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Streaming Pipeline

A Kubernetes based data minimization streaming pipeline with the following components:

  • Confluent Platform
  • Elasticsearch & Kibana
  • Grafana & Prometheus
  • Data Minimization SPI worker

Setup Data Minimization Pipeline

Deploy the complete data minimization pipeline with the SPI worker, a Confluent Kafka stack, Elasticsearch, Kibana for visualizations and Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring:

$ helm repo add dm-helm-charts
$ helm install dm-pipeline dm-helm-charts/data-minimization-pipeline -f pipeline/spi/fitness-data-minimization-tasks.yml -f pipeline/kibana/visualizations.yml


  • fitness-data-minimization-tasks.yml is the SPI worker config containing all data minimization tasks (refer to the minimizer repo for more task configuration options)
  • visualizations.yml is a Kibana config importing pre-defined fitness data visualizations and dashboads

In case you would like to name the pipeline differently, keep in mind that release name specific entries of the default values.yaml have to be updated.

Test Pipeline

Producer -> Broker -> Connector Sink -> Elasticsearch -> Kibana

Scripted E2E & Load Testing

  • run ./pipeline/bin/ to execute the manual steps below and test the complete pipeline end-to-end
  • run ./pipeline/bin/ to deploy a Kafka client pod and execute performance tests for the Kafka broker

Manual Testing

  1. Generate test activity data
    # kafka-fitness-data-producer deployment required
    $ kubectl port-forward deployment/kafka-fitness-data-producer 7778
    $ curl -X GET http://localhost:7778/generate-data/start
    # altervatively manually generate data
    $ kubectl exec -c cp-kafka-broker -it dm-pipeline-cp-kafka-0 -- /bin/bash /usr/bin/kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic anon
  2. Check that data can be consumed
    $ kubecexec -c cp-kafka-broker -it dm-pipeline-cp-kafka-0 -- /bin/bash /usr/bin/kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic anon
  3. Check that Elasticsearch connector sink works
    $ kubectl logs elasticsink-0 -f | grep "Delivered"
    [2020-06-29 09:37:03,969] INFO Delivered 90 records for anon since 2020-06-29 09:32:27 (com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.utils.ProgressCounter)
  4. Query Elasticsearch
    $ kubectl port-forward service/elasticsearch-client 9200
    $ curl -X GET http://localhost:9200/activities/_search?size=10\&q=*:* | jq .[]
  5. Check Kibana
    $ kubectl port-forward deployment/kibana 5601


Open Grafana locally and check pre-defined K8s dashboard

$ kubectl get secret dm-pipeline-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-user}" | base64 --decode
$ kubectl get secret dm-pipeline-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode
$ kubectl port-forward deployment/dm-pipeline-grafana 3000


Previously, all pipeline components were setup independently (see sections marked as DEPRECATED below). This still works, but is not the recommended setup.

Now, all components are packaged in a single helm chart and can be deployed with a single command.

Setup Confluent Platform (DEPRECATED)

Deploy the Confluent Platform with helm:

$ helm repo add confluentinc
$ helm install dm-pipeline confluentinc/cp-helm-charts --version 0.5.0 -f pipeline/confluent-platform/values.yml

If you are having problems with access your kafka brokers from the outside, have a look here and here.

Setup Elasticsearch & Kibana (DEPRECATED)

For reference see the following tutorials 1 & 2.

Warning: Unfortunately, the lensesio Kafka Elasticsearch connector does not yet support Elasticsearch 7 and the elastic/elasticsearch helm repo does not support a compatible Elasticsearch 6.x version. Therefore, the deprecated stable/elasticsearch helm chart with version 1.32.2 (Elasticsearch 6.8.2) is used instead. To prevent compatibility issues with Kibana an old version is used as well.

  1. Deploy Kafka Elasticsearch connector

    $ helm repo add landoop
    $ helm install elasticsink landoop/kafka-connect-elastic6-sink -f pipeline/kafka-connect-elastic-sink/values.yml
  2. Deploy Elasticsearch:

    $ helm repo add stable
    $ helm install elasticsearch stable/elasticsearch --version 1.32.2 -f pipeline/elastic/values.yml
  3. Deploy Kibana:

    $ helm upgrade kibana stable/kibana --version 3.2.6 --set env.ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS=http://elasticsearch-client:9200
  4. Configure Kibana

    • Enable port forwarding to access the web app
      $ kubectl port-forward deployment/kibana 5601
    • Create index pattern for index activities
    • Import dashboard and visualizations (see dashboard.json) Kibana Visualization
  5. Test Stack (see Test Pipeline)

Setup Monitoring (Grafana & Prometheus) (DEPRECATED)

JMX Metrics are enabled by default for all Confluent Platform components, Prometheus JMX Exporter is installed as a sidecar container along with all Pods.

  1. Install Prometheus and Grafana in same Kubernetes cluster using helm:

    $ helm install stable/prometheus
    $ helm install stable/grafana
    # Alternatively:
    $ helm install my-prometheus-operator stable/prometheus-operator
  2. Login to Grafana (username: admin)

    $ kubectl port-forward svc/grafana 80
    $ kubectl get secret grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode
  3. Add Prometheus as Data Source in Grafana (http://prometheus-server:80)

  4. Import Confluent dashboard into Grafana (confluent-grafana-dashboard.json)