diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index de86c7f..f865cb9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ The following is an excerpt of the endpoints being provided:
|GET |`/api/status`|get the current stepper server status report including the following information: version string of the server, wifi information (wifi mode, IP address), spiffs information (total space and free space)|
-|POST |`/api/steppers/returnhome`|endpoint to trigger homing of the stepper motor. This is a non blocking call, meaning the API will directly return even though the stepper motor is still performing the homing movement.
*IMPORTANT:* this function should only be called if you previously configured a homing / limit switch for this stepper motor, otherwise the stepper will start jogging for a long time (a default limit of 2000000000 steps is configured, but can be overwritten with a POST parameter) before coming to a halt.
*Required post parameters:*
__id__: the id of the stepper motor to pefrom the homing command for)
__speed__: the speed in steps per second to perform the homing command with
*Optional POST parameters:*
__direction__: the homing direction for the stepper movement. Could be either 1 or -1. If parameter is not given the direction will be determined from the limit switch configuration (depending on the switch type "begin" or "end")
__accel__: the acceleration for the homing procedure in steps/sec^2, if ommitted the previously defined acceleration in the flexy stepper instance will be used
__maxSteps__: this parameter defines the maximum number of steps to perform before cancelling the homing procedure. This is kind of a safeguard to prevent endless spinning of the stepper motor. Defaults to 2000000000 steps|
+|POST |`/api/steppers/returnhome`|endpoint to trigger homing of the stepper motor. This is a non blocking call, meaning the API will directly return even though the stepper motor is still performing the homing movement.
*IMPORTANT:* this function should only be called if you previously configured a homing / limit switch for this stepper motor, otherwise the stepper will start jogging for a long time (a default limit of 2000000000 steps is configured, but can be overwritten with a POST parameter) before coming to a halt.
*Required post parameters:*
__id__: the id of the stepper motor to pefrom the homing command for)
__speed__: the speed in steps per second to perform the homing command with
*Optional POST parameters:*
__switchId__: define the configuration id of the position switch to use as limit switch. __NOTE__: this switch should be assigned to the stepper motor, so you should not provide the id of a position switch that is not linked to the stepper driver defined in the mandatory __id__ parameter. Ideally the switch is also configured as a limit type switch.
__direction__: the homing direction for the stepper movement. Could be either 1 or -1. If parameter is not given the direction will be determined from the limit switch configuration (depending on the switch type "begin" or "end")
__accel__: the acceleration for the homing procedure in steps/sec^2, if ommitted the previously defined acceleration in the flexy stepper instance will be used
__maxSteps__: this parameter defines the maximum number of steps to perform before cancelling the homing procedure. This is kind of a safeguard to prevent endless spinning of the stepper motor. Defaults to 2000000000 steps|
|POST|`/api/steppers/moveby`|endpoint to set a new RELATIVE target position for the stepper motor in either mm, revs or steps. Required post parameters: id, unit, value. Optional post parameters: speed, acel, decel|
|POST |`/api/steppers/position`|endpoint to set a new absolute target position for the stepper motor in either mm, revs or steps. Required post parameters: id, unit, value. Optional post parameters: speed, acel, decel|
| GET |`/api/steppers` or `/api/steppers?id=`|endpoint to list all configured steppers or a specific one if "id" query parameter is given
diff --git a/src/ESPStepperMotorServer_RestAPI.cpp b/src/ESPStepperMotorServer_RestAPI.cpp
index fdf398a..2357567 100644
--- a/src/ESPStepperMotorServer_RestAPI.cpp
+++ b/src/ESPStepperMotorServer_RestAPI.cpp
@@ -701,9 +701,9 @@ void ESPStepperMotorServer_RestAPI::handleHomingRequest(AsyncWebServerRequest *r
byte gpioPinForSwitch = 0;
//TOOD: implement proper ISR handling for custom switch parameter if not linked to existing stepper
- if (request->hasParam("switchid"))
+ if (request->hasParam("switchId"))
- int switchIndex = request->getParam("switchid")->value().toInt();
+ int switchIndex = request->getParam("switchId")->value().toInt();
switchConfig = this->_stepperMotorServer->getCurrentServerConfiguration()->getSwitch(switchIndex);
if (switchConfig == NULL)