Subscribe to the following CMS Talk categories, CERN e-groups and Mattermost channels.
Topic | Medium |
Muon Detector > Muon Objects Validation | CMS Talk category |
PPD > PDMV | CMS Talk category |
PPD > PDMV > Validations | CMS Talk category |
PPD/PdmV data validation contacts | CERN e-group |
PPD/PdmV MC validation contacts | CERN e-group |
CMS-PPD > PPD Validations | Mattermost channel |
- Ask the Muon POG conveners to be included in the cms-muon-pog-people e-group, so you can access
. - Ask the PdmV conveners for Muon data and MC write access in ValDB.
To connect to the CMS VOMS server you need to setup a Grid certificate at your lxplus /home/.globus
area. All the necessary information to get a new Grid User certificate, copy it to lxplus and import it to a web browser, can be found in Chapter 5.1 of the CMS WorkBook. The Grid certificate will be needed in your web browser to access pages such as RelVal and the Muon POG Validation web page.
- CMS Muon POG Wiki
- CMSSW release schedule TWiki
- PdmV release validation general instructions for validators TWiki
- Offline Muon DQM plot description TWiki
- GitHub Validation/RecoMuon code
- GitHub Validation/MuonIdentification code
- GitHub Validation/MuonIsolation code
Before proceeding with a validation, open the IFCA Muon Validation spreadsheet and write down your name, together with the validation that you will perform.
Go to ValDB and click on one of the MC Campaigns, such as 14_2_0_pre1_2024.
Once inside the MC Campaign, click on the Relmon link.
Click on FullSimReport (and the same for FullSimReport_PU) within the different RelMon Subcategories.
Once inside the RelMon FullSimReport (or FullSimReport_PU) you'll have to scroll down to the Summary Table (pie chart collection) and look for the columns that correspond to the TTbar and ZMM RelVals:
- RelValTTbar_14TeV
- RelValZMM_14
For each RelVal click on the first pie chart of the corresponding column.
Next you will have to click on the To the DQM GUI... link.
Once you are in the CMS DQM GUI, click first on the CMS icon on the top left corner. You will have to choose for the Reference histograms that the Position is Overlay+ratio
You are all set to validate the distributions in the following Muons folders:
- MuonIsolationV_inc
- MuonRecoAnalyzer
- MuonSeedsAnalyzer
- RecoDisplacedMuonV
- RecoMuonV
- RecoMuonV / MuonTrack / displacedGlobalMuons
- RecoMuonV / MuonTrack / displacedStandAloneMuons
- RecoMuonV / MuonTrack / displacedTrks
- RecoMuonV / MuonTrack / extractGemMuons
- RecoMuonV / MuonTrack / globalMuons
- RecoMuonV / MuonTrack / pfMuonTrks
- RecoMuonV / MuonTrack / probeTrks
- RecoMuonV / MuonTrack / probeTrks_TkAsso
- RecoMuonV / MuonTrack / recoMuonTrks
- RecoMuonV / MuonTrack / refittedStandAloneMuons
- RecoMuonV / MuonTrack / refittedStandAloneMuons_UpdAtVtx
- RecoMuonV / MuonTrack / seedsOfDisplacedSTAmuons
- RecoMuonV / MuonTrack / seedsOfSTAmuons
- RecoMuonV / MuonTrack / standAloneMuons
- RecoMuonV / MuonTrack / standAloneMuons_UpdAtVtx
- RecoMuonV / MuonTrack / tevMuons_dyt
- RecoMuonV / MuonTrack / tevMuons_firstHit
- RecoMuonV / MuonTrack / tevMuons_picky
- RecoMuonV / MuonTrack / tunepMuonTrks
- Go to ValDB and click on one of the Data Campaigns, such as 13_3_0_Data.
- Once inside the Data Campaign, click on the Relmon link.
- Click on DataReport within the different RelMon Subcategories.
- Once inside the RelMon DataReport you'll have to scroll down to the Summary Table (pie chart collection) and look for the columns that correspond to muon only datasets. In the 13_3_0_Data validation there are three RelVals:
- Muon_2022D
- SingleMuon_2022B
- SingleMuon_2022C
- For each RelVal click on the first pie chart of the corresponding column.
- Next you will have to click on the To the DQM GUI... link.
- Once you are in the CMS DQM GUI, click first on the CMS icon on the top left corner. You will have to choose for the Reference histograms that the Position is Overlay+ratio
- You are all set to validate, at least, the distributions in the following Muons folders:
- MuonRecoAnalyzer
- Isolation
- Tracking / innerTrack / GeneralProperties
Login to lxplus and go to your CMSSW releases area.
ssh -Y <your lxplus username> -o ServerAliveInterval=240
bash -l
cd work/CMSSW_projects/
Once there you need to setup the CMSSW release.
cmsrel CMSSW_11_1_0_pre2
cd CMSSW_11_1_0_pre2/src/
If you have never used Git then you will have to follow the First-Time Git Setup instructions. The following commands are the bare minimum set-up needed.
git config --global "John Doe"
git config --global [email protected]
git config --global user.github <your github username>
Get the muon validation package and compile it.
git cms-addpkg Validation/RecoMuon
scram b -j 8
cd Validation/RecoMuon/test
and replace cprieels
by your $USER
For each release validation go to the FullSimReport (and FullSimReport_PU) RelMon Subcategory, scroll down until you find the pie matrix, and click on the green pie that corresponds to the crossing of the Muons row and the RelValTTbar_14 column. There you will find the precise names of the target and reference CMSSW releases. If needed, use these release names to find the target and reference files in the RelVal repository, for example for RelValTTbar_14. At this point you have all the needed information to complete the
validation configuration. Do not forget to follow the syntax below.
You should be all set. It is time to run the muon validation.
export X509_CERT_DIR=/etc/grid-security/certificates/
voms-proxy-init -voms cms
export X509_USER_PROXY=$(voms-proxy-info -p)
Once the validations are done you should copy (or move) them to the muon validation eos repository. The example below corresponds to the CMSSW_10_6_0
cp -r CMSSW_10_6_0 /eos/user/c/cmsmupog/www/Validation/.
cd /eos/user/c/cmsmupog/www/Validation/CMSSW_10_6_0
cp ../index.php .
find . -type d -exec cp index.php {} \;
Now you are left with checking the produced histograms, which will be available at the Muon POG Validation web page.