###An infinite social stream based on RSS feeds with a MySQL backend. ####Hosted Version Coming Soon - infinitesocialwall.appspot.com
A video demonstrating the functionality (unfortunately not showing the beautiful CSS3 transitions) can be seen on youtube. As well as on my personal homepage philipbjorge.com.
##Officially Supported Networks (Icons/Styles included) Currently supports the following social networks (however it should work reasonably well with any RSS feed):
- Google Plus
- Github
- Stackoverflow
##Installation ##Detailed instructions can be found on the wiki. ###Database + Server Create a database (or use an existing one).
Create the archive table.
CREATE TABLE `archived_social_items` (
`id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
`category` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`title` text NOT NULL,
`content` text NOT NULL,
`link` text NOT NULL,
`date` datetime NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `item_id` (`id`)
Modify config.php's mysql settings to point to your database.
Create and/or chmod the cache folder to be writable by your server (755).
Chmod the config file to 640.
###RSS Feeds New feeds can be added to the application by modifying the $apis array in config.php
###Your Page The file demo.php provides a good minimal example of the requirements.
###Customizing CSS
- Customizing of the actual content boxes can be found in isotope.css
- Customizing of specific feed themes can be found in networks.css. Class names are assigned to content boxes based on the key in your $apis variable in config.php
##Changelog Beta2 Maintenance (10.8.2012)
- Improved URL auto linking
- Improved default image resolution display
Beta2 (7.29.2012)
- Updated demo.php to include all necessary markup.
- Added loader to infinite scroll.
- Trimmed down README and moved to wiki.
- Cleaned up infinitesocialwall javascript.
- Added minified version.
Beta (7.15.2012)
- Refactored PHP code into one file (and config/libs) for ease of distribution.
- Added HTML5 Shiv for IE support.
- Documented adding new services.
- Updated infinite scroll.
- Hiding new elements and fading them in (with jquery fallback).
- Added a license.
Alpha (6.17.2012)
- Initial implementation.
##License Dual licensed under the MIT/BSD licenses. Text can be found here.
##Credits Utilizes the following libraries:
- Isotope - Free for non-commercial and personal applications (details...)
- Infinite-Scroll - MIT License
- jQuery - MIT License
- SimplePie - BSD License
- jquery-timeago - MIT License
- html5shiv - MIT License
- css3 transition detection - Unknown
Icons are from icondock which were released under the "Free to use for whatever purposes" license.