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Patrick Dawson edited this page Jun 20, 2024 · 5 revisions


This page applies to imgui-godot v6.0.0 or later.

There are a number of issues to be aware of when exporting projects. This plugin currently only supports Windows (x64), macOS (x64/arm64), and Linux (x64). For any other platform, all ImGui-related code needs to be disabled.

First, you can choose whether to include the addon itself in your export within each preset:


Second, you'll need to conditionally disable your own code which calls ImGui.


if Engine.has_singleton("ImGuiAPI"):
    var ImGui: Object = Engine.get_singleton("ImGuiAPI")

This is an imperfect solution, but it's basically what GodotSteam recommends as well. There are a couple drawbacks:

  • You'll get a warning (SHADOWED_GLOBAL_IDENTIFIER). To suppress these, set debug/gdscript/warnings/shadowed_global_identifier to Ignore.
  • Code completion for ImGui won't work. When you're working on your code in that block, you can just temporarily comment out the var ImGui line.


Set up a conditional compilation symbol (DefineConstants) appropriately, and use the preprocessor like:


CSharpGameProject.csproj - This sample covers the common scenario where you want ImGui available on desktop platforms in the editor and in debug exports, but not in release exports.


Basically the same thing as C#. Add a define in SCons/CMake. Don't include the imgui sources in your release build.

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