- Support new MongoDB version.
- Wrap localStorage in try/catch to avoid crash when disabled. #182
- Compatibility with Meteor 1.2. #133
- Pass options through to getUsersInRole. #77
- Fix formatting and punctuation in readme. #118
- Use named publish func so clients can check when ready(). #88
- Only support Meteor v1.2+ going forward; Older package versions will remain available.
Specific release just for bug in Meteor 0.9.1 [1]. #53
Note: Supporting both 0.9.0 and 0.9.1 with the same code base is not possible [2] so this version only supports Meteor <0.9.0 and 0.9.1+; not 0.9.0 or Users of 0.9.0 will still use v1.2.12 which has no functional differences.
- Support Meteor 0.9.0 - new packaging system (hopefully). #52
- Add
function. #39
- Fix behavior for groups with more than one period in their name. #44
- Let
meteor test-packages ./roles
work outside of an actual meteor app. #43
- Bump version number since Atmosphere only supports 3 levels
- Remove debug logging related to Blaze support
- Add support for Blaze UI (Meteor 0.8.0+)! The 'roles' package must come after 'ui' or 'standard-app-packages' in '.meteor/packages' for the 'isInRole' helper to be registered.
- Add descriptive error msg when group name starts with $
- Auto-convert periods in group names to underscores
- Add setUserRoles function
- Support passing user object for Roles.addUsersToRoles
- Support passing user object for Roles.removeUsersFromRoles
- Update getRolesForUser to not return null when group is specified but user has no permissions
- Support using group in 'isInRole' client handlebars helper. Contributed by @pascoual
- Support passing user object in addition to _id for Roles.getRolesForUser
- Improve internal string value of Roles.GLOBAL_GROUP constant
- Use constant property Roles.GLOBAL_GROUP instead of hard-coded string to assign blanket roles/permissions for a user
- Check Roles.GLOBAL_GROUP even if no group specified. This does not affect normal usage but provides a convenient short-hand for group users: Roles.addUsersToRoles(user, 'admin', Roles.GLOBAL_GROUP) Roles.userIsInRole(user, 'admin') => true
- Expand test coverage
- Add support for global group which provides blanket roles/permissions across all groups for that user
- Update Roles.getUsersInRole to accept an array of roles
- Add support for per-group roles
- Fix for Issue #12 - Roles.userIsInRole returns whole user record This is a breaking change for code that relied on the undocumented (and incorrect) behavior!
- Add compatibility with Meteor 0.6.5 package system
- Bug fix for Issue #11 - deleteRole by _id, not name for untrusted code. Contributed by @nickmoylan
- Fix for Issue #5 - error adding role for single user. Contributed by @mcrider
- Get tests working under Meteor 0.6.0
- Remove need for client subscribe by using 'null' publish
- Fix for Issue #3 - conflict with spiderable package
- Murky, ancient history