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384 lines (295 loc) · 18.7 KB

File metadata and controls

384 lines (295 loc) · 18.7 KB


  • Optimize certian select gremlin patterns
  • Upgrade to TinkerPop 3.7.3
  • Optimize sqlg startup
  • Optimize postgresql notify listeners, to bypass the startup process
  • Optimize recursive repeat step


  • build and release with java 17 not 21


  • Fix bug on UnionStep with PathStep
  • Upgrade to TinkerPop 3.7.1
  • Optimize NotStep
  • Make Sqlg's build use java modules for sqlg-postgres-dialect


  • Added schemaName and abstractLabelName to sqlg_schema.V_parition. This is to optimize searching for nested partitions. This change will run a db upgrade script so testing it on your graph is strongly advised!
  • Fix #497 Take updatedProperty columns into account when searching for properties.
  • Fix #496, added lower multiplicity validation.


  • Upgrade to TinkerPop 3.6.4
  • Fix #485 Add support to update PropertyDefinition
  • Fix incorrect defaulting of multiplicity in upgrade to 3.0.0
  • Improve error message on validation exceptions and topology locked exceptions.
  • Performance improvements, notably for bulk mode on tables with many columns.


  • !!!Breaking Release.
  • Sqlg will automatically upgrade its own schema. However, it is important to make a backup and test the upgrade!!!

Upgrade instructions

  • TinkerPop added supportsNullPropertyValues which Sqlg supports. i.e. supportsNullPropertyValues = true. Before 3.0.0 client code had to call Property.isPresent() to check for null values. isPresent will now return true if the property exist in the schema, regardless of the value. To do a null check call (property.isPresent() && property.value() != null). A request has been made to TinkerPop to add a isNull to the Property interface.

  • Properties are now specified using a PropertyDefinition. Before 3.0.0 a VertexLabel/EdgeLabel property would be defined with just a name and a PropertyType.

    schema.ensureVertexLabelExist("LabelName", new LinkedHashMap<>() {{
        put("propertyName", PropertyType.STRING);

    this now needs to be refactored to,

    schema.ensureVertexLabelExist("LabelName", new LinkedHashMap<>() {{
        put("propertyName", PropertyDefinition.of(PropertyType.STRING));

    i.e. wrapping the PropertyType with a PropertyDefinition

  • Added support for specifying Multiplicy on properties and edges.

  • Added EdgeDefinition. This supports enforcing one to many and unique many to many constraints.

  • Upgraded to TinkerPop 3.6.2

  • Added support for postgresql ltree data type.


  • Added tests for inserting via fdw on postgres for user identified elements

  • Added validation for inserting data via fdw on postgres.

  • Fixed #451. Postgresql copy command did not take special characters into account.

  • Fixed #450. Fixed a bunch of copy past errors in Sqlg's ddl statements.

  • Fixed #446. Upgraded H2 to 2.1.210

  • Implemented #334. Added Topology.lock and Topology.unlock.

  • Upgrade postgresql jdbc driver to 42.3.1

  • Implemented #361. Implements UUID support on postgresql, hsqldb and h2.

  • Implemented #431. Optimizes id().

  • Implemented #139. Added rename to VertexLabel, EdgeLabel and PropertyColumn

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed TopologyListener's interface, oldValue is now a TopologyInf

  • Implemented #428. Added ability to import foreign schemas and to import tables into an existing schema. Both import must be consistent, i.e. can not reference elements that are not being imported.

  • Removed deprecated RecordId.getId()


  • Upgrade to TinkerPop 3.1.5
  • Remove support for globally unique indexes
  • Update support for citus to work with citus 10.x


  • Upgrade HSQLDB to 2.6.1
  • Support partitioned primary keys.
  • Added postgresql hash partition support.


  • Added a ui to visualize and delete schema elements.


*Fix bug #417. Fix issue with dangling Index meta data on property deletions

*Fix bug #416. Fixed bug with first iteration state

*Fix bug #415. Optimize InjectStep and create SqlTraverser in SqlgStartStepBarrier

*Deprecate global unique identifiers


  • Removed all attempts at preventing database dead locks from happening. Sqlg no longer takes any kind of locks when do schema creation scripts. This means that preventing database dead locks is now the responsibility of the client. Sqlg's attempt at managing this was a bad idea from the start. The lock Sqlg took was too coarse and ended up causing lock timeouts. The suggested pattern to use now is to simply retry the transaction x number of times.

  • Removed time zone from Sqlg's timestamp data types. Sqlg guarantees that all clients regardless of their time zone will see the timestamp as stored in the db. This meant that Sqlg had to undo any manipulation of the timestamp the db might have done. This is because Sqlg used the timestamp with time zone data type. 2.1.0 removes the time zone part. The sql below will generate the ALTER TABLE... statements to change the type of all columns with time zone.

ALTER timestamp with time zone to timestamp without time zone and time with time zone to time without time zone,

	'ALTER TABLE "' || || '"."V_' || || '" ALTER COLUMN "' || || '" TYPE timestamp' || ';'
	sqlg_schema."V_property" a join 
	sqlg_schema."E_vertex_property" b on a."ID" = b."sqlg_schema.property__I" join
	sqlg_schema."V_vertex" c on b."sqlg_schema.vertex__O" = c."ID" join
	sqlg_schema."E_schema_vertex" d on c."ID" = d."sqlg_schema.vertex__I" join
	sqlg_schema."V_schema" e on d."sqlg_schema.schema__O" = e."ID"
	'ALTER TABLE "' || || '"."V_' || || '" ALTER COLUMN "' || || '" TYPE time' || ';'
	sqlg_schema."V_property" a join 
	sqlg_schema."E_vertex_property" b on a."ID" = b."sqlg_schema.property__I" join
	sqlg_schema."V_vertex" c on b."sqlg_schema.vertex__O" = c."ID" join
	sqlg_schema."E_schema_vertex" d on c."ID" = d."sqlg_schema.vertex__I" join
	sqlg_schema."V_schema" e on d."sqlg_schema.schema__O" = e."ID"
	a.type = 'LOCALTIME'

	'ALTER TABLE "' || || '"."V_' || || '" ALTER COLUMN "' || || '" TYPE timestamp' || ';'
	sqlg_schema."V_property" a join 
	sqlg_schema."E_vertex_property" b on a."ID" = b."sqlg_schema.property__I" join
	sqlg_schema."V_vertex" c on b."sqlg_schema.vertex__O" = c."ID" join
	sqlg_schema."E_schema_vertex" d on c."ID" = d."sqlg_schema.vertex__I" join
	sqlg_schema."V_schema" e on d."sqlg_schema.schema__O" = e."ID"
	a.type = 'ZONEDDATETIME'	

	'ALTER TABLE "' || || '"."E_' || || '" ALTER COLUMN "' || || '" TYPE timestamp' || ';'
	sqlg_schema."V_property" a join 
	sqlg_schema."E_edge_property" b on a."ID" = b."sqlg_schema.property__I" join
	sqlg_schema."V_edge" c on b."sqlg_schema.edge__O" = c."ID" join
	sqlg_schema."E_out_edges" d on c."ID" = d."sqlg_schema.edge__I" join
	sqlg_schema."V_vertex" e on d."sqlg_schema.vertex__O" = e."ID" join
	sqlg_schema."E_schema_vertex" f on e."ID" = f."sqlg_schema.vertex__I" join
	sqlg_schema."V_schema" g on f."sqlg_schema.schema__O" = g."ID"
	a.type = 'LOCALDATETIME'	

	'ALTER TABLE "' || || '"."E_' || || '" ALTER COLUMN "' || || '" TYPE time' || ';'
	sqlg_schema."V_property" a join 
	sqlg_schema."E_edge_property" b on a."ID" = b."sqlg_schema.property__I" join
	sqlg_schema."V_edge" c on b."sqlg_schema.edge__O" = c."ID" join
	sqlg_schema."E_out_edges" d on c."ID" = d."sqlg_schema.edge__I" join
	sqlg_schema."V_vertex" e on d."sqlg_schema.vertex__O" = e."ID" join
	sqlg_schema."E_schema_vertex" f on e."ID" = f."sqlg_schema.vertex__I" join
	sqlg_schema."V_schema" g on f."sqlg_schema.schema__O" = g."ID"
	a.type = 'LOCALTIME'	

	'ALTER TABLE "' || || '"."E_' || || '" ALTER COLUMN "' || || '" TYPE timestamp' || ';'
	sqlg_schema."V_property" a join 
	sqlg_schema."E_edge_property" b on a."ID" = b."sqlg_schema.property__I" join
	sqlg_schema."V_edge" c on b."sqlg_schema.edge__O" = c."ID" join
	sqlg_schema."E_out_edges" d on c."ID" = d."sqlg_schema.edge__I" join
	sqlg_schema."V_vertex" e on d."sqlg_schema.vertex__O" = e."ID" join
	sqlg_schema."E_schema_vertex" f on e."ID" = f."sqlg_schema.vertex__I" join
	sqlg_schema."V_schema" g on f."sqlg_schema.schema__O" = g."ID"
	a.type = 'ZONEDDATETIME'	


  • Merge the reducing branch in. Sqlg now optimizes reducing steps. MaxGlobalStep, MinGlobalStep, SumGlobalStep, MeanGlobalStep and GroupStep are supported.

*Fix bug #398. Fixed a bug in the sql generation.


*Implement enhancement#296 Replace TIME WITH TIME ZONE with TIME. This is a breaking change, the databases will have to run the command, ALTER TABLENAME ALTER COLUMN column_name TYPE TIME;.

*Fix bug #395. Added a toggle in the failing tests to truncate the time to MILLIS.

  • Upgrade HSQLDB to 2.5.1

  • Upgrade H2 to 1.4.200

*Fix bug #359. The labels were not being handled properly. UnionStep is now optimized by SqlgUnionStepBarrier and Startstep with SqlgStartStepBarrier.

  • Added support for postgresql array operators via PR

*Upgrade to TinkerPop 3.4.1, support added for docker/travis #358

*Fix bug #344. Fix generation of WHERE clause.

*Fix bug #339. Fix the in out vertices being incorrectly set on updating of an edge.

*Fix bug #336. Added a check for the presence of partitions.

*Fix bug #335. Remove ONLY from TRUNCATE ONLY statement on postgresql as its not supported by partitioned tables.

  • Added support to specify a custom datasource.

*Fix bug #332. Added quotes to the partition sql expression.

  • Fix bug #329. Sqlg now only allows topology changes to be made when no write threads are active. It will detect a dead lock and throw an exception if a topology thread is waiting on a write thread that is waiting on the topology thread.

  • Fix bug #317. Made the timestamp precondition drop the 3 zero's of the nano seconds. ZULU JDK has more nano's than Oracle JDK and they are dropped by the database.


  • TestMultiThread.shouldExecuteWithCompetingThreads was failing on RDBMS that do not support transaction schema manipulation. Creating the schema upfront now.
  • Fix bug #322 Leaked database connections if SqlgGraph failed to start up.
  • Fix bug #321 Fix a bug with P.without.
  • Fix bug #320 Fix regressions with respect to Sqlg executing properly in the gremlin console.


  • Add user supplied primary key support.
  • Add partitioning support on Postgresql 10.
  • Add sharding support on Postgresql 10 using the Citus extension.
  • Optimize the PropertiesStep and PropertyMapStep to only query the database for the requested properties and not for all properties as is the default.
  • Remove auto sorting of columns on table creation. It should be done at the application level.


  • Upgrade to TinkerPop 3.3.3
  • Add docker image for Postgresql
  • Support additional properties on BulkAddEdge #300
  • Fix concurrency bug on MsSqlServer batch mode. Take table lock on BulkCopy.
  • Fix concurrency bug on Postgresql batch mode. The id sequence is incremented before the copy insert happens.
  • Added MySql support. Uses MariaDb dialect but the MySql driver.
  • Improve memory consumption by removing closed prepared statements from the cache.


  • Add the ability to set the fetchSize on the jdbc java.sql.Statement.
  • Fix bug #272
  • Make gremlin console work. Tinkerpop made some minor changes to the console that made it stop working.


  • Optimize DropStep i.e. drop(). TRUNCATE is used for the most simplest cases. Else DELETE statements are generated. If the traversal itself can not be optimized then barrier strategy is used to cache the starts before deleted them all in one statement.
  • Upgrade dependencies to latest in sonatype. #247
  • Fix bug #246
  • Optimize OrStep and AndStep to push the predicates down to the db if they are trivial.
  • Optimize NotStep to barrier the starts.
  • Optimize AndStep to barrier the starts.
  • Optimize OrStep to barrier the starts.
  • Optimize WhereTraversalStep to barrier the starts.
  • Optimize RepeatSteps until traversal to barrier the starts.
  • Replace TraversetSet in ExpandableStep with an ArrayList in SqlgExpandableStep. TravererSet has a backing Map of Traverser which for Sqlg is always a SqlgTraverser. As SqlgTraverser always holds the full Path adding the barriered (cached) starts to the map is to heavy. Seeing as Sqlg does not use bulking the TraverserSets logic is not needed.
  • Optimize the TraversalFilterStep to barrier the starts.
  • Upgrade to Tinkerpop 3.3.0


  • Added new predicate to compare 2 properties on the same label.
  • Added support for has("property") and hasNot("property")


  • Added support for MariaDb
  • Added support for MSSqlServer
  • Added barrier optimization for unoptimized steps. This optimization barriers (cache) the incoming traversers and performs the next step for all the traversers at once. It uses the sql VALUES expression for this.

Currently the optional, choose, repeat and local steps have this optimization.

  • Added batch mode support for all dialects.


  • TopologyInf support for remove(boolean preserveData) added. Thanks to JPMoresmau

  • Replace ResultSet.getObject(index) with ResultSet.getString/Int... as its faster.

  • Removed Hazelcast. The topology is now distributed using Postgresql's lock to hold a global lock across multiple Graphs and JVMs and a V_log table which hold the changes made. The changes are in turn sent to other Graphs and JVMs using Postgresql's notify mechanism.

  • Added TopologyListener as a mechanism to observe changes to the topology.

  • Added support for global unique indexes. This means that a unique index can be placed on multiple properties from any Vertex or Edge.

  • Rewrite of the topology/schema management. TopologyManager is replaced with Topology. There are now classes representing the topology. Topology, Schema, VertexLabel, EdgeLabel, PropertyColumn, Index and GlobalUniqueIndex

  • Strengthened the reloading of the topology from the information_schema tables. This highlighted some limitations. It is not possible to tell a primitive array from a object array. As such all arrays are loaded as object arrays. i.e. int[]{1,2,3} will become Integer[]{1,2,3}

    Example of how to fix a property' type

    update sqlg_schema."V_property" set type = 'byte_ARRAY' where name = 'password' and type = 'BYTE_ARRAY' update sqlg_schema."V_property" set type = 'byte_ARRAY' where name = 'password_salt' and type = 'BYTE_ARRAY'

  • Fix bug #116

    If a RepeapStep could not be optimized then the incoming emit Element did not get a label so it was not being returned from the sql.


  • Ensure SqlgGraphStepStrategy and SqlgVertexStepStrategy fires before InlineFilterStrategy.
  • Fix a bug where hasId uses the P.neq predicate.
  • Use BIGSERIAL for auto increment columns in Postgresql #91
  • Fix bug #92
  • SqlgGraph.bulkAddEdges to take a Collection of ids as opposed to a List. Fix bug #102
  • Fix bug #73 Thanks to JPMoresmau


  • 1.3.0 uploaded strange byte code, this fixes that.


  • Upgrade to TinkerPop 3.2.2
  • Added H2 support.
  • Added support for getting the data source from JNDI.
  • Optimize `SqlgGraph.bulkAddEdges(...) to use the correct types for the in and out properties. This has a marginal performance increase.
  • Refactored pom to separate out gremlin-groovy to be an optional dependency.


  • Optimize lazy iteration. Remove unnecessary list creation for managing state.
  • Add thread local PreparedStatement cache, to close all statements on commit or rollback.
  • Refactor the vertex transaction cache to use a WeakHashMap.
  • Refactor Sqlg to lazily iterate the sql ResultSet.
  • Add all optimizations to LocalStep.
  • Refactor RepeatStep optimization to follow the same sql pattern as the OptionalStep optimization.
  • Optimized the OptionalStep.
  • Optimize hasId(...)
  • Sqlg stores the schema in the graph. It is accessible via the TopologyStrategy. eg.
  • Remove SqlgTransaction.batchCommit() as is no longer useful as the embedded topology change forced sqlg to auto flush the batch before any query.
  • Add support for java.time.ZonedDateTime, java.time.Duration and java.time.Period
  • Add support for array types in batch mode. String[], int[], double[], long[], float[], short[], byte[]


  • Use special characters to separate label + schema + table + column as opposed to a period. Periods may now be present in property names.
  • Change postgresql copy command to use the csv format. This allows for specifying a quote character which prevents nasty bugs where backslash characters in the value escapes the delimiter.
  • Added SortedTree. A utility class that wraps TinkerPop's Tree using a TreeMap instead.