--- HTML5 output -- Add controls: - Go back before the controls. - Minimum level: [1]-[7], up and down. - Input log file name. - Load custom log levels from file (format: tag value\n). - Parse the input file as a generic text, not as a log file. - Level above which an audio signal is produced (default = -1).
-- Write commands from HTML into the command file.
-- Read commands from the app.
Split logviewer.cpp in multiple shorter files. . Separated HTML member functions.
Check command line user interaction is complete enough.
Add option to delete existing output file before adding new logs.
Use set of conditions to pick logs even if below the threshold when other logs are met (i.e. extend the context feature).
-- Show multiple log files.
Use conditions to pick specific logs on the basis of other logs. E.g.:
- If a specific log is present, change min log level.
- If a specific log is present, show all logs with specified token.
- ...
Change pause functionality: stop loading new logs, but keep interacting.
. ProgArgs: Check if multiple parameters with the same tag can coexist. OK. -- Allow to pass multiple values for each command line parameter (especially inclusion/exclusion tokens).
Add logviewer aliases with default parameters for specific uses.
Better randomize the colors in LogLevelMapping().
LogFormatter: markdown formatting.
-- rdKb: destroied, but never recreated.
- Check if it is normal that destructors are not called before exit.
- Check timing in text view.
--input "./test/testText.txt" --logLevels "./test/testText_logLevels.txt" -ln --text -d ".;" -m 0 --input ./test.log -of HTML --input ./test.log -of HTML -o /Volumes/Phoenix_test/test_log.html --input ./test/testMultiline.log -m 0