This is a reference guide for Challenge 02 - Monitoring Basics and Dashboards that demonstrates how to configure HammerDB to generate a load test against the eShopOnWeb database.
From the Visual Studio Server, download and install the latest version of HammerDB
Open HammerDB and double click on SQL Server to start configuring the transaction load. In the dialog that opens, click OK.
Drill into SQL Server \ TPC-C \ Schema Build and double click on Options
Modify the Build Options for the following:
- SQL Server: Name of your SQL Server
- SQL Server ODBC Driver: SQL Server
- Authentication: SQL Server Authentication
- SQL Server User ID: sqladmin
- SQL Server User Password: <password you used during the deployment>
- SQL Server Database: tpcc
- Number of Warehouses: 50
- Virtual Users to Build Schema: 50
Note Setting the last two at 50 should generate enough load to trip a threshold and run long enough for you to graph to show a spike
Double click on "Build" and Click "Yes" to kick of a load test.
When the test is running it should look like the screenshot below:
TIP: If you would like to run a second test you must first delete the database you created and recreate it. HammerDB will not run a test against a database that has data in it. When you run a test it fills the database with a bunch of sample data.