To edit the extension's styling, follow these steps:
- clone the hackathon repository (
- enable the developer mode at "chrome://extensions" and choose the option to "load unpacked extension". Navigate to the root folder of the cloned repository
- Edit the desired files (custom css-files reside in the folder /media/css, it also includes a small readme with a description of the files)
- Reload the extension to apply the changes (chrome://extensions -> reload button)
- To push your changes, you need write access to the repository, i.e. you must be a member of the eexcess-repository (if you are not already, send us your github account-name and we will add you)
What we would like to be subject to styling
- Overall Appearance (Fonts, Buttons, Icons)
- Layout/Arrangement could be changed for icons and buttons (e.g. privacy settings and user profile settings next to each other?)
- components to consider
- ResultList
- Visualization Dashboard
- FacetScape
- User Profile Settings and Privacy Settings