diff --git a/lib/phoenix_component.ex b/lib/phoenix_component.ex
index d1e330f2c6..bc79d81577 100644
--- a/lib/phoenix_component.ex
+++ b/lib/phoenix_component.ex
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ defmodule Phoenix.Component do
## Functions
- alias Phoenix.LiveView.{Static, Socket}
+ alias Phoenix.LiveView.{Static, Socket, AsyncResult}
@reserved_assigns Phoenix.Component.Declarative.__reserved__()
# Note we allow live_action as it may be passed down to a component, so it is not listed
@non_assignables [:uploads, :streams, :socket, :myself]
@@ -2868,4 +2868,51 @@ defmodule Phoenix.Component do
%><% end %>
+ @doc """
+ Renders an async assign with slots for the different loading states.
+ *Note*: The inner block receives the result of the async assign as a :let.
+ The let is only accessible to the inner block and is not in scope to the
+ other slots.
+ ## Examples
+ ```heex
+ <.async_result :let={org} assign={@org}>
+ <:loading>Loading organization...
+ <:failed :let={reason}>there was an error loading the organization
+ <%= if org do %>
+ <%= org.name %>
+ <% else %>
+ You don't have an organization yet.
+ <% end %>
+ <.async_result>
+ ```
+ """
+ attr.(:assign, AsyncResult, required: true)
+ slot.(:loading, doc: "rendered while the assign is loading")
+ slot.(:failed,
+ doc:
+ "rendered when an error or exit is caught or assign_async returns `{:error, reason}`. Receives the error as a :let."
+ )
+ slot.(:inner_block,
+ doc:
+ "rendered when the assign is loaded successfully via AsyncResult.ok/2. Receives the result as a :let"
+ )
+ def async_result(%{assign: async_assign} = assigns) do
+ cond do
+ async_assign.ok? ->
+ ~H|<%= render_slot(@inner_block, @assign.result) %>|
+ async_assign.loading ->
+ ~H|<%= render_slot(@loading, @assign.loading) %>|
+ async_assign.failed ->
+ ~H|<%= render_slot(@failed, @assign.failed) %>|
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/phoenix_live_view.ex b/lib/phoenix_live_view.ex
index 4ef2fe5223..f1cb363216 100644
--- a/lib/phoenix_live_view.ex
+++ b/lib/phoenix_live_view.ex
@@ -306,9 +306,98 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveView do
* [DOM patching and temporary assigns](dom-patching.md)
* [JavaScript interoperability](js-interop.md)
* [Uploads (External)](uploads-external.md)
+ ## Async Operations
+ Performing asynchronous work is common in LiveViews and LiveComponents.
+ It allows the user to get a working UI quicky while the system fetches some
+ data in the background or talks to an external service, without blocking the
+ render or event handling. For async work, you also typically need to handle
+ the different states of the async operation, such as loading, error, and the
+ successful result. You also want to catch any errors or exits and translate it
+ to a meaningful update in the UI rather than crashing the user experience.
+ ### Async assigns
+ The `assign_async/3` function takes a name, a list of keys which will be assigned
+ asynchronously, and a function that returns the result of the async operation.
+ For example, let's say we want to async fetch a user's organization from the database,
+ as well as their profile and rank:
+ def mount(%{"slug" => slug}, _, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ socket
+ |> assign(:foo, "bar")
+ |> assign_async(:org, fn -> {:ok, %{org: fetch_org!(slug)} end)
+ |> assign_async([:profile, :rank], fn -> {:ok, %{profile: ..., rank: ...}} end)}
+ end
+ Here we are assigning `:org` and `[:profile, :rank]` asynchronously. The async function
+ must return a `{:ok, assigns}` or `{:error, reason}` tuple, where `assigns` is a map of
+ the keys passed to `assign_async`. If the function returns other keys or a different
+ set of keys, an error is raised.
+ The state of the async operation is stored in the socket assigns within an
+ `%AsyncResult{}`. It carries the loading and failed states, as well as the result.
+ For example, if we wanted to show the loading states in the UI for the `:org`,
+ our template could conditionally render the states:
+ ```heex
Loading organization...
+ <%= org.name %> loaded!
+ ```
+ The `Phoenix.Component.async_result/1` function component can also be used to
+ declaratively render the different states using slots:
+ ```heex
+ <.async_result :let={org} assign={@org}>
+ <:loading>Loading organization...
+ <:failed :let={_reason}>there was an error loading the organization
+ <%= org.name %>
+ <.async_result>
+ ```
+ Additionally, for async assigns which result in a collection of items, you
+ can enumerate the assign directly. It will only enumerate
+ the results once the results are loaded. For example:
+ ```heex
+ <%= org.name %>
+ ```
+ ### Arbitrary async operations
+ Sometimes you need lower level control of asynchronous operations, while
+ still receiving process isolation and error handling. For this, you can use
+ `start_async/3` and the `AsyncResult` module directly:
+ def mount(%{"id" => id}, _, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ socket
+ |> assign(:org, AsyncResult.loading())
+ |> start_async(:my_task, fn -> fetch_org!(id) end)}
+ end
+ def handle_async(:my_task, {:ok, fetched_org}, socket) do
+ %{org: org} = socket.assigns
+ {:noreply, assign(socket, :org, AsyncResult.ok(org, fetched_org))}
+ end
+ def handle_async(:my_task, {:exit, reason}, socket) do
+ %{org: org} = socket.assigns
+ {:noreply, assign(socket, :org, AsyncResult.failed(org, {:exit, reason}))}
+ end
+ `start_async/3` is used to fetch the organization asynchronously. The
+ `handle_async/3` callback is called when the task completes or exits,
+ with the results wrapped in either `{:ok, result}` or `{:exit, reason}`.
+ The `AsyncResult` module is used to direclty to update the state of the
+ async operation, but you can also assign any value directly to the socket
+ if you want to handle the state yourself.
- alias Phoenix.LiveView.{Socket, LiveStream}
+ alias Phoenix.LiveView.{Socket, LiveStream, Async}
@type unsigned_params :: map
@@ -666,6 +755,40 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveView do
def connected?(%Socket{transport_pid: transport_pid}), do: transport_pid != nil
+ @doc """
+ Puts a new private key and value in the socket.
+ Privates are *not change tracked*. This storage is meant to be used by
+ users and libraries to hold state that doesn't require
+ change tracking. The keys should be prefixed with the app/library name.
+ ## Examples
+ Key values can be placed in private:
+ put_private(socket, :myapp_meta, %{foo: "bar"})
+ And then retrieved:
+ socket.private[:myapp_meta]
+ """
+ @reserved_privates ~w(
+ connect_params
+ connect_info
+ assign_new
+ live_layout
+ lifecycle
+ root_view
+ __temp__
+ )a
+ def put_private(%Socket{} = socket, key, value) when key not in @reserved_privates do
+ %Socket{socket | private: Map.put(socket.private, key, value)}
+ end
+ def put_private(%Socket{}, bad_key, _value) do
+ raise ArgumentError, "cannot set reserved private key #{inspect(bad_key)}"
+ end
@doc """
Adds a flash message to the socket to be displayed.
@@ -690,6 +813,7 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveView do
iex> put_flash(socket, :info, "It worked!")
iex> put_flash(socket, :error, "You can't access that page")
defdelegate put_flash(socket, kind, msg), to: Phoenix.LiveView.Utils
@doc """
@@ -1842,4 +1966,87 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveView do
|> Map.update!(:__changed__, &MapSet.put(&1, name))
+ @doc """
+ Assigns keys asynchronously.
+ The task is linked to the caller and errors are wrapped.
+ Each key passed to `assign_async/3` will be assigned to
+ an `%AsyncResult{}` struct holding the status of the operation
+ and the result when completed.
+ ## Examples
+ def mount(%{"slug" => slug}, _, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ socket
+ |> assign(:foo, "bar")
+ |> assign_async(:org, fn -> {:ok, %{org: fetch_org!(slug)} end)
+ |> assign_async([:profile, :rank], fn -> {:ok, %{profile: ..., rank: ...}} end)}
+ end
+ See the moduledoc for more information.
+ """
+ def assign_async(%Socket{} = socket, key_or_keys, func)
+ when (is_atom(key_or_keys) or is_list(key_or_keys)) and
+ is_function(func, 0) do
+ Async.assign_async(socket, key_or_keys, func)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Starts an ansynchronous task and invokes callback to handle the result.
+ The task is linked to the caller and errors/exits are wrapped.
+ The result of the task is sent to the `handle_async/3` callback
+ of the caller LiveView or LiveComponent.
+ ## Examples
+ def mount(%{"id" => id}, _, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ socket
+ |> assign(:org, AsyncResult.loading())
+ |> start_async(:my_task, fn -> fetch_org!(id) end)
+ end
+ def handle_async(:my_task, {:ok, fetched_org}, socket) do
+ %{org: org} = socket.assigns
+ {:noreply, assign(socket, :org, AsyncResult.ok(org, fetched_org))}
+ end
+ def handle_async(:my_task, {:exit, reason}, socket) do
+ %{org: org} = socket.assigns
+ {:noreply, assign(socket, :org, AsyncResult.failed(org, {:exit, reason}))}
+ end
+ See the moduledoc for more information.
+ """
+ def start_async(%Socket{} = socket, name, func)
+ when is_atom(name) and is_function(func, 0) do
+ Async.start_async(socket, name, func)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Cancels an async operation if one exists.
+ Accepts either the `%AsyncResult{}` when using `assign_async/3` or
+ the key passed to `start_async/3`.
+ The underlying process will be killed with the provided reason, or
+ {:shutdown, :cancel}`. if no reason is passed. For `assign_async/3`
+ operations, the `:failed` field will be set to `{:exit, reason}`.
+ For `start_async/3`, the `handle_async/3` callback will receive
+ `{:exit, reason}` as the result.
+ Returns the `%Phoenix.LiveView.Socket{}`.
+ ## Examples
+ cancel_async(socket, :preview)
+ cancel_async(socket, :preview, :my_reason)
+ cancel_async(socket, socket.assigns.preview)
+ """
+ def cancel_async(socket, async_or_keys, reason \\ {:shutdown, :cancel}) do
+ Async.cancel_async(socket, async_or_keys, reason)
+ end
diff --git a/lib/phoenix_live_view/async.ex b/lib/phoenix_live_view/async.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5d1aa35e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/phoenix_live_view/async.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+defmodule Phoenix.LiveView.Async do
+ @moduledoc false
+ alias Phoenix.LiveView.{AsyncResult, Socket, Channel}
+ def start_async(%Socket{} = socket, key, func)
+ when is_atom(key) and is_function(func, 0) do
+ run_async_task(socket, key, func, :start)
+ end
+ def assign_async(%Socket{} = socket, key_or_keys, func)
+ when (is_atom(key_or_keys) or is_list(key_or_keys)) and
+ is_function(func, 0) do
+ keys = List.wrap(key_or_keys)
+ # verifies result inside task
+ wrapped_func = fn ->
+ case func.() do
+ {:ok, %{} = assigns} ->
+ if Enum.find(keys, &(not is_map_key(assigns, &1))) do
+ raise ArgumentError, """
+ expected assign_async to return map of assigns for all keys
+ in #{inspect(keys)}, but got: #{inspect(assigns)}
+ """
+ else
+ {:ok, assigns}
+ end
+ {:error, reason} ->
+ {:error, reason}
+ other ->
+ raise ArgumentError, """
+ expected assign_async to return {:ok, map} of
+ assigns for #{inspect(keys)} or {:error, reason}, got: #{inspect(other)}
+ """
+ end
+ end
+ new_assigns =
+ Enum.map(keys, fn key ->
+ case socket.assigns do
+ %{^key => %AsyncResult{ok?: true} = existing} ->
+ {key, AsyncResult.loading(existing, keys)}
+ %{} ->
+ {key, AsyncResult.loading(keys)}
+ end
+ end)
+ socket
+ |> Phoenix.Component.assign(new_assigns)
+ |> run_async_task(keys, wrapped_func, :assign)
+ end
+ defp run_async_task(%Socket{} = socket, key, func, kind) do
+ if Phoenix.LiveView.connected?(socket) do
+ lv_pid = self()
+ cid = cid(socket)
+ {:ok, pid} = Task.start_link(fn -> do_async(lv_pid, cid, key, func, kind) end)
+ ref =
+ :erlang.monitor(:process, pid, alias: :reply_demonitor, tag: {__MODULE__, key, cid, kind})
+ send(pid, {:context, ref})
+ update_private_async(socket, &Map.put(&1, key, {ref, pid, kind}))
+ else
+ socket
+ end
+ end
+ defp do_async(lv_pid, cid, key, func, async_kind) do
+ receive do
+ {:context, ref} ->
+ try do
+ result = func.()
+ Channel.report_async_result(ref, async_kind, ref, cid, key, {:ok, result})
+ catch
+ catch_kind, reason ->
+ Process.unlink(lv_pid)
+ caught_result = to_exit(catch_kind, reason, __STACKTRACE__)
+ Channel.report_async_result(ref, async_kind, ref, cid, key, caught_result)
+ :erlang.raise(catch_kind, reason, __STACKTRACE__)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def cancel_async(%Socket{} = socket, %AsyncResult{} = result, reason) do
+ case result do
+ %AsyncResult{loading: keys} when is_list(keys) ->
+ new_assigns = for key <- keys, do: {key, AsyncResult.failed(result, {:exit, reason})}
+ socket
+ |> Phoenix.Component.assign(new_assigns)
+ |> cancel_async(keys, reason)
+ %AsyncResult{} ->
+ socket
+ end
+ end
+ def cancel_async(%Socket{} = socket, key, reason) do
+ case get_private_async(socket, key) do
+ {_ref, pid, _kind} when is_pid(pid) ->
+ Process.unlink(pid)
+ Process.exit(pid, reason)
+ update_private_async(socket, &Map.delete(&1, key))
+ nil ->
+ socket
+ end
+ end
+ def handle_async(socket, maybe_component, kind, key, ref, result) do
+ case prune_current_async(socket, key, ref) do
+ {:ok, pruned_socket} ->
+ handle_kind(pruned_socket, maybe_component, kind, key, result)
+ :error ->
+ socket
+ end
+ end
+ def handle_trap_exit(socket, maybe_component, kind, key, ref, reason) do
+ handle_async(socket, maybe_component, kind, key, ref, {:exit, reason})
+ end
+ defp handle_kind(socket, maybe_component, :start, key, result) do
+ callback_mod = maybe_component || socket.view
+ case callback_mod.handle_async(key, result, socket) do
+ {:noreply, %Socket{} = new_socket} ->
+ new_socket
+ other ->
+ raise ArgumentError, """
+ expected #{inspect(callback_mod)}.handle_async/3 to return {:noreply, socket}, got:
+ #{inspect(other)}
+ """
+ end
+ end
+ defp handle_kind(socket, _maybe_component, :assign, keys, result) do
+ case result do
+ {:ok, {:ok, %{} = assigns}} ->
+ new_assigns =
+ for {key, val} <- assigns do
+ {key, AsyncResult.ok(get_current_async!(socket, key), val)}
+ end
+ Phoenix.Component.assign(socket, new_assigns)
+ {:ok, {:error, reason}} ->
+ new_assigns =
+ for key <- keys do
+ {key, AsyncResult.failed(get_current_async!(socket, key), {:error, reason})}
+ end
+ Phoenix.Component.assign(socket, new_assigns)
+ {:exit, _reason} = normalized_exit ->
+ new_assigns =
+ for key <- keys do
+ {key, AsyncResult.failed(get_current_async!(socket, key), normalized_exit)}
+ end
+ Phoenix.Component.assign(socket, new_assigns)
+ end
+ end
+ # handle race of async being canceled and then reassigned
+ defp prune_current_async(socket, key, ref) do
+ case get_private_async(socket, key) do
+ {^ref, _pid, _kind} -> {:ok, update_private_async(socket, &Map.delete(&1, key))}
+ {_ref, _pid, _kind} -> :error
+ nil -> :error
+ end
+ end
+ defp update_private_async(socket, func) do
+ existing = socket.private[:phoenix_async] || %{}
+ Phoenix.LiveView.put_private(socket, :phoenix_async, func.(existing))
+ end
+ defp get_private_async(%Socket{} = socket, key) do
+ socket.private[:phoenix_async][key]
+ end
+ defp get_current_async!(socket, key) do
+ # handle case where assign is temporary and needs to be rebuilt
+ case socket.assigns do
+ %{^key => %AsyncResult{} = current_async} -> current_async
+ %{^key => _other} -> AsyncResult.loading(key)
+ %{} -> raise ArgumentError, "missing async assign #{inspect(key)}"
+ end
+ end
+ defp to_exit(:throw, reason, stack), do: {:exit, {{:nocatch, reason}, stack}}
+ defp to_exit(:error, reason, stack), do: {:exit, {reason, stack}}
+ defp to_exit(:exit, reason, _stack), do: {:exit, reason}
+ defp cid(%Socket{} = socket) do
+ if myself = socket.assigns[:myself], do: myself.cid
+ end
diff --git a/lib/phoenix_live_view/async_result.ex b/lib/phoenix_live_view/async_result.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26bc31fa5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/phoenix_live_view/async_result.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+defmodule Phoenix.LiveView.AsyncResult do
+ @moduledoc ~S'''
+ Provides a datastructure for tracking the state of an async assign.
+ See the `Async Operations` section of the `Phoenix.LiveView` docs for more information.
+ ## Fields
+ * `:ok?` - When true, indicates the `:result` has been set successfully at least once.
+ * `:loading` - The current loading state
+ * `:failed` - The current failed state
+ * `:result` - The successful result of the async task
+ '''
+ defstruct ok?: false,
+ loading: nil,
+ failed: nil,
+ result: nil
+ alias Phoenix.LiveView.AsyncResult
+ @doc """
+ Updates the loading state.
+ When loading, the failed state will be reset to `nil`.
+ ## Examples
+ AsyncResult.loading()
+ AsyncResult.loading(my_async)
+ AsyncResult.loading(my_async, %{my: :loading_state})
+ """
+ def loading do
+ %AsyncResult{loading: true}
+ end
+ def loading(%AsyncResult{} = result) do
+ %AsyncResult{result | loading: true, failed: nil}
+ end
+ def loading(loading_state) do
+ %AsyncResult{loading: loading_state, failed: nil}
+ end
+ def loading(%AsyncResult{} = result, loading_state) do
+ %AsyncResult{result | loading: loading_state, failed: nil}
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Updates the failed state.
+ When failed, the loading state will be reset to `nil`.
+ ## Examples
+ AsyncResult.failed(my_async, {:exit, :boom})
+ AsyncResult.failed(my_async, {:error, reason})
+ """
+ def failed(%AsyncResult{} = result, reason) do
+ %AsyncResult{result | failed: reason, loading: nil}
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Updates the successful result.
+ The `:ok?` field will also be set to `true` to indicate this result has
+ completed successfully at least once, regardless of future state changes.
+ When ok'd, the loading and failed state will be reset to `nil`.
+ ## Examples
+ AsyncResult.ok(my_async, my_result)
+ """
+ def ok(%AsyncResult{} = result, value) do
+ %AsyncResult{result | failed: nil, loading: nil, ok?: true, result: value}
+ end
+ defimpl Enumerable, for: Phoenix.LiveView.AsyncResult do
+ alias Phoenix.LiveView.AsyncResult
+ def count(%AsyncResult{result: result, ok?: true}),
+ do: Enumerable.count(result)
+ def count(%AsyncResult{}), do: 0
+ def member?(%AsyncResult{result: result, ok?: true}, item) do
+ Enumerable.member?(result, item)
+ end
+ def member?(%AsyncResult{}, _item), do: false
+ def reduce(
+ %AsyncResult{result: result, ok?: true},
+ acc,
+ fun
+ ) do
+ Enumerable.reduce(result, acc, fun)
+ end
+ def reduce(%AsyncResult{}, {_, acc}, _fun), do: {:done, acc}
+ def slice(%AsyncResult{result: result, ok?: true}) do
+ Enumerable.slice(result)
+ end
+ def slice(%AsyncResult{}) do
+ fn _start, _length, _step -> [] end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/phoenix_live_view/channel.ex b/lib/phoenix_live_view/channel.ex
index 33cbb2c260..8f6cd165df 100644
--- a/lib/phoenix_live_view/channel.ex
+++ b/lib/phoenix_live_view/channel.ex
@@ -4,7 +4,18 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveView.Channel do
require Logger
- alias Phoenix.LiveView.{Socket, Utils, Diff, Upload, UploadConfig, Route, Session, Lifecycle}
+ alias Phoenix.LiveView.{
+ Socket,
+ Utils,
+ Diff,
+ Upload,
+ UploadConfig,
+ Route,
+ Session,
+ Lifecycle,
+ Async
+ }
alias Phoenix.Socket.{Broadcast, Message}
@prefix :phoenix
@@ -30,6 +41,15 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveView.Channel do
+ def report_async_result(monitor_ref, kind, ref, cid, keys, result)
+ when is_reference(monitor_ref) and kind in [:assign, :start] and is_reference(ref) do
+ send(monitor_ref, {@prefix, :async_result, {kind, {ref, cid, keys, result}}})
+ end
+ def async_pids(lv_pid) do
+ GenServer.call(lv_pid, {@prefix, :async_pids})
+ end
def ping(pid) do
GenServer.call(pid, {@prefix, :ping}, :infinity)
@@ -223,6 +243,18 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveView.Channel do
+ def handle_info({@prefix, :async_result, {kind, info}}, state) do
+ {ref, cid, keys, result} = info
+ new_state =
+ write_socket(state, cid, nil, fn socket, maybe_component ->
+ new_socket = Async.handle_async(socket, maybe_component, kind, keys, ref, result)
+ {new_socket, {:ok, nil, state}}
+ end)
+ {:noreply, new_state}
+ end
def handle_info({@prefix, :drop_upload_entries, info}, state) do
%{ref: ref, cid: cid, entry_refs: entry_refs} = info
@@ -260,6 +292,16 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveView.Channel do
handle_redirect(state, command, flash, nil)
+ def handle_info({{Phoenix.LiveView.Async, keys, cid, kind}, ref, :process, _pid, reason}, state) do
+ new_state =
+ write_socket(state, cid, nil, fn socket, component ->
+ new_socket = Async.handle_trap_exit(socket, component, kind, keys, ref, reason)
+ {new_socket, {:ok, nil, state}}
+ end)
+ {:noreply, new_state}
+ end
def handle_info({:phoenix_live_reload, _topic, _changed_file}, %{socket: socket} = state) do
@@ -282,6 +324,11 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveView.Channel do
{:reply, :ok, state}
+ def handle_call({@prefix, :async_pids}, _from, state) do
+ pids = state |> all_asyncs() |> Map.keys()
+ {:reply, {:ok, pids}, state}
+ end
def handle_call({@prefix, :fetch_upload_config, name, cid}, _from, state) do
read_socket(state, cid, fn socket, _ ->
result =
@@ -1391,4 +1438,30 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveView.Channel do
defp maybe_subscribe_to_live_reload(response), do: response
+ defp component_asyncs(state) do
+ %{components: {components, _ids, _}} = state
+ Enum.reduce(components, %{}, fn {cid, {_mod, _id, _assigns, private, _prints}}, acc ->
+ Map.merge(acc, socket_asyncs(private, cid))
+ end)
+ end
+ defp all_asyncs(state) do
+ %{socket: socket} = state
+ socket.private
+ |> socket_asyncs(nil)
+ |> Map.merge(component_asyncs(state))
+ end
+ defp socket_asyncs(private, cid) do
+ case private do
+ %{phoenix_async: ref_pids} ->
+ Enum.into(ref_pids, %{}, fn {key, {ref, pid, kind}} -> {pid, {key, ref, cid, kind}} end)
+ %{} ->
+ %{}
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/phoenix_live_view/test/client_proxy.ex b/lib/phoenix_live_view/test/client_proxy.ex
index 08a2db78a4..c6325e1bb2 100644
--- a/lib/phoenix_live_view/test/client_proxy.ex
+++ b/lib/phoenix_live_view/test/client_proxy.ex
@@ -526,6 +526,12 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveViewTest.ClientProxy do
{:noreply, state}
+ def handle_call({:async_pids, topic_or_element}, _from, state) do
+ topic = proxy_topic(topic_or_element)
+ %{pid: pid} = fetch_view_by_topic!(state, topic)
+ {:reply, Phoenix.LiveView.Channel.async_pids(pid), state}
+ end
def handle_call({:render_event, topic_or_element, type, value}, from, state) do
topic = proxy_topic(topic_or_element)
%{pid: pid} = fetch_view_by_topic!(state, topic)
diff --git a/lib/phoenix_live_view/test/live_view_test.ex b/lib/phoenix_live_view/test/live_view_test.ex
index df415bfd24..793c91e68c 100644
--- a/lib/phoenix_live_view/test/live_view_test.ex
+++ b/lib/phoenix_live_view/test/live_view_test.ex
@@ -468,8 +468,7 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveViewTest do
def __render_component__(endpoint, %{module: component}, assigns, opts) do
socket = %Socket{endpoint: endpoint, router: opts[:router]}
- assigns =
- Map.new(assigns)
+ assigns = Map.new(assigns)
# TODO: Make the ID required once we support only stateful module components as live_component
mount_assigns = if assigns[:id], do: %{myself: %Phoenix.LiveComponent.CID{cid: -1}}, else: %{}
@@ -922,6 +921,54 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveViewTest do
call(view, {:render_event, {proxy_topic(view), to_string(event), view.target}, type, value})
+ @doc """
+ Awaits all current `assign_async` and `start_async` for a given LiveView or element.
+ It renders the LiveView or Element once complete and returns the result.
+ By default, the timeout is 100ms, but a custom time may be passed to override.
+ ## Examples
+ {:ok, lv, html} = live(conn, "/path")
+ assert html =~ "loading data..."
+ assert render_async(lv) =~ "data loaded!"
+ """
+ def render_async(
+ view_or_element,
+ timeout \\ Application.fetch_env!(:ex_unit, :assert_receive_timeout)
+ ) do
+ pids =
+ case view_or_element do
+ %View{} = view -> call(view, {:async_pids, {proxy_topic(view), nil, nil}})
+ %Element{} = element -> call(element, {:async_pids, element})
+ end
+ timeout_ref = make_ref()
+ Process.send_after(self(), {timeout_ref, :timeout}, timeout)
+ pids
+ |> Enum.map(&Process.monitor(&1))
+ |> Enum.each(fn ref ->
+ receive do
+ {^timeout_ref, :timeout} ->
+ raise RuntimeError, "expected async processes to finish within #{timeout}ms"
+ {:DOWN, ^ref, :process, _pid, _reason} ->
+ :ok
+ end
+ end)
+ unless Process.cancel_timer(timeout_ref) do
+ receive do
+ {^timeout_ref, :timeout} -> :noop
+ after
+ 0 -> :noop
+ end
+ end
+ render(view_or_element)
+ end
@doc """
Simulates a `live_patch` to the given `path` and returns the rendered result.
diff --git a/test/phoenix_live_view/async_result_test.exs b/test/phoenix_live_view/async_result_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e53a0f4c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/phoenix_live_view/async_result_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+defmodule Phoenix.LiveView.AsyncResultTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ alias Phoenix.LiveView.AsyncResult
+ test "ok" do
+ async = AsyncResult.loading()
+ assert Enum.sum(AsyncResult.ok(async, [1, 1, 1])) == 3
+ assert Enum.count(AsyncResult.ok(async, [1, 2, 3])) == 3
+ assert Enum.map(AsyncResult.ok(async, [1, 2, 3]), &(&1 * 2)) == [2, 4, 6]
+ end
+ test "not ok" do
+ async = AsyncResult.loading()
+ # loading
+ assert Enum.sum(async) == 0
+ assert Enum.map(async, & &1) == []
+ # failed
+ failed = AsyncResult.failed(async, {:exit, :boom})
+ assert Enum.sum(failed) == 0
+ assert Enum.map(failed, & &1) == []
+ end
diff --git a/test/phoenix_live_view/integrations/assign_async_test.exs b/test/phoenix_live_view/integrations/assign_async_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7c8e12d28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/phoenix_live_view/integrations/assign_async_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+defmodule Phoenix.LiveView.AssignAsyncTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ import Phoenix.ConnTest
+ import Phoenix.LiveViewTest
+ alias Phoenix.LiveViewTest.Endpoint
+ @endpoint Endpoint
+ setup do
+ {:ok, conn: Plug.Test.init_test_session(Phoenix.ConnTest.build_conn(), %{})}
+ end
+ describe "LiveView assign_async" do
+ test "bad return", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/assign_async?test=bad_return")
+ assert render_async(lv) =~
+ "{:exit, {%ArgumentError{message: "expected assign_async to return {:ok, map} of\\nassigns for [:data] or {:error, reason}, got: 123\\n"}"
+ assert render(lv)
+ end
+ test "missing known key", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/assign_async?test=bad_ok")
+ assert render_async(lv) =~
+ "expected assign_async to return map of assigns for all keys\\nin [:data]"
+ assert render(lv)
+ end
+ test "valid return", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/assign_async?test=ok")
+ assert render_async(lv) =~ "data: 123"
+ end
+ test "raise during execution", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/assign_async?test=raise")
+ assert render_async(lv) =~ "{:exit, {%RuntimeError{message: "boom"}"
+ assert render(lv)
+ end
+ test "exit during execution", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/assign_async?test=exit")
+ assert render_async(lv) =~ "{:exit, :boom}"
+ assert render(lv)
+ end
+ test "lv exit brings down asyncs", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/assign_async?test=lv_exit")
+ Process.unlink(lv.pid)
+ lv_ref = Process.monitor(lv.pid)
+ async_ref = Process.monitor(Process.whereis(:lv_exit))
+ send(lv.pid, :boom)
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, ^lv_ref, :process, _pid, :boom}, 1000
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, ^async_ref, :process, _pid, :boom}, 1000
+ end
+ test "cancel_async", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/assign_async?test=cancel")
+ Process.unlink(lv.pid)
+ async_ref = Process.monitor(Process.whereis(:cancel))
+ send(lv.pid, :cancel)
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, ^async_ref, :process, _pid, {:shutdown, :cancel}}, 1000
+ assert render(lv) =~ ":cancel"
+ send(lv.pid, :renew_canceled)
+ assert render(lv) =~ "data loading..."
+ assert render_async(lv, 200) =~ "data: 123"
+ end
+ test "enum", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/assign_async?test=enum")
+ html = render_async(lv, 200)
+ assert html =~ "data: [1, 2, 3]"
+ assert html =~ "1
+ end
+ test "trapping exits", %{conn: conn} do
+ Process.register(self(), :trap_exit_test)
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/assign_async?test=trap_exit")
+ assert render_async(lv, 200) =~ "{:exit, :boom}"
+ assert render(lv)
+ assert_receive {:exit, _pid, :boom}, 1000
+ end
+ end
+ describe "LiveComponent assign_async" do
+ test "bad return", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/assign_async?test=lc_bad_return")
+ assert render_async(lv) =~
+ "exit: {%ArgumentError{message: "expected assign_async to return {:ok, map} of\\nassigns for [:lc_data] or {:error, reason}, got: 123\\n"}"
+ assert render(lv)
+ end
+ test "missing known key", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/assign_async?test=lc_bad_ok")
+ assert render_async(lv) =~
+ "expected assign_async to return map of assigns for all keys\\nin [:lc_data]"
+ assert render(lv)
+ end
+ test "valid return", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/assign_async?test=lc_ok")
+ assert render_async(lv) =~ "lc_data: 123"
+ end
+ test "raise during execution", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/assign_async?test=lc_raise")
+ assert render_async(lv) =~ "exit: {%RuntimeError{message: "boom"}"
+ assert render(lv)
+ end
+ test "exit during execution", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/assign_async?test=lc_exit")
+ assert render_async(lv) =~ "exit: :boom"
+ assert render(lv)
+ end
+ test "lv exit brings down asyncs", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/assign_async?test=lc_lv_exit")
+ Process.unlink(lv.pid)
+ lv_ref = Process.monitor(lv.pid)
+ async_ref = Process.monitor(Process.whereis(:lc_exit))
+ send(lv.pid, :boom)
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, ^lv_ref, :process, _pid, :boom}, 1000
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, ^async_ref, :process, _pid, :boom}, 1000
+ end
+ test "cancel_async", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/assign_async?test=lc_cancel")
+ Process.unlink(lv.pid)
+ async_ref = Process.monitor(Process.whereis(:lc_cancel))
+ Phoenix.LiveView.send_update(lv.pid, Phoenix.LiveViewTest.AssignAsyncLive.LC,
+ id: "lc",
+ action: :cancel
+ )
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, ^async_ref, :process, _pid, {:shutdown, :cancel}}, 1000
+ assert render(lv) =~ "exit: {:shutdown, :cancel}"
+ Phoenix.LiveView.send_update(lv.pid, Phoenix.LiveViewTest.AssignAsyncLive.LC,
+ id: "lc",
+ action: :renew_canceled
+ )
+ assert render(lv) =~ "lc_data loading..."
+ assert render_async(lv, 200) =~ "lc_data: 123"
+ end
+ test "enum", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/assign_async?test=lc_enum")
+ html = render_async(lv, 200)
+ assert html =~ "lc_data: [4, 5, 6]"
+ assert html =~ "4
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/phoenix_live_view/integrations/hooks_test.exs b/test/phoenix_live_view/integrations/hooks_test.exs
index f77a87b3e7..55859ab5a4 100644
--- a/test/phoenix_live_view/integrations/hooks_test.exs
+++ b/test/phoenix_live_view/integrations/hooks_test.exs
@@ -123,6 +123,9 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveView.HooksTest do
{:halt, %{}, socket}
+ %{proxy: {_ref, _topic, proxy_pid}} = lv
+ Process.unlink(proxy_pid)
assert ExUnit.CaptureLog.capture_log(fn ->
send(lv.pid, :boom)
ref = Process.monitor(lv.pid)
diff --git a/test/phoenix_live_view/integrations/start_async_test.exs b/test/phoenix_live_view/integrations/start_async_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90fb7ee744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/phoenix_live_view/integrations/start_async_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+defmodule Phoenix.LiveView.StartAsyncTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ import Phoenix.ConnTest
+ import Phoenix.LiveViewTest
+ alias Phoenix.LiveViewTest.Endpoint
+ @endpoint Endpoint
+ setup do
+ {:ok, conn: Plug.Test.init_test_session(Phoenix.ConnTest.build_conn(), %{})}
+ end
+ describe "LiveView start_async" do
+ test "ok task", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/start_async?test=ok")
+ assert render_async(lv) =~ "result: :good"
+ end
+ test "raise during execution", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/start_async?test=raise")
+ assert render_async(lv) =~ "result: {:exit, %RuntimeError{message: "boom"}}"
+ assert render(lv)
+ end
+ test "exit during execution", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/start_async?test=exit")
+ assert render_async(lv) =~ "result: {:exit, :boom}"
+ assert render(lv)
+ end
+ test "lv exit brings down asyncs", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/start_async?test=lv_exit")
+ Process.unlink(lv.pid)
+ lv_ref = Process.monitor(lv.pid)
+ async_ref = Process.monitor(Process.whereis(:start_async_exit))
+ send(lv.pid, :boom)
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, ^lv_ref, :process, _pid, :boom}, 1000
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, ^async_ref, :process, _pid, :boom}, 1000
+ end
+ test "cancel_async", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/start_async?test=cancel")
+ Process.unlink(lv.pid)
+ async_ref = Process.monitor(Process.whereis(:start_async_cancel))
+ send(lv.pid, :cancel)
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, ^async_ref, :process, _pid, {:shutdown, :cancel}}, 1000
+ assert render(lv) =~ "result: :loading"
+ send(lv.pid, :renew_canceled)
+ assert render(lv) =~ "result: :loading"
+ assert render_async(lv, 200) =~ "result: :renewed"
+ end
+ test "trapping exits", %{conn: conn} do
+ Process.register(self(), :start_async_trap_exit_test)
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/start_async?test=trap_exit")
+ assert render_async(lv, 200) =~ "result: :loading"
+ assert render(lv)
+ assert_receive {:exit, _pid, :boom}, 1000
+ end
+ end
+ describe "LiveComponent start_async" do
+ test "ok task", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/start_async?test=lc_ok")
+ assert render_async(lv) =~ "lc: :good"
+ end
+ test "raise during execution", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/start_async?test=lc_raise")
+ assert render_async(lv) =~ "lc: {:exit, %RuntimeError{message: "boom"}}"
+ assert render(lv)
+ end
+ test "exit during execution", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/start_async?test=lc_exit")
+ assert render_async(lv) =~ "lc: {:exit, :boom}"
+ assert render(lv)
+ end
+ test "lv exit brings down asyncs", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/start_async?test=lc_lv_exit")
+ Process.unlink(lv.pid)
+ lv_ref = Process.monitor(lv.pid)
+ async_ref = Process.monitor(Process.whereis(:start_async_exit))
+ send(lv.pid, :boom)
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, ^lv_ref, :process, _pid, :boom}, 1000
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, ^async_ref, :process, _pid, :boom}, 1000
+ end
+ test "cancel_async", %{conn: conn} do
+ {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/start_async?test=lc_cancel")
+ Process.unlink(lv.pid)
+ async_ref = Process.monitor(Process.whereis(:start_async_cancel))
+ Phoenix.LiveView.send_update(lv.pid, Phoenix.LiveViewTest.StartAsyncLive.LC,
+ id: "lc",
+ action: :cancel
+ )
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, ^async_ref, :process, _pid, {:shutdown, :cancel}}
+ assert render(lv) =~ "lc: :loading"
+ Phoenix.LiveView.send_update(lv.pid, Phoenix.LiveViewTest.StartAsyncLive.LC,
+ id: "lc",
+ action: :renew_canceled
+ )
+ assert render(lv) =~ "lc: :loading"
+ assert render_async(lv, 200) =~ "lc: :renewed"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/phoenix_live_view/upload/channel_test.exs b/test/phoenix_live_view/upload/channel_test.exs
index 73788ec6db..ad5bd9da17 100644
--- a/test/phoenix_live_view/upload/channel_test.exs
+++ b/test/phoenix_live_view/upload/channel_test.exs
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveView.UploadChannelTest do
) ==
{:error, %{limit: 100, reason: :file_size_limit_exceeded}}
- assert_receive {:DOWN, _ref, :process, ^channel_pid, {:shutdown, :closed}}
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, _ref, :process, ^channel_pid, {:shutdown, :closed}}, 1000
@tag allow: [accept: :any, max_file_size: 100, chunk_timeout: 500]
@@ -394,8 +394,8 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveView.UploadChannelTest do
# Wait for the UploadClient and UploadChannel to shutdown
- assert_receive {:DOWN, _ref, :process, ^avatar_pid, {:shutdown, :closed}}
- assert_receive {:DOWN, _ref, :process, ^channel_pid, {:shutdown, :closed}}
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, _ref, :process, ^avatar_pid, {:shutdown, :closed}}, 1000
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, _ref, :process, ^channel_pid, {:shutdown, :closed}}, 1000
assert_receive {:file, tmp_path, "foo.jpeg", "123"}
# synchronize with LV and Plug.Upload to ensure they have processed DOWN
assert render(lv)
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveView.UploadChannelTest do
{:reply, :ok, socket}
- assert_receive {:DOWN, _ref, :process, ^avatar_pid, {:shutdown, :closed}}
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, _ref, :process, ^avatar_pid, {:shutdown, :closed}}, 1000
assert_receive {:file, tmp_path, "foo.jpeg", "123"}
# synchronize with LV to ensure it has processed DOWN
assert render(lv)
@@ -535,8 +535,8 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveView.UploadChannelTest do
assert_receive {:results, [{:consumed, tmp_path}]}
assert_receive {:file, ^tmp_path, "foo.jpeg", "123"}
- assert_receive {:DOWN, _ref, :process, ^avatar_pid, {:shutdown, :closed}}
- assert_receive {:DOWN, _ref, :process, ^channel_pid, {:shutdown, :closed}}
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, _ref, :process, ^avatar_pid, {:shutdown, :closed}}, 1000
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, _ref, :process, ^channel_pid, {:shutdown, :closed}}, 1000
# synchronize with LV to ensure it has processed DOWN
assert render(lv)
# synchronize with Plug.Upload to ensure it has processed DOWN
@@ -590,8 +590,8 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveView.UploadChannelTest do
assert_receive {:result, {:consumed, tmp_path}}
assert_receive {:file, ^tmp_path, "foo.jpeg", "123"}
- assert_receive {:DOWN, _ref, :process, ^avatar_pid, {:shutdown, :closed}}
- assert_receive {:DOWN, _ref, :process, ^channel_pid, {:shutdown, :closed}}
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, _ref, :process, ^avatar_pid, {:shutdown, :closed}}, 1000
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, _ref, :process, ^channel_pid, {:shutdown, :closed}}, 1000
# synchronize with LV to ensure it has processed DOWN
assert render(lv)
# synchronize with Plug.Upload to ensure it has processed DOWN
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveView.UploadChannelTest do
{:reply, :ok, Phoenix.LiveView.cancel_upload(socket, :avatar, ref)}
- assert_receive {:DOWN, _ref, :process, ^channel_pid, {:shutdown, :closed}}
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, _ref, :process, ^channel_pid, {:shutdown, :closed}}, 1000
assert UploadLive.run(lv, fn socket ->
{:reply, Phoenix.LiveView.uploaded_entries(socket, :avatar), socket}
@@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveView.UploadChannelTest do
refute render(lv) =~ "myfile1.jpeg"
- assert_receive {:DOWN, _ref, :process, ^channel_pid, {:shutdown, :closed}}
+ assert_receive {:DOWN, _ref, :process, ^channel_pid, {:shutdown, :closed}}, 1000
# retry with new component
GenServer.call(lv.pid, {:uploads, 1})
diff --git a/test/phoenix_live_view_test.exs b/test/phoenix_live_view_test.exs
index 38a772eea9..e22ab776c5 100644
--- a/test/phoenix_live_view_test.exs
+++ b/test/phoenix_live_view_test.exs
@@ -288,4 +288,17 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveViewUnitTest do
{:live, :patch, %{kind: :push, to: "/counter/123"}}
+ describe "put_private" do
+ test "assigns private keys" do
+ assert @socket.private[:hello] == nil
+ assert put_private(@socket, :hello, "world").private[:hello] == "world"
+ end
+ test "disallows reserved keys" do
+ assert_raise ArgumentError, ~r/reserved/, fn ->
+ put_private(@socket, :assign_new, "boom")
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/support/live_views/general.ex b/test/support/live_views/general.ex
index 172c78122a..6029eebb5a 100644
--- a/test/support/live_views/general.ex
+++ b/test/support/live_views/general.ex
@@ -336,3 +336,370 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveViewTest.ClassListLive do
def render(assigns), do: ~H|Some content|
+defmodule Phoenix.LiveViewTest.AssignAsyncLive do
+ use Phoenix.LiveView
+ on_mount({__MODULE__, :defaults})
+ def on_mount(:defaults, _params, _session, socket) do
+ {:cont, assign(socket, enum: false, lc: false)}
+ end
+ def render(assigns) do
+ ~H"""
+ <.live_component :if={@lc} module={Phoenix.LiveViewTest.AssignAsyncLive.LC} test={@lc} id="lc" />
+ data loading...
+ no data found
+ data: <%= inspect(@data.result) %>
+ <%= inspect(@data.failed) %>
+ <%= if @enum do %>
+ <%= i %>
+ <% end %>
+ """
+ end
+ def mount(%{"test" => "lc_" <> lc_test}, _session, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ socket
+ |> assign(lc: lc_test)
+ |> assign_async(:data, fn -> {:ok, %{data: :live_component}} end)}
+ end
+ def mount(%{"test" => "bad_return"}, _session, socket) do
+ {:ok, assign_async(socket, :data, fn -> 123 end)}
+ end
+ def mount(%{"test" => "bad_ok"}, _session, socket) do
+ {:ok, assign_async(socket, :data, fn -> {:ok, %{bad: 123}} end)}
+ end
+ def mount(%{"test" => "ok"}, _session, socket) do
+ {:ok, assign_async(socket, :data, fn -> {:ok, %{data: 123}} end)}
+ end
+ def mount(%{"test" => "raise"}, _session, socket) do
+ {:ok, assign_async(socket, :data, fn -> raise("boom") end)}
+ end
+ def mount(%{"test" => "exit"}, _session, socket) do
+ {:ok, assign_async(socket, :data, fn -> exit(:boom) end)}
+ end
+ def mount(%{"test" => "lv_exit"}, _session, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ assign_async(socket, :data, fn ->
+ Process.register(self(), :lv_exit)
+ Process.sleep(:infinity)
+ end)}
+ end
+ def mount(%{"test" => "cancel"}, _session, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ assign_async(socket, :data, fn ->
+ Process.register(self(), :cancel)
+ Process.sleep(:infinity)
+ end)}
+ end
+ def mount(%{"test" => "trap_exit"}, _session, socket) do
+ Process.flag(:trap_exit, true)
+ {:ok,
+ assign_async(socket, :data, fn ->
+ spawn_link(fn -> exit(:boom) end)
+ Process.sleep(100)
+ {:ok, %{data: 0}}
+ end)}
+ end
+ def mount(%{"test" => "enum"}, _session, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ socket |> assign(enum: true) |> assign_async(:data, fn -> {:ok, %{data: [1, 2, 3]}} end)}
+ end
+ def handle_info(:boom, _socket), do: exit(:boom)
+ def handle_info(:cancel, socket) do
+ {:noreply, cancel_async(socket, socket.assigns.data)}
+ end
+ def handle_info({:EXIT, pid, reason}, socket) do
+ send(:trap_exit_test, {:exit, pid, reason})
+ {:noreply, socket}
+ end
+ def handle_info(:renew_canceled, socket) do
+ {:noreply,
+ assign_async(socket, :data, fn ->
+ Process.sleep(100)
+ {:ok, %{data: 123}}
+ end)}
+ end
+defmodule Phoenix.LiveViewTest.AssignAsyncLive.LC do
+ use Phoenix.LiveComponent
+ def render(assigns) do
+ ~H"""
+ <%= if @enum do %>
<%= i %>
+ <% end %>
+ <.async_result :let={data} assign={@lc_data}>
+ <:loading>lc_data loading...
+ <:failed :let={{kind, reason}}><%= kind %>: <%= inspect(reason) %>
+ lc_data: <%= inspect(data) %>
+ """
+ end
+ def mount(socket) do
+ {:ok, assign(socket, enum: false)}
+ end
+ def update(%{test: "bad_return"}, socket) do
+ {:ok, assign_async(socket, :lc_data, fn -> 123 end)}
+ end
+ def update(%{test: "bad_ok"}, socket) do
+ {:ok, assign_async(socket, :lc_data, fn -> {:ok, %{bad: 123}} end)}
+ end
+ def update(%{test: "ok"}, socket) do
+ {:ok, assign_async(socket, :lc_data, fn -> {:ok, %{lc_data: 123}} end)}
+ end
+ def update(%{test: "raise"}, socket) do
+ {:ok, assign_async(socket, :lc_data, fn -> raise("boom") end)}
+ end
+ def update(%{test: "exit"}, socket) do
+ {:ok, assign_async(socket, :lc_data, fn -> exit(:boom) end)}
+ end
+ def update(%{test: "lv_exit"}, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ assign_async(socket, :lc_data, fn ->
+ Process.register(self(), :lc_exit)
+ Process.sleep(:infinity)
+ end)}
+ end
+ def update(%{test: "cancel"}, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ assign_async(socket, :lc_data, fn ->
+ Process.register(self(), :lc_cancel)
+ Process.sleep(:infinity)
+ end)}
+ end
+ def update(%{test: "enum"}, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ socket
+ |> assign(enum: true)
+ |> assign_async(:lc_data, fn -> {:ok, %{lc_data: [4, 5, 6]}} end)}
+ end
+ def update(%{action: :boom}, _socket), do: exit(:boom)
+ def update(%{action: :cancel}, socket) do
+ {:ok, cancel_async(socket, socket.assigns.lc_data)}
+ end
+ def update(%{action: :renew_canceled}, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ assign_async(socket, :lc_data, fn ->
+ Process.sleep(100)
+ {:ok, %{lc_data: 123}}
+ end)}
+ end
+defmodule Phoenix.LiveViewTest.StartAsyncLive do
+ use Phoenix.LiveView
+ on_mount({__MODULE__, :defaults})
+ def on_mount(:defaults, _params, _session, socket) do
+ {:cont, assign(socket, lc: false)}
+ end
+ def render(assigns) do
+ ~H"""
+ <.live_component :if={@lc} module={Phoenix.LiveViewTest.StartAsyncLive.LC} test={@lc} id="lc" />
+ result: <%= inspect(@result) %>
+ """
+ end
+ def mount(%{"test" => "lc_" <> lc_test}, _session, socket) do
+ {:ok, assign(socket, lc: lc_test, result: :loading)}
+ end
+ def mount(%{"test" => "ok"}, _session, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ socket
+ |> assign(result: :loading)
+ |> start_async(:result_task, fn -> :good end)}
+ end
+ def mount(%{"test" => "raise"}, _session, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ socket
+ |> assign(result: :loading)
+ |> start_async(:result_task, fn -> raise("boom") end)}
+ end
+ def mount(%{"test" => "exit"}, _session, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ socket
+ |> assign(result: :loading)
+ |> start_async(:result_task, fn -> exit(:boom) end)}
+ end
+ def mount(%{"test" => "lv_exit"}, _session, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ socket
+ |> assign(result: :loading)
+ |> start_async(:result_task, fn ->
+ Process.register(self(), :start_async_exit)
+ Process.sleep(:infinity)
+ end)}
+ end
+ def mount(%{"test" => "cancel"}, _session, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ socket
+ |> assign(result: :loading)
+ |> start_async(:result_task, fn ->
+ Process.register(self(), :start_async_cancel)
+ Process.sleep(:infinity)
+ end)}
+ end
+ def mount(%{"test" => "trap_exit"}, _session, socket) do
+ Process.flag(:trap_exit, true)
+ {:ok,
+ socket
+ |> assign(result: :loading)
+ |> assign_async(:result_task, fn ->
+ spawn_link(fn -> exit(:boom) end)
+ Process.sleep(100)
+ :good
+ end)}
+ end
+ def handle_async(:result_task, {:ok, result}, socket) do
+ {:noreply, assign(socket, result: result)}
+ end
+ def handle_async(:result_task, {:exit, {error, [_ | _] = _stack}}, socket) do
+ {:noreply, assign(socket, result: {:exit, error})}
+ end
+ def handle_async(:result_task, {:exit, reason}, socket) do
+ {:noreply, assign(socket, result: {:exit, reason})}
+ end
+ def handle_info(:boom, _socket), do: exit(:boom)
+ def handle_info(:cancel, socket) do
+ {:noreply, cancel_async(socket, :result_task)}
+ end
+ def handle_info(:renew_canceled, socket) do
+ {:noreply,
+ start_async(socket, :result_task, fn ->
+ Process.sleep(100)
+ :renewed
+ end)}
+ end
+ def handle_info({:EXIT, pid, reason}, socket) do
+ send(:start_async_trap_exit_test, {:exit, pid, reason})
+ {:noreply, socket}
+ end
+defmodule Phoenix.LiveViewTest.StartAsyncLive.LC do
+ use Phoenix.LiveComponent
+ def render(assigns) do
+ ~H"""
+ lc: <%= inspect(@result) %>
+ """
+ end
+ def update(%{test: "ok"}, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ socket
+ |> assign(result: :loading)
+ |> start_async(:result_task, fn -> :good end)}
+ end
+ def update(%{test: "raise"}, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ socket
+ |> assign(result: :loading)
+ |> start_async(:result_task, fn -> raise("boom") end)}
+ end
+ def update(%{test: "exit"}, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ socket
+ |> assign(result: :loading)
+ |> start_async(:result_task, fn -> exit(:boom) end)}
+ end
+ def update(%{test: "lv_exit"}, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ socket
+ |> assign(result: :loading)
+ |> start_async(:result_task, fn ->
+ Process.register(self(), :start_async_exit)
+ Process.sleep(:infinity)
+ end)}
+ end
+ def update(%{test: "cancel"}, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ socket
+ |> assign(result: :loading)
+ |> start_async(:result_task, fn ->
+ Process.register(self(), :start_async_cancel)
+ Process.sleep(:infinity)
+ end)}
+ end
+ def update(%{action: :cancel}, socket) do
+ {:ok, cancel_async(socket, :result_task)}
+ end
+ def update(%{action: :renew_canceled}, socket) do
+ {:ok,
+ start_async(socket, :result_task, fn ->
+ Process.sleep(100)
+ :renewed
+ end)}
+ end
+ def handle_async(:result_task, {:ok, result}, socket) do
+ {:noreply, assign(socket, result: result)}
+ end
+ def handle_async(:result_task, {:exit, {error, [_ | _] = _stack}}, socket) do
+ {:noreply, assign(socket, result: {:exit, error})}
+ end
+ def handle_async(:result_task, {:exit, reason}, socket) do
+ {:noreply, assign(socket, result: {:exit, reason})}
+ end
diff --git a/test/support/router.ex b/test/support/router.ex
index 895254013c..3c8babfa25 100644
--- a/test/support/router.ex
+++ b/test/support/router.ex
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ defmodule Phoenix.LiveViewTest.Router do
live "/log-disabled", WithLogDisabled
live "/errors", ErrorsLive
live "/live-reload", ReloadLive
+ live "/assign_async", AssignAsyncLive
+ live "/start_async", StartAsyncLive
# controller test
get "/controller/:type", Controller, :incoming