Adding the option to skip comment downloads
Adding the option to skip comment downloads
Pull request merge
workflow to publish
workflow to publish
Pull request merge
workflow to publish
workflow to publish
Force push
workflow to publish
workflow to publish
Pull request merge
Make sure we don't have : in file names, even on unix
Make sure we don't have : in file names, even on unix
Pull request merge
Make sure we don't have : in file names, even on unix
Make sure we don't have : in file names, even on unix
Force push
Make sure we don't have : in file names, even on unix
Make sure we don't have : in file names, even on unix
Don't write comment files if they are not changed
Don't write comment files if they are not changed
Pull request merge
Don't write comment files if they are not changed
Don't write comment files if they are not changed
Force push
Don't write comment files if they are not changed
Don't write comment files if they are not changed
Force push
Don't write comment files if they are not changed
Don't write comment files if they are not changed
fix test matrix (3.8 and 3.12 were missing)
fix test matrix (3.8 and 3.12 were missing)
Force push
use ruff for lint & format
use ruff for lint & format
fix saving comments on windows
fix saving comments on windows
Fix windows compatibility because of : in filenames
Fix windows compatibility because of : in filenames
Increase timeout to 30 minutes
Increase timeout to 30 minutes