This namespace helps you to read objects from i-doit by using the method Read
using System;
using Idoit.API.Client;
using Idoit.API.Client.CMDB.Objects;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Idoit.API.Client.CMDB.Objects.Request;
using Idoit.API.Client.CMDB.Objects.Response;
using idoit = Idoit.API.Client.Idoit.Idoit;
using ObjectsRead = Idoit.API.Client.CMDB.Objects.Objects;
using Result = Idoit.API.Client.CMDB.Objects.Response.Result;
using Obj = Idoit.API.Client.CMDB.Object.Object;
using ObjectType = Idoit.API.Client.Contants.ObjectTypes;
using CmdbStatus = Idoit.API.Client.Contants.CmdbStatus;
using Idoit.API.Client.CMDB.Object.Response;
namespace ConsoleApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<Result[]> lists = new List<Result[]>();
Client myClient = new Client("", "Apikey", "en");
myClient.Username = "admin";
myClient.Password = "admin";
ObjectsRead request = new ObjectsRead(myClient);
Obj requestToCreateObjects= new Obj(myClient);
Filter filter = new Filter();
int[] ObjectId = new int[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
requestToCreateObjects.type = ObjectType.ROUTER;
requestToCreateObjects.title = " Router " + i;
requestToCreateObjects.cmdbStatus = CmdbStatus.INOPERATION;
ObjectId[i] = requestToCreateObjects.Create();
request.limit = "0,10";
request.orderBy = OrderBy.Title;
request.sort = Sort.Acsending;
filter.ids = new int[] { ObjectId[0], ObjectId[8] };
filter.type = ObjectType.ROUTER;
lists = request.Read(filter);
foreach (Result[] row in lists)
foreach (Result element in row)
Console.WriteLine("ObjectId " + "'" +
+ "' has" + "'" + element.title + "' as Title");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)