This documentation provides details for how to setup the Beer App interface and API. You will need to create a K8s cluster, install the application and start the front-end client
These instructions to setup a k8s environment via the gcloud SDK CLI. You can also setup via the GCP console.
Set your CLUSTER_NAME environment variable
export CLUSTER_NAME=beer-app
Create a GKE cluster via gcloud CLI and verify the instances are created:
gcloud container clusters create $CLUSTER_NAME --zone=us-east4-a --num-nodes=4 --cluster-version=1.10
gcloud compute instances list
Enable cluster-admin-binding clusterrolebinding in the cluster:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=$(gcloud config get-value core/account)
These instructions to setup Istio via the gcloud SDK CLI
Install Istio with mTLS (between Istio components) and with Apigee Istio Mixer image:
kubectl apply -f install/kubernetes/istio-demo-auth.yaml
Create the application and inject the Istio sidecar proxies to the application Pods. There are a few baseline applications that are defined in the kubernetes-manifests/beer-app directory. Depending on your demo/lab, you will start with the appropriate one. If unsure, you can default to beer-app_all.yaml
beer-app_all.yaml configuration has all services and versions
kubectl create -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f kubernetes-manifests/beer-app/beer-app_all.yaml)
Enable mTLS policy for the default namespace. You can verify with kubectl get policy
kubectl apply -f istio-manifests/beer-app/networking/mtls_default_policy.yaml
Apply the destination rules for all the services:
kubectl apply -f istio-manifests/beer-app/networking/destination-rule-all.yaml
Create the Ingress Gateway for the application which includes both the Beer API and Beer App Frontend. You can verify with kubectl get gateway
and kubectl get virtualservice
kubectl apply -f istio-manifests/beer-app/networking/beer-app_gateway.yaml
kubectl apply -f istio-manifests/beer-app/networking/beer-app-frontend_gateway.yaml
Check the status of the deployment and get external ingress IP:
kubectl get gateway,virtualservice,deploy,po,svc -o wide
kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway
Export the external ingress IP as GATEWAY_URL=IP:PORT:
export GATEWAY_URL=`kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'`
Verify an Ok 200 HTTP status code is returned when trying to access the Beer API service:
curl -o /dev/null -s -w "%{http_code}\n" http://${GATEWAY_URL}/api/health
Launch a modern browser with the http://${GATEWAY_URL} URL and the Beer App Frontend will load:
You can now add an A/CNAME DNS record to the GATEWAY_URL in Cloud DNS. Integration of Cloud DNS into kubectl ToDo
Click on the settings tab and add the http://${GATEWAY_URL}/api or http://CNAME/api in the Beers API Base URL field, and click Save
Navigate to the Beers tab and you will see a list of beers:
- Setup the Mesh Proxy
- Setup Apigee
- Try some of the labs
Let's cleanup everything for a fresh start
kubectl delete -f istio-manifests/beer-app/networking/beer-app_gateway.yaml
kubectl delete -f istio-manifests/beer-app/networking/beer-app-frontend_gateway.yaml
kubectl delete -f istio-manifests/beer-app/networking/destination-rule-all.yaml
kubectl delete -f istio-manifests/beer-app/networking/mtls_default_policy.yaml
kubectl delete -f kubernetes-manifests/beer-app/beer-app_all.yaml