Light-weight Python framework for building REST APIs
- minimalistic
- easy to use
- advanced variables processing
- automatic html documentation generation
is done by decorating your handling function with one of these decorators:
- @GET
only one argument is required (url to handle) ie:
@GET("/my/awesome/url") def my_function(): ...
optionally you can specify successful http result status (default is HTTP_OK) ie:
@GET("/my/awesome/url", status=HTTP_CREATED) def my_function(): ...
list of status tuples:
- GET variables from query string
- POST variables can be send as:
- application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- multipart/form-data
- application/json
url path variables (identifier inside curly brackets) ie:
@GET("/my/awesome/url/{variable}") def my_function(variable): ...
per parameter parsing function assigned as default value ie:
@GET("/my/awesome/url") def my_function(myid=int): ...
optional parameter:
@GET("/my/awesome/url") def my_function(myid=(int, 0)): ...
reduction multiple into one:
@GET("/my/awesome/url") def my_function(user_id=lambda user, password: login): ...
build-in support:
Class | Content-type |
str | text/plain |
dict | application/json |
minidom | application/xml |
etree | application/xml |
you can also register any custom data-type or override table above with:
register_content_type(type_, content_type, handler)
to return a http error raise one of these exceptions:
- HttpBadRequest
- HttpNotFound
- HttpUnsupportedMediaType
- HttpNotImplemented
@GET("/my/awesome/url") def my_function(myid=int): if myid == -1: raise HttpNotFound() ...
when is url opened by web-browser html documentation is shown instead of actual function call.
- "application/xhtml+xml" in accept http header
- similar tags to sphinx/docutils
- extra example tags: ":example:" and for response ":rexample":
@GET("/my/api") def my_function(a, b=int): """ Describe your function here. :param str a: Describe a here. :param int b: Describe b here. :return: W/E you function returns. :example:: GET /my/api?a=someting&b=42 :rexample:: { "something": "something" ... } """ ...
"real app" example:
GET Hello world:
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server from clearest import application, GET @GET("/") def hello(): return "hello world!" httpd = make_server("", 8000, application) httpd.serve_forever()
curl localhost:8000
hello world!
POST var:
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server from clearest import application, POST @POST("/") def hello(what): return "hello {what}!".format(what=what) httpd = make_server("", 8000, application) httpd.serve_forever()
curl --data "what=world" localhost:8000
hello world!