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Releases: persepolisdm/persepolis

Persepolis Download Manager 2.4.1

15 Apr 18:17
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We are happy to announce the release of Persepolis Download Manager 2.4.1
We released version 2.4 yesterday but a very important bug(logger bug) is fixed in 2.4.1 version!

AliReza AmirSamimi

Persepolis Download Manager 2.4

15 Apr 07:50
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We are happy to announce the release of Persepolis Download Manager 2.4
In this Version:

  • many bugs is fixed and user interface is improved. please see preferences window.
  • You can put Persepolis on startup .
  • New icons added.
  • You can customize size of columns in download table or hide some of them.
  • We released Microsoft Windows version of Persepolis. GNU/Linux and Mac and Windows and BSD and Windows users can use Persepolis Download Manager now.
  • Our chrome extension improved and now you can select multi links and download them with persepolis.
  • Our Firefox extension will release very soon! but you can still use firefox flashgot extension.

Special thanks to our contributors for pull requests and bug reports and feature requests!

AliReza AmirSamimi

Persepolis Download Manager 2.3.3

21 Jan 09:17
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We are happy to announce the release of Persepolis Download Manager 2.3.2
In this realese a very important bug fixed!

  • Program had a scheduling mistake in Queue . this bug is fixed .

AliReza AmirSamimi

Persepolis Download Manager 2.3.2

16 Jan 12:23
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We are happy to announce the release of Persepolis Download Manager 2.3.2
In this realese some of reported bugs fixed!

  • Persepolis would be crashed when user selected "Open default download folder" from file menu . This bug is fixed.
  • program wouldn't remove lock file in /tmp if crashing occured . this bug is fixed.
  • program woudn't update download list if user changed category from properties window. This bug is fixed

AliReza AmirSamimi

Persepolis Download Manager 2.3.1

12 Jan 04:19
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We are happy to announce the release of Persepolis Download Manager 2.3.1
In this realese many reported bugs fixed!

  • Crashing prolems when program is minimized to tray icon fixed!
  • In this version user can define order of downloading items in queue(Newers first or Olders first)
  • FireFox flashgot selection problems fixed!

Persepolis Download Manager 2.3

09 Jan 08:08
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We are happy to announce the release of Persepolis Download Manager 2.3
In this realese many reported bugs fixed and we have some new features!

  • Download queue added!
  • From now persepolis also available for Mac(El capitan and Sierra) .
  • Chrome\Chromium extention added! Persepolis is integrate into firefox and chrome and chromium.
  • You can sort your downloads with order of name size and ... . see view menu
  • You can import your links to persepolis with text file (see file menu) .
  • and ...

Please report issues and ask your questions here

Thanks for all bug reports and suggestions


AliReza AmirSamimi

Persepolis Download Manager 2.2.2 Unstable

10 Oct 23:32
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Release Note

In this release

  1. scheduling bug fixed.
  2. Ubuntu font removed.
  3. Man page added.
  4. Initialization bug solved.