-V, --version output the version number
-d, --debug output extra debugging
-h, --help display help for command
-allwls, --all-whitelabels sync all Images in WL list
-wl, --whitelabel <name> specify name of WL, can use WL1,WL2 to for multiple WLs
- Sub options of -wl <name>:
-s, --safe sync latest Images slowly and safely
-q, --quick sync latest Images quickly(is default)
-sq, --supper-quick sync latest Images supper quickly (Recommeded using for one WL)
-w, --www sync with www url
-http, --http', sync with http protocol
-a, --all sync all Images folder
-f, --from <index> sync from index of WL list
-o, --open open WL's Images folder
-l, --log show log info
-u, --url sync with specific domain (only using for one WL and must use with -all option together)
-ft, --from-test sync Image from test site
// sync image from test site
node sync -wl HANABA -ft
// or
node sync -wl HANABA --from-test
// sync image of all active white labels list(in WLs.json)
node sync -allwls
// or
node sync --all-whitelabels
// sync image of all active white label list from index
node sync -allwls -f 15
// sync new wl (whole folder images)
node sync -wl HANABA -sq
// or
node sync -wl HANABA --supper-quick
// sync one WL name
node sync -wl HANAHA
//sync WL list
// sync WL list from index(start syncing from HABANA)
// sync image from domain include www and open folder
node sync -wl BANANA -w -o
// sync image by url: http://www. + domain then open folder Image too
node sync -wl BANANA -w -http -o
// sync image from test site
node sync -wl BANANA -u bananamain.playplay.com -http -a -sq
// or
node sync -wl BANANA -t
// add some options parameters
// sync images from test site show log and open folder after synced
node sync -wl BANANA --test --log -o
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this part.
- Change
because of deprecated issue
Remote desktop service
// run service by cli node rdservice
Remote desktop cli
// remote to whitelabelname's server node rd whitelabelname
- Comparing algorithm (Sometime Malaysia team can't sync latest image)
- Add timezone at switch.cfg (default as Malaysia, VN team need set key timezone :'VN'
- url option missing in case sync only one WL
- Clone Images of WLs Copy some images in Images folder of some WLs
sync all white labels list can be use -f option together
// start sycing from white lable has index is 15 node sync -allwls -f 15
get active white labels in json data not plain text
show error message when required option -wl not specified// need research more this one .requiredOption('-wl, --whitelabel name', 'description')
- -u/--url option : sync with specific url, only use for one white label
- -l/--log option : enable log console
- -ft/--from-test option : sync image from test site
all/all-whitelabel command : sync all whitelabels- New verisoning system
- awls to allwls
Final Report
{ total: 7, latest: [ '5 White Labels' ], changed: ['BANANA'], error: [ 'HABANA' ] }
-awls/--all-whitelabels option
Sync all WLs in active WL list from WLs.json (included w3w & www)
Should add more --open option to view ensure image synced then type WL's switching command line.
// implicit option node sync -awls // explicit option node sync --all-whitelabels
-w/--www option : sync with www url'
-http/--http option : sync with http protocol
- hasWww = false is default
- Fixed program is stopped by deleting file not found
- Final Report list WLs are updated images to Error list
--sq/--supper-quick option
Recommended using for sync one WL with empty WL's images folder case
Should add more --open option to view ensure image synced then type WL's switching command line.
// implicit option node sync -wl BANANA -sq -o // explicit option node sync -wl BANANA --supper-quick --open
- Uppercase whitelabel name
- Final Report
- quick is default sync, disable quick by add -s/--safe
- Trim space whitelabel name
- --all option
- Process bar
- Remove all empty folders after syncing completed
- deplayTime prop at switch.cfg
- showDownloadingFileName prop at switch.cfg
- --quick option
- Final Report
- quick is default sync, disable quick mode by add -s/--safe
- 1st release
############# 0o0 #############
- Remove emty folder by recursive algorithm
- How do sync images from domain config with cloudfire
- http://prntscr.com/sjax7c (process bar break down)
- Download file list by while loop, looping can not end with server without any file ???
- By adding try catch, program will be stopped although return statement called why ?
- http://prntscr.com/sjdxpv1 (hasn't log = 0 seconds)
- http://prntscr.com/sjdyr11(has log 14s)
- http://prntscr.com/sjg85f1 list final
- https://prnt.sc/sjh10c1 Synced latest files
- http://prntscr.com/sjhq7e1 Done aync multi WL
- http://prntscr.com/sjldl41 Deleted files after synced
- http://prntscr.com/sk3de31 Sometimes files are missed out. Sometime, the servers don't sync together latest file
- http://prntscr.com/srhj101 Sync Images with index of WL list
- http://prntscr.com/su3l701 ".download" file type don't define at MINETYPE IIS -> download failed
- http://prntscr.com/ta65bx1 latest final report