Here are the grabbers included in conkw:
Those are grabbing memory, CPU, network, hdd activity and more
They grab data from external sources. Weather, music, stock price, etc.
- SpotifyGrabber
- OpenWeatherMapGrabber
- YahooFinanceGrabber
- BingNewsGrabber
- HttpsCertGrabber
- HttpEndpointGrabber
- LatestUnreadMailsGrabber
- SpecificEmailCheckGrabber
They allow you to monitor any application real-time data, providing aggregations such as averages, counts, histograms, etc.
They allow your conkw to monitor other data that you will grab yourself. Push that data directly in your conkw, or write it to a file for conkw to parse.
Used to monitor a conkw instance from another conkw instance, hence, they allow you to build a mesh of conkw instances. This is how you monitor several computers metrics in one unique conkw instance.