Overview with groups of projects and its repositories.
You can also go here: https://philips-software.github.io/teams
- Unity Native Audio Plugins - Unity Native Audio Plugins
- Roslyn Diagnostic Analyzers - Roslyn Diagnostic Analyzers are customized compiler errors providing real-time feedback to C# developers. Each Analyzer optionally includes an automatic Code Fixer.
- Cogito - Cogito Identity Management
- fresco-logistic-regression - Logistic Regression prototype using FRESCO
- fresco-logistic-regression-2 - Logistic Regression in MPC using Fresco
- aws-ci - CI images for AWS cli and kubectl.
- bats - Bats docker setup
- blackduck - Blackduck docker setup
- code-maat - Code-maat docker setup
- goss - Goss docker setup
- node - Node docker setup
- openjdk - OpenJDK docker setup
- scala - Scala docker setup
- whitesource - Whitesource docker setup
- docker-ci-scripts - Docker CI Scripts
- docs-as-code - Example project to demonstrate the use of Asciidoc to generate software documentation. Using Arc42,C4,ADR and integration with PlantUML
- EmbeddedInfraLib - A set of C++ libraries and headers that provide heap-less, STL like, infrastructure for embedded software development
- react-cross-client-router - A tool to control React apps spanning multiple tabs, windows or devices
- restdouble - Run a fake REST service to use as a test double or as a backend for rapid frontend prototyping
- cf-vault - Run your own vault instance in CF
- go-hsdp-api - A HSDP API client enabling Go programs to interact with various HSDP APIs in a simple and uniform way
- go-hsdp-signer - HSDP API signer for Go
- helm2cf - Generate Cloud foundry manifests from Helm charts
- logproxy - Logdrainer for HSDP Cloudfoundry which forwards log to HSDP Logging
- powershell-cf-api - PowerShell module can deploy and teardown CloudFoundry spaces and services via a json definition file
- terraform-provider-hsdp - Terraform provider to build/verify various HSDP resources
- IAF - Type-safe composition and transformation of data points
- fhir-cast - Java implementation of the FHIR Cast protocol
- fhir-proxy - Implementation of the FHIR bulk data specification as a proxy before an existing FHIR server
- fhir-2-angular - Java tool that reads the FHIR resource definition files and generates angular components for each of them
- Intellij-CQL-SyntaxHighlighter
- FhirViewer - Angular 5 application to view and interact with FHIR servers. Supports Bulk Data and Clinical Reasoning
- ius-libiuf - IUF file IO library SDK
- Odin - ODIN is a Dependency Injection library in JavaScript
- SmartSleep-Analyzer-ClientLibs
- SmartSleep-Analyzer-SampleApp-Android
- SmartSleep-Analyzer-SampleApp-Angular
- blackduck-dependencies-to-reference-format - Extracts dependencies from the output of tool detect from BlackDuck (Synopsis), to a reference format.
- compare-json-arrays-in-files - Compare json arrays in files
- ct2r - Convert Tool Output to Reference Output
- Licenator - Commandline tool to automatically gather the license information for all your NuGet packages
- NPM-dependencies-extractor - Retrieves the (flat) list of package dependencies for a Javascript project using the npm package manager
- whitesource-dependencies-to-reference-format - Extracts dependencies from the inventory report json artifact of tool Whitesource.
- terraform-aws-account-setup - Terraform module configure IAM in a new AWS account setup
- terraform-aws-bastion - Terraform module to create an AWS bastion host
- terraform-aws-cloudfront-s3 - Terraform module CloudFront Distribution for S3
- terraform-aws-cloudwatch - Terraform module to create an AWS Cloudwatch log group and config
- terraform-aws-ecs - Terraform module to create an AWS ECS cluster
- terraform-aws-ecs-service - Terraform module to create an AWS ECS service
- terraform-aws-ecs-service-load-balancer - Terraform module to create load balancers for ecs services
- terraform-aws-efs - Terraform module to create an AWS elastic file system (EFS)
- terraform-aws-rds - Terraform module to create an AWS RDS instance
- terraform-aws-vpc - Terraform module to create an AWS VPC (public, or public and private)
- Dir Uploader - npm tool to upload directories / files to a REST endpoint
- protractor-junit-xml-plugin - Reporter for the JUnit XRAY XML format
- gherkin2mtm - Gherkins available in MTM
- philips-eoi-graphql - GraphQL usage, queries and demo app using postgresql with react
If you have questions regarding the projects, see their issues boards, email or contact the teams on Slack.