We will enable Microsoft Entra ID authentication for Dashboard App Container App using Azure Portal.
Navigate to the Container Dashboard App in Azure Portal and select the Authentication blade.
Select Add Identity provider and select Microsoft as the identity provider
Review the extensive list of identity provider options available
In the Add identity provider page change the name of the identity provider to be prefixed with the unique name generated earlier in the lab (stored in variable $name
Leave the other options with default values
Select Next: Permissions.
Accept the default values and click Add
The Dashboard App is now configured with Azure AD Authentication.
Get the Dashboard URL from the variable ($dashboardURL
) created in a previous challenge
If you don't have that variable available you can get it via the following command:
dashboardURL=https://dashboardapp.$(az containerapp env show -g $resourceGroup -n $containerAppEnv --query 'properties.defaultDomain' -o tsv)
echo 'Open the URL in your browser of choice:' $dashboardURL
$dashboardURL="https://dashboardapp.$((Get-AzContainerAppManagedEnv -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -EnvName $containerAppEnv).DefaultDomain)/"
Write-Host "Open the URL in your browser of choice: $dashboardURL"
Open the Url in a browser. You will be prompted for login similar to this
Make sure to select your organizational account if you have several accounts. Select login.
Next you will be presented with a consent dialog.
Accept the consent and you will be redirected to the Dashboard App
You have now enabled Microsoft Entra ID authentication for Dashboard App Container App.
This concludes the series of challenge. You can follow the instructions in Clean up to remove Azure resources created in this hackaton.
- Challenge 1: Setup the environment
- Challenge 2: Deploy Container Apps Environment and troubleshoot Container Apps
- Challenge 3: Split traffic for controlled rollout
- Challenge 4: Scale Container Apps
- Challenge 5: Configure CI/CD for Container Apps
- Challenge 6: Protect Container App with API Management
- Challenge 7: Enable Container App authentication