diff --git a/core_lib/src/graphics/bitmap/bitmapbucket.cpp b/core_lib/src/graphics/bitmap/bitmapbucket.cpp
index 60e506dda..3e062020b 100644
--- a/core_lib/src/graphics/bitmap/bitmapbucket.cpp
+++ b/core_lib/src/graphics/bitmap/bitmapbucket.cpp
@@ -113,12 +113,18 @@ bool BitmapBucket::allowContinuousFill(const QPoint& checkPoint, const QRgb& che
 void BitmapBucket::paint(const QPointF& updatedPoint, std::function<void(BucketState, int, int)> state)
-    const QPoint& point = QPoint(qFloor(updatedPoint.x()), qFloor(updatedPoint.y()));
     const int currentFrameIndex = mEditor->currentFrame();
-    BitmapImage* targetImage = static_cast<LayerBitmap*>(mTargetFillToLayer)->getLastBitmapImageAtFrame(mEditor->currentFrame(), 0);
+    BitmapImage* targetImage = static_cast<LayerBitmap*>(mTargetFillToLayer)->getLastBitmapImageAtFrame(currentFrameIndex, 0);
     if (targetImage == nullptr || !targetImage->isLoaded()) { return; } // Can happen if the first frame is deleted while drawing
+    QPoint point = QPoint(qFloor(updatedPoint.x()), qFloor(updatedPoint.y()));
+    if (!mReferenceImage.contains(point))
+    {
+        // If point is outside the our max known fill area, move the fill point anywhere within the bounds
+        point = mReferenceImage.topLeft();
+    }
     const QRgb& targetPixelColor = targetImage->constScanLine(point.x(), point.y());
     if (!allowFill(point, targetPixelColor)) {
diff --git a/core_lib/src/graphics/bitmap/bitmapimage.cpp b/core_lib/src/graphics/bitmap/bitmapimage.cpp
index e2be3641e..6ec5b019f 100644
--- a/core_lib/src/graphics/bitmap/bitmapimage.cpp
+++ b/core_lib/src/graphics/bitmap/bitmapimage.cpp
@@ -799,40 +799,18 @@ bool BitmapImage::floodFill(BitmapImage** replaceImage,
                             const int expandValue)
     // Fill region must be 1 pixel larger than the target image to fill regions on the edge connected only by transparent pixels
-    const QRect& fillBounds = targetImage->mBounds;
+    const QRect& fillBounds = targetImage->mBounds.adjusted(-1, -1, 1, 1);
     QRect maxBounds = cameraRect.united(fillBounds).adjusted(-expandValue, -expandValue, expandValue, expandValue);
     const int maxWidth = maxBounds.width(), left = maxBounds.left(), top = maxBounds.top();
-    // If the point we are supposed to fill is outside the max bounds, do nothing
-    if(!maxBounds.contains(point))
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
     // Square tolerance for use with compareColor
     tolerance = static_cast<int>(qPow(tolerance, 2));
     QRect newBounds;
-    bool shouldFillBorder = false;
-    bool *filledPixels = floodFillPoints(targetImage, fillBounds, maxBounds, point, tolerance, newBounds, shouldFillBorder);
+    bool *filledPixels = floodFillPoints(targetImage, maxBounds, point, tolerance, newBounds);
     QRect translatedSearchBounds = newBounds.translated(-maxBounds.topLeft());
-    if (shouldFillBorder)
-    {
-        for (int y = 0; y < maxBounds.height(); y++)
-        {
-            for (int x = 0; x < maxBounds.width(); x++)
-            {
-                if(!translatedSearchBounds.contains(x, y))
-                {
-                    filledPixels[y*maxWidth+x] = true;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        newBounds = maxBounds;
-    }
     // The scanned bounds should take the expansion into account
     const QRect& expandRect = newBounds.adjusted(-expandValue, -expandValue, expandValue, expandValue);
     if (expandValue > 0) {
@@ -871,17 +849,13 @@ bool BitmapImage::floodFill(BitmapImage** replaceImage,
 // Flood filling based on this scanline algorithm
 // ----- http://lodev.org/cgtutor/floodfill.html
 bool* BitmapImage::floodFillPoints(const BitmapImage* targetImage,
-                                   QRect searchBounds,
-                                   const QRect& maxBounds,
+                                   const QRect& searchBounds,
                                    QPoint point,
                                    const int tolerance,
-                                   QRect& newBounds,
-                                   bool& fillBorder)
+                                   QRect& newBounds)
     QRgb oldColor = targetImage->constScanLine(point.x(), point.y());
     oldColor = qRgba(qRed(oldColor), qGreen(oldColor), qBlue(oldColor), qAlpha(oldColor));
-    QRect borderBounds = searchBounds.intersected(maxBounds);
-    searchBounds = searchBounds.adjusted(-1, -1, 1, 1).intersected(maxBounds);
     // Preparations
     QList<QPoint> queue; // queue all the pixels of the filled area (as they are found)
@@ -893,19 +867,10 @@ bool* BitmapImage::floodFillPoints(const BitmapImage* targetImage,
     bool spanLeft = false;
     bool spanRight = false;
-    if (!searchBounds.contains(point))
-    {
-        // If point is outside the search area, move it anywhere in the 1px transparent border
-        point = searchBounds.topLeft();
-    }
     // Preparations END
-    bool *filledPixels = new bool[maxBounds.height()*maxBounds.width()]{};
-    // True if the algorithm has attempted to fill a pixel outside the search bounds
-    bool checkOutside = false;
+    bool *filledPixels = new bool[searchBounds.height()*searchBounds.width()]{};
     BlitRect blitBounds(point);
     while (!queue.empty())
@@ -917,15 +882,10 @@ bool* BitmapImage::floodFillPoints(const BitmapImage* targetImage,
         xTemp = point.x();
-        int xCoord = xTemp - maxBounds.left();
-        int yCoord = point.y() - maxBounds.top();
+        int xCoord = xTemp - searchBounds.left();
+        int yCoord = point.y() - searchBounds.top();
-        // In case we fill outside the searchBounds, expand the search area to the max.
-        if (!borderBounds.contains(point)) {
-            checkOutside = true;
-        }
-        if (filledPixels[yCoord*maxBounds.width()+xCoord]) continue;
+        if (filledPixels[yCoord*searchBounds.width()+xCoord]) continue;
         while (xTemp >= searchBounds.left() &&
                compareColor(targetImage->constScanLine(xTemp, point.y()), oldColor, tolerance, cache.data())) xTemp--;
@@ -941,9 +901,9 @@ bool* BitmapImage::floodFillPoints(const BitmapImage* targetImage,
-            xCoord = xTemp - maxBounds.left();
+            xCoord = xTemp - searchBounds.left();
             // This pixel is what we're going to fill later
-            filledPixels[yCoord*maxBounds.width()+xCoord] = true;
+            filledPixels[yCoord*searchBounds.width()+xCoord] = true;
             if (!spanLeft && (point.y() > searchBounds.top()) &&
                 compareColor(targetImage->constScanLine(xTemp, point.y() - 1), oldColor, tolerance, cache.data())) {
@@ -965,13 +925,11 @@ bool* BitmapImage::floodFillPoints(const BitmapImage* targetImage,
                 spanRight = false;
-            Q_ASSERT(queue.count() < (maxBounds.width() * maxBounds.height()));
+            Q_ASSERT(queue.count() < (searchBounds.width() * searchBounds.height()));
-    fillBorder = checkOutside && compareColor(qRgba(0,0,0,0), oldColor, tolerance, cache.data());
     newBounds = blitBounds;
     return filledPixels;
diff --git a/core_lib/src/graphics/bitmap/bitmapimage.h b/core_lib/src/graphics/bitmap/bitmapimage.h
index ead411bfb..f1ac37375 100644
--- a/core_lib/src/graphics/bitmap/bitmapimage.h
+++ b/core_lib/src/graphics/bitmap/bitmapimage.h
@@ -80,11 +80,10 @@ class BitmapImage : public KeyFrame
     static bool floodFill(BitmapImage** replaceImage, const BitmapImage* targetImage, const QRect& cameraRect, const QPoint& point, const QRgb& fillColor, int tolerance, const int expandValue);
     static bool* floodFillPoints(const BitmapImage* targetImage,
-                                QRect searchBounds, const QRect& maxBounds,
+                                const QRect& searchBounds,
                                 QPoint point,
                                 const int tolerance,
-                                QRect& newBounds,
-                                 bool &fillBorder);
+                                QRect& newBounds);
     static void expandFill(bool* fillPixels, const QRect& searchBounds, const QRect& maxBounds, int expand);
     void drawLine(QPointF P1, QPointF P2, QPen pen, QPainter::CompositionMode cm, bool antialiasing);
diff --git a/tests/src/test_bitmapbucket.cpp b/tests/src/test_bitmapbucket.cpp
index cf27e52c1..fccc455d6 100644
--- a/tests/src/test_bitmapbucket.cpp
+++ b/tests/src/test_bitmapbucket.cpp
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ void dragAndFill(QPointF movePoint, Editor* editor, QColor color, QRect bounds,
     QPointF movingPoint = movePoint;
     int fillCount = 0;
-    while (moveX < 40) {
+    while (moveX < bounds.width()) {