Reset Credentials in case you are re-deploying it
az aks get-credentials --name ossdbmigration --resource-group OSSDBMigration
Display all the namespaces
List the services and the pods for MySQL
kubectl -n mysql get svc
kubectl -n mysql get pods
List the services and the pods for PostgreSQL
kubectl -n postgresql get svc
kubectl -n postgresql get pods
List the services and the pods for Oracle
kubectl -n oracle get svc
kubectl -n oracle get pods
List the services and the pods for the Pizzeria application on MySQL
kubectl -n contosoappmysql get svc
kubectl -n contosoappmysql get pods
List the services and the pods for the Pizzeria application on PostgreSQL
kubectl -n contosoapppostgres get svc
kubectl -n contosoapppostgres get pods
List the services and the pods for the Pizzeria application on Oracle
kubectl -n contosoapporacle get svc
kubectl -n contosoapporacle get pods
Connect to the MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL database
kubectl -n mysql exec deploy/mysql -it -- /usr/bin/mysql -u contosoapp -pOCPHack8
kubectl -n postgresql exec deploy/postgres -it -- /usr/bin/psql -U contosoapp postgres
kubectl -n oracle exec deploy/oracle -it -- /opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE/bin/sqlplus C##WTH@XE/<password>
Open a Bash shell to the MySQL service
kubectl -n mysql exec deploy/mysql -it -- bash
Open a Bash shell to the PostgreSQL service
kubectl -n postgresql exec deploy/postgres -it -- bash
Open a Bash shell to the Oracle service
kubectl -n oracle exec deploy/oracle -it -- /bin/bash
View the deployment logs of the container(s)
kubectl -n {infrastructure.namespace goes here} logs deploy/contosopizza --tail=5000 # Or omit '--tail 5000' if you want to see the environment variables that were used at deployment time