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File metadata and controls

68 lines (48 loc) · 2.3 KB


Directory Structure

plugin/: Contains the sketch plugin

app/: Contains the code for the core app

assets/: Contains assets for running tests

Plugin Setup

  1. Run npm install in the pixelcode-skpm directory.
  2. Make a globals.js file in the pixelcode-skpm/src/ directory (look at globals.js.template).
  3. Make a routes.js file in the pixelcode-skpm/plugin.sketchplugin/Contents/Resources directory (look at routes.js.template).
  4. Run sh in the pixelcode-skpm directory

Running Tests with Plugin

To install the plugin, run update in the plugin/ directory.

Next, make sure that this repository is located in ~/Documents/pixelcode/.

Install fswatch and xargs (information on installation can be found online).

cd app/
chmod +x

Any artboards exported using the plugin should have .svg files created in app/exports, and their xcode files generated with an .swift extension.

XCode Setup

Podfile Setup

We use SnapKit to implement concise AutoLayout code. To setup SnapKit:

  1. Go to project directory and run pod init.
  2. Go into the generated Podfile and paste:
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '11.0'

target '`Your project name`' do
  # Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks

    # Pods for '`Your project name`' 
    pod 'SnapKit'
  1. Run pod install in your project directory.
  2. Done!

Font Setup

To import fonts into Xcode, you can follow the steps below or the ones detailed here.

  1. Download a font in OTF (OpenTypeFormat), i.e. .otf
  2. Drag .otf file into XCode.
  3. Click on the .otf file in XCode and make sure that your app is checked under "Target Membership" (on the right hand side)
  4. Go to "Build Phases" -> "Bundle Resources" and make sure you see your .otf file listed.
  5. Go to your Info.plist and add a new key called: "Fonts provided by application"
  6. Click the arrow right next to "Fonts provided by application" where you should then see "Item 0".
  7. Type the name of your .otf file (with the ".otf" at the end) as the value of "Item 0"
  8. Done!