The SDK that simplifies the integration of the WalletConnect v2 Sign protocol in your Wallet.
Installation • Setup • Pair with DApp • Sessions • Receive Events • Proposals • Requests
Add Jitpack to your repositories list:
maven { url "" }
Then, add the WalletConnectKit
implementation 'dev.pinkroom.walletconnectkit:sign-wallet:<latest_version>'
First, you need to create a config:
val config = WalletConnectKitConfig(projectId = "{PROJECT-ID}")
Note You can obtain your Project ID from the following link.
Next, build the WalletConnectKit instance:
val walletConnectKit = WalletConnectKit.builder(this).config(config).build()
And you are ready to go! 🚀
To establish a pairing connection with DApp using a provided URI, you can use the pair
function provided by walletConnectKit
. Here's an example:
uri = uri,
onSuccess = { /* Handle onSuccess */ },
onError = { /* Handle onSuccess */ },
Note: This method enables pairing using a DApp URI obtained in different scenarios:
- DApp Intent: Extract the URI from the intent initiated by a DApp and pass it to the pair method.
- QR Code: Use a QR code scanning library to retrieve the DApp URI as a string from a QR code. Pass it to the pair method.
- Direct URI Entry: Retrieve the manually entered DApp URI as a string from your wallet's interface and pass it to the pair function. This allows users to paste or type the URI.
Regardless of how you obtain the DApp URI, you can use the pair function to initiate the pairing process.
The sessions
property in walletConnectKit
provides access to the active sessions established
between a DApp and a wallet. Since the sessions and accounts can change or be updated at any time
they are exposed through a Kotlin Flow
Because we use Flows, make sure you get or collect them inside a coroutine:
scope.launch {
walletConnectKit.activeSessions.collect { sessions ->
// Handle the sessions here!
In compose, you can simply collect them as:
val activeSessions by walletConnectKit.activeSessions.collectAsStateWithLifecycle(initialValue = emptyList())
To receive updates on the status of the WalletConnect sessions, you can access a property called
which is also a Flow
. This allows you to collect the events and handle them accordingly. { event ->
// Handle the event based on its type.
// Add your own logic here
// ...
In the events above, we can receive a Sign.Model.SessionProposal
event and decide to approve or
reject the proposal.
To approve a proposal, you can use the approveProposal
onSuccess = { /* Handle onSuccess */ },
onError = { /* Handle onError */ },
To reject a proposal, you can use the rejectProposal
onSuccess = { /* Handle rejectProposal */ },
onError = { /* Handle onError */ },
And when we receive an Sign.Model.SessionRequest
event we can accept or reject the request too.
To accept a request, you can use the approveRequest
sessionRequest = sessionRequest,
result = result,
onSuccess = { /* Handle onSuccess */ },
onError = { /* Handle onError */ },
To reject a request, you can use the rejectRequest
sessionRequest = sessionRequest,
code = code,
messageError = messageError,
onSuccess = { /* Handle onSuccess */ },
onError = { /* Handle onError */ },
Copyright 2023 Pink Room, Lda
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.