- repl.it ~ > a website where one can work over any platform , and over any programming language
- Virtual Box reads resource information from OS
- Virtual Box creates a new Hardware from the resources available free in your system
- time required to create an OS using docker is 1.2 sec(maximum)
- PAS - > Platform as a Service
- every 3 years a new Redhat OS is launched
- Backend project of redhat is Fedora that is fedora is developed for 3 years which after completion is produced with name Redhat
- Fedora is more powerful then Redhat
- in a terminal , by default bash is always running
- Spotify is based on docker- a containerised application
- open blog - > slashdevops and search for docker
- if a command is run in /etc/profile it will run always when a user is logged in
- $ tac file-name.txt # reverse the order of reading from bottom to top
- $ rev file-name.txt # reverse the words in file reading from top to bottom
- $ qrencode -s 16x16 -o file-name.png web-site-link # Creates a QR code for the websites, -o shows output to save
- $ systemctl enable docker # start the docker each time OS
- $ systemctl start docker # initiate docker
- $ docker ps # shows running iso file
- $ docker ps -a # shows all containers running or shut-down
- $ docker ps -qa # shows all id's of all pre-made containers
- $ docker rm $(docker ps -qa) # delete all the containers
- $ docker tag old-iso-name new-iso-name # make a copy of old-iso image with a new name with same id
- $ docker rmi docker-image-tag # removes the docker image with tag provided
- $ docker inspect elated_yonath # gives details about docker from which we can get ip
- Provides Environment for different OS and technologies
- Docker uses kernel of base OS to develop more OS images for the use.
[ Docker]
[ RHEL ]
[ Hardware ]
- it runs an OS for some dedicated purpose like running only Python that is running an micro Service
- Docker is like a ship with containers of OS
- the base OS doesn't know or have no information about the OS installed in containers.
- Each container has its own IP, MAC to connect with outside world.
- It is a technology provider
- it works on GO language
- search OS iso in hub.docker.com or run Command
$ docker search technology-name
- to install image from docker use
$ docker pull image-name
- to check installed images
$ docker images
- to run a docker image
$ docker run -it fedora
# it stand for interactive terminal
- to change docker name , run command
$ docker run -it --name some-name docker-image-name process-to-run
- to check for shutdown container run Command
$ docker ps -a
- to restart a shut down container , run Command
$ docker attach container-name
- to restart a docker image and exit without closing the container, run Command
$ docker exec -it docker-container-name process-name
in backend , it talks to the kernel of based OS and creates a new container with OS of given image which contains all those micro services that you need to work with
after work completion , the container shutdowns itself
Docker is an application oriented system - > as soon as the application for which container was created is closed the container also shutdowns itself
Single process oriented system - > no more then one process can run on this container
RUN - > create a new container from docker images
- install shell in a box software
- search shellinaboc centos 7
- copy binary package link location
- root login
- $ rpm -ivh paste link
- $ systemctl start shellinaboxd
- $ systemctl enable shellinaboxd
- $ setenforce 0
- $ nano /etc/selinux/config
- change enforcing to disabled
- in inbound allow a port 4200 to anywhere which is a port of shellinabox
- shellinabox is a socket which uses TCP protocol
- change ec2-user password
- in browser open url
- for warning go to advance and proceed