diff --git a/scripts/pi-hole/js/footer.js b/scripts/pi-hole/js/footer.js
index 65726b0b9..98b46ef40 100644
--- a/scripts/pi-hole/js/footer.js
+++ b/scripts/pi-hole/js/footer.js
@@ -183,13 +183,16 @@ function testCookies() {
var iCheckStyle = "primary";
function applyCheckboxRadioStyle() {
- // Get all radio/checkboxes for theming, with the exception of the two radio buttons on the custom disable timer,
- // as well as every element with an id that starts with "status_"
+ // Get all radio/checkboxes for theming, with the exception of:
+ // - the two radio buttons on the custom disable timer,
+ // - radio/checkboxes elements with class "no-icheck",
+ // - every element with an id that starts with "status_"
var sel = $("input[type='radio'],input[type='checkbox']")
+ .not(".no-icheck")
sel.parent().addClass("icheck-" + iCheckStyle);
diff --git a/scripts/pi-hole/js/settings-dns.js b/scripts/pi-hole/js/settings-dns.js
index 7059fc5ed..88d6d8b83 100644
--- a/scripts/pi-hole/js/settings-dns.js
+++ b/scripts/pi-hole/js/settings-dns.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL.
* Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license. */
-/* global applyCheckboxRadioStyle:false, setConfigValues: false, apiFailure: false */
+/* global utils:false, applyCheckboxRadioStyle:false, setConfigValues: false, apiFailure: false */
// Remove an element from an array (inline)
function removeFromArray(arr, what) {
@@ -107,6 +107,260 @@ function updateDNSserversTextfield(upstreams, customServers) {
+function revServerDataTable() {
+ var setByEnv = false;
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "/api/config/dns/revServers?detailed=true",
+ }).done(function (data) {
+ // Set the title icons if needed
+ setConfigValues("dns", "dns", data.config.dns);
+ // disable input fields if set by env var
+ if (data.config.dns.revServers.flags.env_var) {
+ $(".revServers").prop("disabled", true);
+ }
+ });
+ $("#revServers-table").DataTable({
+ ajax: {
+ url: "/api/config/dns/revServers",
+ type: "GET",
+ dataSrc: function (json) {
+ const output = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < json.config.dns.revServers.length; i++) {
+ const cols = json.config.dns.revServers[i].split(",");
+ output.push({
+ enabled: cols[0],
+ network: cols[1],
+ ip: cols[2],
+ domain: cols[3],
+ });
+ }
+ return output;
+ },
+ },
+ autoWidth: false,
+ columns: [
+ { data: null, width: "60px" },
+ { data: "network" },
+ { data: "ip" },
+ { data: "domain" },
+ { data: null, width: "50px" },
+ ],
+ bFilter: false,
+ ordering: false,
+ columnDefs: [
+ {
+ targets: 0,
+ class: "input-checkbox text-center",
+ render: function (data, type, row, meta) {
+ const name = "enabled_" + meta.row;
+ const ckbox =
+ '";
+ return ckbox;
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ targets: "_all",
+ class: "input-text",
+ render: function (data, type, row, meta) {
+ let name;
+ switch (meta.col) {
+ case 1:
+ name = "network_" + meta.row;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ name = "ip_" + meta.row;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ name = "domain_" + meta.row;
+ break;
+ // No default
+ }
+ return (
+ '"
+ );
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ drawCallback: function () {
+ $('button[id^="deleteRevServers"]').on("click", deleteRecord);
+ $('button[id^="editRevServers"]').on("click", editRecord);
+ $('button[id^="saveRevServers"]').on("click", saveRecord).hide();
+ $('button[id^="cancelRevServers"]').on("click", restoreRecord).hide();
+ // Remove visible dropdown to prevent orphaning
+ $("body > .bootstrap-select.dropdown").remove();
+ },
+ rowCallback: function (row, data, displayNum, displayIndex, dataIndex) {
+ $(row).attr("data-index", dataIndex);
+ var button = `
+ `;
+ $("td:eq(4)", row).html(button);
+ },
+ dom: "<'row'<'col-sm-12'<'table-responsive'tr>>><'row'<'col-sm-12'i>>",
+ paging: false,
+ language: {
+ emptyTable: "No revese DNS servers defined.",
+ },
+ stateSave: true,
+ stateDuration: 0,
+ processing: true,
+ stateSaveCallback: function (settings, data) {
+ utils.stateSaveCallback("revServers-records-table", data);
+ },
+ stateLoadCallback: function () {
+ var data = utils.stateLoadCallback("revServers-records-table");
+ // Return if not available
+ if (data === null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Apply loaded state to table
+ return data;
+ },
+ });
+function editRecord() {
+ // Enable fields on the selected row
+ $(this).closest("tr").find("td input").prop("disabled", false);
+ // Hide EDIT and DELETE buttons. Show SAVE and UNDO buttons
+ $(this).hide();
+ $(this).siblings('[id^="delete"]').hide();
+ $(this).siblings('[id^="save"]').show();
+ $(this).siblings('[id^="cancel"]').show();
+function saveRecord() {
+ // Find the row index
+ const index = $(this).attr("data-index");
+ // Get the edited values from each field
+ const values = [];
+ values[0] = $("#enabled_" + index).prop("checked") ? "true" : "false";
+ values[1] = $("#network_" + index).val();
+ values[2] = $("#ip_" + index).val();
+ values[3] = $("#domain_" + index).val();
+ // Save the new values
+ // --- insert $.ajax() call to actually save the data
+ console.log(values.join(",")); // eslint-disable-line no-console
+ // Finish the edition disabling the fields
+ $(this).closest("tr").find("td input").prop("disabled", true);
+ // Show EDIT and DELETE buttons. Hide SAVE and UNDO buttons
+ $(this).siblings('[id^="edit"]').show();
+ $(this).siblings('[id^="delete"]').show();
+ $(this).hide();
+ $(this).siblings('[id^="cancel"]').hide();
+function restoreRecord() {
+ // Find the row index
+ const index = $(this).attr("data-index");
+ // Reset values
+ $("#enabled_" + index).prop("checked", $("#enabled_" + index).attr("data-initial-value"));
+ $("#network_" + index).val($("#network_" + index).attr("data-initial-value"));
+ $("#ip_" + index).val($("#ip_" + index).attr("data-initial-value"));
+ $("#domain_" + index).val($("#domain_" + index).attr("data-initial-value"));
+ // Show cancellation message
+ utils.showAlert("info", "fas fa-undo", "Operation canceled", "Original values restored");
+ // Finish the edition disabling the fields
+ $(this).closest("tr").find("td input").prop("disabled", true);
+ // Show EDIT and DELETE buttons. Hide SAVE and UNDO buttons
+ $(this).siblings('[id^="edit"]').show();
+ $(this).siblings('[id^="delete"]').show();
+ $(this).siblings('[id^="save"]').hide();
+ $(this).hide();
+function deleteRecord() {
+ // Get the tags
+ var tags = [$(this).attr("data-tag")];
+ // Check input validity
+ if (!Array.isArray(tags)) return;
+ // Exploit prevention: Return early for non-numeric IDs
+ for (var tag in tags) {
+ if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(tags, tag)) {
+ delRevServers(tags);
+ }
+ }
+function delRevServers(elem) {
+ utils.disableAll();
+ utils.showAlert("info", "", "Deleting reverse server...", elem);
+ const url = "/api/config/dns/revServers/" + encodeURIComponent(elem);
+ $.ajax({
+ url: url,
+ method: "DELETE",
+ })
+ .done(function () {
+ utils.enableAll();
+ utils.showAlert("success", "fas fa-trash-alt", "Successfully deleted reverse server", elem);
+ $("#revServers-table").DataTable().ajax.reload(null, false);
+ })
+ .fail(function (data, exception) {
+ utils.enableAll();
+ apiFailure(data);
+ utils.showAlert(
+ "error",
+ "",
+ "Error while deleting DNS record: " + elem + "
+ data.responseText
+ );
+ console.log(exception); // eslint-disable-line no-console
+ });
function processDNSConfig() {
url: "/api/config/dns?detailed=true", // We need the detailed output to get the DNS server list
@@ -123,4 +377,35 @@ function processDNSConfig() {
$(document).ready(function () {
+ revServerDataTable();
+ // Button to add a new reverse server
+ $("#btnAdd-revServers").on("click", function () {
+ utils.disableAll();
+ var items = [];
+ items[0] = $("#enabled-revServers").is(":checked") ? "true" : "false";
+ items[1] = $("#network-revServers").val();
+ items[2] = $("#server-revServers").val();
+ items[3] = $("#domain-revServers").val();
+ const elem = items.join(",");
+ const url = "/api/config/dns/revServers/" + encodeURIComponent(elem);
+ utils.showAlert("info", "", "Adding reverse server...", elem);
+ $.ajax({
+ url: url,
+ method: "PUT",
+ })
+ .done(function () {
+ utils.enableAll();
+ utils.showAlert("success", "fas fa-plus", "Successfully added reverse server", elem);
+ $("#revServers-table tfoot .form-control").val("");
+ $("#enabled-revServers").prop("checked", true);
+ $("#revServers-table").DataTable().ajax.reload(null, false);
+ })
+ .fail(function (data, exception) {
+ utils.enableAll();
+ apiFailure(data);
+ utils.showAlert("error", "", "Error while deleting reverse server", data.responseText);
+ console.log(exception); // eslint-disable-line no-console
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/settings-dns.lp b/settings-dns.lp
index 49e4b6f72..3081b1b5a 100644
--- a/settings-dns.lp
+++ b/settings-dns.lp
@@ -225,8 +225,45 @@ mg.include('scripts/pi-hole/lua/settings_header.lp','r')
in your DHCP server for this to work. You can likely find it within the DHCP settings.
Enabling Conditional Forwarding will also forward all hostnames (i.e., non-FQDNs) to the router when "Never forward non-FQDNs" is not enabled.
-The following list contains all reverse servers you want to add. The expected format is one server per line in form of <enabled>,<ip-address>[/<prefix-len>],<server>[#<port>][,<domain>]
. A valid config line could look like true,,,fritz.box
The following list contains all reverse servers you want to add.
+ +Enabled | +Network Range 1 | +Server 2 | +Domain 3 | ++ |
+ + | ++ + | ++ + | ++ + | ++ + | +
+ 1: Local network range using CIDR notation
+ 2: IP address of your DHCP server (or router)
+ 3: Local domain name (optional)
+ |