From a95727f073fdc8c4795569bba2fa2a88321bc1e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Brian McFee <>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2017 10:32:04 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] added release notes

 docs/changes.rst | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+)

diff --git a/docs/changes.rst b/docs/changes.rst
index a086418..f22b3fe 100644
--- a/docs/changes.rst
+++ b/docs/changes.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,26 @@
+This is primarily a maintenance release, and will be the last in the 1.x series.
+- `#97`_ Fixed an infinite loop in `Mux`
+- `#91`_ Changed the default timeout for `ZMQStreamer` to 5 seconds.
+- `#90`_ Fixed conda-forge package distribution
+- `#89`_ Refactored internals of the `Mux` class toward the 2.x series
+- `#88`_, `#100`_ improved unit tests
+- `#73`_, `#95`_ Updated documentation
+.. _#73:
+.. _#88:
+.. _#89:
+.. _#90:
+.. _#91:
+.. _#95:
+.. _#97:
+.. _#100:
 This release constitutes a major revision over the 0.x series, and the new interface

From ac89968f633cfa19cc36afcbc6e973ec9f270cac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Brian McFee <>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2017 10:36:11 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] updated version number to 1.1

 pescador/ | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pescador/ b/pescador/
index d9a60c8..c866d6f 100644
--- a/pescador/
+++ b/pescador/
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 """Version info"""
-short_version = '1.0'
-version = '1.0.0'
+short_version = '1.1'
+version = '1.1.0'

From d1fba77c7e375ac2c01d13255ce25f10cd978c15 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Brian McFee <>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2017 10:42:57 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] revising docs

restructuring toc

restructured documentation

restructured documentation

restructured documentation

rewriting main doc page

updated readme and docs intro
---         |  25 ++++++++-
 docs/example1.rst |  31 ++++++-----
 docs/example2.rst |   8 ++-
 docs/example3.rst |   7 ++-
 docs/index.rst    | 136 +++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 docs/intro.rst    |  81 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 pescador/  |   2 -
 7 files changed, 189 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 docs/intro.rst

diff --git a/ b/
index 7f998de..8cc06ad 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -7,9 +7,30 @@ pescador
 [![Documentation Status](](
-A sampling and buffering module for iterative learning.
+Pescador is a library for streaming (numerical) data, primarily for use in machine learning applications.
-Read the [documentation](
+Pescador addresses the following use cases:
+    - **Hierarchical sampling**
+    - **Out-of-core learning**
+    - **Parallel streaming**
+These use cases arise in the following common scenarios:
+    - Say you have three data sources `(A, B, C)` that you want to sample. 
+      Pescador can dynamically interleave these sources to provide a randomized stream `D <- (A, B, C)`.
+      The distribution over `(A, B, C)` need not be uniform: you can specify any distribution you like!
+    - Now, say you have 3000 data sources that you want to sample, and they're too large to all fit in RAM at
+      once.
+      Pescador makes it easy to interleave these sources while maintaining a small `working set`.
+      Not all sources are simultaneously active, but Pescador manages the working set so you don't have to.
+    - If loading data incurs substantial latency (e.g., due to storage access or pre-processing), this can slow down processing.
+      Pescador makes it easy to do this seamlessly in a background process, so that your main thread can continue working.
+Want to learn more? [Read the docs!](
diff --git a/docs/example1.rst b/docs/example1.rst
index d04cd76..12ec202 100644
--- a/docs/example1.rst
+++ b/docs/example1.rst
@@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
 .. _example1:
-Basic example
+Streaming data
-This document will walk through the basics of using pescador to stream samples from a generator.
+This example will walk through the basics of using pescador to stream samples from a generator.
 Our running example will be learning from an infinite stream of stochastically perturbed samples from the Iris dataset.
 Sample generators
-Streamers are intended to transparently pass data without modifying them. However, Pescador assumes that Streamers produce output in
-a particular format.  Specifically, a data is expected to be a python dictionary where each value contains a `np.ndarray`. For an unsupervised learning (e.g., SKLearn/`MiniBatchKMeans`), the data might contain only one
-key: `X`.  For supervised learning (e.g., SGDClassifier), valid data would contain both `X` and `Y` keys, both of equal length.
+Streamers are intended to transparently pass data without modifying them.
+However, Pescador assumes that Streamers produce output in a particular format.
+Specifically, a data is expected to be a python dictionary where each value contains a `np.ndarray`.
+For an unsupervised learning (e.g., SKLearn/`MiniBatchKMeans`), the data might contain only one key: `X`.
+For supervised learning (e.g., SGDClassifier), valid data would contain both `X` and `Y` keys, both of equal length.
 Here's a simple example generator that draws random samples of data from the Iris dataset, and adds gaussian noise to the features.
@@ -43,7 +45,6 @@ Here's a simple example generator that draws random samples of data from the Iri
             sample['Y'] is a scalar `np.ndarray` of shape `(,)`
         n, d = X.shape
         while True:
@@ -53,16 +54,20 @@ Here's a simple example generator that draws random samples of data from the Iri
             yield dict(X=X[i] + noise, Y=Y[i])
-In the code above, `noisy_samples` is a generator that can be sampled indefinitely because `noisy_samples` contains an infinite loop. Each iterate of `noisy_samples` will be a dictionary containing the sample's features and labels.
+In the code above, `noisy_samples` is a generator that can be sampled indefinitely because `noisy_samples` contains an infinite loop.
+Each iterate of `noisy_samples` will be a dictionary containing the sample's features and labels.
-Generators in python have a couple of limitations for common stream learning pipelines.  First, once instantiated, a generator cannot be "restarted".  Second, an instantiated generator cannot be serialized
-directly, so they are difficult to use in distributed computation environments.
-Pescador provides the `Streamer` class to circumvent these issues.  `Streamer` simply provides an object container for an uninstantiated generator (and its parameters), and an access method `generate()`.  Calling `generate()` multiple times on a `Streamer` object is equivalent to restarting the generator, and can therefore be used to simply implement multiple pass streams.  Similarly, because `Streamer` can be serialized, it is simple to pass a streamer object to a separate process for parallel computation.
+Generators in python have a couple of limitations for common stream learning pipelines.
+First, once instantiated, a generator cannot be "restarted".
+Second, an instantiated generator cannot be serialized directly, so they are difficult to use in distributed computation environments.
+Pescador provides the `Streamer` class to circumvent these issues.
+`Streamer` simply provides an object container for an uninstantiated generator (and its parameters), and an access method `generate()`.
+Calling `generate()` multiple times on a `Streamer` object is equivalent to restarting the generator, and can therefore be used to simply implement multiple pass streams.
+Similarly, because `Streamer` can be serialized, it is simple to pass a streamer object to a separate process for parallel computation.
 Here's a simple example, using the generator from the previous section.
diff --git a/docs/example2.rst b/docs/example2.rst
index 43ede1b..d29c855 100644
--- a/docs/example2.rst
+++ b/docs/example2.rst
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
 .. _example2:
-This document will walk through some advanced usage of pescador.
+This example demonstrates how to re-use and multiplex streamers.
 We will assume a working understanding of the simple example in the previous section.
 Stream re-use and multiplexing
-The `Mux` streamer provides a powerful interface for randomly interleaving samples from multiple input streams. `Mux` can also dynamically activate and deactivate individual `Streamers`, which allows it to operate on a bounded subset of streams at any given time.
+The `Mux` streamer provides a powerful interface for randomly interleaving samples from multiple input streams.
+`Mux` can also dynamically activate and deactivate individual `Streamers`, which allows it to operate on a bounded subset of streams at any given time.
 As a concrete example, we can simulate a mixture of noisy streams with differing variances.
@@ -66,7 +67,8 @@ As a concrete example, we can simulate a mixture of noisy streams with differing
         print('Test accuracy: {:.3f}'.format(accuracy_score(Y[test], Ypred)))
-In the above example, each `Streamer` in `streams` can make infinitely many samples. The `rate=64` argument to `Mux` says that each stream should produce some `n` samples, where `n` is sampled from a Poisson distribution of rate `rate`. When a stream exceeds its bound, it is deactivated, and a new streamer is activated to fill its place.
+In the above example, each `Streamer` in `streams` can make infinitely many samples. The `rate=64` argument to `Mux` says that each stream should produce some `n` samples, where `n` is sampled from a Poisson distribution of rate `rate`.
+When a stream exceeds its bound, it is deactivated, and a new streamer is activated to fill its place.
 Setting `rate=None` disables the random stream bounding, and `mux()` simply runs each active stream until exhaustion.
diff --git a/docs/example3.rst b/docs/example3.rst
index 42fda12..8a7abac 100644
--- a/docs/example3.rst
+++ b/docs/example3.rst
@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@
 Sampling from disk
-A common use case for `pescador` is to sample data from a large collection of existing archives. As a concrete example, consider the problem of fitting a statistical model to a large corpus of musical recordings. When the corpus is sufficiently large, it is impossible to fit the entire set in memory while estimating the model parameters. Instead, one can pre-process each song to store pre-computed features (and, optionally, target labels) in a *numpy zip* `NPZ` archive. The problem then becomes sampling data from a collection of `NPZ` archives.
+A common use case for `pescador` is to sample data from a large collection of existing archives.
+As a concrete example, consider the problem of fitting a statistical model to a large corpus of musical recordings.
+When the corpus is sufficiently large, it is impossible to fit the entire set in memory while estimating the model parameters.
+Instead, one can pre-process each song to store pre-computed features (and, optionally, target labels) in a *numpy zip* `NPZ` archive.
+The problem then becomes sampling data from a collection of `NPZ` archives.
 Here, we will assume that the pre-processing has already been done so that each `NPZ` file contains a numpy array of features `X` and labels `Y`.
 We will define infinite samplers that pull `n` examples per iterate.
@@ -86,7 +90,6 @@ Alternatively, *memory-mapping* can be used to only load data as needed, but req
             yield dict(X=X[idx:idx + n],
                        Y=Y[idx:idx + n])
     # Using this streamer is similar to the first example, but now you need a separate
     # NPY file for each X and Y
     npy_x_files = #LIST OF PRE-COMPUTED NPY FILES (X)
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 802e81c..de8d70c 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -3,96 +3,72 @@
    You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
    contain the root `toctree` directive.
-Pescador is a library for streaming (numerical) data for use in iterative machine learning applications.
-The core concept is the :ref:`Streamer` object, which encapsulates a Python `generator` to allow for re-use and
-inter-process communication.
-The basic use case is as follows:
-    1. Define a generator function `g` which yields a dictionary of numpy arrays at each step
-    2. Construct a :ref:`Streamer` object `stream = Streamer(g, args...)`
-    3. Iterate over examples generated by `stream()`.
-On top of this basic functionality, pescador provides the following tools:
-    - A :ref:`Streamer` allows you to turn a finite-lifecycle generator into an infinte stream with `cycle()`, by automatically restarting the generator if it completes.
-    - Multiplexing multiple data streams (see :ref:`Mux`)
-    - Transform or modify streams with Maps (see :ref:`processing-data-streams`)
-    - Parallel processing (see :ref:`ZMQStreamer`)
-    - Buffering of sampled data into fixed-size batches (see :ref:`pescador.maps.buffer_stream`)
-For examples of each of these use-cases, refer to the :ref:`Examples` section.
-Pescador is designed with the following core principles:
-1. An "iterator" is an object that produces a sequence of data, i.e. via `__next__` / `next()`. (`iterator definition <>`_, `Iterator Types <>`_)
+.. _pescador:
-2. An "iterable" is an object that can produce iterators, i.e. via `__iter__` / `iter()`. (`iterable definition <>`_)
-3. A "stream" is the sequence of objects produced by an iterator.
+Pescador is a library for streaming (numerical) data, primarily for use in machine learning applications.
-4. A "generator" (or more precisely "generator function") is a callable object that returns a single generator iterator. (`generator definition <>`_)
+Pescador addresses the following use cases:
-For example:
-    - `range` is an iterable function
-    - `range(8)` is an iterable, and its iterator produces the stream (consecutively) `0, 1, 2, 3, ...`
+    - **Hierarchical sampling**
+    - **Out-of-core learning**
+    - **Parallel streaming**
+These use cases arise in the following common scenarios:
-.. _streaming-data:
+    - Say you have three data sources `(A, B, C)` that you want to sample. 
+      Pescador can dynamically interleave these sources to provide a randomized stream `D <- (A, B, C)`.
+      The distribution over `(A, B, C)` need not be uniform: you can specify any distribution you like!
-Streaming Data
-1. Pescador defines an object called a `Streamer` for the purposes of (re)creating iterators indefinitely and (optionally) interrupting them prematurely.
+    - Now, say you have 3000 data sources that you want to sample, and they're too large to all fit in RAM at
+      once.
+      Pescador makes it easy to interleave these sources while maintaining a small `working set`.
+      Not all sources are simultaneously active, but Pescador manages the working set so you don't have to.
-2. `Streamer` inherits from `iterable` and can be iterated directly.
+    - If loading data incurs substantial latency (e.g., due to storage access or pre-processing), this can slow down processing.
+      Pescador makes it easy to do this seamlessly in a background process, so that your main thread can continue working.
-3. A `Streamer` can be initialized with one of two types:
-    - Any iterable type, e.g. `range(7)`, `['foo', 'bar']`, `"abcdef"`, or another `Streamer()`
-    - A generator function and its arguments + keyword arguments.
-4. A `Streamer` transparently yields the data stream flowing through it
+To make this all possible, Pescador provides the following utilities:
-    - A `Streamer` should not modify objects in its stream.
-    - In the spirit of encapsulation, the modification of data streams is achieved through separate functionality (see :ref:`processing-data-streams`)
-Multiplexing Data Streams
-1. Pescador defines an object called a `Mux` for the purposes of multiplexing streams of data.
-2. `Mux` inherits from `Streamer`, which makes it both iterable and recomposable, e.g. one can construct arbitrary trees of data streams.
+    - :ref:`Streamer` objects encapsulate data generators for re-use, infinite sampling, and inter-process
+      communication.
+    - :ref:`Mux` objects allow flexible sampling from multiple streams
+    - :ref:`ZMQStreamer` provides parallel processing with low communication overhead
+    - Transform or modify streams with Maps (see :ref:`processing-data-streams`)
+    - Buffering of sampled data into fixed-size batches (see :ref:`pescador.maps.buffer_stream`)
-3. A `Mux` is initialized with a container of one or more iterables, and parameters to control the stochastic behavior of the object.
-4. As a subclass of `Streamer`, a `Mux` also transparently yields the stream flowing through it, i.e. :ref:`streaming-data`.
+Pescador can be installed from PyPI through `pip`:
+.. code-block:: bash
-.. _processing-data-streams:
+    pip install pescador
-Processing Data Streams
-Pescador adopts the concept of "transformers" for processing data streams.
+or via `conda` using the `conda-forge` channel:
-1. A transformer takes as input a single object in the stream.
+.. code-block:: bash
-2. A transformer yields an object.
+    conda install -c conda-forge pescador
-3. Transformers are iterators, i.e. implement a `__next__` method, to preserve iteration.
-4. An example of a built-in transformer is `enumerate` [`ref <>`_]
+.. toctree::
+    :maxdepth: 2
+    intro
-Basic Usage
+Basic examples
 .. toctree::
     :maxdepth: 2
@@ -101,39 +77,41 @@ Basic Usage
+Advanced examples
 .. toctree::
     :maxdepth: 2
 API Reference
 .. toctree::
     :maxdepth: 2
+Release notes
 .. toctree::
     :maxdepth: 2
 - `Issue Tracker <>`_
 - `Source Code <>`_
+- `Contributing guidelines <>`_
 Indices and tables
 * :ref:`genindex`
 * :ref:`modindex`
 * :ref:`search`
diff --git a/docs/intro.rst b/docs/intro.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0db798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/intro.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+.. _intro:
+Pescador's primary goal is to provide fine-grained control over data streaming and sampling.
+These problems can get complex quickly, so this section provides an overview of the concepts underlying
+Pescador's design, and a summary of the provided functionality.
+To understand what pescador does, it will help to establish some common terminology.
+If you're not already familiar with Python's `iterator` and `generator` concepts, here's a quick synopsis:
+1. An `iterator` is an object that produces a sequence of data, i.e. via ``__next__`` / ``next()``. 
+   - See: `iterator definition <>`_, `Iterator Types <>`_
+2. An `iterable` is an object that can produce iterators, i.e. via ``__iter__`` / ``iter()``. 
+   - See: `iterable definition <>`_
+3. A `generator` (or more precisely `generator function`) is a callable object that returns a single iterator. 
+   - See: `generator definition <>`_
+4. Pescador defines a `stream` as the sequence of objects produced by an iterator.
+For example:
+    - ``range`` is an iterable function
+    - ``range(8)`` is an iterable, and its iterator produces the stream: ``0, 1, 2, 3, ...``
+.. _streaming-data:
+Streaming Data
+1. Pescador defines an object called a `Streamer` for the purposes of (re)creating iterators indefinitely and (optionally) interrupting them prematurely.
+2. `Streamer` implements the `iterable` interface, and can be iterated directly.
+3. A `Streamer` can be initialized with one of two types:
+    - Any iterable type, e.g. ``range(7)``, ``['foo', 'bar']``, ``"abcdef"``, or another ``Streamer``
+    - A generator function and its arguments + keyword arguments.
+4. A `Streamer` transparently yields the data stream flowing through it
+    - A `Streamer` should not modify objects in its stream.
+    - In the spirit of encapsulation, the modification of data streams is achieved through separate functionality (see :ref:`processing-data-streams`)
+Multiplexing Data Streams
+1. Pescador defines an object called a `Mux` for the purposes of multiplexing streams of data.
+2. `Mux` inherits from `Streamer`, which makes it both iterable and recomposable.  Muxes allow you to
+   construct arbitrary trees of data streams.  This is useful for hierarchical sampling.
+3. A `Mux` is initialized with a container of one or more iterables, and parameters to control the stochastic behavior of the object.
+4. As a subclass of `Streamer`, a `Mux` also transparently yields the stream flowing through it, i.e. :ref:`streaming-data`.
+.. _processing-data-streams:
+Processing Data Streams
+Pescador adopts the concept of "transformers" for processing data streams.
+1. A transformer takes as input a single object in the stream.
+2. A transformer yields an object.
+3. Transformers are iterators, i.e. implement a `__next__` method, to preserve iteration.
+4. An example of a built-in transformer is `enumerate` [`ref <>`_]
diff --git a/pescador/ b/pescador/
index 54439af..833ae8c 100644
--- a/pescador/
+++ b/pescador/
@@ -237,8 +237,6 @@ def tuples(self, *items, **kwargs):
     def __call__(self, max_iter=None, cycle=False, max_batches=Deprecated()):
         '''Convenience interface for interacting with the Streamer.
-        TODO: max_iter > len(self.stream_) is incompatible with cycle.
         max_iter : None or int > 0

From d3454009633a6c1a447cc38e4ec26bcc6ecc17ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Brian McFee <>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2017 12:19:41 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Update

minor doc updates

minor doc updates

minor doc updates

minor doc updates

factored out examples index [ci skip]

rewording intro doc

rewording intro doc [ci skip]

why.rst [ci skip]

why.rst [ci skip]
---         |  28 +++++++------
 docs/      |   1 +
 docs/examples.rst |  13 ++++++
 docs/index.rst    |  29 ++++++++-----
 docs/intro.rst    |   3 +-
 docs/why.rst      | 101 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 152 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 docs/examples.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/why.rst

diff --git a/ b/
index 8cc06ad..e6fa9ac 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -11,23 +11,27 @@ Pescador is a library for streaming (numerical) data, primarily for use in machi
 Pescador addresses the following use cases:
-    - **Hierarchical sampling**
-    - **Out-of-core learning**
-    - **Parallel streaming**
+- **Hierarchical sampling**
+- **Out-of-core learning**
+- **Parallel streaming**
 These use cases arise in the following common scenarios:
-    - Say you have three data sources `(A, B, C)` that you want to sample. 
-      Pescador can dynamically interleave these sources to provide a randomized stream `D <- (A, B, C)`.
-      The distribution over `(A, B, C)` need not be uniform: you can specify any distribution you like!
+- Say you have three data sources `(A, B, C)` that you want to sample. 
+  For example, each data source could contain all the examples of a particular category.
-    - Now, say you have 3000 data sources that you want to sample, and they're too large to all fit in RAM at
-      once.
-      Pescador makes it easy to interleave these sources while maintaining a small `working set`.
-      Not all sources are simultaneously active, but Pescador manages the working set so you don't have to.
+  Pescador can dynamically interleave these sources to provide a randomized stream `D <- (A, B, C)`.
+  The distribution over `(A, B, C)` need not be uniform: you can specify any distribution you like!
-    - If loading data incurs substantial latency (e.g., due to storage access or pre-processing), this can slow down processing.
-      Pescador makes it easy to do this seamlessly in a background process, so that your main thread can continue working.
+- Now, say you have 3000 data sources, each of which may contain a large number of samples.  Maybe that's too much data to fit in RAM at once.
+  Pescador makes it easy to interleave these sources while maintaining a small `working set`.
+  Not all sources are simultaneously active, but Pescador manages the working set so you don't have to.
+- If loading data incurs substantial latency (e.g., due to accessing storage access
+  or pre-processing), this can be a problem.
+  Pescador can seamlessly move data generation into a background process, so that your main thread can continue working.
 Want to learn more? [Read the docs!](
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index d6b1b71..422ea93 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
+    'sphinx.ext.mathjax',
     # 'sphinx.ext.coverage',
     # 'sphinx.ext.viewcode',
     # 'sphinx.ext.doctest',
diff --git a/docs/examples.rst b/docs/examples.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60e85ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/examples.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+.. _examples:
+Basic examples
+.. toctree::
+    :maxdepth: 2
+    example1
+    example2
+    example3
+    bufferedstreaming
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index de8d70c..ca958d1 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -19,17 +19,23 @@ Pescador addresses the following use cases:
 These use cases arise in the following common scenarios:
-    - Say you have three data sources `(A, B, C)` that you want to sample. 
+    - Say you have three data sources `(A, B, C)` that you want to sample.
+      For example, each data source could contain all the examples of a particular category.
       Pescador can dynamically interleave these sources to provide a randomized stream `D <- (A, B, C)`.
       The distribution over `(A, B, C)` need not be uniform: you can specify any distribution you like!
-    - Now, say you have 3000 data sources that you want to sample, and they're too large to all fit in RAM at
-      once.
+    - Now, say you have 3000 data sources, each of which may contain a large number of samples.  Maybe that's too much data to fit in RAM at once.
       Pescador makes it easy to interleave these sources while maintaining a small `working set`.
       Not all sources are simultaneously active, but Pescador manages the working set so you don't have to.
+      This way, you can process the full data set *out of core*, but using a bounded
+      amount of memory.
+    - If loading data incurs substantial latency (e.g., due to accessing storage access
+      or pre-processing), this can be a problem.
-    - If loading data incurs substantial latency (e.g., due to storage access or pre-processing), this can slow down processing.
-      Pescador makes it easy to do this seamlessly in a background process, so that your main thread can continue working.
+      Pescador can seamlessly move data generation into a background process, so that your main thread can continue working.
 To make this all possible, Pescador provides the following utilities:
@@ -66,16 +72,21 @@ Introduction
+Why Pescador?
+.. toctree::
+    :maxdepth: 2
+    why
 Basic examples
 .. toctree::
     :maxdepth: 2
-    example1
-    example2
-    example3
-    bufferedstreaming
+    examples
 Advanced examples
diff --git a/docs/intro.rst b/docs/intro.rst
index f0db798..0ab03ea 100644
--- a/docs/intro.rst
+++ b/docs/intro.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
 .. _intro:
 Pescador's primary goal is to provide fine-grained control over data streaming and sampling.
 These problems can get complex quickly, so this section provides an overview of the concepts underlying
diff --git a/docs/why.rst b/docs/why.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e0bc18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/why.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+.. _why:
+Why Pescador?
+Pescador was developed in response to a variety of recurring problems related to data streaming for training machine learning models.
+After implementing custom solutions each time these problems occurred, we converged on a set of common solutions that can be applied more broadly.
+The solutions provided by Pescador may or may not fit your problem.
+This section of the documentation will attempt to help you figure out if Pescador is useful for your application.
+Hierarchical sampling
+`Hierarchical sampling` refers to any process where you want to sample data from a distribution by conditioning on one or more variables.
+For example, say you have a distribution over real-valued observations `X` and categorical labels `Y`, and you want to sample labeled observations `(X, Y)`.
+A hierarchical sampler might first select a value for `Y`, and then randomly draw an example `X` that has that label.
+This is equivalent to exploiting the laws of conditional probability: :math:`P[X, Y] =
+P[X|Y] \times P[Y]`.
+Hierarchical sampling can be useful when dealing with highly imbalanced data, where it may sometimes be better to learn from a balanced sample and then explicitly correct for imbalance within the model.
+It can also be useful when dealing with data that has natural grouping substructure beyond categories.
+For example, when modeling a large collection of audio files, each file may generate multiple observations, which will all be mutually correlated.
+Hierarchical sampling can be useful in neutralizing this bias during the training process.
+Pescador implements hierarchical sampling via the :ref:`Mux` abstraction.
+In its simplest form, `Mux` takes as input a set of :ref:`Streamer` objects from which samples are drawn randomly.
+This effectively generates data by a process similar to the following pseudo-code:
+.. code-block:: python
+    :linenos:
+    while True:
+        stream_id = random_choice(streamers)
+        yield next(streamers[stream_id])
+The `Mux` object also lets you specify an arbitrary distribution over the set of streamers, giving you fine-grained control over the resulting distribution of samples.
+The `Mux` object is also a `Streamer`, so sampling hierarchies can be nested arbitrarily deep.
+Out-of-core sampling
+Another common problem occurs when the size of the dataset is too large for the machine to fit in RAM simultaneously.
+Going back to the audio example above, consider a problem where there are 30,000 source files,  each of which generates 1GB of observation data, and the machine can only fit 100 source files in memory at any given time.
+To facilitate this use case, the `Mux` object allows you to specify a maximum number of simultaneously active streams (i.e., the *working set*).
+In this case, you would most likely implement a `generator` for each file as follows:
+.. code-block:: python
+    :linenos:
+    def sample_file(filename):
+        # Load observation data
+        X = np.load(filename)
+        while True:
+            # Generate a random row as a dictionary
+            yield dict(X=X[np.random.choice(len(X))])
+    streamers = [pescador.Streamer(sample_file, fname) for fname in ALL_30K_FILES]
+    for item in pescador.Mux(streamers, 100):
+        model.partial_fit(item['X'])
+Note that data is not loaded until the generator is instantiated.
+If you specify a working set of size `k=100`, then `Mux` will select 100 streamers at random to form the working set, and only sample data from within that set.
+`Mux` will then randomly evict streamers from the working set and replace them with new streamers, according to its `rate` parameter.
+This results in a simple interface to draw data from all input sources but using limited memory.
+`Mux` provides a great deal of flexibility over how streamers are replaced, what to do when streamers are exhausted, etc.
+Parallel processing
+In the above example, all of the data I/O was handled within the `generator` function.
+If the generator requires high-latency operations such as disk-access, this can become a computational bottleneck.
+Pescador makes it easy to migrate data generation into a background process, so that high-latency operations do not stall the main thread.
+This is facilitated by the :ref:`ZMQStreamer` object, which acts as a simple wrapper around any streamer that produces samples in the form of dictionaries of numpy arrays.
+Continuing the above example:
+.. code-block:: python
+    :linenos:
+    mux_stream = pescador.Mux(streamers, 100)
+    for item in pescador.ZMQStreamer(mux_stream):
+        model.partial_fit(item['X'])
+Simple interface
+Finally, Pescador is intended to work with a variety of machine learning frameworks, such as `scikit-learn` and `Keras`.
+While many frameworks provide custom tools for handling data pipelines, each one is different, and many require using specific data structures and formats.
+Pescador is meant to be framework-agnostic, and allow you to write your own data generation logic using standard Python data structures (dictionaries and numpy arrays).
+We also provide helper utilities to integrate with `Keras`'s tuple generator interface.