diff --git a/.github/workflows/fuzzy-ci.yml b/.github/workflows/fuzzy-ci.yml
index 19e6344c4..6c9968f21 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/fuzzy-ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/fuzzy-ci.yml
@@ -1,428 +1,428 @@
-name: Fuzzy CI
-  pull_request:
-    branches: [ master ]
-    types: [ opened, synchronize, reopened, unlabeled, labeled ]
-    paths-ignore:
-      - '**.md'
-      - '**.txt'
-      - '.git*'
-      - 'doc/**'
-      - 'emacs/**'
-      - 'vim/**'
-      - '**/emacs-lint.yml'
-  # Artifact names need to be consistant across jobs:
-  BASE_BRANCH_ARTIFACT_NAME: base-branch-data-${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}-pr${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
-  MERGE_BRANCH_ARTIFACT_NAME: merge-branch-data-${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}-pr${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
-  DIFF_ARTIFACT_NAME: diff-${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
-  # File names also need to be consistant across jobs:
-  FULL_DIFF_FILE: full_responses.diff
-  DISTILLED_DIFF_FILE: distilled_data.diff
-  # Note: FULL_DATA_FILE and DISTILLED_DATA_FILE need to be the file names of the files generated by `merl-an behavior`
-  FULL_DATA_FILE: full_responses.json
-  DISTILLED_DATA_FILE: distilled_data.json
-  # The label name also needs to be consistant across jobs
-  LABEL_NAME: fuzzy-diff-looks-good
-  # GitHub API related short-hands:
-  GH_API_COMMENTS: ${{ github.event.pull_request.comments_url }}
-  GH_API_LABELS: ${{ github.event.pull_request.issue_url }}/labels
-  GH_API_ARTIFACTS: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.repo.url }}/actions/artifacts
-  TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
-  # URL short-hands
-  ACTIONS_RUNS_ENDPOINT: ${{ github.event.repository.html_url }}/actions/runs
-  CURRENT_ACTION_URL: ${{ github.event.repository.html_url }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}
-  # Irmin version and merl-an version need to be consistent for reproducibility (Irmin is used as the test code base to test `ocamlmerlin` on)
-  # TODO: Release merl-an and install a certain version instead of pinning it to a certain commit
-  MERL_AN_SHA: 1643fb7a9958379fb4ed8d7c5169146aaa88f5b7
-  # The compiler version used on master. It also needs to form part of Irmin's build cache key. Bump this on other branches and whenever the compiler version on master is bumped.
-  COMPILER_VERSION: ocaml-base-compiler.4.14.1
-  data:
-    name: Generate data
-    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
-    if: >
-      github.event_name == 'pull_request' &&
-      (
-        github.event.action == 'opened' ||
-        github.event.action == 'synchronize' ||
-        github.event.action == 'reopened' ||
-        (
-          github.event.action == 'unlabeled' &&
-          github.event.label.name == 'fuzzy-diff-looks-good'
-        )
-      )
-    env:
-      data_dir: data
-    strategy:
-      matrix:
-        commit: ["merge_branch", "base_branch"]
-    steps:
-    - name: Checkout
-      uses: actions/checkout@v4
-      with:
-        fetch-depth: 0
-    - name: Checking out ${{ matrix.commit }}
-      env:
-        base_branch_sha: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}
-        merge_branch_sha: ${{ github.sha }}
-      run: |
-        sha=$${{ matrix.commit }}_sha
-        echo "Check out $sha"
-        git checkout $sha
-    - name: Install OCaml
-      uses: ocaml/setup-ocaml@v2
-      with:
-        ocaml-compiler: ${{ env.COMPILER_VERSION }}
-        dune-cache: true
-    - name: Install merlin dependencies
-      run: |
-        opam pin menhirLib 20201216 --no-action
-        opam install . --deps-only --yes
-    - name: Install merlin
-      run: |
-        # Running `subst` to have the current commit in the data produced by `merl-an`
-        opam exec -- dune subst
-        opam exec -- dune build -p merlin-lib,dot-merlin-reader,merlin
-        opam exec -- dune install -p merlin-lib,dot-merlin-reader,merlin
-    - name: Pull irmin and its deps from cache if possible
-      uses: actions/cache@v2
-      id: irmin-cache
-      with:
-        path: irmin/
-        key: os${{ runner.os }}+arch${{ runner.arch }}+${{ hashFiles('fuzzy-ci-helpers/irmin.3.9.0.opam.locked') }}+${{ env.IRMIN_VERSION }}+${{ env.COMPILER_VERSION }}
-    - name: Download Irmin tarball
-      if: steps.irmin-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
-      run: |
-        wget https://github.com/mirage/irmin/releases/download/$IRMIN_VERSION/irmin-$IRMIN_VERSION.tbz
-    - name: Create irmin dir
-      if: steps.irmin-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
-      run: mkdir -p irmin
-    - name: Decompress Irmin tarball
-      if: steps.irmin-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
-      run: tar xvf irmin-$IRMIN_VERSION.tbz -C irmin --strip-components=1
-    - name: Get Irmin's lock files
-      if: steps.irmin-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
-      run: |
-        # If the lock files are updated in the PR, use the updated lock files on both branches to avoid diffs due to dependency upgrades.
-        git checkout ${{ github.sha }}
-        # (TODO: Think about if this is the right workflow. Would this work on a compiler bump? If not, delete the line above.)
-        cp .github/workflows/fuzzy-ci-helpers/irmin.3.9.0.opam.locked irmin/irmin.opam.locked
-    - name: Install opam monorepo
-      if: steps.irmin-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
-      run: opam install opam-monorepo --yes
-    - name: Pull in Irmin's dependencies
-      if: steps.irmin-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
-      run: |
-        git checkout ${{ github.sha }}
-        opam monorepo pull --lockfile=irmin.opam.locked --yes
-      working-directory: irmin
-    - name: Prune Irmin
-      if: steps.irmin-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
-      run: |
-        rm -r examples/ bench/
-        find test/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -not -name 'irmin-pack' -exec rm -r {} \;
-        find src/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d \
-        -not -name 'irmin-pack' \
-        -not -name 'irmin' \
-        -not -name 'irmin-tezos' \
-        -not -name ppx_irmin \
-        -not -name irmin_test \
-        -not -name irmin-test \
-        -exec rm -r {} \;
-      working-directory: irmin
-    - name: Build Irmin
-      run: |
-        opam exec -- dune build @check
-      working-directory: irmin
-    - name: Pull merl-an from cache if possible
-      uses: actions/cache@v2
-      id: merl-an-cache
-      with:
-        path: /usr/local/bin/merl-an
-        key: os${{ runner.os }}+arch${{ runner.arch }}+merl-an-sha$MERL_AN_SHA
-    - name: Install merl-an
-      if: steps.merl-an-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
-      run: opam pin -y merl-an https://github.com/pitag-ha/merl-an.git#$MERL_AN_SHA
-    - name: Add merl-an to /usr/local/bin/
-      if: steps.merl-an-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
-      run: opam exec -- cp $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/_opam/bin/merl-an /usr/local/bin/merl-an
-    - name: Create data set of Merlin responses
-      run: |
-        opam exec -- merl-an behavior \
-        --queries=type-enclosing,occurrences,locate,complete-prefix,errors \
-        --sample-size=30 \
-        --data=${{ env.data_dir }} \
-        --merlin=ocamlmerlin \
-        --project=irmin/src/irmin,irmin/src/irmin-pack,irmin/test/irmin-pack
-    - name: Create name for data artifact
-      id: artifact_name
-      env:
-        base_branch_artifact_name: ${{ env.BASE_BRANCH_ARTIFACT_NAME }}
-        merge_branch_artifact_name: ${{ env. MERGE_BRANCH_ARTIFACT_NAME }}
-      run: echo "name=$${{ matrix.commit }}_artifact_name" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-    - name: Upload data
-      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
-      with:
-        name: ${{ steps.artifact_name.outputs.name }}
-        path: ${{ env.data_dir }}
-    - name: Compile diff tool
-      if: ${{ matrix.commit == 'merge_branch' }}
-      run: |
-        # Taking advantage that ocamlopt is installed on this runner: compile the diff tool here and share it with the next job where it's needed.
-        # All GH runners are hosted on x86 machines and all jobs in this workflow declare the same OS, so this should workTM.
-        opam exec -- ocamlopt -o create_diff .github/workflows/fuzzy-ci-helpers/create_diff.ml
-    - name: Upload diff tool
-      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
-      with:
-        name: diff_tool
-        path: create_diff
-  diff:
-    name: Generate diffs
-    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
-    outputs:
-      diff_exits: ${{steps.full_responses_diff.outputs.diff_exists}}
-    needs: data
-    env:
-      base_data_dir: base_data
-      merge_data_dir: merge_data
-      diff_dir: diff
-    steps:
-      - name: Download base branch data
-        uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
-        with:
-          name: ${{ env.BASE_BRANCH_ARTIFACT_NAME }}
-          path: ${{ env.base_data_dir }}
-      - name: Download merge branch data
-        uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
-        with:
-          name: ${{ env.MERGE_BRANCH_ARTIFACT_NAME }}
-          path: ${{ env.merge_data_dir }}
-      - name: Create diff dir
-        run: mkdir -p "$diff_dir"
-      - name: Download diff tool
-        uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
-        with:
-          name: diff_tool
-      - name: Give diff tool execute permissions
-        run: chmod +x create_diff
-      - name: Generate full responses diff
-        id: full_responses_diff
-        run: |
-          jq -r -n \
-          --slurpfile data1 "$base_data_dir/$FULL_DATA_FILE" \
-          --slurpfile data2 "$merge_data_dir/$FULL_DATA_FILE" \
-          'def process_json($branch; $data):
-            ($branch + ": " + $data.cmd + " (id=" + ($data.sample_id | tostring) + ")"), $data;
-            range($data1|length) as $i |
-            process_json("base branch"; $data1[$i]),
-            "--input-separater--",
-            process_json("merge branch"; $data2[$i]),
-            "--diff-cmd-separator--"' \
-          | ./create_diff "--input-separater--" "--diff-cmd-separator--" "$diff_dir/$FULL_DIFF_FILE"
-          if [ -s "$diff_dir/$FULL_DIFF_FILE" ]; then
-            echo "diff_exists=true" | tee -a $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-          else
-            echo "diff_exists=false" | tee -a $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-          fi
-      - name: Generate distilled data diff
-        # If there's no full reponses diff, there also won't be a distilled data diff
-        if: ${{ steps.full_responses_diff.outputs.diff_exists == 'true' }}
-        run: |
-          jq -r -n \
-          --slurpfile data1 "$base_data_dir/$DISTILLED_DATA_FILE" \
-          --slurpfile data2 "$merge_data_dir/$DISTILLED_DATA_FILE" \
-          'def process_json($branch; $data):
-            ($branch + ": " + $data.cmd + " (id=" + ($data.sample_id | tostring) + ")"), $data;
-            range($data1|length) as $i |
-            process_json("base branch"; $data1[$i]),
-            "--input-separater--",
-            process_json("merge branch"; $data2[$i]),
-            "--diff-cmd-separator--"' \
-          | ./create_diff "--input-separater--" "--diff-cmd-separator--" "$diff_dir/$DISTILLED_DIFF_FILE"
-      - name: Upload diff(s)
-        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
-        with:
-          name: ${{ env.DIFF_ARTIFACT_NAME }}
-          path: ${{ env.diff_dir }}
-  output:
-    name: Evaluate diffs
-    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
-    needs: diff
-    permissions:
-      pull-requests: write
-    env:
-      earlier_diff_was_approved: ${{ contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'fuzzy-diff-looks-good') }}
-      current_diff_exists: ${{ needs.diff.outputs.diff_exits }}
-      diff_dir: ${{ needs.artifact_names.outputs.diff_dir }}
-    steps:
-      - name: Download current diff(s)
-        if: ${{ env.current_diff_exists == 'true' }}
-        uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
-        with:
-          name: ${{ env.DIFF_ARTIFACT_NAME }}
-      - name: Retreive hash of approved diff
-        if: ${{ env.earlier_diff_was_approved == 'true' }}
-        env:
-          # FIXME: Avoid hard-coding the message start. Instead, factor out the msg the CI writes on the PR and take its first line.
-          msg_start: "This PR changes the response of some of the `ocamlmerlin` queries"
-        id: approved_diff_info
-        run: |
-          # FIXME: This will give a wrong result, if the PR has more than 100 comments before the last diff approval (lack of paging)
-          body=$(curl -s "$GH_API_COMMENTS?per_page=100" | jq --arg msg_start "$msg_start" 'map(select(.body | startswith($msg_start))) | max_by(.'created_by') | .body' | tee -a)
-          hash=$(echo "$body" | jq -r | grep '256-sha' | awk '{print $NF}')
-          echo "hash='$hash'" | tee -a $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-      - name: Return
-        env:
-          github_api_labels_url: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.repo.url }}/issues/${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}/labels
-        run: |
-          print_head_of_diffs () {
-            echo "--------beginning of full responses diff head--------"
-            head -n 100 "$FULL_DIFF_FILE"
-            echo "--------end of full responses diff head--------"
-            echo "--------beginning of distilled data diff head--------"
-            head -n 100 "$DISTILLED_DIFF_FILE"
-            echo "--------end of distilled data diff head--------"
-          }
-          # FIXME (?): Are nested conditionals always so ugly in Bash, or is there a better way? Option types and the possibility to match would help a lot.
-          if $earlier_diff_was_approved; then
-            echo "Earlier diff was approved."
-            current_diff_hash=$(sha256sum "$FULL_DIFF_FILE" | awk '{print $1}')
-            if [ "$current_diff_hash" == ${{ steps.approved_diff_info.outputs.hash }} ]; then
-              echo "This diff has been approved earlier. Everything ok."
-              exit 0
-            else
-              print_head_of_diffs
-              printf "The diff has changed since it was approved. So I'm removing the $LABEL_NAME label. If the new diff looks good, please set the label again.\n\
-              There's a head of the new diffs printed above. The whole diffs can be downloaded from $CURRENT_ACTION_URL.\n\
-              Previous sha256: ${{ steps.approved_diff_info.outputs.hash }}\n\
-              Current sha256: $current_diff_hash"
-              status=$(curl -sL -w "%{http_code}" -o output.txt -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" "$GH_API_LABELS/$LABEL_NAME")
-            fi
-          else
-            if $current_diff_exists; then
-              print_head_of_diffs
-              printf "There's a head of the diffs printed above. The diffs can be downloaded from $CURRENT_ACTION_URL.\nIf it looks good, please set the $LABEL_NAME label on the PR."
-              exit 1
-            else
-              echo "No diff. All good."
-              exit 0
-            fi
-          fi
-  approve:
-    name: Approve diff
-    if: >
-      github.event_name == 'pull_request' &&
-      github.event.action == 'labeled' &&
-      github.event.label.name == 'fuzzy-diff-looks-good'
-    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
-    permissions:
-      pull-requests: write
-    steps:
-      - name: Retreive diff artifact meta-data
-        id: diff_metadata
-        run: |
-          all_artifacts=$(curl -sSL  "$GH_API_ARTIFACTS")
-          diff_artifact=$(echo "$all_artifacts" | jq "first(.artifacts[] | select(.name == \"$DIFF_ARTIFACT_NAME\")  )")
-          id=$(echo "$diff_artifact" | jq ".id")
-          echo "id=$id" | tee -a $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-          workflow_run=$(echo "$diff_artifact" | jq ".workflow_run | .id")
-          echo "workflow_run=$workflow_run" | tee -a $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-      - name: Check if diff exists
-        env:
-          id: ${{ steps.diff_metadata.outputs.id }}
-        run: |
-          # FIXME (?)
-          if [ -z $id ]; then
-            printf "You seem to have tried to approve a diff that doesn't exist yet.\nWait for the diff to have been generated and then try again."
-            status=$(curl -sL -w "%{http_code}" -o output.txt -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" "$GH_API_LABELS/$LABEL_NAME")
-            exit 1
-          else
-            echo "Diff has been approved."
-          fi
-      - name: Download diff
-        env:
-          id: ${{ steps.diff_metadata.outputs.id }}
-        run: |
-         # Doing this manually, since actions/download-artifact only works on the same workflow run on which the artifact was uploaded
-         curl -sSLO -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" "$GH_API_ARTIFACTS/$id/zip" -D headers.txt
-      - name: Unzip downloaded diff
-        run: |
-          unzip zip || (echo "Download of diff artifact failed" && cat headers.txt && cat zip && exit 1)
-      - name: Compute full responses diff hash
-        id: diff_hash
-        run: |
-          hash=$(sha256sum "$FULL_DIFF_FILE" | awk '{print $1}')
-          echo "hash=$hash" | tee -a $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-      - name: Write HTTP body to file
-        env:
-          approved_diffs_workflow_run: ${{ steps.diff_metadata.outputs.workflow_run }}
-          approved_diffs_hash: ${{ steps.diff_hash.outputs.hash }}
-        run: |
-          msg=$( cat <<EOF
-          This PR changes the response of some of the `ocamlmerlin` queries, that were run and analyzed by the [Merlin Fuzzy CI](https://github.com/ocaml/merlin/wiki/Merlin-Fuzzy-CI). The change is not considered a regression, the analyzis of this PR has been approved in its following state:
-          - URL to download the generated data sets and their diffs between PR base branch and merge branch (at the moment of approval): $ACTIONS_RUNS_ENDPOINT/$approved_diffs_workflow_run
-          - 256-sha of full reponses diff: $approved_diffs_hash
-          EOF
-          )
-          jq -n --arg msg "$msg" '{ body: $msg }' | tee -a body.json
-      - name: Write comment on PR
-        run: |
-          curl -LsX POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -d @body.json "$GH_API_COMMENTS"
-          echo $?
+# name: Fuzzy CI
+# on:
+#   pull_request:
+#     branches: [ master ]
+#     types: [ opened, synchronize, reopened, unlabeled, labeled ]
+#     paths-ignore:
+#       - '**.md'
+#       - '**.txt'
+#       - '.git*'
+#       - 'doc/**'
+#       - 'emacs/**'
+#       - 'vim/**'
+#       - '**/emacs-lint.yml'
+# env:
+#   # Artifact names need to be consistant across jobs:
+#   BASE_BRANCH_ARTIFACT_NAME: base-branch-data-${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}-pr${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
+#   MERGE_BRANCH_ARTIFACT_NAME: merge-branch-data-${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}-pr${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
+#   DIFF_ARTIFACT_NAME: diff-${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
+#   # File names also need to be consistant across jobs:
+#   FULL_DIFF_FILE: full_responses.diff
+#   DISTILLED_DIFF_FILE: distilled_data.diff
+#   # Note: FULL_DATA_FILE and DISTILLED_DATA_FILE need to be the file names of the files generated by `merl-an behavior`
+#   FULL_DATA_FILE: full_responses.json
+#   DISTILLED_DATA_FILE: distilled_data.json
+#   # The label name also needs to be consistant across jobs
+#   LABEL_NAME: fuzzy-diff-looks-good
+#   # GitHub API related short-hands:
+#   GH_API_COMMENTS: ${{ github.event.pull_request.comments_url }}
+#   GH_API_LABELS: ${{ github.event.pull_request.issue_url }}/labels
+#   GH_API_ARTIFACTS: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.repo.url }}/actions/artifacts
+#   TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+#   # URL short-hands
+#   ACTIONS_RUNS_ENDPOINT: ${{ github.event.repository.html_url }}/actions/runs
+#   CURRENT_ACTION_URL: ${{ github.event.repository.html_url }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}
+#   # Irmin version and merl-an version need to be consistent for reproducibility (Irmin is used as the test code base to test `ocamlmerlin` on)
+#   IRMIN_VERSION: 3.9.0
+#   # TODO: Release merl-an and install a certain version instead of pinning it to a certain commit
+#   MERL_AN_SHA: 1643fb7a9958379fb4ed8d7c5169146aaa88f5b7
+#   # The compiler version used on master. It also needs to form part of Irmin's build cache key. Bump this on other branches and whenever the compiler version on master is bumped.
+#   COMPILER_VERSION: ocaml-base-compiler.4.14.1
+# jobs:
+#   data:
+#     name: Generate data
+#     runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
+#     if: >
+#       github.event_name == 'pull_request' &&
+#       (
+#         github.event.action == 'opened' ||
+#         github.event.action == 'synchronize' ||
+#         github.event.action == 'reopened' ||
+#         (
+#           github.event.action == 'unlabeled' &&
+#           github.event.label.name == 'fuzzy-diff-looks-good'
+#         )
+#       )
+#     env:
+#       data_dir: data
+#     strategy:
+#       matrix:
+#         commit: ["merge_branch", "base_branch"]
+#     steps:
+#     - name: Checkout
+#       uses: actions/checkout@v4
+#       with:
+#         fetch-depth: 0
+#     - name: Checking out ${{ matrix.commit }}
+#       env:
+#         base_branch_sha: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}
+#         merge_branch_sha: ${{ github.sha }}
+#       run: |
+#         sha=$${{ matrix.commit }}_sha
+#         echo "Check out $sha"
+#         git checkout $sha
+#     - name: Install OCaml
+#       uses: ocaml/setup-ocaml@v2
+#       with:
+#         ocaml-compiler: ${{ env.COMPILER_VERSION }}
+#         dune-cache: true
+#     - name: Install merlin dependencies
+#       run: |
+#         opam pin menhirLib 20201216 --no-action
+#         opam install . --deps-only --yes
+#     - name: Install merlin
+#       run: |
+#         # Running `subst` to have the current commit in the data produced by `merl-an`
+#         opam exec -- dune subst
+#         opam exec -- dune build -p merlin-lib,dot-merlin-reader,merlin
+#         opam exec -- dune install -p merlin-lib,dot-merlin-reader,merlin
+#     - name: Pull irmin and its deps from cache if possible
+#       uses: actions/cache@v2
+#       id: irmin-cache
+#       with:
+#         path: irmin/
+#         key: os${{ runner.os }}+arch${{ runner.arch }}+${{ hashFiles('fuzzy-ci-helpers/irmin.3.9.0.opam.locked') }}+${{ env.IRMIN_VERSION }}+${{ env.COMPILER_VERSION }}
+#     - name: Download Irmin tarball
+#       if: steps.irmin-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
+#       run: |
+#         wget https://github.com/mirage/irmin/releases/download/$IRMIN_VERSION/irmin-$IRMIN_VERSION.tbz
+#     - name: Create irmin dir
+#       if: steps.irmin-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
+#       run: mkdir -p irmin
+#     - name: Decompress Irmin tarball
+#       if: steps.irmin-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
+#       run: tar xvf irmin-$IRMIN_VERSION.tbz -C irmin --strip-components=1
+#     - name: Get Irmin's lock files
+#       if: steps.irmin-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
+#       run: |
+#         # If the lock files are updated in the PR, use the updated lock files on both branches to avoid diffs due to dependency upgrades.
+#         git checkout ${{ github.sha }}
+#         # (TODO: Think about if this is the right workflow. Would this work on a compiler bump? If not, delete the line above.)
+#         cp .github/workflows/fuzzy-ci-helpers/irmin.3.9.0.opam.locked irmin/irmin.opam.locked
+#     - name: Install opam monorepo
+#       if: steps.irmin-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
+#       run: opam install opam-monorepo --yes
+#     - name: Pull in Irmin's dependencies
+#       if: steps.irmin-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
+#       run: |
+#         git checkout ${{ github.sha }}
+#         opam monorepo pull --lockfile=irmin.opam.locked --yes
+#       working-directory: irmin
+#     - name: Prune Irmin
+#       if: steps.irmin-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
+#       run: |
+#         rm -r examples/ bench/
+#         find test/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -not -name 'irmin-pack' -exec rm -r {} \;
+#         find src/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d \
+#         -not -name 'irmin-pack' \
+#         -not -name 'irmin' \
+#         -not -name 'irmin-tezos' \
+#         -not -name ppx_irmin \
+#         -not -name irmin_test \
+#         -not -name irmin-test \
+#         -exec rm -r {} \;
+#       working-directory: irmin
+#     - name: Build Irmin
+#       run: |
+#         opam exec -- dune build @check
+#       working-directory: irmin
+#     - name: Pull merl-an from cache if possible
+#       uses: actions/cache@v2
+#       id: merl-an-cache
+#       with:
+#         path: /usr/local/bin/merl-an
+#         key: os${{ runner.os }}+arch${{ runner.arch }}+merl-an-sha$MERL_AN_SHA
+#     - name: Install merl-an
+#       if: steps.merl-an-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
+#       run: opam pin -y merl-an https://github.com/pitag-ha/merl-an.git#$MERL_AN_SHA
+#     - name: Add merl-an to /usr/local/bin/
+#       if: steps.merl-an-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
+#       run: opam exec -- cp $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/_opam/bin/merl-an /usr/local/bin/merl-an
+#     - name: Create data set of Merlin responses
+#       run: |
+#         opam exec -- merl-an behavior \
+#         --queries=type-enclosing,occurrences,locate,complete-prefix,errors \
+#         --sample-size=30 \
+#         --data=${{ env.data_dir }} \
+#         --merlin=ocamlmerlin \
+#         --project=irmin/src/irmin,irmin/src/irmin-pack,irmin/test/irmin-pack
+#     - name: Create name for data artifact
+#       id: artifact_name
+#       env:
+#         base_branch_artifact_name: ${{ env.BASE_BRANCH_ARTIFACT_NAME }}
+#         merge_branch_artifact_name: ${{ env. MERGE_BRANCH_ARTIFACT_NAME }}
+#       run: echo "name=$${{ matrix.commit }}_artifact_name" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+#     - name: Upload data
+#       uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+#       with:
+#         name: ${{ steps.artifact_name.outputs.name }}
+#         path: ${{ env.data_dir }}
+#     - name: Compile diff tool
+#       if: ${{ matrix.commit == 'merge_branch' }}
+#       run: |
+#         # Taking advantage that ocamlopt is installed on this runner: compile the diff tool here and share it with the next job where it's needed.
+#         # All GH runners are hosted on x86 machines and all jobs in this workflow declare the same OS, so this should workTM.
+#         opam exec -- ocamlopt -o create_diff .github/workflows/fuzzy-ci-helpers/create_diff.ml
+#     - name: Upload diff tool
+#       uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+#       with:
+#         name: diff_tool
+#         path: create_diff
+#   diff:
+#     name: Generate diffs
+#     runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
+#     outputs:
+#       diff_exits: ${{steps.full_responses_diff.outputs.diff_exists}}
+#     needs: data
+#     env:
+#       base_data_dir: base_data
+#       merge_data_dir: merge_data
+#       diff_dir: diff
+#     steps:
+#       - name: Download base branch data
+#         uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
+#         with:
+#           name: ${{ env.BASE_BRANCH_ARTIFACT_NAME }}
+#           path: ${{ env.base_data_dir }}
+#       - name: Download merge branch data
+#         uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
+#         with:
+#           name: ${{ env.MERGE_BRANCH_ARTIFACT_NAME }}
+#           path: ${{ env.merge_data_dir }}
+#       - name: Create diff dir
+#         run: mkdir -p "$diff_dir"
+#       - name: Download diff tool
+#         uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
+#         with:
+#           name: diff_tool
+#       - name: Give diff tool execute permissions
+#         run: chmod +x create_diff
+#       - name: Generate full responses diff
+#         id: full_responses_diff
+#         run: |
+#           jq -r -n \
+#           --slurpfile data1 "$base_data_dir/$FULL_DATA_FILE" \
+#           --slurpfile data2 "$merge_data_dir/$FULL_DATA_FILE" \
+#           'def process_json($branch; $data):
+#             ($branch + ": " + $data.cmd + " (id=" + ($data.sample_id | tostring) + ")"), $data;
+#             range($data1|length) as $i |
+#             process_json("base branch"; $data1[$i]),
+#             "--input-separater--",
+#             process_json("merge branch"; $data2[$i]),
+#             "--diff-cmd-separator--"' \
+#           | ./create_diff "--input-separater--" "--diff-cmd-separator--" "$diff_dir/$FULL_DIFF_FILE"
+#           if [ -s "$diff_dir/$FULL_DIFF_FILE" ]; then
+#             echo "diff_exists=true" | tee -a $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+#           else
+#             echo "diff_exists=false" | tee -a $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+#           fi
+#       - name: Generate distilled data diff
+#         # If there's no full reponses diff, there also won't be a distilled data diff
+#         if: ${{ steps.full_responses_diff.outputs.diff_exists == 'true' }}
+#         run: |
+#           jq -r -n \
+#           --slurpfile data1 "$base_data_dir/$DISTILLED_DATA_FILE" \
+#           --slurpfile data2 "$merge_data_dir/$DISTILLED_DATA_FILE" \
+#           'def process_json($branch; $data):
+#             ($branch + ": " + $data.cmd + " (id=" + ($data.sample_id | tostring) + ")"), $data;
+#             range($data1|length) as $i |
+#             process_json("base branch"; $data1[$i]),
+#             "--input-separater--",
+#             process_json("merge branch"; $data2[$i]),
+#             "--diff-cmd-separator--"' \
+#           | ./create_diff "--input-separater--" "--diff-cmd-separator--" "$diff_dir/$DISTILLED_DIFF_FILE"
+#       - name: Upload diff(s)
+#         uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+#         with:
+#           name: ${{ env.DIFF_ARTIFACT_NAME }}
+#           path: ${{ env.diff_dir }}
+#   output:
+#     name: Evaluate diffs
+#     runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
+#     needs: diff
+#     permissions:
+#       pull-requests: write
+#     env:
+#       earlier_diff_was_approved: ${{ contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'fuzzy-diff-looks-good') }}
+#       current_diff_exists: ${{ needs.diff.outputs.diff_exits }}
+#       diff_dir: ${{ needs.artifact_names.outputs.diff_dir }}
+#     steps:
+#       - name: Download current diff(s)
+#         if: ${{ env.current_diff_exists == 'true' }}
+#         uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
+#         with:
+#           name: ${{ env.DIFF_ARTIFACT_NAME }}
+#       - name: Retreive hash of approved diff
+#         if: ${{ env.earlier_diff_was_approved == 'true' }}
+#         env:
+#           # FIXME: Avoid hard-coding the message start. Instead, factor out the msg the CI writes on the PR and take its first line.
+#           msg_start: "This PR changes the response of some of the `ocamlmerlin` queries"
+#         id: approved_diff_info
+#         run: |
+#           # FIXME: This will give a wrong result, if the PR has more than 100 comments before the last diff approval (lack of paging)
+#           body=$(curl -s "$GH_API_COMMENTS?per_page=100" | jq --arg msg_start "$msg_start" 'map(select(.body | startswith($msg_start))) | max_by(.'created_by') | .body' | tee -a)
+#           hash=$(echo "$body" | jq -r | grep '256-sha' | awk '{print $NF}')
+#           echo "hash='$hash'" | tee -a $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+#       - name: Return
+#         env:
+#           github_api_labels_url: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.repo.url }}/issues/${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}/labels
+#         run: |
+#           print_head_of_diffs () {
+#             echo "--------beginning of full responses diff head--------"
+#             head -n 100 "$FULL_DIFF_FILE"
+#             echo "--------end of full responses diff head--------"
+#             echo "--------beginning of distilled data diff head--------"
+#             head -n 100 "$DISTILLED_DIFF_FILE"
+#             echo "--------end of distilled data diff head--------"
+#           }
+#           # FIXME (?): Are nested conditionals always so ugly in Bash, or is there a better way? Option types and the possibility to match would help a lot.
+#           if $earlier_diff_was_approved; then
+#             echo "Earlier diff was approved."
+#             current_diff_hash=$(sha256sum "$FULL_DIFF_FILE" | awk '{print $1}')
+#             if [ "$current_diff_hash" == ${{ steps.approved_diff_info.outputs.hash }} ]; then
+#               echo "This diff has been approved earlier. Everything ok."
+#               exit 0
+#             else
+#               print_head_of_diffs
+#               printf "The diff has changed since it was approved. So I'm removing the $LABEL_NAME label. If the new diff looks good, please set the label again.\n\
+#               There's a head of the new diffs printed above. The whole diffs can be downloaded from $CURRENT_ACTION_URL.\n\
+#               Previous sha256: ${{ steps.approved_diff_info.outputs.hash }}\n\
+#               Current sha256: $current_diff_hash"
+#               status=$(curl -sL -w "%{http_code}" -o output.txt -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" "$GH_API_LABELS/$LABEL_NAME")
+#             fi
+#           else
+#             if $current_diff_exists; then
+#               print_head_of_diffs
+#               printf "There's a head of the diffs printed above. The diffs can be downloaded from $CURRENT_ACTION_URL.\nIf it looks good, please set the $LABEL_NAME label on the PR."
+#               exit 1
+#             else
+#               echo "No diff. All good."
+#               exit 0
+#             fi
+#           fi
+#   approve:
+#     name: Approve diff
+#     if: >
+#       github.event_name == 'pull_request' &&
+#       github.event.action == 'labeled' &&
+#       github.event.label.name == 'fuzzy-diff-looks-good'
+#     runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
+#     permissions:
+#       pull-requests: write
+#     steps:
+#       - name: Retreive diff artifact meta-data
+#         id: diff_metadata
+#         run: |
+#           all_artifacts=$(curl -sSL  "$GH_API_ARTIFACTS")
+#           diff_artifact=$(echo "$all_artifacts" | jq "first(.artifacts[] | select(.name == \"$DIFF_ARTIFACT_NAME\")  )")
+#           id=$(echo "$diff_artifact" | jq ".id")
+#           echo "id=$id" | tee -a $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+#           workflow_run=$(echo "$diff_artifact" | jq ".workflow_run | .id")
+#           echo "workflow_run=$workflow_run" | tee -a $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+#       - name: Check if diff exists
+#         env:
+#           id: ${{ steps.diff_metadata.outputs.id }}
+#         run: |
+#           # FIXME (?)
+#           if [ -z $id ]; then
+#             printf "You seem to have tried to approve a diff that doesn't exist yet.\nWait for the diff to have been generated and then try again."
+#             status=$(curl -sL -w "%{http_code}" -o output.txt -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" "$GH_API_LABELS/$LABEL_NAME")
+#             exit 1
+#           else
+#             echo "Diff has been approved."
+#           fi
+#       - name: Download diff
+#         env:
+#           id: ${{ steps.diff_metadata.outputs.id }}
+#         run: |
+#          # Doing this manually, since actions/download-artifact only works on the same workflow run on which the artifact was uploaded
+#          curl -sSLO -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" "$GH_API_ARTIFACTS/$id/zip" -D headers.txt
+#       - name: Unzip downloaded diff
+#         run: |
+#           unzip zip || (echo "Download of diff artifact failed" && cat headers.txt && cat zip && exit 1)
+#       - name: Compute full responses diff hash
+#         id: diff_hash
+#         run: |
+#           hash=$(sha256sum "$FULL_DIFF_FILE" | awk '{print $1}')
+#           echo "hash=$hash" | tee -a $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+#       - name: Write HTTP body to file
+#         env:
+#           approved_diffs_workflow_run: ${{ steps.diff_metadata.outputs.workflow_run }}
+#           approved_diffs_hash: ${{ steps.diff_hash.outputs.hash }}
+#         run: |
+#           msg=$( cat <<EOF
+#           This PR changes the response of some of the `ocamlmerlin` queries, that were run and analyzed by the [Merlin Fuzzy CI](https://github.com/ocaml/merlin/wiki/Merlin-Fuzzy-CI). The change is not considered a regression, the analyzis of this PR has been approved in its following state:
+#           - URL to download the generated data sets and their diffs between PR base branch and merge branch (at the moment of approval): $ACTIONS_RUNS_ENDPOINT/$approved_diffs_workflow_run
+#           - 256-sha of full reponses diff: $approved_diffs_hash
+#           EOF
+#           )
+#           jq -n --arg msg "$msg" '{ body: $msg }' | tee -a body.json
+#       - name: Write comment on PR
+#         run: |
+#           curl -LsX POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -d @body.json "$GH_API_COMMENTS"
+#           echo $?
diff --git a/.github/workflows/token_issue.yml b/.github/workflows/token_issue.yml
index 17c222c58..af4425532 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/token_issue.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/token_issue.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-name: Token issue debugging
+# name: Token issue debugging
-  pull_request:
-    branches: [ master ]
+# on:
+#   pull_request:
+#     branches: [ master ]
-  debugging:
-    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-    permissions: write-all
-    steps:
-    - name: Write a comment on a PR
-      run: |
-        curl -LsX POST -H "Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" -d '{"body":"Hello :)"}' "${{ github.event.pull_request.comments_url }}"
-        echo $?
+# jobs:
+#   debugging:
+#     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+#     permissions: write-all
+#     steps:
+#     - name: Write a comment on a PR
+#       run: |
+#         curl -LsX POST -H "Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" -d '{"body":"Hello :)"}' "${{ github.event.pull_request.comments_url }}"
+#         echo $?
diff --git a/.github/workflows/workflow_triggered_by_pull_request.yml b/.github/workflows/workflow_triggered_by_pull_request.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..92950adad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/workflow_triggered_by_pull_request.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+name: Foo
+  pull_request:
+    branches: [ master ]
+  GH_API_LABELS: ${{ github.event.pull_request.issue_url }}/labels
+  LABEL_NAME: fuzzy-diff-looks-good
+  share_instruction:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+      - name: Forward instruction to delete the label to privileged workflow
+        run: |
+          mkdir -p ./forward
+          jq -n \
+            --arg instruction "delete_label" \
+            --arg url "$GH_API_LABELS/$LABEL_NAME" \
+            '{instruction: $instruction, url: $url}' > ./forward/instruction.json
+      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
+        with:
+          name: forwarded_instructions
+          path: forward/
diff --git a/workflow_triggered_by_pull_request.yml b/workflow_triggered_by_pull_request.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..939a5a845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/workflow_triggered_by_pull_request.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+name: Foo
+  pull_request:
+    branches: [ master ]
+  GH_API_LABELS: ${{ github.event.pull_request.issue_url }}/labels
+  LABEL_NAME: fuzzy-diff-looks-good
+  execute-instructions:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+      - name: Forward instruction to delete the label to privileged workflow
+        run: |
+          mkdir -p ./forward
+          jq -n \
+            --arg instruction "delete_label" \
+            --arg url "$GH_API_LABELS/$LABEL_NAME" \
+            '{instruction: $instruction, url: $url}' > ./forward/instruction.json
+      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
+        with:
+          name: forwarded_instructions
+          path: forward/
diff --git a/workflow_triggered_by_workflow_run.yml b/workflow_triggered_by_workflow_run.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..481796180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/workflow_triggered_by_workflow_run.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+name: Execute privileged instructions
+  workflow_run:
+    workflows: ["Foo"]
+    types:
+      - completed
+  forward-instructions:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    permissions: write-all
+    steps:
+      - name: Download artifact
+        run: |
+          all_artifacts=$(curl -sSL  "$GH_API_ARTIFACTS")
+          forward_artifact=$(echo $all_artifacts | jq '.artifacts[] | select(.workflow_run.id == ${{ github.event.workflow_run.id }} and .name == "forwarded_instructions")')
+          id=$(echo $forward_artifact | jq -r '.id')
+          curl -sSLO -H "Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" "$GH_API_ARTIFACTS/$id/zip" -D headers.txt
+      - name: Unzip artifact
+        run: |
+          unzip -q forward.zip -d forward
+          cat forward/instruction.json