This document applies only to External Contractors.
Definitions for terms used in this folder:
"DSVA" refers to DSVA team members and DSVA detailees.
"Internal contractors" refers to DSVA's primary vendor contractor and its subcontractors.
"External contractors" refers to any other contractor team working on the Veteran-facing Services Platform.
- All applications on the Veteran-facing Services Platform include a phone number Veterans can call to ask questions about the application's functionality.
- Before applications (or new features) launch on the Veteran-facing Services Platform, all teams must send a Product Guide and Product Video to the Contact Center to ensure that Contact Center Representatives are prepared to answer questions about the functionality.
- External Contractor teams should initiate the Contact Center Review when
- The complete and final build is on staging and you're confident it's ready to launch,
- After they've completed the Prepare for Contact Center Review steps, and
- At least 2 weeks prior to the launch date.
- If your team thinks it will have trouble meeting the "2 weeks prior to launch" date, reach out to your DSVA Contact to determine how to move forward.
If you're building a brand new service:
- Create a Product Guide that covers all the functionality, the main user flow(s), any error conditions, and how the user can resolve those errors.
- The Product Guide must be a Word document or a PDF.
- Create a new folder in your team's Product folder called
Contact Center.
Store the Product Guide there.
If you're building new features for an existing service:
- You'll need to update the existing Product Guide.
- If you can't find the existing Product Guide on Github, ask your DSVA Contact to find it for you.
- Store the updated Product Guide in its original location.
For new services and updates to existing services:
- Create a Product Video (with audio) that steps through the primary user flows.
- Review your Product Video with your DSVA Contact to make sure you've covered everything.
- Create a transcript of the audio from the Product Video. The transcript must be a Word document or a PDF.
- Request that your Product Video be added to the official VA YouTube channel.
- Your Product Video will be unlisted but visible to people with the URL.
- Follow the instructions here to request the Product Video be added to the official VA YouTube channel.
- Once you receive the email saying your video has been added, continue to Request Contact Center Review.
File an issue in
vets-team repo
.- Title:
Request Contact Center Review
- Labels:
call center
[your team's Github label]
, e.g., "BAH-526"
- Assign the issue to:
[your DSVA contact]
- Comment: Include the following information.
- Context: Provide a high-level description of the functionality for which you're requesting this review, for example:
Functionality adds a new dataset to the Facility Locator so users can search for and view non-VA health providers on the map, as well as in list and detail views.
- URL:
link to your project on staging
- Product Guide:
link to the Product Guide on Github
- Product Video:
link to the Product Video on VA YouTube channel
- Product Video Transcript:
link to the Product Video Transcript on Github
- Context: Provide a high-level description of the functionality for which you're requesting this review, for example:
- Title:
Within 3 business days, DSVA will send your Product Guide, Product Video, and Product Video Transcript to the Contact Center.
- If you don't hear anything after 3 business days, reach out to your DSVA Contact.
After sending your team's materials to the Contact Center, DSVA will close the Github issue.
- Github will send the person who created the Github issue a notification. This is your team's signal that this pre-launch activity is complete.