In this challenge, you'll do the following:
- Install the prerequisite tools and software locally.
- Create Azure resources required.
- Resource provisioning can take up to 25 minutes, depending on the region used. Once you launch the script to create the Azure resources, review the application architecture & description with your coach.
- Review TrafficControl application architecture.
Your coach will provide you with a
package file that contains the starting projects for this hack. It contains a version of the services that use plain HTTP communication and store state in memory. With each challenge, you'll add a Dapr building block to enhance the application architecture.
Install all the prerequisites listed below and make sure they're working correctly:
- Git (download)
- .NET 5 SDK (download)
- Visual Studio Code (download) with the following extensions installed:
- Docker for desktop (download)
- Dapr CLI and Dapr runtime (instructions)
- Install Azure CLI
- Linux (instructions)
- macOS (instructions)
- Windows (instructions)
- Install Bicep extension for VS Code (instructions)
- If you're running Windows, you'll need to install a bash shell to run some of the commands. Install either the Git Bash client or the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2.
Make sure the following minimum software versions are installed by executing the commands in the following table:
Software | Version | Command Line |
Dapr runtime version | v1.2.2 | dapr --version |
Dapr CLI version | v1.2.0 | dapr --version |
DotNet version | 5.0.302 | dotnet --version |
azure-cli | 2.24.0 | az --version |
This hack's setup files will create the following resources in your Azure Resource Group. Make sure you can create the following:
- Application Insights
- Azure Cache for Redis
- Azure Container Registry
- Azure Kubernetes Service
- Event Hub Namespace
- IoT Hub
- KeyVault
- Log Analytics Workspace
- Logic App (with the Office 365 activity for sending email)
- Storage Account
- Service Bus Namespace
If you can't instantiate some of these resources, you won't be able to complete the part of the challenge that uses them, but you may still be able to complete the other challenges
- AKS requires the ability to create a public IP address. This may be blocked by some organizations. You will either need to get an exception or have an admin create the AKS cluster for you.
- The
file specifies the default values for the cluster that will work for this hack. Customize as needed.- 1 Agent Pool with 3 Linux VMs using the Standard_DS2_v2 SKU.
- 3 services using a total of
of CPU &300Mi
of memory by default, limited to a total of3000m
of CPU &600Mi
of memory. - 1 Zipkin service running to monitor communciation between the services.
- WARNING: For simplicity, a Kubernetes secret is used to allow AKS to pull images from the Azure Container Registry via the admin account. This is not a best practice. In a production example, you should use a managed identity & RBAC.
To start, you'll need access to an Azure Subscription:
- If you don't have one, Sign Up for an Azure account.
- If you already have an Azure account, make sure you have at least Contributor access instructions) for the resource group in which you'll provision Azure resources.
Your IT organization may provide you access to an Azure resource group, but not the entire subscription. If that's the case, take note of that resource group name and make sure you have Contributor
access to it, using the instructions mentioned above.
Next, you'll create the Azure resources for the subsequent challenges using Azure Bicep and the Azure CLI.
If you're using Azure Cloud Shell, skip this step and proceed to step 2. Open the terminal window in VS Code and make sure you're logged in to Azure
az login
Make sure you have selected the Azure subscription in which you want to work. Replace the 'x's with your subscription GUID or subscription name. The subscription GUID can be found in the Azure Resource Group blade from the Azure Portal.
az account set --subscription "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"
Generate an SSH key pair if you don't already have one.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
- If prompted for a file name, leave the entry blank, and press enter.
- If prompted for a passphrase, leave the entry blank, and press enter.
Once complete, you'll find two SSH key files in the following directory:
. Right-click on
file and open with a text editor. Copy the entire contents of the file which is the public key. You'll need it to configure the parameter file in an upcoming step. -
In the accompanying source code, modify the
file so it contains the proper data for the deployment:{ "appName": { "value": "dapr" }, "region": { "value": "southcentralus" }, "environment": { "value": "youruniqueid123" }, "adminUserName": { "value": "adminbruce" }, "publicSSHKey": { "value": "ssh-rsa AAAAB...wnBTn bruce.wayne@<your computer name>" } }
Create a new resource group for your WhatTheHack using the
script file.When invoking the command, replace the
argument with the Azure region you want to ./Resources/Infrastructure/bicep/ az deployment sub create --location "<resource-group-location>" --template-file rg.bicep --parameters ./main.parameters.json --query "properties.outputs" --output yamlc
Upon completion, the command will display the name of the newly-created resource group:
resourceGroupName: type: String value: rg-dapr-youruniqueid123
Copy the resource group as you'll use in the next command.
You'll now create the required Azure resources inside the new resource group with the following Azure CLI command.
az deployment group create --resource-group "rg-dapr-youruniqueid123" --template-file main.bicep --parameters ./main.parameters.json --query "properties.outputs" --output yamlc
Creating the resources can take some time. You're encouraged to jump to review the TrafficControl app architecture while the command executes.
Upon completion, the command will output information about the newly-created Azure resources:
aksFQDN: type: String value: aksName: type: String value: aks-dapr-mce123 aksazurePortalFQDN: type: String value: containerRegistryLoginServerName: type: String value: containerRegistryName: type: String value: crdaprmce123 eventHubEntryCamName: type: String value: ehn-dapr-mce123-trafficcontrol/entrycam eventHubExitCamName: type: String value: ehn-dapr-mce123-trafficcontrol/exitcam eventHubNamespaceHostName: type: String value: eventHubNamespaceName: type: String value: ehn-dapr-mce123-trafficcontrol iotHubName: type: String value: iothub-dapr-mce123 keyVaultName: type: String value: kv-dapr-mce123 logicAppAccessEndpoint: type: String value: logicAppName: type: String value: logic-smtp-dapr-mce123 redisCacheName: type: String value: redis-dapr-mce123 serviceBusEndpoint: type: String value: serviceBusName: type: String value: sb-dapr-mce123 storageAccountContainerName: type: String value: trafficcontrol storageAccountKey: type: String value: 7Ck76nP/5kFEhNx6C...V85L+0dFMFOA/xJLIvK25f2irUmVouPRbSGXKEzRQ== storageAccountName: type: String value: sadaprmce123
Copy these values into a text editor. You'll need them to configure your Dapr services.
Run the following command to fetch the AKS credentials for your cluster.
az aks get-credentials --name "<aks-name>" --resource-group "<resource-group-name>"
az aks get-credentials
command retrieves credentials for an AKS cluster. It merges the credentials into your local kubeconfig file. -
Verify your "target" cluster is set correctly.
kubectl config get-contexts
Make sure that you see a listing for
aks-dapr-<your value>
and that it has a star next to it as shown below:CURRENT NAME CLUSTER AUTHINFO NAMESPACE * aks-dapr-<your value> aks-dapr-<your value> clusterUser_rg-dapr-<your value>_aks-dapr-<your value> blah-blah-blah
Install Dapr in your AKS cluster
Run the following command to initialize Dapr in your Kubernetes cluster using your current context.
dapr init -k
Your results should resemble the following:
Making the jump to hyperspace... Note: To install Dapr using Helm, see here: Deploying the Dapr control plane to your cluster... Success! Dapr has been installed to namespace dapr-system. To verify, run `dapr status -k' in your terminal. To get started, go here:
Verify the Dapr deployment to your AKS cluster with the following command:
dapr status -k
Your results should resemble the following:
NAME NAMESPACE HEALTHY STATUS REPLICAS VERSION AGE CREATED dapr-sentry dapr-system True Running 1 1.2.2 1m 2021-07-02 08:45.44 dapr-sidecar-injector dapr-system True Running 1 1.2.2 1m 2021-07-02 08:45.44 dapr-operator dapr-system True Running 1 1.2.2 1m 2021-07-02 08:45.44 dapr-dashboard dapr-system True Running 1 0.6.0 1m 2021-07-02 08:45.44 dapr-placement-server dapr-system True Running 1 1.2.2 1m 2021-07-02 08:45.45
Create the
Kubernetes namespaceYou will need to create a namespace to own all of the TrafficControl Kubernetes objects.
kubectl create namespace dapr-trafficcontrol
Create a Kubernetes secret to allow AKS to pull images from ACR
You need to grant the AKS cluster access to your Azure Container Registry so that it can pull Docker images.
Get the credentials:
az acr credential show -n "<container-registry-name>"
Run the following command, substituting the username & password you got in the previous step:
kubectl create secret docker-registry dapr-acr-pull-secret --namespace dapr-trafficcontrol --docker-server="<container-registry-name>" --docker-username="<container-registry-username>" --docker-password="<container-registry-password>"
Assign permissions to KeyVault
Lastly, assign yourself access to the KeyVault so you can create secrets:
az keyvault set-policy --resource-group "<resource-group-name>" --name "<key-vault-name>" --upn "[email protected]" --secret-permissions get list set delete --certificate-permissions get list create delete update
Spend some time with your teammates reviewing the TrafficControl application architecture & services.
The traffic-control application architecture consists of four microservices:
- The Camera Simulation is a .NET Core console application that will simulate passing cars.
- The Traffic Control Service is an ASP.NET Core WebAPI application that offers entry and exit endpoints:
. - The Fine Collection Service is an ASP.NET Core WebAPI application that offers 1 endpoint:
for collecting fines. - The Vehicle Registration Service is an ASP.NET Core WebAPI application that offers 1 endpoint:
for retrieving vehicle and owner information of a vehicle.
These services compose together to simulate a traffic control scenario.
TrafficControl Application & Services Description
- Verify all local prerequisite tools are installed locally.
- Verify all Azure resources have been successfully created.
- Verify your understanding of the TrafficControl application architecture with your coach.