The U.S News top 3 Best Jobs
WTF !!??!
No !
WTF !!??!
Lead Frontend Developer
4 topics
Be able to start an online business with a web application
Useful links to read as blog post
talk or podcast for passive context
To be ready the workshop day
personal commitment
Make a milion dollars if you want
3 billions in 2014
Software As A Service
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>How browser works</p>
<span>with DOM and CSS tree</span>
Render tree = Dom Tree + Style Structure
a.nav {
color: blue;
.someDiv {
background: red;
padding: 2em;
border: 1px solid black;
h1, h2, h3 {
font-family: tahoma;
color: #333
The World's Most Used Programming Language
by Brendan Eich (Netscape former)
(After 6 years of stability for ES5).
Single Page Application
The World's Most Misunderstood Programming Language
Abstraction to create models and objects.
UX and UI are not buzzwords
in a competitors world
version 0.0 of your product
low cost best practice
The power of Make it big gives users a maximum impact.
Providing quickly information to users.
But how does it work ?
Boring forms are everywhere
A developer without editor is as a TV without colors: it doesn't make sense.
Tmux enables from the same terminal screen to run a number of simultaneous and separate terminal instances.
Know yourself