anyopaque) void;\n extern \"c\" fn __tsan_release(addr: *anyopaque) void;\n };\n\n const addr: *anyopaque = self;\n return switch (order) {\n .unordered, .monotonic => @compileError(\n @tagName(order)\n ++ \" only applies to atomic loads and stores\"\n ),\n .acquire => tsan.__tsan_acquire(addr),\n .release => tsan.__tsan_release(addr),\n .acq_rel, .seq_cst => {\n tsan.__tsan_acquire(addr);\n tsan.__tsan_release(addr);\n },\n };\n }\n\n return @fence(order);\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\nThis is how basic type inference is done in Zig. If we didn't use the dot character before\nthe values inside this switch statement, then, we would be forced to write explicitly\nthe data types of these values. For example, instead of writing `.release` we would have to\nwrite `AtomicOrder.release`. We would have to do this for every single value\nin this switch statement, and this is a lot of work. That is why type inference\nis commonly used on switch statements in Zig.\n\n\n\n## Type casting {#sec-type-cast}\n\nIn this section, I want to discuss type casting (or, type conversion) with you.\nWe use type casting when we have an object of type \"x\", and we want to convert\nit into an object of type \"y\", i.e. we want to change the data type of the object.\n\nMost languages have a formal way to perform type casting. In Rust for example, we normally\nuse the keyword `as`, and in C, we normally use the type casting syntax, e.g. `(int) x`.\nIn Zig, we use the `@as()` built-in function to cast an object of type \"x\", into\nan object of type \"y\".\n\nThis `@as()` function is the preferred way to perform type conversion (or type casting)\nin Zig. Because it is explicit, and, it also performs the casting only if it\nis unambiguous and safe. To use this function, you just provide the target data type\nin the first argument, and, the object that you want cast at the second argument.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nconst expect = std.testing.expect;\ntest {\n const x: usize = 500;\n const y = @as(u32, x);\n try expect(@TypeOf(y) == u32);\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\nThis is the general way to perform type casting in Zig. But remember, `@as()` works only when casting\nis unambiguous and safe, and there are situations where these assumptions do not hold. For example,\nwhen casting an integer value into a float value, or vice-versa, it is not clear to the compiler\nhow to perform this conversion safely.\n\nTherefore, we need to use specialized \"casting functions\" in such situations.\nFor example, if you want to cast an integer value into a float value, then, you\nshould use the `@floatFromInt()` function. In the inverse scenario, you should use\nthe `@intFromFloat()` function.\n\nIn these functions, you just provide the object that you want to\ncast as input. Then, the target data type of the \"type casting operation\" is determined by\nthe type annotation of the object where you are saving the results.\nIn the example below, we are casting the object `x` into a value of type `f32`,\nbecause the object `y`, which is where we are saving the results, is annotated\nas an object of type `f32`.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nconst expect = std.testing.expect;\ntest {\n const x: usize = 565;\n const y: f32 = @floatFromInt(x);\n try expect(@TypeOf(y) == f32);\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\nAnother built-in function that is very useful when performing type casting operations is `@ptrCast()`.\nIn essence, we use the `@as()` built-in function when we want to explicit convert (or cast) a Zig value/object\nfrom a type \"x\" to a type \"y\", etc. However, pointers (we are going to discuss pointers\nin more depth in @sec-pointer) are a special type of object in Zig,\ni.e. they are treated differently from \"normal objects\".\n\nEverytime a pointer is involved in some \"type casting operation\" in Zig, the `@ptrCast()` function is used.\nThis function works similarly to `@floatFromInt()`.\nYou just provide the pointer object that you want to cast as input to this function, and the\ntarget data type is, once again, determined by the type annotation of the object where the results are being\nstored.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nconst expect = std.testing.expect;\ntest {\n const bytes align(@alignOf(u32)) = [_]u8{\n 0x12, 0x12, 0x12, 0x12\n };\n const u32_ptr: *const u32 = @ptrCast(&bytes);\n try expect(@TypeOf(u32_ptr) == *const u32);\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n## Modules\n\nWe already talked about what modules are, and also, how to import other modules into\nyour current module via *import statements*. Every Zig module (i.e. a `.zig` file) that you write in your project\nis internally stored as a struct object. Take the line exposed below as an example. In this line we are importing the\nZig Standard Library into our current module.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\nWhen we want to access the functions and objects from the standard library, we\nare basically accessing the data members of the struct stored in the `std`\nobject. That is why we use the same syntax that we use in normal structs, with the dot operator (`.`)\nto access the data members and methods of the struct.\n\nWhen this \"import statement\" get's executed, the result of this expression is a struct\nobject that contains the Zig Standard Library modules, global variables, functions, etc.\nAnd this struct object get's saved (or stored) inside the constant object named `std`.\n\n\nTake the [`thread_pool.zig` module from the project `zap`](https://github.com/kprotty/zap/blob/blog/src/thread_pool.zig)[^thread]\nas an example. This module is written as if it was\na big struct. That is why we have a top-level and public `init()` method\nwritten in this module. The idea is that all top-level functions written in this\nmodule are methods from the struct, and all top-level objects and struct declarations\nare data members of this struct. The module is the struct itself.\n\n[^thread]: \n\n\nSo you would import and use this module by doing something like this:\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nconst ThreadPool = @import(\"thread_pool.zig\");\nconst num_cpus = std.Thread.getCpuCount()\n catch @panic(\"failed to get cpu core count\");\nconst num_threads = std.math.cast(u16, num_cpus)\n catch std.math.maxInt(u16);\nconst pool = ThreadPool.init(\n .{ .max_threads = num_threads }\n);\n```\n:::\n",
+ "markdown": "---\nengine: knitr\nknitr: true\nsyntax-definition: \"../Assets/zig.xml\"\n---\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n# Control flow, structs, modules and types\n\nWe have discussed a lot of Zig's syntax in the last chapter,\nespecially in @sec-root-file and @sec-main-file.\nBut we still need to discuss some other very important\nelements of the language. Elements that you will use constantly on your day-to-day\nroutine.\n\nWe begin this chapter by discussing the different keywords and structures\nin Zig related to control flow (e.g. loops and if statements).\nThen, we talk about structs and how they can be used to do some\nbasic Object-Oriented (OOP) patterns in Zig. We also talk about\ntype inference and type casting.\nFinally, we end this chapter by discussing modules, and how they relate\nto structs.\n\n\n\n## Control flow {#sec-zig-control-flow}\n\nSometimes, you need to make decisions in your program. Maybe you need to decide\nwhether to execute or not a specific piece of code. Or maybe,\nyou need to apply the same operation over a sequence of values. These kinds of tasks,\ninvolve using structures that are capable of changing the \"control flow\" of our program.\n\nIn computer science, the term \"control flow\" usually refers to the order in which expressions (or commands)\nare evaluated in a given language or program. But this term is also used to refer\nto structures that are capable of changing this \"evaluation order\" of the commands\nexecuted by a given language/program.\n\nThese structures are better known\nby a set of terms, such as: loops, if/else statements, switch statements, among others. So,\nloops and if/else statements are examples of structures that can change the \"control\nflow\" of our program. The keywords `continue` and `break` are also examples of symbols\nthat can change the order of evaluation, since they can move our program to the next iteration\nof a loop, or make the loop stop completely.\n\n\n### If/else statements\n\nAn if/else statement performs a \"conditional flow operation\".\nA conditional flow control (or choice control) allows you to execute\nor ignore a certain block of commands based on a logical condition.\nMany programmers and computer science professionals also use\nthe term \"branching\" in this case.\nIn essence, an if/else statement allow us to use the result of a logical test\nto decide whether or not to execute a given block of commands.\n\nIn Zig, we write if/else statements by using the keywords `if` and `else`.\nWe start with the `if` keyword followed by a logical test inside a pair\nof parentheses, followed by a pair of curly braces which contains the lines\nof code to be executed in case the logical test returns the value `true`.\n\nAfter that, you can optionally add an `else` statement. To do that, just add the `else`\nkeyword followed by a pair of curly braces, with the lines of code\nto executed in case the logical test defined at `if` returns `false`.\n\nIn the example below, we are testing if the object `x` contains a number\nthat is greater than 10. Judging by the output printed to the console,\nwe know that this logical test returned `false`. Because the output\nin the console is compatible with the line of code present in the\n`else` branch of the if/else statement.\n\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst x = 5;\nif (x > 10) {\n try stdout.print(\n \"x > 10!\\n\", .{}\n );\n} else {\n try stdout.print(\n \"x <= 10!\\n\", .{}\n );\n}\n```\n\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\nx <= 10!\n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\n\n\n### Switch statements {#sec-switch}\n\nSwitch statements are also available in Zig, and they have a very similar syntax to a switch statement in Rust.\nAs you would expect, to write a switch statement in Zig we use the `switch` keyword.\nWe provide the value that we want to \"switch over\" inside a\npair of parentheses. Then, we list the possible combinations (or \"branchs\")\ninside a pair of curly braces.\n\nLet's take a look at the code example below. You can see that\nI'm creating an enum type called `Role`. We talk more about enums in @sec-enum.\nBut in summary, this `Role` type is listing different types of roles in a fictitious\ncompany, like `SE` for Software Engineer, `DE` for Data Engineer, `PM` for Product Manager,\netc.\n\nNotice that we are using the value from the `role` object in the\nswitch statement, to discover which exact area we need to store in the `area` variable object.\nAlso notice that we are using type inference inside the switch statement, with the dot character,\nas we are going to describe in @sec-type-inference.\nThis makes the `zig` compiler infer the correct data type of the values (`PM`, `SE`, etc.) for us.\n\nAlso notice that, we are grouping multiple values in the same branch of the switch statement.\nWe just separate each possible value with a comma. For example, if `role` contains either `DE` or `DA`,\nthe `area` variable would contain the value `\"Data & Analytics\"`, instead of `\"Platform\"` or `\"Sales\"`.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nconst stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();\nconst Role = enum {\n SE, DPE, DE, DA, PM, PO, KS\n};\n\npub fn main() !void {\n var area: []const u8 = undefined;\n const role = Role.SE;\n switch (role) {\n .PM, .SE, .DPE, .PO => {\n area = \"Platform\";\n },\n .DE, .DA => {\n area = \"Data & Analytics\";\n },\n .KS => {\n area = \"Sales\";\n },\n }\n try stdout.print(\"{s}\\n\", .{area});\n}\n```\n\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\nPlatform\n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\n\n#### Switch statements must exhaust all possibilities\n\nOne very important aspect about switch statements in Zig\nis that they must exhaust all existing possibilities.\nIn other words, all possible values that could be found inside the `order`\nobject must be explicitly handled in this switch statement.\n\nSince the `role` object have type `Role`, the only possible values to\nbe found inside this object are `PM`, `SE`, `DPE`, `PO`, `DE`, `DA` and `KS`.\nThere are no other possible values to be stored in this `role` object.\nThus, the switch statements must have a combination (branch) for each one of these values.\nThis is what \"exhaust all existing possibilities\" means. The switch statement covers\nevery possible case.\n\nTherefore, you cannot write a switch statement in Zig, and leave an edge case\nwith no explicit action to be taken.\nThis is a similar behaviour to switch statements in Rust, which also have to\nhandle all possible cases.\n\n\n\n#### The else branch\n\nTake a look at the `dump_hex_fallible()` function below as an example. This function\ncomes from the Zig Standard Library. More precisely, from the\n[`debug.zig` module](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/blob/master/lib/std/debug.zig)[^debug-mod].\nThere are multiple lines in this function, but I omitted them to focus solely on the\nswitch statement found in this function. Notice that this switch statement has four\npossible cases (i.e. four explicit branches). Also, notice that we used an `else` branch\nin this case.\n\nAn `else` branch in a switch statement works as the \"default branch\".\nWhenever you have multiple cases in your switch statement where\nyou want to apply the exact same action, you can use an `else` branch to do that.\n\n[^debug-mod]: \n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\npub fn dump_hex_fallible(bytes: []const u8) !void {\n // Many lines ...\n switch (byte) {\n '\\n' => try writer.writeAll(\"␊\"),\n '\\r' => try writer.writeAll(\"␍\"),\n '\\t' => try writer.writeAll(\"␉\"),\n else => try writer.writeByte('.'),\n }\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\nMany programmers would also use an `else` branch to handle a \"not supported\" case.\nThat is, a case that cannot be properly handled by your code, or, just a case that\nshould not be \"fixed\". Therefore, you can use an `else` branch to panic (or raise an error)\nin your program to stop the current execution.\n\nTake the code example below. We can see that, we are handling the cases\nfor the `level` object being either 1, 2, or 3. All other possible cases are not supported by default,\nand, as consequence, we raise a runtime error in such cases through the `@panic()` built-in function.\n\nAlso notice that, we are assigning the result of the switch statement to a new object called `category`.\nThis is another thing that you can do with switch statements in Zig. If a branch\noutputs a value as result, you can store the result value of the switch statement into\na new object.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst level: u8 = 4;\nconst category = switch (level) {\n 1, 2 => \"beginner\",\n 3 => \"professional\",\n else => {\n @panic(\"Not supported level!\");\n },\n};\ntry stdout.print(\"{s}\\n\", .{category});\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n```\nthread 13103 panic: Not supported level!\nt.zig:9:13: 0x1033c58 in main (switch2)\n @panic(\"Not supported level!\");\n ^\n```\n\n\n\n#### Using ranges in switch\n\nFurthermore, you can also use ranges of values in switch statements.\nThat is, you can create a branch in your switch statement that is used\nwhenever the input value is within the specified range. These \"range expressions\"\nare created with the operator `...`. It is important\nto emphasize that the ranges created by this operator are\ninclusive on both ends.\n\nFor example, I could easily change the previous code example to support all\nlevels between 0 and 100. Like this:\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst level: u8 = 4;\nconst category = switch (level) {\n 0...25 => \"beginner\",\n 26...75 => \"intermediary\",\n 76...100 => \"professional\",\n else => {\n @panic(\"Not supported level!\");\n },\n};\ntry stdout.print(\"{s}\\n\", .{category});\n```\n\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\nbeginner\n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\nThis is neat, and it works with character ranges too. That is, I could\nsimply write `'a'...'z'`, to match any character value that is a\nlowercase letter, and it would work fine.\n\n\n#### Labeled switch statements\n\nIn @sec-blocks we have talked about labeling blocks, and also, about using these labels\nto return a value from the block. Well, from version 0.14.0 and onwards of the `zig` compiler,\nyou can also apply labels over switch statements, which makes it possible to almost implement a\n\"C `goto`\" like pattern.\n\nFor example, if you give the label `xsw` to a switch statement, you can use this\nlabel in conjunction with the `continue` keyword to go back to the beginning of the switch\nstatement. In the example below, the execution goes back to the beginning of the\nswitch statement two times, before ending at the `3` branch.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nxsw: switch (@as(u8, 1)) {\n 1 => {\n try stdout.print(\"First branch\\n\", .{});\n continue :xsw 2;\n },\n 2 => continue :xsw 3,\n 3 => return,\n 4 => {},\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n\n### The `defer` keyword {#sec-defer}\n\nWith the `defer` keyword you can register an expression to be executed when you exit the current scope.\nTherefore, this keyword has a similar functionality as the `on.exit()` function from R.\nTake the `foo()` function below as an example. When we execute this `foo()` function, the expression\nthat prints the message \"Exiting function ...\" is getting executed only when the function exits\nits scope.\n\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nconst stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();\nfn foo() !void {\n defer std.debug.print(\n \"Exiting function ...\\n\", .{}\n );\n try stdout.print(\"Adding some numbers ...\\n\", .{});\n const x = 2 + 2; _ = x;\n try stdout.print(\"Multiplying ...\\n\", .{});\n const y = 2 * 8; _ = y;\n}\n\npub fn main() !void {\n try foo();\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n```\nAdding some numbers ...\nMultiplying ...\nExiting function ...\n```\n\nTherefore, we can use `defer` to declare an expression that is going to be executed\nwhen your code exits the current scope. Some programmers like to interpret the phrase \"exit of the current scope\"\nas \"the end of the current scope\". But this interpretation might not be entirely correct, depending\non what you consider as \"the end of the current scope\".\n\nI mean, what do you consider as **the end** of the current scope? Is it the closing curly bracket (`}`) of the scope?\nIs it when the last expression in the function get's executed? Is it when the function returns to the previous scope?\nEtc. For example, it would not be correct to interpret the \"exit of the current scope\" as the closing\ncurly bracket of the scope. Because the function might exit from an earlier position than this\nclosing curly bracket (e.g. an error value was generated at a previous line inside the function;\nthe function reached an earlier return statement; etc.). Anyway, just be careful with this interpretation.\n\nNow, if you remember of what we have discussed in @sec-blocks, there are multiple structures in the language\nthat create their own separate scopes. For/while loops, if/else statements,\nfunctions, normal blocks, etc. This also affects the interpretation of `defer`.\nFor example, if you use `defer` inside a for loop, then, the given expression\nwill be executed everytime this specific for loop exits its own scope.\n\nBefore we continue, is worth emphasizing that the `defer` keyword is an \"unconditional defer\".\nWhich means that the given expression will be executed no matter how the code exits\nthe current scope. For example, your code might exit the current scope because of an error value\nbeing generated, or, because of a return statement, or, a break statement, etc.\n\n\n\n### The `errdefer` keyword {#sec-errdefer1}\n\nOn the previous section, we have discussed the `defer` keyword, which you can use to\nregister an expression to be executed at the exit of the current scope.\nBut this keyword have a brother, which is the `errdefer` keyword. While `defer`\nis an \"unconditional defer\", the `errdefer` keyword is a \"conditional defer\".\nWhich means that the given expression is executed only when you exit the current\nscope on a very specific circumstance.\n\nIn more details, the expression given to `errdefer` is executed only when an error occurs in the current scope.\nTherefore, if the function (or for/while loop, if/else statement, etc.) exits the current scope\nin a normal situation, without errors, the expression given to `errdefer` is not executed.\n\nThis makes the `errdefer` keyword one of the many tools available in Zig for error handling.\nIn this section, we are more concerned with the control flow aspects around `errdefer`.\nBut we are going to discuss `errdefer` later as a error handling tool in @sec-errdefer2.\n\nThe code example below demonstrates three things:\n\n- that `defer` is an \"unconditional defer\", because the given expression get's executed regardless of how the function `foo()` exits its own scope.\n- that `errdefer` is executed because the function `foo()` returned an error value.\n- that `defer` and `errdefer` expressions are executed in a LIFO (*last in, first out*) order.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nfn foo() !void { return error.FooError; }\npub fn main() !void {\n var i: usize = 1;\n errdefer std.debug.print(\"Value of i: {d}\\n\", .{i});\n defer i = 2;\n try foo();\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n```\nValue of i: 2\nerror: FooError\n/t.zig:6:5: 0x1037e48 in foo (defer)\n return error.FooError;\n ^\n```\n\n\nWhen I say that \"defer expressions\" are executed in a LIFO order, what I want to say is that\nthe last `defer` or `errdefer` expressions in the code are the first ones to be executed.\nYou could also interpret this as: \"defer expressions\" are executed from bottom to top, or,\nfrom last to first.\n\nTherefore, if I change the order of the `defer` and `errdefer` expressions, you will notice that\nthe value of `i` that get's printed to the console changes to 1. This doesn't mean that the\n`defer` expression was not executed in this case. This actually means that the `defer` expression\nwas executed only after the `errdefer` expression. The code example below demonstrates this:\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nfn foo() !void { return error.FooError; }\npub fn main() !void {\n var i: usize = 1;\n defer i = 2;\n errdefer std.debug.print(\"Value of i: {d}\\n\", .{i});\n try foo();\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n```\nValue of i: 1\nerror: FooError\n/t.zig:6:5: 0x1037e48 in foo (defer)\n return error.FooError;\n ^\n```\n\n\n\n\n### For loops\n\nA loop allows you to execute the same lines of code multiple times,\nthus, creating a \"repetition space\" in the execution flow of your program.\nLoops are particularly useful when we want to replicate the same function\n(or the same set of commands) over different inputs.\n\nThere are different types of loops available in Zig. But the most\nessential of them all is probably the *for loop*. A for loop is\nused to apply the same piece of code over the elements of a slice, or, an array.\n\nFor loops in Zig use a syntax that may be unfamiliar to programmers coming from\nother languages. You start with the `for` keyword, then, you\nlist the items that you want to iterate\nover inside a pair of parentheses. Then, inside of a pair of pipes (`|`)\nyou should declare an identifier that will serve as your iterator, or,\nthe \"repetition index of the loop\".\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nfor (items) |value| {\n // code to execute\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\nTherefore, instead of using a `(value in items)` syntax,\nin Zig, for loops use the syntax `(items) |value|`. In the example\nbelow, you can see that we are looping through the items\nof the array stored at the object `name`, and printing to the\nconsole the decimal representation of each character in this array.\n\nIf we wanted, we could also iterate through a slice (or a portion) of\nthe array, instead of iterating through the entire array stored in the `name` object.\nJust use a range selector to select the section you want. For example,\nI could provide the expression `name[0..3]` to the for loop, to iterate\njust through the first 3 elements in the array.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst name = [_]u8{'P','e','d','r','o'};\nfor (name) |char| {\n try stdout.print(\"{d} | \", .{char});\n}\n```\n\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\n80 | 101 | 100 | 114 | 111 | \n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\nIn the above example we are using the value itself of each\nelement in the array as our iterator. But there are many situations where\nwe need to use an index instead of the actual values of the items.\n\nYou can do that by providing a second set of items to iterate over.\nMore precisely, you provide the range selector `0..` to the for loop. So,\nyes, you can use two different iterators at the same time in a for\nloop in Zig.\n\nBut remember from @sec-assignments that, every object\nyou create in Zig must be used in some way. So if you declare two iterators\nin your for loop, you must use both iterators inside the for loop body.\nBut if you want to use just the index iterator, and not use the \"value iterator\",\nthen, you can discard the value iterator by maching the\nvalue items to the underscore character, like in the example below:\n\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nfor (name, 0..) |_, i| {\n try stdout.print(\"{d} | \", .{i});\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n```\n0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |\n```\n\n\n### While loops\n\nA while loop is created from the `while` keyword. A `for` loop\niterates through the items of an array, but a `while` loop\nwill loop continuously, and infinitely, until a logical test\n(specified by you) becomes false.\n\nYou start with the `while` keyword, then, you define a logical\nexpression inside a pair of parentheses, and the body of the\nloop is provided inside a pair of curly braces, like in the example below:\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nvar i: u8 = 1;\nwhile (i < 5) {\n try stdout.print(\"{d} | \", .{i});\n i += 1;\n}\n```\n\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\n1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | \n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\nYou can also specify the increment expression to be used at the beginning of a while loop.\nTo do that, we write the increment expression inside a pair of parentheses after a colon character (`:`).\nThe code example below demonstrates this other pattern.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nvar i: u8 = 1;\nwhile (i < 5) : (i += 1) {\n try stdout.print(\"{d} | \", .{i});\n}\n```\n\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\n1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | \n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\n### Using `break` and `continue`\n\nIn Zig, you can explicitly stop the execution of a loop, or, jump to the next iteration of the loop, by using\nthe keywords `break` and `continue`, respectively. The `while` loop presented in the next code example is,\nat first sight, an infinite loop. Because the logical value inside the parenthese will always be equal to `true`.\nBut what makes this `while` loop stop when the `i` object reaches the count\n10? It is the `break` keyword!\n\nInside the while loop, we have an if statement that is constantly checking if the `i` variable\nis equal to 10. Since we are incrementing the value of `i` at each iteration of the\nwhile loop, this `i` object will eventually be equal to 10, and when it is, the if statement\nwill execute the `break` expression, and, as a result, the execution of the while loop is stopped.\n\nNotice the use of the `expect()` function from the Zig Standard Library after the while loop.\nThis `expect()` function is an \"assert\" type of function.\nThis function checks if the logical test provided is equal to true. If so, the function do nothing.\nOtherwise (i.e. the logical test is equal to false), the function raises an assertion error.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nvar i: usize = 0;\nwhile (true) {\n if (i == 10) {\n break;\n }\n i += 1;\n}\ntry std.testing.expect(i == 10);\ntry stdout.print(\"Everything worked!\", .{});\n```\n\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\nEverything worked!\n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\nSince this code example was executed successfully by the `zig` compiler,\nwithout raising any errors, we known that, after the execution of the while loop,\nthe `i` object is equal to 10. Because if it wasn't equal to 10, an error would have\nbeen raised by `expect()`.\n\nNow, in the next example, we have a use case for\nthe `continue` keyword. The if statement is constantly\nchecking if the current index is a multiple of 2. If\nit is, we jump to the next iteration of the loop.\nOtherwise, the loop just prints the current index to the console.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst ns = [_]u8{1,2,3,4,5,6};\nfor (ns) |i| {\n if ((i % 2) == 0) {\n continue;\n }\n try stdout.print(\"{d} | \", .{i});\n}\n```\n\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\n1 | 3 | 5 | \n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\n\n\n## Function parameters are immutable {#sec-fun-pars}\n\nWe have already discussed a lot of the syntax behind function declarations in @sec-root-file and @sec-main-file.\nBut I want to emphasize a curious fact about function parameters (a.k.a. function arguments) in Zig.\nIn summary, function parameters are immutable in Zig.\n\nTake the code example below, where we declare a simple function that just tries to add\nsome amount to the input integer, and returns the result back. But if you look closely\nat the body of this `add2()` function, you will notice that we try\nto save the result back into the `x` function argument.\n\nIn other words, this function not only use the value that it received through the function argument\n`x`, but it also tries to change the value of this function argument, by assigning the addition result\ninto `x`. However, function arguments in Zig are immutable. You cannot change their values, or, you\ncannot assign values to them inside the body's function.\n\nThis is the reason why, the code example below do not compile successfully. If you try to compile\nthis code example, you get a compile error warning you that you are trying to change the value of a\nimmutable (i.e. constant) object.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nfn add2(x: u32) u32 {\n x = x + 2;\n return x;\n}\n\npub fn main() !void {\n const y = add2(4);\n std.debug.print(\"{d}\\n\", .{y});\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n```\nt.zig:3:5: error: cannot assign to constant\n x = x + 2;\n ^\n```\n\n\nIf a function argument receives as input an object whose data type is\nany of the primitive types that we have listed in @sec-primitive-data-types,\nthis object is always passed by value to the function. In other words, this object\nis copied into the function stack frame.\n\nHowever, if the input object have a more complex data type, for example, it might\nbe a struct instance, or an array, or an union value, etc., in cases like that, the `zig` compiler\nwill take the liberty of deciding for you which strategy is best. Thus, the `zig` compiler will\npass your object to the function either by value, or by reference. The compiler will always\nchoose the strategy that is faster for you.\nThis optimization that you get for free is possible only because function arguments are\nimmutable in Zig.\n\nThere are some situations where you might need to change the value of your function argument\ndirectly inside the function's body. This happens more often when we are passing\nC structs as inputs to Zig functions.\n\nIn a situation like this, you can overcome this barrier of immutable function arguments, by simply taking the lead,\nand explicitly choosing to pass the object by reference to the function.\nThat is, instead of depending on the `zig` compiler to decide which strategy is best, you have\nto explicitly mark the function argument as a pointer. This way, we are telling the compiler\nthat this function argument will be passed by reference to the function.\n\nBy making it a pointer, we can finally alter the value of this function argument directly inside\nthe body of the `add2()` function. You can see that the code example below compiles successfully.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nfn add2(x: *u32) void {\n const d: u32 = 2;\n x.* = x.* + d;\n}\n\npub fn main() !void {\n var x: u32 = 4;\n add2(&x);\n std.debug.print(\"Result: {d}\\n\", .{x});\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n```\nResult: 6\n```\n\n\n\n## Structs and OOP {#sec-structs-and-oop}\n\nZig is a language more closely related to C (which is a procedural language),\nthan it is to C++ or Java (which are object-oriented languages). Because of that, you do not\nhave advanced OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) patterns available in Zig, such as classes, interfaces or\nclass inheritance. Nonetheless, OOP in Zig is still possible by using struct definitions.\n\nWith struct definitions, you can create (or define) a new data type in Zig. These struct definitions work the same way as they work in C.\nYou give a name to this new struct (or, to this new data type you are creating), then, you list the data members of this new struct. You can\nalso register functions inside this struct, and they become the methods of this particular struct (or data type), so that, every object\nthat you create with this new type, will always have these methods available and associated with them.\n\nIn C++, when we create a new class, we normally have a constructor method (or, a constructor function) which\nis used to construct (or, to instantiate) every object of this particular class, and we also have\na destructor method (or a destructor function), which is the function responsible for destroying\nevery object of this class.\n\nIn Zig, we normally declare the constructor and the destructor methods\nof our structs, by declaring an `init()` and a `deinit()` methods inside the struct.\nThis is just a naming convention that you will find across the entire Zig Standard Library.\nSo, in Zig, the `init()` method of a struct is normally the constructor method of the class represented by this struct.\nWhile the `deinit()` method is the method used for destroying an existing instance of that struct.\n\nThe `init()` and `deinit()` methods are both used extensively in Zig code, and you will see both of\nthem being used when we talk about allocators in @sec-allocators.\nBut, as another example, let's build a simple `User` struct to represent an user of some sort of system.\n\nIf you look at the `User` struct below, you can see the `struct` keyword.\nNotice the data members of this struct, `id`, `name` and `email`. Every data member have its\ntype explicitly annotated, with the colon character (`:`) syntax that we described earlier in @sec-root-file.\nBut also notice that every line in the struct body that describes a data member, ends with a comma character (`,`).\nSo every time you declare a data member in your Zig code, always end the line with a comma character, instead\nof ending it with the traditional semicolon character (`;`).\n\nNext, we have registered an `init()` function as a method\nof this `User` struct. This `init()` method is the constructor method that we will use to instantiate\nevery new `User` object. That is why this `init()` function returns a new `User` object as result.\n\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nconst stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();\nconst User = struct {\n id: u64,\n name: []const u8,\n email: []const u8,\n\n pub fn init(id: u64,\n name: []const u8,\n email: []const u8) User {\n\n return User {\n .id = id,\n .name = name,\n .email = email\n };\n }\n\n pub fn print_name(self: User) !void {\n try stdout.print(\"{s}\\n\", .{self.name});\n }\n};\n\npub fn main() !void {\n const u = User.init(1, \"pedro\", \"email@gmail.com\");\n try u.print_name();\n}\n```\n\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\npedro\n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\nThe `pub` keyword plays an important role in struct declarations, and OOP in Zig.\nEvery method that you declare in your struct that is marked with the keyword `pub`,\nbecomes a public method of this particular struct.\n\nSo every method that you create inside your struct, is, at first, a private method\nof that struct. Meaning that, this method can only be called from within this\nstruct. But, if you mark this method as public, with the keyword `pub`, then,\nyou can call the method directly from an instance of the `User` struct.\n\nIn other words, the functions marked by the keyword `pub`\nare members of the public API of that struct.\nFor example, if I did not marked the `print_name()` method as public,\nthen, I could not execute the line `u.print_name()`. Because I would\nnot be authorized to call this method directly in my code.\n\n\n\n### Anonymous struct literals {#sec-anonymous-struct-literals}\n\nYou can declare a struct object as a literal value. When we do that, we normally specify the\ndata type of this struct literal by writing its data type just before the opening curly brace.\nFor example, I could write a struct literal value of the type `User` that we have defined\nin the previous section like this:\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst eu = User {\n .id = 1,\n .name = \"Pedro\",\n .email = \"someemail@gmail.com\"\n};\n_ = eu;\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\nHowever, in Zig, we can also write an anonymous struct literal. That is, you can write a\nstruct literal, but not specify explicitly the type of this particular struct.\nAn anonymous struct is written by using the syntax `.{}`. So, we essentially\nreplaced the explicit type of the struct literal with a dot character (`.`).\n\nAs we described in @sec-type-inference, when you put a dot before a struct literal,\nthe type of this struct literal is automatically inferred by the `zig` compiler.\nIn essence, the `zig` compiler will look for some hint of what is the type of that struct.\nThis hint can be the type annotation of a function argument,\nor the return type annotation of the function that you are using, or the type annotation\nof an existing object.\nIf the compiler does find such type annotation, it will use this\ntype in your literal struct.\n\nAnonymous structs are very common to be used as inputs to function arguments in Zig.\nOne example that you have seen already constantly, is the `print()`\nfunction from the `stdout` object.\nThis function takes two arguments.\nThe first argument, is a template string, which should\ncontain string format specifiers in it, which tells how the values provided\nin the second argument should be printed into the message.\n\nWhile the second argument is a struct literal that lists the values\nto be printed into the template message specified in the first argument.\nYou normally want to use an anonymous struct literal here, so that, the\n`zig` compiler do the job of specifying the type of this particular\nanonymous struct for you.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\npub fn main() !void {\n const stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();\n try stdout.print(\"Hello, {s}!\\n\", .{\"world\"});\n}\n```\n\n\n::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}\n\n```\nHello, world!\n```\n\n\n:::\n:::\n\n\n\n\n\n\n### Struct declarations must be constant\n\nTypes in Zig must be `const` or `comptime` (we are going to talk more about comptime in @sec-comptime).\nWhat this means is that you cannot create a new data type, and mark it as variable with the `var` keyword.\nSo struct declarations are always constant. You cannot declare a new struct type using the `var` keyword.\nIt must be `const`.\n\nIn the `Vec3` example below, this declaration is allowed because I'm using the `const` keyword\nto declare this new data type.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst Vec3 = struct {\n x: f64,\n y: f64,\n z: f64,\n};\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n\n### The `self` method argument {#sec-self-arg}\n\nIn every language that have OOP, when we declare a method of some class or struct, we\nusually declare this method as a function that has a `self` argument.\nThis `self` argument is the reference to the object itself from which the method\nis being called from.\n\nIt is not mandatory to use this `self` argument. But why would you not use this `self` argument?\nThere is no reason to not use it. Because the only way to get access to the data stored in the\ndata members of your struct is to access them through this `self` argument.\nIf you don't need to use the data in the data members of your struct inside your method, you very likely don't need\na method. You can just declare this logic as a simple function, outside of your\nstruct declaration.\n\n\nTake the `Vec3` struct below. Inside this `Vec3` struct we declared a method named `distance()`.\nThis method calculates the distance between two `Vec3` objects, by following the distance\nformula in euclidean space. Notice that this `distance()` method takes two `Vec3` objects\nas input, `self` and `other`.\n\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nconst m = std.math;\nconst Vec3 = struct {\n x: f64,\n y: f64,\n z: f64,\n\n pub fn distance(self: Vec3, other: Vec3) f64 {\n const xd = m.pow(f64, self.x - other.x, 2.0);\n const yd = m.pow(f64, self.y - other.y, 2.0);\n const zd = m.pow(f64, self.z - other.z, 2.0);\n return m.sqrt(xd + yd + zd);\n }\n};\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n\nThe `self` argument corresponds to the `Vec3` object from which this `distance()` method\nis being called from. While the `other` is a separate `Vec3` object that is given as input\nto this method. In the example below, the `self` argument corresponds to the object\n`v1`, because the `distance()` method is being called from the `v1` object,\nwhile the `other` argument corresponds to the object `v2`.\n\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst v1 = Vec3 {\n .x = 4.2, .y = 2.4, .z = 0.9\n};\nconst v2 = Vec3 {\n .x = 5.1, .y = 5.6, .z = 1.6\n};\n\nstd.debug.print(\n \"Distance: {d}\\n\",\n .{v1.distance(v2)}\n);\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n```\nDistance: 3.3970575502926055\n```\n\n\n\n### About the struct state\n\nSometimes you don't need to care about the state of your struct object. Sometimes, you just need\nto instantiate and use the objects, without altering their state. You can notice that when you have methods\ninside your struct declaration that might use the values that are present in the data members, but they\ndo not alter the values in these data members of the struct in anyway.\n\nThe `Vec3` struct that was presented in @sec-self-arg is an example of that.\nThis struct have a single method named `distance()`, and this method do use the values\npresent in all three data members of the struct (`x`, `y` and `z`). But at the same time,\nthis method do not change the values of these data members in any point.\n\nAs a result of that, when we create `Vec3` objects we usually create them as\nconstant objects, like the `v1` and `v2` objects presented in @sec-self-arg.\nWe can create them as variable objects with the `var` keyword,\nif we want to. But because the methods of this `Vec3` struct do not change\nthe state of the objects in any point, it's unnecessary to mark them\nas variable objects.\n\nBut why? Why am I talking about this here? It's because the `self` argument\nin the methods is affected depending on whether the\nmethods present in a struct change or don't change the state of the object itself.\nMore specifically, when you have a method in a struct that changes the state\nof the object (i.e. change the value of a data member), the `self` argument\nin this method must be annotated in a different manner.\n\nAs I described in @sec-self-arg, the `self` argument in methods of\na struct is the argument that receives as input the object from which the method\nwas called from. We usually annotate this argument in the methods by writing `self`,\nfollowed by the colon character (`:`), and the data type of the struct to which\nthe method belongs to (e.g. `User`, `Vec3`, etc.).\n\nIf we take the `Vec3` struct that we defined in the previous section as an example,\nwe can see in the `distance()` method that this `self` argument is annotated as\n`self: Vec3`. Because the state of the `Vec3` object is never altered by this\nmethod.\n\nBut what if we do have a method that alters the state of the object, by altering the\nvalues of its data members, how should we annotate `self` in this instance? The answer is:\n\"we should annotate `self` as a pointer of `x`, instead of just `x`\".\nIn other words, you should annotate `self` as `self: *x`, instead of annotating it\nas `self: x`.\n\nIf we create a new method inside the `Vec3` object that, for example, expands the\nvector by multiplying its coordinates by a factor of two, then, we need to follow\nthis rule specified in the previous paragraph. The code example below demonstrates\nthis idea:\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nconst m = std.math;\nconst Vec3 = struct {\n x: f64,\n y: f64,\n z: f64,\n\n pub fn distance(self: Vec3, other: Vec3) f64 {\n const xd = m.pow(f64, self.x - other.x, 2.0);\n const yd = m.pow(f64, self.y - other.y, 2.0);\n const zd = m.pow(f64, self.z - other.z, 2.0);\n return m.sqrt(xd + yd + zd);\n }\n\n pub fn double(self: *Vec3) void {\n self.x = self.x * 2.0;\n self.y = self.y * 2.0;\n self.z = self.z * 2.0;\n }\n};\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\nNotice in the code example above that we have added a new method\nto our `Vec3` struct named `double()`. This method doubles the\ncoordinate values of our vector object. In the\ncase of the `double()` method, we annotated the `self` argument as `*Vec3`,\nindicating that this argument receives a pointer (or a reference, if you prefer to call it this way)\nto a `Vec3` object as input.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nvar v3 = Vec3 {\n .x = 4.2, .y = 2.4, .z = 0.9\n};\nv3.double();\nstd.debug.print(\"Doubled: {d}\\n\", .{v3.x});\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n```\nDoubled: 8.4\n```\n\n\n\nNow, if you change the `self` argument in this `double()` method to `self: Vec3`, like in the\n`distance()` method, you will get the compiler error exposed below as result. Notice that this\nerror message is showing a line from the `double()` method body,\nindicating that you cannot alter the value of the `x` data member.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\n// If we change the function signature of double to:\n pub fn double(self: Vec3) void {\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n```\nt.zig:16:13: error: cannot assign to constant\n self.x = self.x * 2.0;\n ~~~~^~\n```\n\nThis error message indicates that the `x` data member belongs to a constant object,\nand, because of that, it cannot be changed. Ultimately, this error message\nis telling us that the `self` argument is constant.\n\nIf you take some time, and think hard about this error message, you will understand it.\nYou already have the tools to understand why we are getting this error message.\nWe have talked about it already in @sec-fun-pars.\nSo remember, every function argument is immutable in Zig, and `self`\nis no exception to this rule.\n\nIn this example, we marked the `v3` object as a variable object.\nBut this does not matter. Because it is not about the input object, it is about\nthe function argument.\n\nThe problem begins when we try to alter the value of `self` directly, which is a function argument,\nand, every function argument is immutable by default. You may ask yourself how can we overcome\nthis barrier, and once again, the solution was also discussed in @sec-fun-pars.\nWe overcome this barrier, by explicitly marking the `self` argument as a pointer.\n\n\n::: {.callout-note}\nIf a method of your `x` struct alters the state of the object, by\nchanging the value of any data member, then, remember to use `self: *x`,\ninstead of `self: x` in the function signature of this method.\n:::\n\n\nYou could also interpret the content discussed in this section as:\n\"if you need to alter the state of your `x` struct object in one of its methods,\nyou must explicitly pass the `x` struct object by reference to the `self` argument of this method\".\n\n\n\n## Type inference {#sec-type-inference}\n\nZig is a strongly typed language. But, there are some situations\nwhere you don't have to explicitly write the type of every single object in your source code,\nas you would expect from a traditional strongly typed language, such as C and C++.\n\nIn some situations, the `zig` compiler can use type inference to solves the data types for you, easing some of\nthe burden that you carry as a developer.\nThe most common way this happens is through function arguments that receives struct objects\nas input.\n\nIn general, type inference in Zig is done by using the dot character (`.`).\nEverytime you see a dot character written before a struct literal, or before an enum value, or something like that,\nyou know that this dot character is playing a special party in this place. More specifically, it is\ntelling the `zig` compiler something along the lines of: \"Hey! Can you infer the type of this\nvalue for me? Please!\". In other words, this dot character is playing a similar role as the `auto` keyword in C++.\n\nI gave you some examples of this in @sec-anonymous-struct-literals, where we used anonymous struct literals.\nAnonymous struct literals are, struct literals that use type inference to\ninfer the exact type of this particular struct literal.\nThis type inference is done by looking for some minimal hint of the correct data type to be used.\nYou could say that the `zig` compiler looks for any neighbouring type annotation that might tell him\nwhat would be the correct type.\n\nAnother common place where we use type inference in Zig is at switch statements (which we talked about in @sec-switch).\nI also gave some other examples of type inference in @sec-switch, where we were inferring the data types of enum values listed inside\nof switch statements (e.g. `.DE`).\nBut as another example, take a look at this `fence()` function reproduced below,\nwhich comes from the [`atomic.zig` module](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/blob/master/lib/std/atomic.zig)[^fence-fn]\nof the Zig Standard Library.\n\n[^fence-fn]: .\n\nThere are a lot of things in this function that we haven't talked about yet, such as:\nwhat `comptime` means? `inline`? `extern`?\nLet's just ignore all of these things, and focus solely on the switch statement\nthat is inside this function.\n\nWe can see that this switch statement uses the `order` object as input. This `order`\nobject is one of the inputs of this `fence()` function, and we can see in the type annotation,\nthat this object is of type `AtomicOrder`. We can also see a bunch of values inside the\nswitch statements that begin with a dot character, such as `.release` and `.acquire`.\n\nBecause these weird values contain a dot character before them, we are asking the `zig`\ncompiler to infer the types of these values inside the switch statement. Then, the `zig`\ncompiler is looking into the current context where these values are being used, and it is\ntrying to infer the types of these values.\n\nSince they are being used inside a switch statement, the `zig` compiler looks into the type\nof the input object given to the switch statement, which is the `order` object in this case.\nBecause this object have type `AtomicOrder`, the `zig` compiler infers that these values\nare data members from this type `AtomicOrder`.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\npub inline fn fence(self: *Self, comptime order: AtomicOrder) void {\n // many lines of code ...\n if (builtin.sanitize_thread) {\n const tsan = struct {\n extern \"c\" fn __tsan_acquire(addr: *anyopaque) void;\n extern \"c\" fn __tsan_release(addr: *anyopaque) void;\n };\n\n const addr: *anyopaque = self;\n return switch (order) {\n .unordered, .monotonic => @compileError(\n @tagName(order)\n ++ \" only applies to atomic loads and stores\"\n ),\n .acquire => tsan.__tsan_acquire(addr),\n .release => tsan.__tsan_release(addr),\n .acq_rel, .seq_cst => {\n tsan.__tsan_acquire(addr);\n tsan.__tsan_release(addr);\n },\n };\n }\n\n return @fence(order);\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\nThis is how basic type inference is done in Zig. If we didn't use the dot character before\nthe values inside this switch statement, then, we would be forced to write explicitly\nthe data types of these values. For example, instead of writing `.release` we would have to\nwrite `AtomicOrder.release`. We would have to do this for every single value\nin this switch statement, and this is a lot of work. That is why type inference\nis commonly used on switch statements in Zig.\n\n\n\n## Type casting {#sec-type-cast}\n\nIn this section, I want to discuss type casting (or, type conversion) with you.\nWe use type casting when we have an object of type \"x\", and we want to convert\nit into an object of type \"y\", i.e. we want to change the data type of the object.\n\nMost languages have a formal way to perform type casting. In Rust for example, we normally\nuse the keyword `as`, and in C, we normally use the type casting syntax, e.g. `(int) x`.\nIn Zig, we use the `@as()` built-in function to cast an object of type \"x\", into\nan object of type \"y\".\n\nThis `@as()` function is the preferred way to perform type conversion (or type casting)\nin Zig. Because it is explicit, and, it also performs the casting only if it\nis unambiguous and safe. To use this function, you just provide the target data type\nin the first argument, and, the object that you want cast at the second argument.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nconst expect = std.testing.expect;\ntest {\n const x: usize = 500;\n const y = @as(u32, x);\n try expect(@TypeOf(y) == u32);\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\nThis is the general way to perform type casting in Zig. But remember, `@as()` works only when casting\nis unambiguous and safe, and there are situations where these assumptions do not hold. For example,\nwhen casting an integer value into a float value, or vice-versa, it is not clear to the compiler\nhow to perform this conversion safely.\n\nTherefore, we need to use specialized \"casting functions\" in such situations.\nFor example, if you want to cast an integer value into a float value, then, you\nshould use the `@floatFromInt()` function. In the inverse scenario, you should use\nthe `@intFromFloat()` function.\n\nIn these functions, you just provide the object that you want to\ncast as input. Then, the target data type of the \"type casting operation\" is determined by\nthe type annotation of the object where you are saving the results.\nIn the example below, we are casting the object `x` into a value of type `f32`,\nbecause the object `y`, which is where we are saving the results, is annotated\nas an object of type `f32`.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nconst expect = std.testing.expect;\ntest {\n const x: usize = 565;\n const y: f32 = @floatFromInt(x);\n try expect(@TypeOf(y) == f32);\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\nAnother built-in function that is very useful when performing type casting operations is `@ptrCast()`.\nIn essence, we use the `@as()` built-in function when we want to explicit convert (or cast) a Zig value/object\nfrom a type \"x\" to a type \"y\", etc. However, pointers (we are going to discuss pointers\nin more depth in @sec-pointer) are a special type of object in Zig,\ni.e. they are treated differently from \"normal objects\".\n\nEverytime a pointer is involved in some \"type casting operation\" in Zig, the `@ptrCast()` function is used.\nThis function works similarly to `@floatFromInt()`.\nYou just provide the pointer object that you want to cast as input to this function, and the\ntarget data type is, once again, determined by the type annotation of the object where the results are being\nstored.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nconst expect = std.testing.expect;\ntest {\n const bytes align(@alignOf(u32)) = [_]u8{\n 0x12, 0x12, 0x12, 0x12\n };\n const u32_ptr: *const u32 = @ptrCast(&bytes);\n try expect(@TypeOf(u32_ptr) == *const u32);\n}\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n## Modules\n\nWe already talked about what modules are, and also, how to import other modules into\nyour current module via *import statements*. Every Zig module (i.e. a `.zig` file) that you write in your project\nis internally stored as a struct object. Take the line exposed below as an example. In this line we are importing the\nZig Standard Library into our current module.\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\n```\n:::\n\n\n\n\nWhen we want to access the functions and objects from the standard library, we\nare basically accessing the data members of the struct stored in the `std`\nobject. That is why we use the same syntax that we use in normal structs, with the dot operator (`.`)\nto access the data members and methods of the struct.\n\nWhen this \"import statement\" get's executed, the result of this expression is a struct\nobject that contains the Zig Standard Library modules, global variables, functions, etc.\nAnd this struct object get's saved (or stored) inside the constant object named `std`.\n\n\nTake the [`thread_pool.zig` module from the project `zap`](https://github.com/kprotty/zap/blob/blog/src/thread_pool.zig)[^thread]\nas an example. This module is written as if it was\na big struct. That is why we have a top-level and public `init()` method\nwritten in this module. The idea is that all top-level functions written in this\nmodule are methods from the struct, and all top-level objects and struct declarations\nare data members of this struct. The module is the struct itself.\n\n[^thread]: \n\n\nSo you would import and use this module by doing something like this:\n\n\n\n\n::: {.cell}\n\n```{.zig .cell-code}\nconst std = @import(\"std\");\nconst ThreadPool = @import(\"thread_pool.zig\");\nconst num_cpus = std.Thread.getCpuCount()\n catch @panic(\"failed to get cpu core count\");\nconst num_threads = std.math.cast(u16, num_cpus)\n catch std.math.maxInt(u16);\nconst pool = ThreadPool.init(\n .{ .max_threads = num_threads }\n);\n```\n:::\n",
"supporting": [
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In Zig, we normally declare the constructor and the destructor methods of our structs, by declaring an init() and a deinit() methods inside the struct. This is just a naming convention that you will find across the entire Zig Standard Library. So, in Zig, the init() method of a struct is normally the constructor method of the class represented by this struct. While the deinit() method is the method used for destroying an existing instance of that struct.
The init() and deinit() methods are both used extensively in Zig code, and you will see both of them being used when we talk about allocators in Section 3.2. But, as another example, let’s build a simple User struct to represent an user of some sort of system.
If you look at the User struct below, you can see the struct keyword. Notice the data members of this struct, id, name and email. Every data member have its type explicitly annotated, with the colon character (:) syntax that we described earlier in Section 1.2.2. But also notice that every line in the struct body that describes a data member, ends with a comma character (,). So every time you declare a data member in your Zig code, always end the line with a comma character, instead of ending it with the traditional semicolon character (;).
Next, also notice in this example, that we have registrated an init() function as a method of this User struct. This init() method is the constructor method that we will use to instantiate every new User object. That is why this init() function returns a new User object as result.
Next, we have registered an init() function as a method of this User struct. This init() method is the constructor method that we will use to instantiate every new User object. That is why this init() function returns a new User object as result.
However, in Zig, we can also write an anonymous struct literal. That is, you can write a struct literal, but not specify explicitly the type of this particular struct. An anonymous struct is written by using the syntax .{}. So, we essentially replaced the explicit type of the struct literal with a dot character (.).
As we described in Section 2.4, when you put a dot before a struct literal, the type of this struct literal is automatically inferred by the zig compiler. In essence, the zig compiler will look for some hint of what is the type of that struct. This hint can be the type annotation of a function argument, or the return type annotation of the function that you are using, or the type annotation of an existing object. If the compiler do find such type annotation, then, it will use this type in your literal struct.
As we described in Section 2.4, when you put a dot before a struct literal, the type of this struct literal is automatically inferred by the zig compiler. In essence, the zig compiler will look for some hint of what is the type of that struct. This hint can be the type annotation of a function argument, or the return type annotation of the function that you are using, or the type annotation of an existing object. If the compiler does find such type annotation, it will use this type in your literal struct.
Anonymous structs are very common to be used as inputs to function arguments in Zig. One example that you have seen already constantly, is the print() function from the stdout object. This function takes two arguments. The first argument, is a template string, which should contain string format specifiers in it, which tells how the values provided in the second argument should be printed into the message.
While the second argument is a struct literal that lists the values to be printed into the template message specified in the first argument. You normally want to use an anonymous struct literal here, so that, the zig compiler do the job of specifying the type of this particular anonymous struct for you.
@@ -752,8 +752,8 @@
2.3.3 The self method argument
In every language that have OOP, when we declare a method of some class or struct, we usually declare this method as a function that have a self argument. This self argument is the reference to the object itself from which the method is being called from.
It is not mandatory to use this self argument. But why would you not use this self argument? There is no reason to not use it. Because the only way to get access to the data stored in the data members of your struct is to access them through this self argument. If you don’t need to use the data in the data members of your struct inside your method, then, you very likely don’t need a method. You can just declare this logic as a simple function, outside of your struct declaration.
In every language that have OOP, when we declare a method of some class or struct, we usually declare this method as a function that has a self argument. This self argument is the reference to the object itself from which the method is being called from.
It is not mandatory to use this self argument. But why would you not use this self argument? There is no reason to not use it. Because the only way to get access to the data stored in the data members of your struct is to access them through this self argument. If you don’t need to use the data in the data members of your struct inside your method, you very likely don’t need a method. You can just declare this logic as a simple function, outside of your struct declaration.
Take the Vec3 struct below. Inside this Vec3 struct we declared a method named distance(). This method calculates the distance between two Vec3 objects, by following the distance formula in euclidean space. Notice that this distance() method takes two Vec3 objects as input, self and other.
const std = @import("std");
@@ -791,8 +791,8 @@
2.3.4 About the struct state
Sometimes you don’t need to care about the state of your struct object. Sometimes, you just need to instantiate and use the objects, without altering their state. You can notice that when you have methods inside your struct declaration that might use the values that are present in the data members, but they do not alter the values in these data members of the struct in anyway.
The Vec3 struct that was presented in Section 2.3.3 is an example of that. This struct have a single method named distance(), and this method do use the values present in all three data members of the struct (x, y and z). But at the same time, this method do not change the values of these data members in any point.
As a result of that, when we create Vec3 objects we usually create them as constant objects, like the v1 and v2 objects presented in Section 2.3.3. We can create them as variable objects with the var keyword, if we want to. But because the methods of this Vec3 struct do not change the state of the objects in any point, is unnecessary to mark them as variable objects.
But why? Why am I talkin about this here? Is because the self argument in the methods is affected depending on whether the methods present in a struct change or not the state of the object itself. More specifically, when you have a method in a struct that changes the state of the object (i.e. change the value of a data member), the self argument in this method must be annotated in a different manner.
As a result of that, when we create Vec3 objects we usually create them as constant objects, like the v1 and v2 objects presented in Section 2.3.3. We can create them as variable objects with the var keyword, if we want to. But because the methods of this Vec3 struct do not change the state of the objects in any point, it’s unnecessary to mark them as variable objects.
But why? Why am I talking about this here? It’s because the self argument in the methods is affected depending on whether the methods present in a struct change or don’t change the state of the object itself. More specifically, when you have a method in a struct that changes the state of the object (i.e. change the value of a data member), the self argument in this method must be annotated in a different manner.
As I described in Section 2.3.3, the self argument in methods of a struct is the argument that receives as input the object from which the method was called from. We usually annotate this argument in the methods by writing self, followed by the colon character (:), and the data type of the struct to which the method belongs to (e.g. User, Vec3, etc.).
If we take the Vec3 struct that we defined in the previous section as an example, we can see in the distance() method that this self argument is annotated as self: Vec3. Because the state of the Vec3 object is never altered by this method.
But what if we do have a method that alters the state of the object, by altering the values of its data members, how should we annotate self in this instance? The answer is: “we should annotate self as a pointer of x, instead of just x”. In other words, you should annotate self as self: *x, instead of annotating it as self: x.
@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@
Notice in the code example above that we have added a new method to our Vec3 struct named double(). This method essentially doubles the coordinate values of our vector object. Also notice that, in the case of the double() method, we annotated the self argument as *Vec3, indicating that this argument receives a pointer (or a reference, if you prefer to call it this way) to a Vec3 object as input.
Notice in the code example above that we have added a new method to our Vec3 struct named double(). This method doubles the coordinate values of our vector object. In the case of the double() method, we annotated the self argument as *Vec3, indicating that this argument receives a pointer (or a reference, if you prefer to call it this way) to a Vec3 object as input.
Now, if you change the self argument in this double() method to self: Vec3, like in the distance() method, you will get the compiler error exposed below as result. Notice that this error message is indicating a line from the double() method body, indicating that you cannot alter the value of the x data member.
Now, if you change the self argument in this double() method to self: Vec3, like in the distance() method, you will get the compiler error exposed below as result. Notice that this error message is showing a line from the double() method body, indicating that you cannot alter the value of the x data member.
// If we change the function signature of double to:pubfn double(self: Vec3) void{
@@ -837,9 +837,9 @@
This error message indicates that the x data member belongs to a constant object, and, because of that, it cannot be changed. Ultimately, this error message is telling us that the self argument is constant.
If you take some time, and think hard about this error message, you will understand it. You already have the tools to understand why we are getting this error message. We have talked about it already in Section 2.2. So remember, every function argument is immutable in Zig, and self is included in this rule.
It does not matter if the object that you pass as input to the function argument is a variable object or not. In this example, we marked the v3 object as a variable object. But this does not matter. Because it is not about the input object, it is about the function argument.
The problem begins when we try to alter the value of self directly, which is a function argument, and, every function argument is immutable by default. You may quest yourself how can we overcome this barrier, and once again, the solution was also discussed in Section 2.2. We overcome this barrier, by explicitly marking the self argument as a pointer.
If you take some time, and think hard about this error message, you will understand it. You already have the tools to understand why we are getting this error message. We have talked about it already in Section 2.2. So remember, every function argument is immutable in Zig, and self is no exception to this rule.
In this example, we marked the v3 object as a variable object. But this does not matter. Because it is not about the input object, it is about the function argument.
The problem begins when we try to alter the value of self directly, which is a function argument, and, every function argument is immutable by default. You may ask yourself how can we overcome this barrier, and once again, the solution was also discussed in Section 2.2. We overcome this barrier, by explicitly marking the self argument as a pointer.
@@ -860,11 +860,11 @@
2.4 Type inference
Zig is a strongly typed language. But, there are some situations where you don’t have to explicitly write the type of every single object in your source code, as you would expect from a traditional strongly typed language, such as C and C++.
In some situations, the zig compiler can use type inference to solves the data types for you, easing some of the burden that you carry as a developer. The most common way this happens is through function arguments that receives struct objects as input.
In general, type inference in Zig is done by using the dot character (.). Everytime you see a dot character written before a struct literal, or before an enum value, or something like that, you know that this dot character is playing a special party in this place. More specifically, it is telling the zig compiler something on the lines of: “Hey! Can you infer the type of this value for me? Please!”. In other words, this dot character is playing a role similar to the auto keyword in C++.
I give you some examples of this in Section 2.3.1, where we present anonymous struct literals. Anonymous struct literals are, essentially, struct literals that use type inference to infer the exact type of this particular struct literal. This type inference is done by looking for some minimal hint of the correct data type to be used. You could say that the zig compiler looks for any neighbouring type annotation that might tell him what would be the correct type.
Another common place where we use type inference in Zig is at switch statements (which we talk about in Section 2.1.2). I also gave some other examples of type inference in Section 2.1.2, where we were inferring the data types of enum values listed inside of switch statements (e.g. .DE). But as another example, take a look at this fence() function reproduced below, which comes from the atomic.zig module2 of the Zig Standard Library.
There are a lot of things in this function that we haven’t talked about yet, such as: what comptime means? inline? extern? What is this star symbol before Self? Let’s just ignore all of these things, and focus solely on the switch statement that is inside this function.
We can see that this switch statement uses the order object as input. This order object is one of the inputs of this fence() function, and we can see in the type annotation, that this object is of type AtomicOrder. We can also see a bunch of values inside the switch statements that begins with a dot character, such as .release and .acquire.
In general, type inference in Zig is done by using the dot character (.). Everytime you see a dot character written before a struct literal, or before an enum value, or something like that, you know that this dot character is playing a special party in this place. More specifically, it is telling the zig compiler something along the lines of: “Hey! Can you infer the type of this value for me? Please!”. In other words, this dot character is playing a similar role as the auto keyword in C++.
I gave you some examples of this in Section 2.3.1, where we used anonymous struct literals. Anonymous struct literals are, struct literals that use type inference to infer the exact type of this particular struct literal. This type inference is done by looking for some minimal hint of the correct data type to be used. You could say that the zig compiler looks for any neighbouring type annotation that might tell him what would be the correct type.
Another common place where we use type inference in Zig is at switch statements (which we talked about in Section 2.1.2). I also gave some other examples of type inference in Section 2.1.2, where we were inferring the data types of enum values listed inside of switch statements (e.g. .DE). But as another example, take a look at this fence() function reproduced below, which comes from the atomic.zig module2 of the Zig Standard Library.
There are a lot of things in this function that we haven’t talked about yet, such as: what comptime means? inline? extern? Let’s just ignore all of these things, and focus solely on the switch statement that is inside this function.
We can see that this switch statement uses the order object as input. This order object is one of the inputs of this fence() function, and we can see in the type annotation, that this object is of type AtomicOrder. We can also see a bunch of values inside the switch statements that begin with a dot character, such as .release and .acquire.
Because these weird values contain a dot character before them, we are asking the zig compiler to infer the types of these values inside the switch statement. Then, the zig compiler is looking into the current context where these values are being used, and it is trying to infer the types of these values.
Since they are being used inside a switch statement, the zig compiler looks into the type of the input object given to the switch statement, which is the order object in this case. Because this object have type AtomicOrder, the zig compiler infers that these values are data members from this type AtomicOrder.