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Entities and their relationships


Github users.

  • A user has a unique user name or email. May contain artificially generated user names, see commits below.
  • There are two types of users, USERs and ORGanizations.
    • Users can be real or fake. Real users can own projects and perform actions such as open issues, create pull requests and push commits. Fake users only appear as authors or committers of commits. Fake users are marked by the fake field.
    • Organizations are meta users that point to a collection of users. The members of organizations can be found in organization_members. Organization users can only own projects and they do not perform any other actions.
  • Users may be marked as deleted. This means that the user was once active on GitHub but GHTorrent can no longer get his/her details.

Update Nov 2015: User entries are now geocoded. The location field remains intact, while 5 fields have been added with information about the geographic location of the user. The Open Street Maps API has been used to do the mapping of the location field to the user's geocode. As a result, the state and city fields are stored in the local language of the geocoded area. Also, many users do not report their location or their location is field in with random information; in those cases, no geocoding information is available.

{% highlight sql %} --- See where most commits are commit from today select u.country_code, count(*) from commits c, users u where c.author_id = and date(c.created_at) = date(now()) group by u.country_code {% endhighlight %}

Update Mar 2016: User personal data (emails and real names) are excluded from the downloaded dump, while configuration dissalows access to those fields for the online access services for the MySQL database.


Users that are members of an organization.

  • The created_at field is only filled in accurately for memberships for which GHTorrent has recorded a corresponding event. Otherwise, it is filled in with the latest date that the corresponding user or organization has been created.

Update Nov 2015: Organizations can now select wheather membership information is revealed to external parties. This means that information about this table can no longer be accurate.


Information about repositories. A repository is always owned by a user.

  • The forked_from field is empty unless the project is a fork in which case it contains the id of the project the project is forked from.

  • The deleted field means that the project has been deleted from Github.

  • The updated_at field indicates when the last full update was done for this project.


Users that have commit access to the repository.

The created_at field is only filled in accurately for memberships for which GHTorrent has recorded a corresponding event. Otherwise, it is filled in with the latest date that the corresponding user or project has been created.

Update Nov 2014: GitHub has disabled the API end point used to retrieve members to an organization. GHTorrent uses the MemberEvent event to approximate memberships, but this is not always accurate. You are thus advised to use heuristics (e.g. the committers + mergers of pull) to calculate membership, such as the following:

{% highlight sql %} --- Get active core team participants for the last 3 months select distinct(u.login) as login from commits c, users u, project_commits pc, users u1, projects p where = c.committer_id and u.fake is false and pc.commit_id = and pc.project_id = and p.owner_id = and = 'rails' and u1.login = 'rails' and c.created_at > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH) union select distinct(u.login) as login from pull_requests pr, projects p, users u, users u1, pull_request_history prh where = prh.actor_id and prh.action = 'merged' and = p.owner_id and prh.pull_request_id = and pr.base_repo_id = and prh.created_at > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH) and = 'rails' and u1.login = 'rails' {% endhighlight %}


Languages that are used in the repository along with byte counts for all files in those languages.

Multiple entries can exist per project. The created_at field is filled in with the latest timestamp the query for a specific project_id was done.

The table is filled in when the project has been first inserted on when an update round for all projects is made.

{% highlight sql %} -- Get the latest byte count for languges in Ruby on Rails select * from project_languages where project_id = 1334 order by created_at desc

{% endhighlight %}


Unique commits.

  • Each commit is identified globally through its sha field. If the author or the committer has not configured his Github email address, no resolution to a user entry is possible. In that case, GHTorrent generates artificial users using the provided email in the Git commit author or committer fields. If the user then configures his Github account, GHTorrent will update the artificial user accordingly.

  • The project_id field contains a link to the project that this commit has been first associated with. This might not be the project this commit was initially pushed to, e.g. in case the fork is processed before the parent. See project_commits.

  • The project_id field may be null when the repository has been deleted at the time the commit is processed. This situation might happen when retrospectively processing pull requests for a repository and the repository which the pull request originates from has been deleted.


The parent commit(s) for each commit, as specified by Git.


The commits belonging to the history of a project.

More than one projects can share the same commits if one is a fork of the other.


Code review comments on commits.

These are comments on individual commits. If a commit is associated with a pull request, then its comments are in the pull_request_comments table.


A follower to a user.

The created_at field is only filled in accurately for followships for which GHTorrent has recorded a corresponding event. Otherwise, it is filled in with the latest date that the corresponding user or follower has been created.


Users that have starred (was watched) a project

The created_at field is only filled in accurately for starrings for which GHTorrent has recorded a corresponding event. Otherwise, it is filled in with the latest date that the corresponding user or project has been created.


A pull request initiated from head_repo_id:head_commit_id to base_repo_id:base_commit_id

  • Pull requests can be in various states. The states and their transitions are recorded in the pull_request_history table.
  • The pullreq_id field is Github's pull request unique identifier
  • The intra_branch field signifies that the head and base repositories are the same
  • If the head repository is NULL, this means that the corresponding project had been deleted when GHTorrent processed the pull request.


An event in the pull request lifetime

The action field can take the following values

  • opened: When the pull request has been opened
  • closed: When the pull request has been closed
  • merged: When Github detected that the pull request has been merged. No merges outside Github (i.e. Git based) are reported
  • reoponed: When a pull request is opened after being closed
  • syncrhonize: When new commits are added/removed to the head repository


A commit associated with a pull request

The list is additive. This means if a rebase with commit squashing takes place after the commits of a pull request have been processed, the old commits will not be deleted.


A code review comment on a commit associated with a pull request

The list is additive. If commits are squashed on the head repo, the comments remain intact.


An issue associated with a repository

  • The assignee field is filed in with the user to which the issue was assigned at the time the issue was processed.
  • Issues have history recorded in the issue_events table.
  • For every pull request, GHTorrent creates a corresponding issue. The pull_request_id field points to the associated pull request
  • The issue_id field is the unique identifier given to the issue by Github.


An event on an issue

  • The action field can have the following values:

    • subscribed: When a user subscribes to receive notifications about the issue.
    • mentioned: When a user is mentioned by another user (@user notation)
    • closed: When the issue has been closed
    • referenced: The issue was referenced in a commit (using the fixes: conventions)
    • assigned: When the issue has been assigned to an actor.
    • reopened: When a closed issue is reopened
    • unsubscribed: When a user unsubscribed from issue.
    • merged: When the pull request pointed by the issue has been merged.
    • head_ref_cleaned: (Not documented) ?
    • head_ref_deleted: (Not documented) When the branch of the head repository has been deleted
    • head_ref_restored: (Not documented) When the head repository of a pull request has been restored (using the restore branch functionality).
  • The action_specific field gets filled in with the commit\_id of the last commit when a pull request has been closed, merged or referenced.


An entry to the issue discussion. This table is always filled in with pull request (or issue) discussion comments, irrespective of whether the repository has issues enabled or not.


A label to be assigned to an issue affecting this repository.


A label that has been assigned to an issue

Example queries

List commits for a repository

{%highlight sql%} select c.* from commits c, project_commits pc, projects p, users u where u.login = 'rails' and = 'rails' and = pc.project_id and = pc.commit_id order by c.created_at desc {%endhighlight%}

Get all actions for a pull request

{%highlight sql%} select user, action, created_at from ( select prh.action as action, prh.created_at as created_at, u.login as user from pull_request_history prh, users u where prh.pull_request_id = ? and prh.actor_id = union select ie.action as action, ie.created_at as created_at, u.login as user from issues i, issue_events ie, users u where ie.issue_id = and i.pull_request_id = ? and ie.actor_id = union select 'discussed' as action, ic.created_at as created_at, u.login as user from issues i, issue_comments ic, users u where ic.issue_id = and = ic.user_id and i.pull_request_id = ? union select 'reviewed' as action, prc.created_at as created_at, u.login as user from pull_request_comments prc, users u where prc.user_id = and prc.pull_request_id = ? ) as actions order by created_at; {%endhighlight%}

Get participants in an issue or pull request

{%highlight sql%} select distinct(user_id) from ( select user_id from pull_request_comments where pull_request_id = ? union select user_id from issue_comments ic, issues i where = ic.issue_id and i.pull_request_id = ? ) as participants {%endhighlight%}

Get all users in NL that committed to a Java project today

{%highlight sql%} select u.login from users u, commits c, projects p, project_commits pc where date(c.created_at) = date(now()) and pc.commit_id = and c.author_id = and u.country_code = 'nl' and 'java' = (select pl.language from project_langauges pl where pl.project_id = order by pl.created_at desc, pl.bytes desc limit 1) {%endhighlight%}