Examples of how to create Java 8 Streams from CQEngine ResultSets.
- To convert a CQEngine ResultSet to a Java 8 Stream, add import statement to your class:
import static com.googlecode.cqengine.query.StreamFactory.*
. - Then, you can convert a ResultSet to a Stream by wrapping it in the
Here is a complete example of how to use Java 8 streams to compute the distinct set of Colors of cars which match a CQEngine query.
The resulting Stream will automatically leverage CQEngine indexes to accelerate the query.
package com.googlecode.cqengine.examples.stream;
import com.googlecode.cqengine.ConcurrentIndexedCollection;
import com.googlecode.cqengine.IndexedCollection;
import com.googlecode.cqengine.index.navigable.NavigableIndex;
import com.googlecode.cqengine.testutil.Car;
import com.googlecode.cqengine.testutil.CarFactory;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import static com.googlecode.cqengine.query.QueryFactory.*;
import static com.googlecode.cqengine.query.StreamFactory.*;
public class StreamExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
IndexedCollection<Car> cars = new ConcurrentIndexedCollection<>();
Set<Car.Color> distinctColorsOfFordCars =
streamOf(cars.retrieve(equal(Car.MANUFACTURER, "Ford")))
// prints: [GREEN, RED]