This namespace helps you to create objects in i-doit by using the method Create
as well as updating them with the method Update
deleting with the method Delete
, archiving with the method Archive
, quick purging with the method Quickpurge
reading with the method Read
using System;
using Idoit.API.Client;
using idoit = Idoit.API.Client.Idoit.Idoit;
using Obj = Idoit.API.Client.CMDB.Object.Object;
using ObjectType = Idoit.API.Client.Contants.ObjectTypes;
using CmdbStatus = Idoit.API.Client.Contants.CmdbStatus;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ConsoleApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int objId;
Client myClient = new Client("", "Apikey", "en");
myClient.Username = "admin";
myClient.Password = "admin";
idoit idoit = new idoit(myClient);
Obj request = new Obj(myClient);
request.type = ObjectType.TYPE_PRINTER;
request.title = "My Printer";
request.cmdbStatus = CmdbStatus.sorted;
objId = request.Create();
Console.WriteLine("The objectId is: " + "'" + objId + "'");
using System;
using Idoit.API.Client;
using idoit = Idoit.API.Client.Idoit.Idoit;
using Obj = Idoit.API.Client.CMDB.Object.Object;
using ObjectType = Idoit.API.Client.Contants.ObjectTypes;
using CmdbStatus = Idoit.API.Client.Contants.CmdbStatus;
using Idoit.API.Client.CMDB.Object.Response;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ConsoleApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int objId;
Client myClient = new Client("", "Apikey", "en");
myClient.Username = "admin";
myClient.Password = "admin";
idoit idoit = new idoit(myClient);
Obj request = new Obj(myClient);
Result list = new Result();
request.type = ObjectType.TYPE_CITY;
request.title = "Dormagen";
request.cmdbStatus = CmdbStatus.planned;
objId = request.Create();
list = request.Read(objId);
/* "1": Unfinished,
* "2": Normal,
* "3": Archived,
* "4": Deleted,
* "6": Template and
* "7": Mass change template
if (list.status == "4")
Console.WriteLine("The object "+ "'" + request.title + "'" + " with the objectId " + "'"
+ objId + "'" + " has been deleted");
using System;
using Idoit.API.Client;
using idoit = Idoit.API.Client.Idoit.Idoit;
using Obj = Idoit.API.Client.CMDB.Object.Object;
using ObjectType = Idoit.API.Client.Contants.ObjectTypes;
using CmdbStatus = Idoit.API.Client.Contants.CmdbStatus;
using Idoit.API.Client.CMDB.Object.Response;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ConsoleApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int objId;
Client myClient = new Client("", "Apikey", "en");
myClient.Username = "admin";
myClient.Password = "admin";
idoit idoit = new idoit(myClient);
Obj request = new Obj(myClient);
Result list = new Result();
request.type = ObjectType.CITY;
request.title = "Duesseldorf";
request.cmdbStatus = CmdbStatus.planned;
objId = request.Create();
list = request.Read(objId);
/* "1": Unfinished,
* "2": Normal,
* "3": Archived,
* "4": Deleted,
* "6": Template and
* "7": Mass change template
if (list.status == "3")
Console.WriteLine("The object "+ "'" + request.title + "'" + " with the objectId " + "'"
+ objId + "'" + " has been archived");
using System;
using Idoit.API.Client;
using idoit = Idoit.API.Client.Idoit.Idoit;
using Obj = Idoit.API.Client.CMDB.Object.Object;
using ObjectType = Idoit.API.Client.Contants.ObjectTypes;
using CmdbStatus = Idoit.API.Client.Contants.CmdbStatus;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ConsoleApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int objId;
Client myClient = new Client("", "Apikey", "en");
myClient.Username = "admin";
myClient.Password = "admin";
idoit idoit = new idoit(myClient);
Obj request = new Obj(myClient);
request.type = ObjectType.CITY;
request.title = "Koeln";
request.cmdbStatus = CmdbStatus.planned;
objId = request.Create();
Console.WriteLine("The object "+ "'" + request.title + "'" + " with the objectId " + "'"
+ objId + "'" + " has been purged");
using System;
using Idoit.API.Client;
using idoit = Idoit.API.Client.Idoit.Idoit;
using Obj = Idoit.API.Client.CMDB.Object.Object;
using ObjectType = Idoit.API.Client.Contants.ObjectTypes;
using CmdbStatus = Idoit.API.Client.Contants.CmdbStatus;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ConsoleApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int objId;
Client myClient = new Client("", "Apikey", "en");
myClient.Username = "admin";
myClient.Password = "admin";
idoit idoit = new idoit(myClient);
Obj request = new Obj(myClient);
request.type = ObjectType.BUILDING;
request.title = "A2";
request.cmdbStatus = CmdbStatus.inOperation;
objId = request.Create();
request.title = "B2";
Console.WriteLine("The objectId " + "'" + objId + "'" + " has been updated" +" to" + "'"
+ request.title + "'");
using System;
using Idoit.API.Client;
using idoit = Idoit.API.Client.Idoit.Idoit;
using Obj = Idoit.API.Client.CMDB.Object.Object;
using ObjectType = Idoit.API.Client.Contants.ObjectTypes;
using CmdbStatus = Idoit.API.Client.Contants.CmdbStatus;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Idoit.API.Client.CMDB.Object.Response;
namespace ConsoleApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int objId;
Client myClient = new Client("", "Apikey", "en");
myClient.Username = "admin";
myClient.Password = "admin";
idoit idoit = new idoit(myClient);
Obj request = new Obj(myClient);
Result list = new Result();
request.type = ObjectType.BUILDING;
request.title = "A2";
request.cmdbStatus = CmdbStatus.inOperation;
objId = request.Create();
list = request.Read(objId);
Console.WriteLine("The objectId is " + "'" + objId + "'");
Console.WriteLine("The object title is " + "'" + list.title + "'");
Console.WriteLine("The object type is " + "'" + list.typeTitle+ "'");
Console.WriteLine("The object CMDB-Status is " + "'" + list.cmdbStatusTitle+ "'");