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File metadata and controls

630 lines (444 loc) · 26.6 KB

Role Steps

Here are described steps that can be combined in the role scenarios. Each step description says what variables are required for the step and what variables are set by step.

Role Steps List

List of steps from default scenario:

Additional steps that are not included in the default scenario, but can be used in a custom one:

Role Variables Descriptions

Some of useful variables always establishes during role preparation, so them can be used by any step:

  • instance_info - information for a current instance. It's a dictionary with fields:
    • app_conf_file - path to file with application config;
    • conf_file - path to file with instance config;
    • instance_id - ID of instance (e.g. for section name in config file);
    • console_sock - path to control socket of instance;
    • pid_file - path to pid file of instance;
    • work_dir - path to working directory of instance;
    • memtx_dir - path to memtx directory of instance;
    • vinyl_dir - path to vinyl directory of instance;
    • wal_dir - path to wal directory of instance;
    • log_file - path to log file of instance;
    • systemd_service - name to systemd service;
    • systemd_service_dir - path to directory of systemd service extensions;
    • systemd_service_env_file - path to file of systemd service environment extensions;
    • tmpfiles_conf - path to config file of temporary files;
    • dist_dir - path to directory of distributed package;
    • instance_dist_dir - path to instance link to distributed package;
    • paths_to_remove_on_expel - paths that will be removed on instance expel;
    • files_to_remove_on_cleanup - files that will be removed on instance cleanup;
    • dirs_to_remove_on_cleanup - dirs that will be removed on instance cleanup;
    • disabled_instances - list of disabled instances from instance config;
    • topology_checksum - checksum of topology section from instance config;
  • cluster_disabled_instances - list of disabled instances from cluster config;
  • inventory_disabled_instances - list of disabled instances from inventory;
  • single_instances_for_each_machine - list of instances (Ansible hosts), one for each physical machine, for example, can be used in delegate_to;
  • instances_from_same_machine - dictionary, where key is the hostname of the instance, value is the hostnames of instances from the same physical machine; so, you can use instances_from_same_machine[inventory_hostname] to get a list of instances placed on the same machine as the current one;
  • scenario_steps - description of scenario steps. Each step is a dictionary with fields:
    • name - name of step;
    • path - path to YAML file of step.

Step deliver_package

Delivery of the application package to physical machines.

Input variables from config:

  • cartridge_package_path - path to file of package to delivery.

Output variables:

  • delivered_package_path - remote path to file of delivered package.

Step update_package

Install the delivered package on physical machines.

variables from steps completed before:

  • delivered_package_path - remote path to file of delivered package. It's set in deliver_package step. Also, it's set on role preparation if cartridge_delivered_package_path is specified.

Input variables from config:

  • expelled - indicates if instance must be expelled from topology (to determine if it's should be checked if instance should be restarted);
  • restarted - if instance should be restarted or not (user forced decision) (to determine if it's should be checked if instance should be restarted);
  • cartridge_app_name - application name;
  • cartridge_enable_tarantool_repo - indicates if Tarantool repository should be enabled;
  • cartridge_install_tarantool_for_tgz - indicates if Tarantool should be enabled when use TGZ package;
  • cartridge_create_user_group_for_tgz - flag indicates that specified user and group should be created;
  • cartridge_multiversion - indicates that multiple package versions is enabled;
  • cartridge_configure_tmpfiles - indicates that tmpfiles config should be configured;
  • cartridge_configure_systemd_unit_files - indicates that systemd Unit files should be configured;
  • cartridge_app_user - user which will own the links;
  • cartridge_app_group - group which will own the links;
  • cartridge_run_dir - path to directory of instances sockets;
  • cartridge_data_dir - path to directory of instance data;
  • cartridge_memtx_dir_parent - path to memtx directory of instances;
  • cartridge_vinyl_dir_parent - path to vinyl directory of instances;
  • cartridge_wal_dir_parent - path to wal directory of instances;
  • cartridge_log_dir_parent - path to log directory of instances;
  • cartridge_conf_dir - path to directory of instances application configs;
  • cartridge_app_install_dir - path to directory with application distributions;
  • cartridge_app_instances_dir - path to directory with instances links to distributions (see multiversion approach doc).

Output variables:

  • needs_restart - if instance should be restarted to apply code or configuration changes.

Step update_instance

Update instance links for a new version of package (if multiversion approach is enabled).

Input variables from config:

  • cartridge_package_path - should be specified to compute app distribution directory (otherwise, update_instance is skipped);
  • expelled - indicates if instance must be expelled from topology (to determine if it's should be checked if instance should be restarted);
  • restarted - if instance should be restarted or not (user forced decision) (to determine if it's should be checked if instance should be restarted);
  • cartridge_multiversion - indicates that multiversion approach is enabled;
  • cartridge_app_user - user which will own the links;
  • cartridge_app_group - group which will own the links.

Output variables:

  • needs_restart - if instance should be restarted to apply code or configuration changes.

Step configure_instance

Configure instance in runtime and change instance config.

Input variables from config:

  • config - instance configuration (more details here);
  • restarted - if instance should be restarted or not (user forced decision);
  • expelled - indicates if instance must be expelled from topology;
  • stateboard - indicates that the instance is a stateboard;
  • cartridge_app_name - application name;
  • cartridge_cluster_cookie - cluster cookie for all cluster instances;
  • cartridge_not_save_cookie_in_app_config - flag indicates that cluster cookie shouldn't be persisted in application configuration file;
  • cartridge_defaults - default configuration parameters values for instances;
  • cartridge_app_user - user which will own the links;
  • cartridge_app_group - group which will own the links;
  • cartridge_systemd_dir - directory where systemd-unit files should be placed;
  • cartridge_extra_env - environment variables for instance service.

Output variables:

  • needs_restart - if instance should be restarted to apply code or configuration changes.

Step restart_instance

Restart and enable instance systemd service if it should be restarted.

variables from steps completed before:

Input variables from config:

  • cartridge_cluster_cookie - cluster cookie for all cluster instances (is needed to check if configuration file was changed);
  • cartridge_not_save_cookie_in_app_config - flag indicates that cluster cookie shouldn't be persisted in application configuration file;
  • restarted - if instance should be restarted or not (user forced decision).

Step wait_instance_started

Wait until an instance is fully started.

Input variables from config:

  • expelled - indicates if instance must be expelled from topology;
  • stateboard - indicates that the instance is a stateboard;
  • instance_start_retries - retries to check that all instances become started;
  • instance_start_delay - delay before retry to check that all instances become started;
  • [DEPRECATED] instance_start_timeout - time in seconds to wait for instance to be started;
  • cartridge_wait_buckets_discovery - indicates if routers should wait for buckets discovery after vshard bootstrap.

Step connect_to_membership

Connect an instance to membership.

Input variables from config:

  • expelled - indicates if instance must be expelled from topology;
  • stateboard - indicates that the instance is a stateboard;
  • cartridge_app_name - application name;
  • config - instance configuration (more details here);
  • connect_to_membership_retries - retries to connect to membership;
  • connect_to_membership_delay - delay before retry to connect to membership.

Step set_control_instance

Find some instance that can be used for editing topology and configuring cluster. This is instance that is:

  • described in inventory;
  • have alive status in membership;
  • if there are some instances already joined to cluster, then one of them is used, otherwise, any instance that should be joined during current play is chosen;
  • control instance should have minimal Cartridge version across all suitable instances (because Cartridge two-phase commit should be called by instance that has lowest version);
  • control instance is a leader if cartridge_force_leader_control_instance is set.

Steps that require control instance (such as edit_topology) call set_control_instance implicitly if control_instance variable isn't set.

control_instance variable can be set by user via cartridge_control_instance variable. In this case control_instance variable is initialized on preparation step.

This step should be launched only after connect_to_membership step. Otherwise, 2 clusters may be created!

Input variables from config:

  • expelled - indicates if instance must be expelled from topology;
  • stateboard - indicates that the instance is a stateboard;
  • replicaset_alias - replicaset alias, will be displayed in Web UI;
  • cartridge_force_leader_control_instance - indicates that only a leader can be selected as a control instance.

Output variables:

  • control_instance - information about control instance, that should be used for managing topology and configuring cluster. It's a dictionary with fields:
    • name - instance name (Ansible host);
    • console_sock - path to control socket of instance.

Step edit_topology

Edit topology of replicasets.

If control_instance is not defined then set_control_instance will run.

Input variables from config (basic):

  • expelled - indicates if instance must be expelled from topology;
  • disabled - indicates if instance should be disabled;
  • stateboard - indicates that the instance is a stateboard;
  • replicaset_alias - replicaset alias, will be displayed in Web UI;
  • roles - roles to be enabled on the replicaset;
  • failover_priority - failover priority order;
  • all_rw - indicates that that all servers in the replicaset should be read-write;
  • weight - vshard replicaset weight;
  • vshard_group - vshard group.

Input variables from config (for two-phase commit):

  • twophase_netbox_call_timeout - time in seconds to wait netbox call while two-phase commit (Cartridge 2.5+ is required);
  • twophase_upload_config_timeout - time in seconds to wait config upload while two-phase commit (Cartridge 2.5+ is required);
  • twophase_apply_config_timeout - time in seconds to wait config apply while two-phase commit (Cartridge 2.5+ is required);
  • edit_topology_healthy_timeout - time in seconds to wait until a cluster become healthy after editing topology;
  • [DEPRECATED] edit_topology_timeout - the same timeout as edit_topology_healthy_timeout.

Input variables from config (for checks of dangerous topology changes):

  • cartridge_force_advertise_uris_change - flag that disable check for advertise uris change;
  • cartridge_ignore_extra_cluster_instances - flag that disable check for instances from the cluster that are not in inventory;
  • cartridge_ignore_extra_cluster_replicasets - flag that disable check for replicasets from the cluster that are not in inventory;
  • cartridge_ignore_renamed_replicasets - flag that disable check for replicasets that was renamed in cluster, but not renamed in inventory.

Step cleanup_expelled

Cleanup files if instance is expelled.

Input variables from config:

  • expelled - indicates if instance must be expelled from topology;

Step configure_auth

Configure application authentication settings.

If control_instance is not defined then set_control_instance will run.

Input variables from config:

  • cartridge_auth - authorization configuration.

Step upload_app_config

Upload application configuration (mode details in application config doc).

If control_instance is not defined then set_control_instance will run.

Input variables from config:

  • cartridge_app_config_path - path to application config to upload;
  • cartridge_app_config_upload_mode - mode of config uploading (lua, http or tdg);
  • cartridge_app_config_upload_url - url of instance to upload config ({control_instance.http_port}/admin/config by default);
  • cartridge_cluster_cookie - cluster cookie for all cluster instances;
  • cartridge_app_config_upload_http_timeout - time in seconds to wait config upload in HTTP mode;
  • cartridge_tdg_token - token to upload config by HTTP in TDG.

Step configure_app_config

Configure application configuration.

If control_instance is not defined then set_control_instance will run.

Input variables from config:

  • cartridge_app_config - application config sections to patch.

Step bootstrap_vshard

Bootstrap VShard in cluster.

If control_instance is not defined then set_control_instance will run.

Input variables from config:

  • expelled - indicates if instance must be expelled from topology;
  • disabled - indicates if instance should be disabled;
  • stateboard - indicates that the instance is a stateboard;
  • cartridge_bootstrap_vshard - indicates if vshard should be bootstrapped;
  • bootstrap_vshard_retries - retries to bootstrap vshard;
  • bootstrap_vshard_delay - delay before retry to bootstrap vshard;
  • instance_discover_buckets_retries - retries to check that instances discover buckets;
  • instance_discover_buckets_delay - delay before retry to check that instances discover buckets;
  • [DEPRECATED] instance_discover_buckets_timeout - time in seconds to wait for instance to discover buckets;
  • cartridge_wait_buckets_discovery - indicates if routers should wait for buckets discovery after vshard bootstrap;

Step configure_failover

Configure application failover.

If control_instance is not defined then set_control_instance will run.

Input variables from config:

  • cartridge_failover_params - failover parameters;
  • [DEPRECATED] cartridge_failover - indicates if eventual failover should be enabled or disabled.

Step wait_members_alive

Waits until all cluster instances become alive and come to a specified state (by default, it's RolesConfigured).

If control_instance is not defined then set_control_instance will run.

Input variables from config:

  • allowed_members_states - list of allowed states. If empty then instance state isn't checked;
  • wait_members_alive_retries - retries to check that all instances become alive;
  • wait_members_alive_delay - delay to retry instances status check.

Step wait_cluster_has_no_issues

Waits until the cluster has no issues.

If control_instance is not defined then set_control_instance will run.

Input variables from config:

  • wait_cluster_has_no_issues_retries - retries to check that cluster has no issues;
  • wait_cluster_has_no_issues_delay - delay to retry cluster issues check;
  • allow_warning_issues - allow issues with warning level;
  • show_issues - log cluster issues as a warnings;

Step cleanup

Removes temporary files specified in temporary_files list. By default, temporary_files is an empty list. The role, depending on the scenario, can add the following files to this list:

  • path to delivered package (delivered_package_path variable value from deliver_package step);
  • path to repository setup script (from update_package step).

In addition, you can add any files to this list by specifying temporary_files in configuration or in any custom step. For example, you can make a step like this:

- name: 'Add my temporary file'
    temporary_files: "{{ temporary_files + ['/tmp/my_file'] }}"

Input variables (set by role):

  • temporary_files - list of temporary files to remove.

Input variables from config:

  • cartridge_remove_temporary_files - indicates if temporary files should be removed.

Step rotate_dists

Rotate application distributions.

When multiversion approach is used, each new application version is added to cartridge_app_install_dir. This step removes redundant distributions.

Input variables from config:

  • cartridge_app_name - application name;
  • cartridge_app_install_dir - path to directory where application distributions are placed;
  • cartridge_keep_num_latest_dists - number of dists that should be kept.

Output variables:

  • dists_dirs_to_remove - list of distribution directories paths that were removed.

Step failover_promote

Promotes leaders according to specified cartridge_failover_promote_params.

If control_instance is not defined then set_control_instance will run.

Input variables from config:

  • cartridge_failover_promote_params - promote leaders params. More details in rolling update doc.

Step force_leaders

Promotes leaders to current play hosts (instances specified in limit). More details in rolling update doc.

If control_instance is not defined then set_control_instance will run.

Input variables from config:

  • cartridge_failover_promote_params - promote leaders params. In variable, only force_inconsistency parameter is used (leaders are got from specified play hosts). More details in rolling update doc.

Step eval

Eval code on instance.

Input variables from config:

  • cartridge_eval_file - path to file with Lua code to eval (isn't used if cartridge_eval_body is specified);
  • cartridge_eval_body - code to eval;
  • cartridge_eval_args - function arguments;
  • cartridge_eval_with_retries - flag indicates that eval should be performed with retries;
  • cartridge_eval_retries number of eval retries;
  • cartridge_eval_delay - eval retries delay.

Step eval_on_control_instance

Eval code on control instance.

If control_instance is not defined then set_control_instance will run.

Input variables from config:

  • cartridge_eval_file - path to file with Lua code to eval (isn't used if cartridge_eval_body is specified);
  • cartridge_eval_body - code to eval;
  • cartridge_eval_args - function arguments;
  • cartridge_eval_with_retries - flag indicates that eval should be performed with retries;
  • cartridge_eval_retries number of eval retries;
  • cartridge_eval_delay - eval retries delay.

Step stop_instance

Stop and disable instance systemd service.

Step start_instance

Start and enable instance systemd service.

Step restart_instance_force

Restart and enable instance systemd service without any conditions.

Step patch_instance_in_runtime

Patch dynamic (see parameters with Dynamic: yes) instance parameters in runtime only (now it's possible to change only box config parameters). If the none-dynamic parameter is specified, nothing will be changed, and an error will be returned.

Note that memory size can be only increased in runtime.

Input variables from config:

  • cartridge_runtime_params - new instance parameters (more details here);
  • expelled - indicates if instance must be expelled from topology.

Step cleanup_instance_files

Clean up data of stopped instance. If instance is running, an error will be returned.

Input variables from config:

  • cartridge_paths_to_keep_on_cleanup - list of paths that are absolute or relative to work/memtx/vinyl/wal directory that should be kept on instance cleanup (config and .tarantool.cookie will be kept independently of this variable); it's possible to use bash patterns, e.g. *.control.

Step backup

Create a backup archive for each instance and fetch it on the local machine.

Input variables from config:

  • cartridge_remote_backups_dir - directory to store backups on the remote;
  • cartridge_fetch_backups - flag indicates that backups should be fetched the local machine;
  • cartridge_fetch_backups_dir - a directory on the local machine where backups should be fetched if cartridge_fetch_backups is true. This path is relative to the playbook path;
  • cartridge_app_user - user which will own the links;
  • cartridge_app_group - group which will own the links;
  • stateboard - indicates that the instance is a stateboard.

Output facts:

  • instance_backup_files - list of instance files to back up;
  • backup_files_from_machine - list of files to back up for all instances on the same machine as a current one;
  • backup_archive_path - path to the instance backup archive on the remote machine;
  • fetched_backup_archive_path - path to the fetched backup file (is set only if cartridge_fetch_backups is true).

Step backup_start

Start a backup process on the instance.

Input variables from config:

  • stateboard - indicates that the instance is a stateboard.

Output facts:

  • instance_backup_files - list of instance files that should be added to backup archive;
  • backup_files_from_machine - list of files to back up for all instances on the same machine as a current one.

Step backup_stop

Stop started backup on the instance.

Step restore

Restore each instance from a backup archive.

Input variables from config:

  • cartridge_paths_to_keep_before_restore - list of paths that are absolute or relative to work/memtx/vinyl/wal directory that shouldn't be removed before instance restore (.tarantool.cookie will be kept independently of this variable); it's possible to use bash patterns, e.g. *.control.
  • cartridge_restore_backup_path - path to the instance backup archive on the remote machine;
  • cartridge_restore_backup_path_local - path to the instance backup archive on the local machine;
  • cartridge_remote_backups_dir - directory with backups on the remote;
  • cartridge_force_restore - flag indicates that conflicting files should be overwritten;
  • cartridge_allow_alien_backup - flag indicates that backup of instance with another name can be used;
  • cartridge_skip_cleanup_on_restore - flag indicates that cleanup before restoring should be skipped.

Step backup_instance_dirs

Create a backup archive for each stopped instance and fetch it on the local machine.

Input variables from config:

  • cartridge_remote_backups_dir - directory to store backups on the remote;
  • cartridge_fetch_backups - flag indicates that backups should be fetched the local machine;
  • cartridge_fetch_backups_dir - a directory on the local machine where backups should be fetched if cartridge_fetch_backups is true. This path is relative to the playbook path;
  • cartridge_app_user - user which will own the links;
  • cartridge_app_group - group which will own the links;
  • stateboard - indicates that the instance is a stateboard.

Output facts:

  • instance_backup_files - list of instance files to back up;
  • backup_files_from_machine - list of files to back up for all instances on the same machine as a current one;
  • backup_archive_path - path to the instance backup archive on the remote machine;
  • fetched_backup_archive_path - path to the fetched backup file (is set only if cartridge_fetch_backups is true).

Step check_new_topology

Check for dangerous changes on edit topology (runs automatically before edit_topology step).

If control_instance is not defined then set_control_instance will run.

Input variables from config: